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The effect of fucoidan on changes of some biochemical parameters in nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats

Year 2018, , 9 - 14, 01.03.2018


Fucoidan is a polysaccharide with high viscosity and mucilage, which contains significant proportion of sulphate ester group and L-fucose. It is present in intercellular spaces of brown algae. This study aimed to investigate the effect of fucoidan on some biochemical parameters and kidney tissues in nephrotoxicity induced by GM in rats. The rats used in the study were randomly divided into 4 groups. Each group had 7 rats as control, fucoidan, GM and GM+fucoidan. Blood samples were taken after 24 hours from the end of experiment which lasted eight days. Creatinine, BUN, uric acid, glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, VLDL, HDL, total bilirubin levels and ALT, AST, ALP, LDH, CK, amylase activities were assayed by an autoanalyser. The kidney tissues were examined histopathologically. In GM+fucoidan group, creatinine (p<0.001), BUN (p<0.001), uric acid (p<0.05), triglycerides (p<0.05), VLDL (p<0.05), AST (p<0.001), ALP (p<0.05), LDH (p<0.001), CK (p<0.01) levels statistically decreased, however HDL (p<0.05) level increased when compared to GM group. As conclusion, it can be said that administering fucoidan during GM toxicity decreases the nephrotoxicity damage. Considering biochemical parameters and histopathological findings, fucoidan can be suggested as a protective agent for kidneys in nephrotoxicity induced rats


