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Demodicosis in a Golden (Syrian) hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)

Year 2009, , 227 - 229, 01.09.2009


A two year old male Golden (Syrian) hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) was presented with a history of alopecia on the dorso-lumbosacral area and on the back, lethargy, anorexia and severe pruritus. Microscopic examination of skin scraping revealed mites identified as Demodex criceti and Demodex aurati. Initial therapy included ivermectin and H-vitamin, neverthless the present case was dead four days after admission. To the present authors’ knowledge this is the first reported case describing the mix demodectic infestation by Demodex criceti and Demodex aurati, in Syrian hamster in Turkey.


  • Battles AH (1985): The biology, care and diseases of the Syrian hamster. Comp Cont Educ, 7, 815.
  • Chen CA (1995): Short-tailed demodectic mite and Demodex canis infestation in a Chihuahua dog. Vet Dermatol, 6, 227–229.
  • Estes PC, Richter CB, Franklin JA (1971): Demodectic mange in the golden hamster. Lab Anim Sci 21, 825-828.
  • Nutting WB (1961): Demodex aurati sp.nov. and D. criceti, ectoparasites of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Vet Parasitol 51, 515–522.
  • Owen D, Young C. (1973): The occurrence of Demodex aurati and Demodex criceti in the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) in United Kingdom.Vet Rec, 92, 282-284.
  • Retnasabapathy A, Lourdusamy D (1974): Demodex aurati and Demodex criceti in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health,5,460.
  • Sarashina T, Sato K (1986): Demodicosis in the Golden hamster. Nippon Juigaku Zasshi 48, 619-622.
  • Scott DW, Miller WH Jr, Griffin CE (1995): Muller & Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology. 5th ed.,W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia-USA.
  • Timm KI (1988): Pruritus in rabbits, rodents and ferrets. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 18 , 1077-1091.
  • Wilkinson GT, Harvey RG (1994): Color Atlas of Small Animal Dermatology-A Guide to Diagnosis. Mosby-Wolfe Publishing, London.

Bir Golden (Suriye) hamsterinde (Mesocricetus auratus) demodikozis

Year 2009, , 227 - 229, 01.09.2009


Bu olgunun materyalini, dorso-lumbosakral bölge ve sırtta alopesi, letarji, anoreksi ve aşırı kaşıntı öyküsü olan 2 yaşlı erkek bir Golden (Syrian) hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) oluşturdu. Deri kazıntısının mikroskobik muayenesinde Demodex criceti ve Demodex aurati görüldü. İvermektin ve H-vitamini ile yapılan sağaltıma karşın hasta dört gün sonra öldü. Bu olgu sunumunda Türkiye’de ilk defa bir Suriye hamsterinde Demodex criceti ve Demodex aurati’nin oluşturduğu miks demodikozis tanımlanmıştır.


  • Battles AH (1985): The biology, care and diseases of the Syrian hamster. Comp Cont Educ, 7, 815.
  • Chen CA (1995): Short-tailed demodectic mite and Demodex canis infestation in a Chihuahua dog. Vet Dermatol, 6, 227–229.
  • Estes PC, Richter CB, Franklin JA (1971): Demodectic mange in the golden hamster. Lab Anim Sci 21, 825-828.
  • Nutting WB (1961): Demodex aurati sp.nov. and D. criceti, ectoparasites of the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Vet Parasitol 51, 515–522.
  • Owen D, Young C. (1973): The occurrence of Demodex aurati and Demodex criceti in the Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) in United Kingdom.Vet Rec, 92, 282-284.
  • Retnasabapathy A, Lourdusamy D (1974): Demodex aurati and Demodex criceti in the golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health,5,460.
  • Sarashina T, Sato K (1986): Demodicosis in the Golden hamster. Nippon Juigaku Zasshi 48, 619-622.
  • Scott DW, Miller WH Jr, Griffin CE (1995): Muller & Kirk's Small Animal Dermatology. 5th ed.,W.B. Saunders. Philadelphia-USA.
  • Timm KI (1988): Pruritus in rabbits, rodents and ferrets. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract 18 , 1077-1091.
  • Wilkinson GT, Harvey RG (1994): Color Atlas of Small Animal Dermatology-A Guide to Diagnosis. Mosby-Wolfe Publishing, London.
There are 10 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA66TT53ER
Journal Section Research Article

Zafer Karaer

Arif Kurtdede

Kerem Ural

Barış Sarı

C. Çağrı Cıngı

Publication Date September 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009


APA Karaer, Z., Kurtdede, A., Ural, K., Sarı, B., et al. (2009). Bir Golden (Suriye) hamsterinde (Mesocricetus auratus) demodikozis. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 56(3), 227-229. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002210
AMA Karaer Z, Kurtdede A, Ural K, Sarı B, Cıngı CÇ. Bir Golden (Suriye) hamsterinde (Mesocricetus auratus) demodikozis. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2009;56(3):227-229. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002210
Chicago Karaer, Zafer, Arif Kurtdede, Kerem Ural, Barış Sarı, and C. Çağrı Cıngı. “Bir Golden (Suriye) Hamsterinde (Mesocricetus Auratus) Demodikozis”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56, no. 3 (September 2009): 227-29. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002210.
EndNote Karaer Z, Kurtdede A, Ural K, Sarı B, Cıngı CÇ (September 1, 2009) Bir Golden (Suriye) hamsterinde (Mesocricetus auratus) demodikozis. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56 3 227–229.
IEEE Z. Karaer, A. Kurtdede, K. Ural, B. Sarı, and C. Ç. Cıngı, “Bir Golden (Suriye) hamsterinde (Mesocricetus auratus) demodikozis”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 227–229, 2009, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002210.
ISNAD Karaer, Zafer et al. “Bir Golden (Suriye) Hamsterinde (Mesocricetus Auratus) Demodikozis”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56/3 (September 2009), 227-229. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002210.
JAMA Karaer Z, Kurtdede A, Ural K, Sarı B, Cıngı CÇ. Bir Golden (Suriye) hamsterinde (Mesocricetus auratus) demodikozis. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2009;56:227–229.
MLA Karaer, Zafer et al. “Bir Golden (Suriye) Hamsterinde (Mesocricetus Auratus) Demodikozis”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 56, no. 3, 2009, pp. 227-9, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002210.
Vancouver Karaer Z, Kurtdede A, Ural K, Sarı B, Cıngı CÇ. Bir Golden (Suriye) hamsterinde (Mesocricetus auratus) demodikozis. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2009;56(3):227-9.