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Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*

Year 2019, Volume: 59 Issue: 1, 30 - 35, 02.07.2019


Bu derlemede sıcaklık-nem indeksi seviyelerininin süt sığırlarının üretim özellikleri üzerine etkisi hakkında bilgi verilmiştir. İklim şartları çiftlik hayvanlarının refahı ve üretim performansı üzerine etkilidir. Mevcut iklim modelleri kullanılarak, küresel atmosferik kompozisyonun bozulmasından dolayı, önümüzdeki 100 yıl içinde küresel ortalama yüzey sıcaklığındaki artışın 1.8°C ve 4.0°C arasında olabileceği öngörülmektedir. Bağıl nem, çevre sıcaklığının hissedilme derecesini etkilemektedir. Çevre sıcaklığı ve bağıl nemin, çiftlik hayvanlarında verim özellikleri üzerindeki ortak etkisi “sıcaklık-nem indeksi (SNİ)” adı verilen tek bir değerle ifade edilmektedir. Süt sığırlarında verim özelliklerinin, sıcaklık-nem indeksinin 71 ve altında olduğu durumlarda ısı stresinden etkilenmediği, sıcaklık-nem indeksinin 72-79 arasında olduğu durumlarda ise az da olsa verim kayıplarının oluşabileceği, sıcaklık-nem indeksinin 80 ve üzerinde olduğu durumlarda ise ısı stresinden önemli ölçüde etkilendikleri belirlenmiştir. Süt sığırlarında üreme ve süt verimi performansının yaz aylarında azaldığı bildirilmektedir. Bununla birlikte, Holştayn ırkı sığırların; Jersey, Esmer ve Simmental ırklarına göre ısı stresine daha duyarlı olduğu ifade edilmektedir. Yaz aylarında, ısı stresi sebebiyle günlük süt veriminde yaklaşık 0.9-2.2 kg azalma olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, sıcaklık-nem indeksi değerinin 1 birimlik artışının günlük süt verimini 180–360 g aralığında azalttığı belirlenmiştir.


  • 1. Akçapınar H, Özbeyaz C (1999): Hayvan Yetiştiriciliği Temel Bilgileri. Kariyer Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti. ISBN: 975-96978-0-7, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • 2. Akdağ F, Arslan S, Caynak A, Teke B (2011): The relationships of phenotype, genotype and some environmentl factors with birth weight in Jersey calves. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10: 7308-7313.
  • 3. Avendano-Reyes L, Alvarez-Valenzuela FD, Correa-Calderon A, Saucedo-Quintero JS, Robinson PH, Fadel JG (2006): Effect of cooling Holstein cows during the dry period on postpartum performance under heat stress conditions. Livestock Science, 105:198-206.
  • 4. Bakır G, Kygısız A (2013): Milk yield characteristics of Holstein cows and effect of calving month on milk yield KSÜ Doğa Bil. Derg. 16: 1-7.
  • 5. Ball PJH, Peters AR (2004): Anatomy. pp: 26-27. In: Reproduction in cattle. 3rd edition Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, Great Britain.
  • 6. Berry IL, Shanklin MD, Johnson HD (1964): Dairy shelter design based on milk production decline as affected by temperature and humidity. Trans Am Soc Agric Eng., 7: 329-331.
  • 7. Bianca W (1962) Relative importance of dry and wet bulb temperatures in causing heat stress in cattle. Nature 195:251-252
  • 8. Bohmanova J, Misztal I, Cole JB (2007): Temperature-humidity index as indicators of milk production losses due to heat stres. Journl of Dairy Science, 90: 1947-1956.
  • 9. Bryant JR, Lopez-Villalobos N, Pryce JE, Holmes CW, Johnson DL (2007): Quantifying the effect of thermal environment on production traits in three breeds of dairy cattle in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50: 327-338.
  • 10. Collier RJ, Zibelman RB, Rhoads RP, Rhoads ML, Baumgard LH (2009): A re-evaluation of the impact of temperature humidity index (THI) and Black Globe humidity index (BGHI) on milk production in high producing dairy cows. pp:113-125. Proceedings of 24th Western Dairy Management Conference (S Virginia).
  • 11. De Rensis F, Scaramuzzi RJ (2003): Heat stres and seasonal effects on reproduction in the dairy cow: A review. Theriogenology, 60: 1139-1151.