  • Abbas MT, Hashim Zayni MM, Al-Kadhi NA (2013): Effect of garlic oil on gentamicin induced hepatorenal toxicity in rats. JKU, 11, 109-117.
  • Abdel-Gayoum AA, Ali BH, Ghawarsha K, et al. (1993): Plasma lipid profile in rats with gentamicin- induced nephrotoxicity. Hum Exp Toxicol, 12, 371-375.
  • Abdel-Raheem IT, Abdel-Ghany AA, Mohamed GA (2009): Protective effect of quercetin against gentamicin- induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Biol Pharm Bull, 32, 61-67.
  • Ahmadvand H, Ghasemi Dehnoo M, Dehghani A, et al. (2014): Serum paraoxonase 1 status and its association with atherogenic indexes in gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats treated with coenzyme Q10. Ren Fail, 36, 413-418.
  • Ali BH (1995): Gentamicin nephrotoxicity in humans and animals some recent research. Gen Pharmacol, 26, 1477-1487.
  • Başhan İ, Başhan P, Seçilmiş MA, et al. (2014): Protective effect of L-arginine on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Indian J Pharmacol, 46, 608-612.
  • Bindu CM, Vidya Shankar P, Shetty HV, et al. (2013): Serum amylase in patients with chronic kidney disease. IJCRR, 5, 10-5.
  • Boisson-Vidal C, Haroun F, Ellouali M, et al. (1995): Biological activities of polysaccharides from marine algae. Drugs Future, 20, 1237-1249.
  • Bojakowski K, Abramczyk P, Bojakowska M, et al. (2001): Fucoidan improves the renal blood flow in the early stage of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in the rat. J Physiol Pharmacol, 52, 137-143.
  • Ceol M, Gambaro G, Sauer U, et al. (2000): Glycosaminoglycan overexpression and pathologic changes in renal tissue of long-term diabetic rats. J Am Soc Nephrol, 11, 2324-2336.
  • Chan MK, Persaud JW, Varghese Z, et al. (1984): Post- heparin hepatic and lipoprotein lipase activities in nephrotic syndrome. Aust New Zeal J Med, 14, 841-847.
  • Chevolot L, Foucault A, Chaubet F, et al. (1999): Further data on the structure of brown seaweed fucans: relationships with anticoagulant activity. Carbohydr Res, 319, 154-165.
  • El-Tawil OS, Abdel-Rahman MS (2001): The role of enzyme induction and inhibition on cypermethrin hepatotoxicity. Pharmacol Res, 44, 33-40.
  • Feldman SC, Reynaldi S, Stortz CA, et al. (1999): Antiviral properties of fucoidan fractions from Leathesia difformis. Phytomedicine, 6, 335-340.
  • Fitton JH (2011): Therapies from fucoidan; multifunctional marine polymers. Mar Drugs, 9, 1731-1760.
  • Gambaro G, D'Angelo A, Del Prete D, et al. (1999): Mesangial cell proliferation in long-term streptozotocin- induced diabetes mellitus in the rat and the renoprotective activity of heparin. Am J Nephrol, 19, 530-534.
  • Golper TA, Feingold KR, Fulford MH, et al. (1986): The role hypercholesterolemia in the rat. J Lipid Res, 27, 1044-1051. mevalonate in nephrotic
  • Hayashi S, Itoh A, Isoda K, et al. (2008): Fucoidan partly prevents CCl4-induced liver fibrosis. Eur J Pharmacol, 580, 380-384.
  • Hozayen W, Bastawy M, Elshafeey H (2011): Effects of aqueous purslane (Portulaca Oleracea) extract and fish oil on gentamicin nephrotoxicity in albino rats. Nature and Science, 9, 47-62.
  • Huang L, Wen K, Gao X, et al. (2010): Hypolipidemic effect of hyperlipidemic rats. Pharm Biol, 48, 422-426. Laminaria japonica in
  • Janjua A, Waheed A, Bakhtiar S (2014): Protective effect of metformin against gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity in rabbits. Pak J Pharm Sci, 27, 1863-1872.
  • Kaplan MM (1986): Serum alkaline phosphatase-Another piece is added to the puzzle. Hepatology, 6, 226-228.
  • Khan MR, Badar I, Siddiquah A (2011): Prevention of hepatorenal toxicity with Sonchusasper in gentamicin treated rats. BMC Complement Altern Med, 11, 111-113.
  • Kopple JD, Ding H, Letoha A, et al. (2002): L- carnitine ameliorates gentamicin-induced renal injury in rats. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 17, 2122-2131.
  • Li N, Zhang Q, Song J (2005): Toxicological evaluation of fucoidan extracted from Laminaria japonica in Wistar rats. Food Chem Toxicol, 43, 421-426.
  • Lin XZ, Chen TW, Wang SS, et al. (1988): Pancreatic enzymes in uremic patients with or without dialysis. Clin Biochem, 21, 189-192.
  • McCaffrey TA, Falcone DJ, Vicente D, et al. (1994): Protection of transforming growth factor-beta 1 activity by heparin and fucoidan. J Cell Physiol, 159, 51-59.
  • Park MK, Jung U, Roh C (2011): Fucoidan from marine brown algae inhibits lipid accumulation. Mar Drugs, 9, 1359-1367.
  • Pastoriza-Munoz E, Bowman RL, Kaloyanides GJ (1979): Renal tubular transport of gentamicin in the rat. Kidney Int, 16, 40-450.
  • Rocha de Souza MC, Marques CT, Guerra Dore CM, et al. (2007): Antioxidant activities of sulfated polysaccharides from brown and red seaweeds. J Appl Phycol, 19, 153-160.
  • Royes VL, Jensen DM, Corwin HL (1987): Pancreatic enzymes in chronic renal failure. Arch Intern Med, 147, 537-539.
  • Shifow AA, Kumar KV, Naidu MU, et al. (2000): Melatonin, a pineal hormone with antioxidant property, protects against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Nephron, 85, 167-174.
  • Shin HS, Yu M, Kim M, et al. (2014): Renoprotective effect of red ginseng in gentamicin-induced acute kidney injury. Lab Invest, 94, 1147-1160.
  • Singh AP, Muthuraman A, Jaggi AS, et al. (2012): Animal models of acute renal failure. Pharmacol Rep, 64, 31-44.
  • Sivachandran M, Hariharan P (2013). Gentamicin induced hepatic oxidative stress and its amelioration using Andrographis paniculata extract in rats. Inter J Vet Sci, 2, 50-54.
  • Subramanian A, Sukheeja D, Trikha V, et al. (2013): Evaluation of serum creatine kinase and urinary myoglobin as markers in detecting development of acute renal failure in severely injured trauma patients. ISRN Emergency Medicine, 44, 1-8.
  • Ullah N, Azam Khan M, Khan T, et al. (2014): Protective potential of Tamarindus indica against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity. Pharm Biol, 52, 428-434.
  • Vaziri ND, Chang D, Malekpour A, et al. (1988): Pancreatic enzymes in patients with end stage renal disease maintained on hemodialysis. Am J Gastroentrerol, 83, 410-412.
  • Veena CK, Josephine A, Preetha SP, et al. (2007): Beneficial role of sulfated polysaccharides from edible seaweed Fucus vesiculosus in experimental hyperoxaluria. Food Chemistry, 100, 1552-1559.
  • Walker PD, Barri Y, Shah SV (1999): Oxidant mechanisms in gentamicin nephrotoxicity. Ren Fail, 21, 433-442.
  • Wang J, Jin W, Zhang W, et al. (2013): Hypoglycemic property of acidic polysaccharide extracted from Saccharina japonica and its potential mechanism. Carbohydr Polym, 95, 143-147.
  • Wang J, Zhang Q, Jin W, et al. (2011): Effects and mechanism of low molecular weight fucoidan in mitigating the peroxidative and renal damage induced by adenine. Carbohydr Polym, 84, 417-423.
  • Wang J, Liu H, Li N, et al. (2014): The protective effect of fucoidan in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy. Mar Drugs, 12, 3292-3306.
  • Wang J, Wang F, Yun H, et al. (2012): Effect and mechanism of fucoidan derivatives from Laminaria japonica in experimental adenine-induced chronic kidney disease. J Ethnopharmacol, 139, 807-813.
  • Weseley SA, Byrnes A, Alter S, et al. (1977): Presence of creatine phosphokinase brain band in the serum of chronic renal disease patients. Clin Nephrol, 8, 345-348.
  • Xue CH, Fang Y, Lin H, et al. (2001): Chemical characters and antioxidative properties of sulfated polysaccharides from Laminaria japonica. J Appl Phycol, 13, 67-70.
  • Yen HJ (1996): Laminaria japonica Aresch Chinese Pharmaceutics of Maine Lakes and Marshes. Xueyuan Press, Beijing.
  • Zhang Q, Li Z, Xu Z, et al. (2003): Effects of fucoidan on chronic renal failure in rats. Planta Med, 69, 537-541. Geliş tarihi: 22.03.2016 / Kabul tarihi: 17.02.2017 Address for correspondence: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Serkan YILDIRIM Atatürk University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pathology, Campus, 25080, Erzurum, Turkey e-mail:

