Research Article
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Effect of Different Levels of Oregano Essential Oil on Some Rumen Parameters in Lambs

Year 2017, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 116 - 122, 19.06.2017


This study was conducted
to determine the effects of different levels of oregano (
Origanum vulgare) essential oil (OEO) on ruminal fermentation in
lambs. Thirty-six weaned male Kivircik lambs were used as trial materials.
Lambs were divided into one control and two treatment groups. For the two
treatment groups, OEO was added into grower feed at a level of 250 and 500 ppm,
respectively. Treatment period lasted for 9 weeks, including adaptation period.
Feed and water was supplied
ad libitum
during the trial. Rumen fluid samples were collected from 9 lambs of each
group, before the morning feeding and 3 and 6 hours after the feeding. From the
ruminal fluid, pH, total volatile fatty acids (VFA), acetic acid, propionic
acid, butyric acid and ammonia-nitrogen concentrations were determined. There
were no effects of OEO on ruminal pH and concentrations of ammonia. In some of
the rumen parameters (pH and total VFA), the results were statistically
different periodically between groups and it was established that the time of
measurement had an important role on the results of the rumen parameters.
Furthermore, the quantitative increase of the total volatile fatty acid
concentrations in the treatment groups according to the control was directly
proportional to the increase of the oregano levels, in the periods except for
the beginning. This situation makes us think that the oregano essential oil
could have positive effects on digestion in lambs.