  • 12. El-Tarabany MS, El-Bayoumi KM (2015): Reproductive performance of backcross Holstein × Brown Swiss and their Holstein contemporaries under subtropical environmental conditions. Theriogenology, 83: 414-448.
  • 13. El-Wishy AB (2013): Fertility of Holstein cattle in a subtropical climate of Egypt. Iranian Journal Applied Animal Science, 3: 45-51.
  • 14. FAO. Food and Agricultural Organization database. faostat/en/#home [Erişim tarihi: 04.12.2018).
  • 15. Fox DG, Tylutki TP (1998): Accounting for the effects of environment on the nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 81: 3085-3089.
  • 16. Freitas M, Misztal I, Bohmanova J, Torres R (2006): Regional differences in heat stres in US Holsteins. Proceedings of the 8th world congress on genetics applied to livestock production, 13-26 August, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
  • 17. Gantner V, Bobic T, Gregic M, Gantner R, Kuterovac K, Potocnic K (2017): The differences in heat stres resistance due to dairy cattle breed. Mljekarstvo, 67: 112-122.
  • 18. Hagiye K, Hayasaka K, Yamazaki T, Shirai T, Osawa T, Terawaki Y, Nagamine Y, Masuda Y, Suzuki M (2007): Effects of heat stres on production, somatic cell score and conception rate in Holsteins. Animal Science Journal, 88: 3-10.
  • 19. Hansen PJ (2007): Exploitation of genetic and physiological determiannts of embryonic resistance to elevated temperature to improve embryonic survival in dairy cattle during heat stres. Theiogenology, 68S: S242-S249.
  • 20. Herbut P, Angrecka S (2012): Forming of temperature-humidity index (THI) and milk production of cows in the free-stall barn during the period of summer heat. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 30: 363-372.
  • 21. Hill DL, Wall E (2015): Dairy cattle in a temperate climate: the effects of weather on milk yield and composition depend on management. Animal, 9: 138-149.
  • 22. IPCC (Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) (2007): Climate change: synthesis report contribution of working groups I, II and III to the fourth assesment report of the IPCC, p.:104. Edit: RK Pachauri, A Reisinger, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 23. Kadzere CT, Murphy MR, Silanikove N, Maltz E. (2002): Heat stres in lactating dairy cows: a review, Livestock Production Science, 77:59-91
  • 24. Khan FA, Prasad S, Gupta HP (2013): Effect of heat stres on pregnancy rates of crossbred dairy cattle in Terai region of Uttarakhand, India. Asian Pac. J. Reprod., 2: 277-279.
  • 25. Könyves T, Zlatkovic N, Memisi N, Lukac D, Puvaca N, Stojsin M, Halasz A, Miscevic B (2017): Relationship of temperature-humidity index with milk production and feed intake of Holstein-Frisian cows in different year seasons. Thai J Vet Med, 47: 15-23.
  • 26. Lambertz C, Sanker C, Gauly M (2014): Climatic effects on milk production traits and somatic cell score in lactating Holstein- Friesian cows in different housing systems. American Dairy Science Association. Journal of Dairy Science, 97: 319-329.
  • 27. Mader TL, Davis MS, Brown-Brandl T (2006): Environmental factors influencing heat stress in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 84: 712-719.
  • 28. Mutaf S, Alkan S, Şeber N, Oluğ HH (2002): Yaz koşullarındaki yüksek sıcaklık ve nemin siyah alaca süt sığırlarında süt verimi, vücut sıcaklığı, nabız ve solunum sayılarına etkileri. s. 76-87. III. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, Ankara.
  • 29. NADIS (National Animal Disease Information Service) Managing heat stres in dairy cows. heat stress-in dairy-cows.aspx (Erişim tarihi: 03.07.2017).
  • 30. Nardone A, Ronchi B, Lacetera N, Bernabucci U (2006): Climate effects on productive traits in livestock. Vet Res Commun, 30: 75- 81.
  • 31. Nasr MAF, El-Tarabany MS (2017): Impact of three THI levels on somatic cell count, mik yield and composition of multiparous Holstein cows in a subtropical region. Journal of Thermal Biology, 64: 73-77.
