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Tıp Fakültesi Son Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Kariyer Tercihleri ve Bu Tercihleri Etkileyen Faktörler

Year 2020, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 67 - 78, 01.03.2020


genel anlamıyla seçilen bir iş hattında ilerlemek ve bunun sonucunda sorumluluk
üstlenmek, statü kazanmak ve saygınlık elde etmek anlamını taşımaktadır. Bir
kişinin iş yaşantısındaki aktivite, sorumluluk, tutum ve davranışlarının
gelişimidir. Tıp fakültesi öğrencilerini mezuniyet sonrası temel, dâhili ve
cerrahi bilimler alanlarında farklı düzey ve statüde kariyer olanakları
beklemektedir. Bu çalışmada Tıp Fakültesi son sınıf öğrencilerinin kariyer
tercihlerinin ne olduğu ve bu tercihlerini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi

Çalışmada karma araştırma yöntemi ve
tamamlayıcılık deseni kullanılmıştır. Nicel ve nitel veriler eş zamanlı
toplanmış ve bir yöntemden elde edilen bulguların detaylandırılması, sunulması,
artırılması ve açıklığa kavuşturulmasında diğer yöntemin sonuçları
kullanılmıştır. Veri toplama aracı olarak odak grup görüşmeleri ve kariyer
tercih anketi kullanılmıştır. Yapılan odak grup görüşmeleri içerik çözümlemesi
ile analiz edilmiştir. Transkriptleri çıkarıldıktan sonra kodlanıp, kategorize
edilmiştir. Veri analizinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler ve Fisher’s Exact Test

Çalışmaya katılanların %60.9’u (n=28)
kadın,  genel yaş ortalaması 24.4 (±1.9)
idi. Öğrencilerin %66.7’si (n=30) mezuniyet sonrasında dâhili, %28.9’u (n=13)
cerrahi tıp bilimleri, %4.4’ü (n=2) temel bilimleri seçmeyi planlıyordu. Hiçbir
öğrenci meslek hayatına pratisyen hekim olarak devam etmek istemiyordu. Öğrencilerin
%84.8’i mezuniyet sonrasında “kamu hastanelerinde” çalışmak istediklerini ifade
etti. “
Yaşam tarzı esnekliği” ve “Kabul edilebilir çalışma
” kariyer tercihini en çok etkilediği ifade edilen faktörlerdendi.
tercihini en az etkilediği tespit edilen faktörler ise “aile isteği” ve  “sürekli mesleki gelişim için zaman ve para
harcama zorunluluğu
” ile “toplum tarafından
algılanan statü
” idi.
Odak grup görüşmelerinden “ilgi,
yetenek, para, saygınlık statü, kabul edilebilir ve yönetilebilir çalışma
koşulları, dar ve odaklanmış ve genel uygulama alanı, TUS’dan alınan puan,
mesleki tatmin, hastalar ve hasta yakınları ile ilişkiler, etik ilişkiler, yurtdışı
olanaklar ve kariyer danışmanlığı”
etkileyen faktörler
olarak belirlenmiştir.

kariyer planlamalarını yetenek ve ilgi alanlarına göre yapabilmelerini
desteklemek ve sağlık alanında dengeli bir hizmet dağılımı sağlamak için,
çalışma koşullarının düzenlenmesi yanında, mezuniyet öncesi eğitimde olumlu rol
modellerinin varlığı ve kariyer danışmanlığı önem kazanmaktadır. 