  • AOAC, 1995. Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Official Methods of Analysis, Vol I, 16th Ed. AOAC, Arlington, VA.
  • Benchaar, C., Calsamiglia, S., Chaves, A.V., Fraser, G.R., Colombatto, D., McAllister, T.A., Beauchemin, K.A., 2008. A review of plant-derived essential oils in ruminant nutrition and production. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145, 209–228.
  • Benchaar, C., Greathead, H., 2011. Essential oils and opportunities to mitigate enteric methane emissions from ruminants. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 166–167, 338–355.
  • Benchaar, C., Petit, H.V., Berthiaume, R., Ouellet, D.R., Chiquette, J., Chouinard, P.Y., 2007. Effects of essential oils on digestion, ruminal fermentation, rumen microbial populations, milk production, and milk composition in dairy cows fed alfalfa silage or corn silage. Journal of Dairy Science, 90, 886–897.
  • Benchaar, C., Petit, H.V., Berthiaume, R., Whyte, T.D., Chouinard, P.Y., 2006. Effects of addition of essential oils and monensin premix on digestion, ruminal fermentation, milk production, and milk composition in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 4352–4364.
  • Biricik, H., Hanoğlu Oral, H., Taluğ, A.M., Cengiz, Ş.Ş., Koyuncu, M., Dikmen, S., 2016. The effects of carvacrol and/or thymol on the performance, blood and rumen parameters, and carcass traits of Merino sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science, 40,651-659.
  • Busquet, M., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Cardozo, P.W., Kamel, C., 2005. Effects of cinnamaldehyde and garlic oil on rumen microbial fermentation in a dual flow continuous culture. Journal of Dairy Science, 88, 2508–2516.
  • Busquet, M., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Kamel, C., 2006. Plant extracts affect in vitro rumen microbial fermentation. Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 761–771.
  • Canbolat, Ö., Karaman, Ş., Filya, İ., 2010. Farklı kekik yağı dozlarının mısır silajının sindirimi ve rumen fermantasyonu üzerine etkileri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16, 933-939.
  • Cardozo, P.W., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Kamel, C., 2006. Effects of alfalfa extract, anise, capsicum, and a mixture of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol on ruminal fermentation and protein degradation in beef heifers fed a high-concentrate diet. Journal of Animal Science, 84, 2801–2808.
  • Cardozo, P.W., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Kamel, C., 2004. Effects of natural plant extracts on ruminal protein degradation and fermentation profiles in continuous culture. Journal of Animal Science, 82, 3230–3236.
  • Castillejos, L., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., 2006. Effect of essential oils active compounds on rumen microbial fermentation and nutrient flow in in vitro systems. Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 2649–2658.
  • Castillejos, L., Calsamiglia, S., Martín-Tereso, J., Ter Wijlen, H., 2008. In vitro evaluation of effects of ten essential oils at three doses on ruminal fermentation of high concentrate feedlot-type diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145, 259–270.
  • Chaves, A.V., Stanford K., Gibson, L.L., McAllister, T.A., Benchaar, C., 2008. Effects of carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde on intake, rumen fermentation, growth performance, and carcass characteristics of growing lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145, 396–408.
  • Devant, M., Anglada, A., Bach, A., 2007. Effects of plant extract supplementation on rumen fermentation and metabolism in young Holstein bulls consuming high levels of concentrate. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 137, 46–57.
  • Erwin, E.S., Marco, G.J., Emery, E.M., 1961. Volatile Fatty Acid Analyses of Blood Rumen Fluid by Gas Chromatography. Journal of Dairy Science, 44(9), 1768-1771.
  • Fandiño, I., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Blanch, M., 2008. Anise and capsicum as alternatives to monensin to modify rumen fermentation in beef heifers fed a high concentrate diet. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145, 409–417.
  • Goering, H.K., Van Soest, P.J., 1970. Forage Fiber Analyses. Agriculture Handbook No: 379. Washington, DC, USA: ARS-USDA.
  • Greathead, H., 2003. Plants and plants extracts for improving animal productivity. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 62, 279–290.
  • Hart, K.J., Yanez-Ruiz, D.R., Duval, S.M., McEwan, N.R., Newbold, C.J., 2008. Plant extracts to manipulate rumen fermentation. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 147, 8–35.
  • Hristov, A.N., Ropp, J.K., Zaman, S., Melgar, A., 2008. Effects of essential oils on in vitro ruminal fermentation and ammonia release. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 144, 55–64.
  • Markham R., 1942. A steam distillation apparatus suitable for micro-Kjeldahl analysis. Biochemical Journal, 36, 790-791.
  • NRC, 1985. National Research Council: Nutrient Requirements of Sheep. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Newbold, C.J., McIntosh, F.M., Williams, P., Losa, R., Wallace, R.J., 2004. Effects of a specific blend of essential oil compounds on rumen fermentation. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 114, 105–112.
  • OJEU, 2003. Official Journal of the European Union: Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in Animal Nutrition. L268/29-L268/43 in OJEU of 10/18/2003.
  • SPSS, 1999. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Release 10.0. SPSS Inc. IL, Chicago, USA. Ünal, A., Kocabağlı, N., 2014a. The use of oregano essential oil in ruminant nutrition. Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University, 40, 121-130.
  • Ünal, A., Kocabağlı, N., 2014b. Effect of different dosages of oregano oil on performance and some blood parameters in lambs. Veterinary Journal of Ankara University, 61, 199-204.
  • Vakili, A.R., Khorrami, B., Danesh Mesgaran, M., Parand, E., 2013. The effects of Thyme and Cinnamon essential oils on performance, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Holstein calves consuming high concentrate diet. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 26, 935–944.
  • Van Soest, P.J., Robertson, J.B., Lewis, B.A., 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science, 74, 3583-3597.
  • Wallace, R.J., Broderick, G.A., Brammall, M.L., 1987. Protein degradation by ruminal microorganisms from sheep fed dietary supplements of urea, casein or albumin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 53, 751–753.
  • Wallace, R.J., 2004. Symposium: Plants as animal foods: A case of catch 22? Antimicrobial properties of plant secondary metabolites. Proc Nutr Soc, 63, 621–629.
  • Wang ,C.J., Wang, S.P., Zhou, H., 2009. Influences of flavomycin, ropadiar and saponin on nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation and methane emission from sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 148, 157-166.
  • Yang, W.Z., Benchaar, C., Ametaj, B.N., Chaves, A.V., He, M.L., McAllister, T.A., 2007. Effects of garlic and juniper berry essential oils on ruminal fermentation and on the site and extent of digestion in lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 90, 5671–5681.
  • Yang, W.Z., Benchaar, C., Ametaj, B.N., Beauchemin, K.A., 2010. Dose response to eugenol supplementation in growing beef cattle: ruminal fermentation and intestinal digestion. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 158, 57–64.

Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2017, Volume: 43 Issue: 2, 116 - 122, 19.06.2017


Bu çalışma,
kuzularda, rasyona farklı düzeylerde katılan kekik (
Origanum vulgare) uçucu yağının rumen fermantasyon parametreleri
üzerine etkilerini saptamak amacı ile yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla 36 baş sütten
kesilmiş, erkek Kıvırcık ırkı kuzu deneme materyali olarak kullanılmıştır.
Kuzular, biri kontrol, ikisi deneme grubu olmak üzere üç gruba ayrılmıştır.
Deneme gruplarından birinin kuzu büyütme yemine 250 ppm, diğerine ise 500 ppm
kekik uçucu yağı (OEO) eklenmiştir. Deneme, ilk haftası adaptasyon dönemi olmak
üzere, toplam 9 hafta sürdürülmüş; deneme süresince büyütme yemi, kuru ot ve su
ad libitum olarak verilmiştir.
Yemlemeden önce ve yemlemeden sonraki 3. ve 6. saatlerde, her gruptan 9 adet
kuzudan rumen sıvısı örnekleri alınmıştır. Rumen sıvılarında; pH, toplam uçucu
yağ asitleri (UYA), asetik asit, propiyonik asit, bütirik asit ve amonyak azotu
düzeyleri belirlenmiştir. Rumen parametrelerinden bazılarında (pH ve toplam
UYA) ve dönemsel olarak gruplar arasında istatistiksel önemde farklılıkların
olduğu ve ölçüm zamanının da bu parametrelerin üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahip
olduğu belirlenmiştir. Bunun yanı sıra, başlangıç dönemi dışındaki diğer
dönemlerde, kekik esansiyel yağının dozunun artması ile orantılı olarak deneme
gruplarının toplam uçucu yağ asidi düzeylerinin kontrole göre her zaman için
sayısal bir artış içinde olması, kekik esansiyel yağının sindirim üzerinde
olumlu bir etki meydana getirdiğini düşündürmektedir.