Ratlarda gentamisin ile oluşturulan nefrotoksisitede bazı biyokimyasal parametreler üzerinefucoidanın etkisi

Year 2018, , 9 - 14, 01.03.2018


Fucoidan, tüm kahverengi alglerin hücreler arası boşluklarında bulunan yüksek vizkoziteye sahip müsilajımsı, önemli oranda sülfat ester grupları ve L-fukoz içeren bir polisakkarittir. Bu çalışmada ratlarda gentamisin (GM) ile oluşturulan nefrotoksisitede fucoidan kullanılmasının bazı biyokimyasal parametreler ile böbrek dokusu üzerine etkisinin araştırılması hedeflenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan ratlar rastgele seçilerek her biri 7 rattan oluşan 4 gruba ayrıldı: Kontrol grubu, fucoidan grubu, GM grubu, GM+fucoidan grubu. Sekiz günlük deneme süresinden 24 saat sonra kan örnekleri alındı. Kreatinin, BUN, ürik asit, glukoz, trigliserit, total kolesterol, VLDL, HDL, total bilirubin düzeyleri ile ALT, AST, ALP, LDH, CK, amilaz aktiviteleri otoanalizörde analiz edildi. Böbrek dokuları histopatolojik açıdan incelendi. GM grubuna göre fucoidan+GM grubunda kreatinin (p<0.001), BUN (p<0.001), ürik asit (p<0.05), trigliserit (p<0.05), VLDL (p<0.05), AST (p<0.001), ALP (p<0.05), LDH (p<0.001), CK (p<0.01) düzeylerinin istatistiki olarak önemli ölçüde azaldığı, HDL (p<0.05) düzeyinin ise yükseldiği tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak; GM’le oluşturulan nefrotoksisitede incelenen biyokimyasal parametrelere ve böbrek dokusundaki histopatolojik değişimlere bakarak GM’le beraber fucoidan verilmesinin GM'nin oluşturduğu nefrotoksik hasarı zayıflattığı, fucoidanın böbreği koruyucu özelliğinin bulunduğu söylenebilir