  • Türkay O, Eryılmaz B. “Kariyer Değerleri ve Kariyer Yolu Tercihleri İlişkisi: Türk Turizm Sektöründen Örnekler” Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (İLKE) 2010, Sayı 24.
  • Can H, Akgün A ve Kavuncubaşı S. Kamu ve Özel Kesimde İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, 4.Baskı, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara; 1998.
  • Baruch Y. Managing Careers Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, London; 2004.
  • Mignonac K ve Herrbach O. “Managing Individual Career Aspirations and Corporate Needs: a Study of Software Engineers in France”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2003; 20(3): 205–230.
  • Genç G, Kaya A, Genç M. “İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Meslek Seçimini Etkiyen Faktörler”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007; 8(14), 49–63.
  • Brown, D. “The Role of Work and Cultural Values in Occupational Choice, Satisfaction, and Success: A Theoretical Statement”. Journal of Counseling & Development, 2002; 80, 48-56.
  • Paa HK, ve McWhirter EH. “Perceived Influences on High School Students' Current Career Expectations”. The Career Development Quarterly; 2000; 49 (1), 29-45.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2017. İVOGSAN Ankara, 2018. ISBN: 978-975-590-697-3
  • Messinger CJ, Hafler J, Khan MA, Long T. “ Recent Trends in Primary Care Interest and Career Choices Among Medical Students at an Academic Medical Instution” Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 2017; 29:1, 42-51,
  • Schoonenboom J, Johnson RB. “How to Construct a Mixed Methods Research Design”. Köln Z Soziol. 2017; (Suppl 2) 69:107–131.
  • Baki A, Gökçek T. “Karma Yöntem Araştırmalarına Genel Bir Bakış”. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2012; Cilt:11 Sayı: 42, 001-021.
  • Bisi-Onyemaechi A, Okwesili I, Odetunde O, C Onyemaechi N, Okwara B, & Omoke N. Specialty choices: Patterns and determinants among medical undergraduates in Enugu Southeast Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2018; 20(11), 1474.
  • Azizzadeh A, McCollum CH, Miller CC, Holliday KM, Shilstone HC, & Lucci A. Factors influencing career choice among medical students interested in surgery. Current Surgery, 2003; 60(2), 210–213.
  • Hashmi NR, Daud S, Manzoor I, Maqsood S, Aizaz S, Siddiqui D, & Baig S. Factors Affecting Medical Specialty Preferences and Associated Gender Differences in Fourth Year Mbbs Students. JPMI: Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute, 2010; 24(2), 101–107.
  • Kleinert R, Fuchs C, Romotzky V, Knepper L, Wasilewski ML, Schröder W, Leers J. Generation Y and surgical residency - Passing the baton or the end of the world as we know it? Results from a survey among medical students in Germany. PloS One, 2017; 12(11), e0188114.
  • Cockerham WT, Cofer JB, Biderman MD, Lewis PL, Roe SM. Is there declining interest in general surgery training? Current Surgery, 2004; 61(2), 231–235.
  • Guraya SY, Almaramhy HH. Mapping the factors that influence the career specialty preferences by the undergraduate medical students. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2018; 25(6), 1096–1101.
  • Kawamoto R, Ninomiya D, Kasai Y, Kusunoki T, Ohtsuka N, Kumagi T, Abe M. Gender difference in preference of specialty as a career choice among Japanese medical students. BMC Medical Education, 2016; 16(1), 1–8.
  • Bittaye M, Odukogbe ATA, Nyan O, Jallow B, Omigbodun AO. Medical students’ choices of specialty in The Gambia: the need for career counseling. BMC Medical Education, 2012; 12(1), 72.
  • Gibis B, Heinz A, Jacob R, Müller CH. The career expectations of medical students: findings of a nationwide survey in Germany. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 2012; 109(18), 327–332.
  • Blissett S, Law C, Morra D, Ginsburg S. The Relative Influence of Available Resources During the Residency Match: A National Survey of Canadian Medical Students. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 2011; 3(4), 497–502.
  • Saigal P, Takemura Y, Nishiue T, Fetters MD. Factors considered by medical students when formulating their specialty preferences in Japan: findings from a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education, 2007; 7, 31.
  • Imran S, Khola N, Nadia K, Riasat Al N, Kauser Aftab K, Farhan Muhammad Q. Reasons for Choosing Specialty After Graduation Among Students of a Private Medical College in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Public Health, 2018; 7(2), 90–94.
  • Al-Fouzan R, Al-Ajlan S, Marwan Y, Al-Saleh M. Factors affecting future specialty choice among medical students in Kuwait. Medical Education Online, 2012; 17(1), 19587.
  • Morra DJ, Regehr G, Ginsburg S. Medical students, money, and career selection: students’ perception of financial factors and remuneration in family medicine. Family Medicine, 2009; 41(2), 105–110.
  • Dikici MF, Yaris F, Topsever P, Tuncay Muge F, Gurel FS, Cubukcu M, et al. Factors affecting choice of specialty among first‑year medical students of four universities in different regions of Turkey. Croat Med J; 2008; 49:415‑20.
  • Mariolis A, Mihas C, Alevizos A, Gizlis V, Mariolis T, Marayiannis K, Creatsas G. General Practice as a career choice among undergraduate medical students in Greece. BMC Medical Education, 2007; 7(1), 15.
  • Santos Suárez J, Santiago Alvarez M, Alonso Hernández P, Alonso Llamas M, Merladet Artiacha E, Corrales Fernández E. Family medicine: the Cinderella of undergraduate studies? Study of the views of medical students about the speciality of family and community medicine. Atencion Primaria, 2001; 27(5), 324–330.
  • O’Connor MI. Medical School Experiences Shape Women Students’ Interest in Orthopaedic Surgery. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2016; 474(9), 1967–1972.
  • Durak HI, Avanoğlu A. Factors Influencing the Choice of Pediatric Surgery as a Medical Career Among Turkish Pediatric Surgeons and Residents. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med S Sci. 2011; 31(2): 450-4.
  • Combs SE, Kessel C, Berberat PO, Atkinson MJ. Students’ expectations in an international Master of Science course in radiation biology. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 2019; VOL. 95, NO. 2, 233–237.
  • Osborn HA, Glicksman JT, Brandt MG, Doyle PC, Fung K. Primary care specialty career choice among Canadian medical students-understanding the factors that influence their decisions. Can Fam Physician; 2017; 63:e107-13.
  • Dorsey ER, Jarjoura D, Rutecki GW. The influence of controllable lifestyle and sex on the specialty choices of graduating U.S. medical students, 1996-2003. Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2005; 80(9), 791–796.
  • Cleland J, Johnston PW, French FH, Needham G. Associations between medical school and career preferences in Year 1 medical students in Scotland. Medical Education, 2012; 46(5), 473–484.
  • Han X, Wang Y, Zhao J, Pan H, Yu J. Examining influence of violence against physicians on Chinese medical students’ career choice. Chinese Medical Journal, 2014; 127(24), 4287–4289.