  • AOAC, 1995. Association of Official Analytical Chemists: Official Methods of Analysis, Vol I, 16th Ed. AOAC, Arlington, VA.
  • Benchaar, C., Calsamiglia, S., Chaves, A.V., Fraser, G.R., Colombatto, D., McAllister, T.A., Beauchemin, K.A., 2008. A review of plant-derived essential oils in ruminant nutrition and production. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145, 209–228.
  • Benchaar, C., Greathead, H., 2011. Essential oils and opportunities to mitigate enteric methane emissions from ruminants. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 166–167, 338–355.
  • Benchaar, C., Petit, H.V., Berthiaume, R., Ouellet, D.R., Chiquette, J., Chouinard, P.Y., 2007. Effects of essential oils on digestion, ruminal fermentation, rumen microbial populations, milk production, and milk composition in dairy cows fed alfalfa silage or corn silage. Journal of Dairy Science, 90, 886–897.
  • Benchaar, C., Petit, H.V., Berthiaume, R., Whyte, T.D., Chouinard, P.Y., 2006. Effects of addition of essential oils and monensin premix on digestion, ruminal fermentation, milk production, and milk composition in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 4352–4364.
  • Biricik, H., Hanoğlu Oral, H., Taluğ, A.M., Cengiz, Ş.Ş., Koyuncu, M., Dikmen, S., 2016. The effects of carvacrol and/or thymol on the performance, blood and rumen parameters, and carcass traits of Merino sheep. Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science, 40,651-659.
  • Busquet, M., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Cardozo, P.W., Kamel, C., 2005. Effects of cinnamaldehyde and garlic oil on rumen microbial fermentation in a dual flow continuous culture. Journal of Dairy Science, 88, 2508–2516.
  • Busquet, M., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Kamel, C., 2006. Plant extracts affect in vitro rumen microbial fermentation. Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 761–771.
  • Canbolat, Ö., Karaman, Ş., Filya, İ., 2010. Farklı kekik yağı dozlarının mısır silajının sindirimi ve rumen fermantasyonu üzerine etkileri. Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 16, 933-939.
  • Cardozo, P.W., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Kamel, C., 2006. Effects of alfalfa extract, anise, capsicum, and a mixture of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol on ruminal fermentation and protein degradation in beef heifers fed a high-concentrate diet. Journal of Animal Science, 84, 2801–2808.
  • Cardozo, P.W., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Kamel, C., 2004. Effects of natural plant extracts on ruminal protein degradation and fermentation profiles in continuous culture. Journal of Animal Science, 82, 3230–3236.
  • Castillejos, L., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., 2006. Effect of essential oils active compounds on rumen microbial fermentation and nutrient flow in in vitro systems. Journal of Dairy Science, 89, 2649–2658.
  • Castillejos, L., Calsamiglia, S., Martín-Tereso, J., Ter Wijlen, H., 2008. In vitro evaluation of effects of ten essential oils at three doses on ruminal fermentation of high concentrate feedlot-type diets. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145, 259–270.
  • Chaves, A.V., Stanford K., Gibson, L.L., McAllister, T.A., Benchaar, C., 2008. Effects of carvacrol and cinnamaldehyde on intake, rumen fermentation, growth performance, and carcass characteristics of growing lambs. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145, 396–408.
  • Devant, M., Anglada, A., Bach, A., 2007. Effects of plant extract supplementation on rumen fermentation and metabolism in young Holstein bulls consuming high levels of concentrate. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 137, 46–57.
  • Erwin, E.S., Marco, G.J., Emery, E.M., 1961. Volatile Fatty Acid Analyses of Blood Rumen Fluid by Gas Chromatography. Journal of Dairy Science, 44(9), 1768-1771.
  • Fandiño, I., Calsamiglia, S., Ferret, A., Blanch, M., 2008. Anise and capsicum as alternatives to monensin to modify rumen fermentation in beef heifers fed a high concentrate diet. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 145, 409–417.
  • Goering, H.K., Van Soest, P.J., 1970. Forage Fiber Analyses. Agriculture Handbook No: 379. Washington, DC, USA: ARS-USDA.
  • Greathead, H., 2003. Plants and plants extracts for improving animal productivity. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 62, 279–290.
  • Hart, K.J., Yanez-Ruiz, D.R., Duval, S.M., McEwan, N.R., Newbold, C.J., 2008. Plant extracts to manipulate rumen fermentation. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 147, 8–35.
  • Hristov, A.N., Ropp, J.K., Zaman, S., Melgar, A., 2008. Effects of essential oils on in vitro ruminal fermentation and ammonia release. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 144, 55–64.
  • Markham R., 1942. A steam distillation apparatus suitable for micro-Kjeldahl analysis. Biochemical Journal, 36, 790-791.
  • NRC, 1985. National Research Council: Nutrient Requirements of Sheep. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Newbold, C.J., McIntosh, F.M., Williams, P., Losa, R., Wallace, R.J., 2004. Effects of a specific blend of essential oil compounds on rumen fermentation. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 114, 105–112.
  • OJEU, 2003. Official Journal of the European Union: Regulation (EC) No 1831/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003 on additives for use in Animal Nutrition. L268/29-L268/43 in OJEU of 10/18/2003.
  • SPSS, 1999. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Release 10.0. SPSS Inc. IL, Chicago, USA. Ünal, A., Kocabağlı, N., 2014a. The use of oregano essential oil in ruminant nutrition. Journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Istanbul University, 40, 121-130.
  • Ünal, A., Kocabağlı, N., 2014b. Effect of different dosages of oregano oil on performance and some blood parameters in lambs. Veterinary Journal of Ankara University, 61, 199-204.
  • Vakili, A.R., Khorrami, B., Danesh Mesgaran, M., Parand, E., 2013. The effects of Thyme and Cinnamon essential oils on performance, rumen fermentation and blood metabolites in Holstein calves consuming high concentrate diet. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 26, 935–944.
  • Van Soest, P.J., Robertson, J.B., Lewis, B.A., 1991. Methods for dietary fiber, neutral detergent fiber, and nonstarch polysaccharides in relation to animal nutrition. Journal of Dairy Science, 74, 3583-3597.
  • Wallace, R.J., Broderick, G.A., Brammall, M.L., 1987. Protein degradation by ruminal microorganisms from sheep fed dietary supplements of urea, casein or albumin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 53, 751–753.
  • Wallace, R.J., 2004. Symposium: Plants as animal foods: A case of catch 22? Antimicrobial properties of plant secondary metabolites. Proc Nutr Soc, 63, 621–629.
  • Wang ,C.J., Wang, S.P., Zhou, H., 2009. Influences of flavomycin, ropadiar and saponin on nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation and methane emission from sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 148, 157-166.
  • Yang, W.Z., Benchaar, C., Ametaj, B.N., Chaves, A.V., He, M.L., McAllister, T.A., 2007. Effects of garlic and juniper berry essential oils on ruminal fermentation and on the site and extent of digestion in lactating cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 90, 5671–5681.
  • Yang, W.Z., Benchaar, C., Ametaj, B.N., Beauchemin, K.A., 2010. Dose response to eugenol supplementation in growing beef cattle: ruminal fermentation and intestinal digestion. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 158, 57–64.
There are 33 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Article