  • Abbas MT, Hashim Zayni MM, Al-Kadhi NA (2013): Effect of garlic oil on gentamicin induced hepatorenal toxicity in rats. JKU, 11, 109-117.
  • Abdel-Gayoum AA, Ali BH, Ghawarsha K, et al. (1993): Plasma lipid profile in rats with gentamicin- induced nephrotoxicity. Hum Exp Toxicol, 12, 371-375.
  • Abdel-Raheem IT, Abdel-Ghany AA, Mohamed GA (2009): Protective effect of quercetin against gentamicin- induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Biol Pharm Bull, 32, 61-67.
  • Ahmadvand H, Ghasemi Dehnoo M, Dehghani A, et al. (2014): Serum paraoxonase 1 status and its association with atherogenic indexes in gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats treated with coenzyme Q10. Ren Fail, 36, 413-418.
  • Ali BH (1995): Gentamicin nephrotoxicity in humans and animals some recent research. Gen Pharmacol, 26, 1477-1487.
  • Başhan İ, Başhan P, Seçilmiş MA, et al. (2014): Protective effect of L-arginine on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Indian J Pharmacol, 46, 608-612.
  • Bindu CM, Vidya Shankar P, Shetty HV, et al. (2013): Serum amylase in patients with chronic kidney disease. IJCRR, 5, 10-5.
  • Boisson-Vidal C, Haroun F, Ellouali M, et al. (1995): Biological activities of polysaccharides from marine algae. Drugs Future, 20, 1237-1249.
  • Bojakowski K, Abramczyk P, Bojakowska M, et al. (2001): Fucoidan improves the renal blood flow in the early stage of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury in the rat. J Physiol Pharmacol, 52, 137-143.
  • Ceol M, Gambaro G, Sauer U, et al. (2000): Glycosaminoglycan overexpression and pathologic changes in renal tissue of long-term diabetic rats. J Am Soc Nephrol, 11, 2324-2336.
  • Chan MK, Persaud JW, Varghese Z, et al. (1984): Post- heparin hepatic and lipoprotein lipase activities in nephrotic syndrome. Aust New Zeal J Med, 14, 841-847.
  • Chevolot L, Foucault A, Chaubet F, et al. (1999): Further data on the structure of brown seaweed fucans: relationships with anticoagulant activity. Carbohydr Res, 319, 154-165.
  • El-Tawil OS, Abdel-Rahman MS (2001): The role of enzyme induction and inhibition on cypermethrin hepatotoxicity. Pharmacol Res, 44, 33-40.
  • Feldman SC, Reynaldi S, Stortz CA, et al. (1999): Antiviral properties of fucoidan fractions from Leathesia difformis. Phytomedicine, 6, 335-340.
  • Fitton JH (2011): Therapies from fucoidan; multifunctional marine polymers. Mar Drugs, 9, 1731-1760.
  • Gambaro G, D'Angelo A, Del Prete D, et al. (1999): Mesangial cell proliferation in long-term streptozotocin- induced diabetes mellitus in the rat and the renoprotective activity of heparin. Am J Nephrol, 19, 530-534.
  • Golper TA, Feingold KR, Fulford MH, et al. (1986): The role hypercholesterolemia in the rat. J Lipid Res, 27, 1044-1051. mevalonate in nephrotic
  • Hayashi S, Itoh A, Isoda K, et al. (2008): Fucoidan partly prevents CCl4-induced liver fibrosis. Eur J Pharmacol, 580, 380-384.
  • Hozayen W, Bastawy M, Elshafeey H (2011): Effects of aqueous purslane (Portulaca Oleracea) extract and fish oil on gentamicin nephrotoxicity in albino rats. Nature and Science, 9, 47-62.
  • Huang L, Wen K, Gao X, et al. (2010): Hypolipidemic effect of hyperlipidemic rats. Pharm Biol, 48, 422-426. Laminaria japonica in
  • Janjua A, Waheed A, Bakhtiar S (2014): Protective effect of metformin against gentamicin induced nephrotoxicity in rabbits. Pak J Pharm Sci, 27, 1863-1872.
  • Kaplan MM (1986): Serum alkaline phosphatase-Another piece is added to the puzzle. Hepatology, 6, 226-228.
  • Khan MR, Badar I, Siddiquah A (2011): Prevention of hepatorenal toxicity with Sonchusasper in gentamicin treated rats. BMC Complement Altern Med, 11, 111-113.
  • Kopple JD, Ding H, Letoha A, et al. (2002): L- carnitine ameliorates gentamicin-induced renal injury in rats. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 17, 2122-2131.
  • Li N, Zhang Q, Song J (2005): Toxicological evaluation of fucoidan extracted from Laminaria japonica in Wistar rats. Food Chem Toxicol, 43, 421-426.