  • 32. National Research Council (1971): A Guide to environmental research on Animals. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
  • 33. Nishiura A, Sasaki O, Aihara M, Takeda H, Satoh M (2015): Genetic analysis of fat to protein ratio, milk yield and somatic cell score of Holstein cows in Japan in the first three lactations by using a random regression model. Animal Science Journal, 86: 961-969.
  • 34. Ravagnolo O, Misztal I, Hoogenboom G (2000): Genetic component of heat stres in dairy cattle, development of heat index function. J Dairy Sci, 83: 2120-2125.
  • 35. Samal L (2013): Heat stres in dairy cows-reproductive problems and control measures. International Journal of Livestock Research, 3: 14-23.
  • 36. Santana Jr ML, Bignardi AB, Pereira RJ, Stefani G, El-Faro L (2017): Genetics of het tolerance for milk yield and quality in Holsteins. Animal, 11: 4-14.
  • 37. Schüller LK, Burfeind O, Heuwieser W (2014): Impact of heat stres on conception rate of dairy cows in the moderte climate considering different temperature-humiditry index thresholds, periods relative to breeding nd heat load indices. Theriogenology, 81: 1050- 1057.
  • 38. Thiruvenkadan AK, Panneerselvam S, Rajendran R, Murali N (2010): Analysis on productive and reproductive traits of Murrh buffalo cows maintained in the coastal region of India. Appl. Anim. Husb. Rural Dev., 3: 1-5.
  • 39. Thom EC (1958): Cooling degress: day air-conditioning, heating and ventilating. Trans Am Soc Heat, 55:65-69.
  • 40. Thom EC (1959): The discomfort index. Weatherwise, 12: 57-59.
  • 41. Uğurlu M, Teke B, Akdağ F, Arslan S (2014): Effect of temperaturehumidity index, cold stres index and dry period lenght on birth weight of Jersey calf. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20: 1227-1232.
  • 42. Wolfenson D, Roth Z, Meidan R (2000): Impaired reproduction in heat-stressed cattle: Basic and applied aspects. Anim. Rep. Sci., 60-61: 535-547.
  • 43. Yaslıoğlu E, İlhan H (2016): Güney Marmara süt sığırı yetiştiriciliğinin ısı stresi yönünden değerlendirilmesi, Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13: 12-19.
  • 44. Yousef MK (1985) Stress physiology in livestock. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
Year 2019, Volume: 59 Issue: 1, 30 - 35, 02.07.2019



  • 1. Akçapınar H, Özbeyaz C (1999): Hayvan Yetiştiriciliği Temel Bilgileri. Kariyer Matbaacılık Ltd. Şti. ISBN: 975-96978-0-7, Ankara, Türkiye.
  • 2. Akdağ F, Arslan S, Caynak A, Teke B (2011): The relationships of phenotype, genotype and some environmentl factors with birth weight in Jersey calves. African Journal of Biotechnology, 10: 7308-7313.
  • 3. Avendano-Reyes L, Alvarez-Valenzuela FD, Correa-Calderon A, Saucedo-Quintero JS, Robinson PH, Fadel JG (2006): Effect of cooling Holstein cows during the dry period on postpartum performance under heat stress conditions. Livestock Science, 105:198-206.
  • 4. Bakır G, Kygısız A (2013): Milk yield characteristics of Holstein cows and effect of calving month on milk yield KSÜ Doğa Bil. Derg. 16: 1-7.
  • 5. Ball PJH, Peters AR (2004): Anatomy. pp: 26-27. In: Reproduction in cattle. 3rd edition Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, Great Britain.
  • 6. Berry IL, Shanklin MD, Johnson HD (1964): Dairy shelter design based on milk production decline as affected by temperature and humidity. Trans Am Soc Agric Eng., 7: 329-331.
  • 7. Bianca W (1962) Relative importance of dry and wet bulb temperatures in causing heat stress in cattle. Nature 195:251-252
  • 8. Bohmanova J, Misztal I, Cole JB (2007): Temperature-humidity index as indicators of milk production losses due to heat stres. Journl of Dairy Science, 90: 1947-1956.
  • 9. Bryant JR, Lopez-Villalobos N, Pryce JE, Holmes CW, Johnson DL (2007): Quantifying the effect of thermal environment on production traits in three breeds of dairy cattle in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 50: 327-338.