Aylin Ünal Baruh This is me

Neşe Kocabağlı

Publication Date June 19, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 43 Issue: 2


APA Ünal Baruh, A., & Kocabağlı, N. (2017). Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 43(2), 116-122.
AMA Ünal Baruh A, Kocabağlı N. Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. iuvfd. July 2017;43(2):116-122. doi:10.16988/iuvfd.322369
Chicago Ünal Baruh, Aylin, and Neşe Kocabağlı. “Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 43, no. 2 (July 2017): 116-22.
EndNote Ünal Baruh A, Kocabağlı N (July 1, 2017) Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 43 2 116–122.
IEEE A. Ünal Baruh and N. Kocabağlı, “Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi”, iuvfd, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 116–122, 2017, doi: 10.16988/iuvfd.322369.
ISNAD Ünal Baruh, Aylin - Kocabağlı, Neşe. “Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 43/2 (July 2017), 116-122.
JAMA Ünal Baruh A, Kocabağlı N. Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. iuvfd. 2017;43:116–122.
MLA Ünal Baruh, Aylin and Neşe Kocabağlı. “Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi”. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 43, no. 2, 2017, pp. 116-22, doi:10.16988/iuvfd.322369.
Vancouver Ünal Baruh A, Kocabağlı N. Yeme Farklı Düzeylerde Katılan Kekik Yağının Kuzularda Bazı Rumen Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi. iuvfd. 2017;43(2):116-22.