  • Lin XZ, Chen TW, Wang SS, et al. (1988): Pancreatic enzymes in uremic patients with or without dialysis. Clin Biochem, 21, 189-192.
  • McCaffrey TA, Falcone DJ, Vicente D, et al. (1994): Protection of transforming growth factor-beta 1 activity by heparin and fucoidan. J Cell Physiol, 159, 51-59.
  • Park MK, Jung U, Roh C (2011): Fucoidan from marine brown algae inhibits lipid accumulation. Mar Drugs, 9, 1359-1367.
  • Pastoriza-Munoz E, Bowman RL, Kaloyanides GJ (1979): Renal tubular transport of gentamicin in the rat. Kidney Int, 16, 40-450.
  • Rocha de Souza MC, Marques CT, Guerra Dore CM, et al. (2007): Antioxidant activities of sulfated polysaccharides from brown and red seaweeds. J Appl Phycol, 19, 153-160.
  • Royes VL, Jensen DM, Corwin HL (1987): Pancreatic enzymes in chronic renal failure. Arch Intern Med, 147, 537-539.
  • Shifow AA, Kumar KV, Naidu MU, et al. (2000): Melatonin, a pineal hormone with antioxidant property, protects against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats. Nephron, 85, 167-174.
  • Shin HS, Yu M, Kim M, et al. (2014): Renoprotective effect of red ginseng in gentamicin-induced acute kidney injury. Lab Invest, 94, 1147-1160.
  • Singh AP, Muthuraman A, Jaggi AS, et al. (2012): Animal models of acute renal failure. Pharmacol Rep, 64, 31-44.
  • Sivachandran M, Hariharan P (2013). Gentamicin induced hepatic oxidative stress and its amelioration using Andrographis paniculata extract in rats. Inter J Vet Sci, 2, 50-54.
  • Subramanian A, Sukheeja D, Trikha V, et al. (2013): Evaluation of serum creatine kinase and urinary myoglobin as markers in detecting development of acute renal failure in severely injured trauma patients. ISRN Emergency Medicine, 44, 1-8.
  • Ullah N, Azam Khan M, Khan T, et al. (2014): Protective potential of Tamarindus indica against gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity. Pharm Biol, 52, 428-434.
  • Vaziri ND, Chang D, Malekpour A, et al. (1988): Pancreatic enzymes in patients with end stage renal disease maintained on hemodialysis. Am J Gastroentrerol, 83, 410-412.
  • Veena CK, Josephine A, Preetha SP, et al. (2007): Beneficial role of sulfated polysaccharides from edible seaweed Fucus vesiculosus in experimental hyperoxaluria. Food Chemistry, 100, 1552-1559.
  • Walker PD, Barri Y, Shah SV (1999): Oxidant mechanisms in gentamicin nephrotoxicity. Ren Fail, 21, 433-442.
  • Wang J, Jin W, Zhang W, et al. (2013): Hypoglycemic property of acidic polysaccharide extracted from Saccharina japonica and its potential mechanism. Carbohydr Polym, 95, 143-147.
  • Wang J, Zhang Q, Jin W, et al. (2011): Effects and mechanism of low molecular weight fucoidan in mitigating the peroxidative and renal damage induced by adenine. Carbohydr Polym, 84, 417-423.
  • Wang J, Liu H, Li N, et al. (2014): The protective effect of fucoidan in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy. Mar Drugs, 12, 3292-3306.
  • Wang J, Wang F, Yun H, et al. (2012): Effect and mechanism of fucoidan derivatives from Laminaria japonica in experimental adenine-induced chronic kidney disease. J Ethnopharmacol, 139, 807-813.
  • Weseley SA, Byrnes A, Alter S, et al. (1977): Presence of creatine phosphokinase brain band in the serum of chronic renal disease patients. Clin Nephrol, 8, 345-348.
  • Xue CH, Fang Y, Lin H, et al. (2001): Chemical characters and antioxidative properties of sulfated polysaccharides from Laminaria japonica. J Appl Phycol, 13, 67-70.
  • Yen HJ (1996): Laminaria japonica Aresch Chinese Pharmaceutics of Maine Lakes and Marshes. Xueyuan Press, Beijing.
  • Zhang Q, Li Z, Xu Z, et al. (2003): Effects of fucoidan on chronic renal failure in rats. Planta Med, 69, 537-541. Geliş tarihi: 22.03.2016 / Kabul tarihi: 17.02.2017 Address for correspondence: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Serkan YILDIRIM Atatürk University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Pathology, Campus, 25080, Erzurum, Turkey e-mail:
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA99VG55UY
Journal Section Research Article