Career Preferences of Senior Students in Faculty of Medicine and Factors Affecting These Preferences

Year 2020, Volume: 27 Issue: 1, 67 - 78, 01.03.2020


A career, in general, is to show progress in a
profession and, taking responsibility, gaining status and dignity. It is the
development of activity, responsibility, attitude and behaviour of a person in
professional life. Career opportunities at different levels in fundamental,
internal and surgical sciences are awaiting Medical students after graduation.
In this study, we aim to determine the career preferences of the last year
students in the Faculty of Medicine and to determine the factors that affect these

Mixed research method and complementarity pattern were
used in the study. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected
simultaneously and the results of the other method were used to elaborate,
present, increase and clarify the findings obtained from the other method.
Focus group interviews and career preference questionnaire were used as data
collection tools. The focus group interviews were analysed with content
analysis. Interview transcripts were coded and categorised afterwards. Descriptive
statistics and Fisher’s Exact Test were used in data analysis.

0f the participants, 60.9% (n = 28) were female and
the mean age was 24.4 (± 1.9). Of the students, 66.7% (n = 30) planned to study
in internal medicine after graduation, 28.9% (n = 13) in surgical medicine
sciences, and 4.4% (n = 2) in fundamental science. None of the students wanted
to continue their career as a general practitioner. Eighty-four per cent of the
students stated that they want to work in public hospitals after graduation.
“Lifestyle flexibility” and “acceptable working hours” were the factors that
affected the career preference most. The factors that had the least impact on
career choice were “family influence”, “necessity to spend time and money for
continuous professional development” and “community perceived status”.
Interest, ability, money, dignity, status, acceptable and manageable working
conditions, narrow and focused and general area of application, score from
medical specialty exam (TUS), professional satisfaction, relationships with
patients and their relatives, ethical relations, international opportunities
and career counselling, were determined as factors from focus group interviews,
affecting career choice.