  • 10. Collier RJ, Zibelman RB, Rhoads RP, Rhoads ML, Baumgard LH (2009): A re-evaluation of the impact of temperature humidity index (THI) and Black Globe humidity index (BGHI) on milk production in high producing dairy cows. pp:113-125. Proceedings of 24th Western Dairy Management Conference (S Virginia).
  • 11. De Rensis F, Scaramuzzi RJ (2003): Heat stres and seasonal effects on reproduction in the dairy cow: A review. Theriogenology, 60: 1139-1151.
  • 12. El-Tarabany MS, El-Bayoumi KM (2015): Reproductive performance of backcross Holstein × Brown Swiss and their Holstein contemporaries under subtropical environmental conditions. Theriogenology, 83: 414-448.
  • 13. El-Wishy AB (2013): Fertility of Holstein cattle in a subtropical climate of Egypt. Iranian Journal Applied Animal Science, 3: 45-51.
  • 14. FAO. Food and Agricultural Organization database. faostat/en/#home [Erişim tarihi: 04.12.2018).
  • 15. Fox DG, Tylutki TP (1998): Accounting for the effects of environment on the nutrient requirements of dairy cattle. Journal of Dairy Science, 81: 3085-3089.
  • 16. Freitas M, Misztal I, Bohmanova J, Torres R (2006): Regional differences in heat stres in US Holsteins. Proceedings of the 8th world congress on genetics applied to livestock production, 13-26 August, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
  • 17. Gantner V, Bobic T, Gregic M, Gantner R, Kuterovac K, Potocnic K (2017): The differences in heat stres resistance due to dairy cattle breed. Mljekarstvo, 67: 112-122.
  • 18. Hagiye K, Hayasaka K, Yamazaki T, Shirai T, Osawa T, Terawaki Y, Nagamine Y, Masuda Y, Suzuki M (2007): Effects of heat stres on production, somatic cell score and conception rate in Holsteins. Animal Science Journal, 88: 3-10.
  • 19. Hansen PJ (2007): Exploitation of genetic and physiological determiannts of embryonic resistance to elevated temperature to improve embryonic survival in dairy cattle during heat stres. Theiogenology, 68S: S242-S249.
  • 20. Herbut P, Angrecka S (2012): Forming of temperature-humidity index (THI) and milk production of cows in the free-stall barn during the period of summer heat. Animal Science Papers and Reports, 30: 363-372.
  • 21. Hill DL, Wall E (2015): Dairy cattle in a temperate climate: the effects of weather on milk yield and composition depend on management. Animal, 9: 138-149.
  • 22. IPCC (Intergovermental Panel on Climate Change) (2007): Climate change: synthesis report contribution of working groups I, II and III to the fourth assesment report of the IPCC, p.:104. Edit: RK Pachauri, A Reisinger, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • 23. Kadzere CT, Murphy MR, Silanikove N, Maltz E. (2002): Heat stres in lactating dairy cows: a review, Livestock Production Science, 77:59-91
  • 24. Khan FA, Prasad S, Gupta HP (2013): Effect of heat stres on pregnancy rates of crossbred dairy cattle in Terai region of Uttarakhand, India. Asian Pac. J. Reprod., 2: 277-279.
  • 25. Könyves T, Zlatkovic N, Memisi N, Lukac D, Puvaca N, Stojsin M, Halasz A, Miscevic B (2017): Relationship of temperature-humidity index with milk production and feed intake of Holstein-Frisian cows in different year seasons. Thai J Vet Med, 47: 15-23.
  • 26. Lambertz C, Sanker C, Gauly M (2014): Climatic effects on milk production traits and somatic cell score in lactating Holstein- Friesian cows in different housing systems. American Dairy Science Association. Journal of Dairy Science, 97: 319-329.
  • 27. Mader TL, Davis MS, Brown-Brandl T (2006): Environmental factors influencing heat stress in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 84: 712-719.
  • 28. Mutaf S, Alkan S, Şeber N, Oluğ HH (2002): Yaz koşullarındaki yüksek sıcaklık ve nemin siyah alaca süt sığırlarında süt verimi, vücut sıcaklığı, nabız ve solunum sayılarına etkileri. s. 76-87. III. Ulusal Zootekni Bilim Kongresi, Ankara.