Neşe Ataman

Handan Mert

Serkan Yıldırım

Nihat Mert

Publication Date March 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Ataman, N., Mert, H., Yıldırım, S., Mert, N. (2018). The effect of fucoidan on changes of some biochemical parameters in nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 65(1), 9-14.
AMA Ataman N, Mert H, Yıldırım S, Mert N. The effect of fucoidan on changes of some biochemical parameters in nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. March 2018;65(1):9-14. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002821
Chicago Ataman, Neşe, Handan Mert, Serkan Yıldırım, and Nihat Mert. “The Effect of Fucoidan on Changes of Some Biochemical Parameters in Nephrotoxicity Induced by Gentamicin in Rats”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 65, no. 1 (March 2018): 9-14.
EndNote Ataman N, Mert H, Yıldırım S, Mert N (March 1, 2018) The effect of fucoidan on changes of some biochemical parameters in nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 65 1 9–14.
IEEE N. Ataman, H. Mert, S. Yıldırım, and N. Mert, “The effect of fucoidan on changes of some biochemical parameters in nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 9–14, 2018, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002821.
ISNAD Ataman, Neşe et al. “The Effect of Fucoidan on Changes of Some Biochemical Parameters in Nephrotoxicity Induced by Gentamicin in Rats”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 65/1 (March 2018), 9-14.
JAMA Ataman N, Mert H, Yıldırım S, Mert N. The effect of fucoidan on changes of some biochemical parameters in nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;65:9–14.
MLA Ataman, Neşe et al. “The Effect of Fucoidan on Changes of Some Biochemical Parameters in Nephrotoxicity Induced by Gentamicin in Rats”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 65, no. 1, 2018, pp. 9-14, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002821.
Vancouver Ataman N, Mert H, Yıldırım S, Mert N. The effect of fucoidan on changes of some biochemical parameters in nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin in rats. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;65(1):9-14.

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