In order to support students' ability to make career
planning according to their abilities and interests, and to ensure a balanced
service distribution in the health field, besides the regulation of working
conditions, the presence of positive role models and career counselling are
gaining importance.


  • Türkay O, Eryılmaz B. “Kariyer Değerleri ve Kariyer Yolu Tercihleri İlişkisi: Türk Turizm Sektöründen Örnekler” Muğla Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (İLKE) 2010, Sayı 24.
  • Can H, Akgün A ve Kavuncubaşı S. Kamu ve Özel Kesimde İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, 4.Baskı, Siyasal Kitabevi, Ankara; 1998.
  • Baruch Y. Managing Careers Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall, London; 2004.
  • Mignonac K ve Herrbach O. “Managing Individual Career Aspirations and Corporate Needs: a Study of Software Engineers in France”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 2003; 20(3): 205–230.
  • Genç G, Kaya A, Genç M. “İnönü Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Öğrencilerinin Meslek Seçimini Etkiyen Faktörler”. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2007; 8(14), 49–63.
  • Brown, D. “The Role of Work and Cultural Values in Occupational Choice, Satisfaction, and Success: A Theoretical Statement”. Journal of Counseling & Development, 2002; 80, 48-56.
  • Paa HK, ve McWhirter EH. “Perceived Influences on High School Students' Current Career Expectations”. The Career Development Quarterly; 2000; 49 (1), 29-45.
  • T.C. Sağlık Bakanlığı Sağlık İstatistikleri Yıllığı 2017. İVOGSAN Ankara, 2018. ISBN: 978-975-590-697-3
  • Messinger CJ, Hafler J, Khan MA, Long T. “ Recent Trends in Primary Care Interest and Career Choices Among Medical Students at an Academic Medical Instution” Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 2017; 29:1, 42-51,
  • Schoonenboom J, Johnson RB. “How to Construct a Mixed Methods Research Design”. Köln Z Soziol. 2017; (Suppl 2) 69:107–131.
  • Baki A, Gökçek T. “Karma Yöntem Araştırmalarına Genel Bir Bakış”. Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 2012; Cilt:11 Sayı: 42, 001-021.
  • Bisi-Onyemaechi A, Okwesili I, Odetunde O, C Onyemaechi N, Okwara B, & Omoke N. Specialty choices: Patterns and determinants among medical undergraduates in Enugu Southeast Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice, 2018; 20(11), 1474.
  • Azizzadeh A, McCollum CH, Miller CC, Holliday KM, Shilstone HC, & Lucci A. Factors influencing career choice among medical students interested in surgery. Current Surgery, 2003; 60(2), 210–213.
  • Hashmi NR, Daud S, Manzoor I, Maqsood S, Aizaz S, Siddiqui D, & Baig S. Factors Affecting Medical Specialty Preferences and Associated Gender Differences in Fourth Year Mbbs Students. JPMI: Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute, 2010; 24(2), 101–107.
  • Kleinert R, Fuchs C, Romotzky V, Knepper L, Wasilewski ML, Schröder W, Leers J. Generation Y and surgical residency - Passing the baton or the end of the world as we know it? Results from a survey among medical students in Germany. PloS One, 2017; 12(11), e0188114.
  • Cockerham WT, Cofer JB, Biderman MD, Lewis PL, Roe SM. Is there declining interest in general surgery training? Current Surgery, 2004; 61(2), 231–235.
  • Guraya SY, Almaramhy HH. Mapping the factors that influence the career specialty preferences by the undergraduate medical students. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 2018; 25(6), 1096–1101.
  • Kawamoto R, Ninomiya D, Kasai Y, Kusunoki T, Ohtsuka N, Kumagi T, Abe M. Gender difference in preference of specialty as a career choice among Japanese medical students. BMC Medical Education, 2016; 16(1), 1–8.
  • Bittaye M, Odukogbe ATA, Nyan O, Jallow B, Omigbodun AO. Medical students’ choices of specialty in The Gambia: the need for career counseling. BMC Medical Education, 2012; 12(1), 72.
  • Gibis B, Heinz A, Jacob R, Müller CH. The career expectations of medical students: findings of a nationwide survey in Germany. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 2012; 109(18), 327–332.