  • 29. NADIS (National Animal Disease Information Service) Managing heat stres in dairy cows. heat stress-in dairy-cows.aspx (Erişim tarihi: 03.07.2017).
  • 30. Nardone A, Ronchi B, Lacetera N, Bernabucci U (2006): Climate effects on productive traits in livestock. Vet Res Commun, 30: 75- 81.
  • 31. Nasr MAF, El-Tarabany MS (2017): Impact of three THI levels on somatic cell count, mik yield and composition of multiparous Holstein cows in a subtropical region. Journal of Thermal Biology, 64: 73-77.
  • 32. National Research Council (1971): A Guide to environmental research on Animals. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
  • 33. Nishiura A, Sasaki O, Aihara M, Takeda H, Satoh M (2015): Genetic analysis of fat to protein ratio, milk yield and somatic cell score of Holstein cows in Japan in the first three lactations by using a random regression model. Animal Science Journal, 86: 961-969.
  • 34. Ravagnolo O, Misztal I, Hoogenboom G (2000): Genetic component of heat stres in dairy cattle, development of heat index function. J Dairy Sci, 83: 2120-2125.
  • 35. Samal L (2013): Heat stres in dairy cows-reproductive problems and control measures. International Journal of Livestock Research, 3: 14-23.
  • 36. Santana Jr ML, Bignardi AB, Pereira RJ, Stefani G, El-Faro L (2017): Genetics of het tolerance for milk yield and quality in Holsteins. Animal, 11: 4-14.
  • 37. Schüller LK, Burfeind O, Heuwieser W (2014): Impact of heat stres on conception rate of dairy cows in the moderte climate considering different temperature-humiditry index thresholds, periods relative to breeding nd heat load indices. Theriogenology, 81: 1050- 1057.
  • 38. Thiruvenkadan AK, Panneerselvam S, Rajendran R, Murali N (2010): Analysis on productive and reproductive traits of Murrh buffalo cows maintained in the coastal region of India. Appl. Anim. Husb. Rural Dev., 3: 1-5.
  • 39. Thom EC (1958): Cooling degress: day air-conditioning, heating and ventilating. Trans Am Soc Heat, 55:65-69.
  • 40. Thom EC (1959): The discomfort index. Weatherwise, 12: 57-59.
  • 41. Uğurlu M, Teke B, Akdağ F, Arslan S (2014): Effect of temperaturehumidity index, cold stres index and dry period lenght on birth weight of Jersey calf. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 20: 1227-1232.
  • 42. Wolfenson D, Roth Z, Meidan R (2000): Impaired reproduction in heat-stressed cattle: Basic and applied aspects. Anim. Rep. Sci., 60-61: 535-547.
  • 43. Yaslıoğlu E, İlhan H (2016): Güney Marmara süt sığırı yetiştiriciliğinin ısı stresi yönünden değerlendirilmesi, Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 13: 12-19.
  • 44. Yousef MK (1985) Stress physiology in livestock. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
There are 44 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Zootechny (Other)
Journal Section Collection

Haşim Umut Koç This is me

Mustafa Uğurlu 0000-0001-6464-0371

Publication Date July 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 59 Issue: 1


APA Koç, H. U., & Uğurlu, M. (2019). Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 59(1), 30-35.
AMA Koç HU, Uğurlu M. Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. July 2019;59(1):30-35.
Chicago Koç, Haşim Umut, and Mustafa Uğurlu. “Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*”. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 59, no. 1 (July 2019): 30-35.
EndNote Koç HU, Uğurlu M (July 1, 2019) Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 59 1 30–35.
IEEE H. U. Koç and M. Uğurlu, “Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*”, Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 30–35, 2019.
ISNAD Koç, Haşim Umut - Uğurlu, Mustafa. “Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*”. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi 59/1 (July 2019), 30-35.
JAMA Koç HU, Uğurlu M. Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2019;59:30–35.
MLA Koç, Haşim Umut and Mustafa Uğurlu. “Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*”. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 59, no. 1, 2019, pp. 30-35.
Vancouver Koç HU, Uğurlu M. Süt Sığırlarında Isı Stresinin Verim Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi*. Lalahan Hayvancılık Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi. 2019;59(1):30-5.