  • Blissett S, Law C, Morra D, Ginsburg S. The Relative Influence of Available Resources During the Residency Match: A National Survey of Canadian Medical Students. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 2011; 3(4), 497–502.
  • Saigal P, Takemura Y, Nishiue T, Fetters MD. Factors considered by medical students when formulating their specialty preferences in Japan: findings from a qualitative study. BMC Medical Education, 2007; 7, 31.
  • Imran S, Khola N, Nadia K, Riasat Al N, Kauser Aftab K, Farhan Muhammad Q. Reasons for Choosing Specialty After Graduation Among Students of a Private Medical College in Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Public Health, 2018; 7(2), 90–94.
  • Al-Fouzan R, Al-Ajlan S, Marwan Y, Al-Saleh M. Factors affecting future specialty choice among medical students in Kuwait. Medical Education Online, 2012; 17(1), 19587.
  • Morra DJ, Regehr G, Ginsburg S. Medical students, money, and career selection: students’ perception of financial factors and remuneration in family medicine. Family Medicine, 2009; 41(2), 105–110.
  • Dikici MF, Yaris F, Topsever P, Tuncay Muge F, Gurel FS, Cubukcu M, et al. Factors affecting choice of specialty among first‑year medical students of four universities in different regions of Turkey. Croat Med J; 2008; 49:415‑20.
  • Mariolis A, Mihas C, Alevizos A, Gizlis V, Mariolis T, Marayiannis K, Creatsas G. General Practice as a career choice among undergraduate medical students in Greece. BMC Medical Education, 2007; 7(1), 15.
  • Santos Suárez J, Santiago Alvarez M, Alonso Hernández P, Alonso Llamas M, Merladet Artiacha E, Corrales Fernández E. Family medicine: the Cinderella of undergraduate studies? Study of the views of medical students about the speciality of family and community medicine. Atencion Primaria, 2001; 27(5), 324–330.
  • O’Connor MI. Medical School Experiences Shape Women Students’ Interest in Orthopaedic Surgery. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 2016; 474(9), 1967–1972.
  • Durak HI, Avanoğlu A. Factors Influencing the Choice of Pediatric Surgery as a Medical Career Among Turkish Pediatric Surgeons and Residents. Turkiye Klinikleri J Med S Sci. 2011; 31(2): 450-4.
  • Combs SE, Kessel C, Berberat PO, Atkinson MJ. Students’ expectations in an international Master of Science course in radiation biology. International Journal of Radiation Biology. 2019; VOL. 95, NO. 2, 233–237.
  • Osborn HA, Glicksman JT, Brandt MG, Doyle PC, Fung K. Primary care specialty career choice among Canadian medical students-understanding the factors that influence their decisions. Can Fam Physician; 2017; 63:e107-13.
  • Dorsey ER, Jarjoura D, Rutecki GW. The influence of controllable lifestyle and sex on the specialty choices of graduating U.S. medical students, 1996-2003. Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 2005; 80(9), 791–796.
  • Cleland J, Johnston PW, French FH, Needham G. Associations between medical school and career preferences in Year 1 medical students in Scotland. Medical Education, 2012; 46(5), 473–484.
  • Han X, Wang Y, Zhao J, Pan H, Yu J. Examining influence of violence against physicians on Chinese medical students’ career choice. Chinese Medical Journal, 2014; 127(24), 4287–4289.
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Sciences
Journal Section Research Articles

Funda İfakat Tengiz 0000-0002-8491-9190

Asya Banu Babaoğlu This is me

Publication Date March 1, 2020
Submission Date May 3, 2019
Acceptance Date August 21, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 27 Issue: 1


Vancouver Tengiz Fİ, Babaoğlu AB. Tıp Fakültesi Son Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Kariyer Tercihleri ve Bu Tercihleri Etkileyen Faktörler. Med J SDU. 2020;27(1):67-78.


Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi/Medical Journal of Süleyman Demirel University is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International.