Simental Irkı Bir Buzağıda Şilognatopalatoşizi Olgusu: Nadir Bir Olgu
Yıl 2022,
, 221 - 224, 25.03.2022
Ali Said Durmuş
Eren Polat
Bu çalışmanın konusunu, üst dudak ve damağında yarık şikâyeti ile Fırat Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Hastanesi Cerrahi Kliniği’ne getirilen 7 günlük, dişi simental ırkı bir buzağı (7 günlük yaşta, dişi) oluşturdu. Yapılan klinik muayenede, buzağının solunum güçlüğünün olduğu ve burun deliklerinin normal olarak şekillenmediği tespit edildi. Buzağıya cheilognathopalatoschisis teşhisi konuldu. Nadiren karşılaşılan olgunun tedavisi için buzağıya palatoplasti ve rekonstrüktif cerrahi uygulandı. Yarık olan sert damağın her iki ucu serbestleştirilerek karşılıklı dikildi. Burun deliklerinin ise medial kanatları yara oluşturularak dikilip normal pozisyonuna getirildi. Hasta sahibi ile yapılan görüşmede buzağının beslenmesi sırasında yutma zorluğu bulunduğu öğrenildi. Postoperatif 8. gün buzağının olası yutma refleksinin oluşmamasından dolayı gelişen aspirasyon pnoumonisi sebebiyle öldüğü belirlendi.
- Adetayo AM, James O, Adeyemo WL, et al (2018): Unilateral cleft lip repair: A comparison of treatment outcome with two surgical techniques using quantitative (anthropometry) assessment. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg, 44, 3-11.
- Aksoy Ö, Kılıç E, Öztürk S, et al (2004): Bir buzağıda median yüz yarığı anomalisi. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 10, 109-111.
- Arıcan M (2017): Sığır Cerrahi Atlası. Damla Ofset AŞ, Konya.
- Canatan U, Şen MM, Özfırat E, et al (2020): Palatoschisis, brachygnathia inferior and accessory mandibular mass in a Simmental breed calf. Large Animal Review, 26, 145-148.
- Cetin E (2017): Dudak ve damak yarığı deformiteli hastaların ortodontik kayıtlarına ait demografik verilerin incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık Tezi.
- Conze T, Ritz I, Hospes R, et al. (2018): Management of cleft palate in puppies using a temporary prosthesis: a report of three cases. Vet Sci, 61, 1-7.
- Di Muro G, Cagnotti G, Bellino C, et al (2020): Multiple cephalic malformations in a calf. Animals, 1532, 1-9.
- Headrick JF, McAnulty JF (2004): Reconstruction of a bilateral hypoplastic soft palate in a cat. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 40, 86-90.
- Malek FA, Bienengräber V, Paul I, et al (1999): Cheilognathopalatoschisis and its prophylaxis in animal experiments. Ann Anat, 181, 107-110.
- McBride WA, McIntyre GT, Carroll K, et al (2016): Subphenotyping and classification of orofacial clefts: need for orofacial cleft subphenotyping calls for revised classification. The Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal, 53, 539–549.
- Millard DR (1964): A pimary camouflage in the unilateral harelip. In: Skoog T, editor. Trans 1st International Congress Plastic Surgery. Baltimore:Williams & Wilkins, 160.
- Smolec O, Vnuk D, Kos J, et al (2010): Repair of cleft palate in a calf using polypropylene mesh and palatal mucosal flap: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina, 55, 566–570.
- Subramanyam D (2020): An Insight of the Cleft Lip and Palate in Pediatric Dentistry - A Review. J Dent Oral Biol, 5, 1-6.
- Usta Z, Distl O (2017): Congenital cleft lip-jaw-palate and cleft palate in german holstein calves with common ancestry. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 14, 73-80.
- Veau V (1922): Operative treatment of complete double harelip. Ann Surg, 76, 143-56.
- Yavas I, Cınar VM, Unay A (2020): Bitkilerde abiyotik stres koşullarında selenyum metabolizması ve fizyolojik etkileri. EJOSAT, 18, 840-849.
A case of Cheilognathopalatoschisis in a simmental breed calf: A rare case
Yıl 2022,
, 221 - 224, 25.03.2022
Ali Said Durmuş
Eren Polat
The subject of this study was a 7-day-old female Simmental calf brought to Firat University Veterinary Faculty Animal Hospital Surgery Clinic with the complaint of cleft in the upper lip and palate. In the clinical examination, it was determined that the calf had respiratory difficulties and the nostrils were not formed normally. The calf was diagnosed with cheilognathopalatoschisis. Palatoplasty and reconstructive surgery were performed on the calf for the treatment of the rarely encountered case. The mucosa of the cleft hard palate was freed by dissecting from the os palatinum on both sides. Then, the hard palate was repaired by suturing the mucosal edges mutually. Palatal and alveolar clefts were repaired using Veau's technique. During the post-operative interview with the patient's owner, it was learned that the calf had difficulty in swallowing during feeding. It was determined that the calf died on the 8th postoperative day due to aspiration pneumonia that developed due to the absence of probable swallowing reflex.
Some part of this article was summarized from the first author’s master thesis.
- Adetayo AM, James O, Adeyemo WL, et al (2018): Unilateral cleft lip repair: A comparison of treatment outcome with two surgical techniques using quantitative (anthropometry) assessment. J Korean Assoc Oral Maxillofac Surg, 44, 3-11.
- Aksoy Ö, Kılıç E, Öztürk S, et al (2004): Bir buzağıda median yüz yarığı anomalisi. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 10, 109-111.
- Arıcan M (2017): Sığır Cerrahi Atlası. Damla Ofset AŞ, Konya.
- Canatan U, Şen MM, Özfırat E, et al (2020): Palatoschisis, brachygnathia inferior and accessory mandibular mass in a Simmental breed calf. Large Animal Review, 26, 145-148.
- Cetin E (2017): Dudak ve damak yarığı deformiteli hastaların ortodontik kayıtlarına ait demografik verilerin incelenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Ortodonti Anabilim Dalı, Uzmanlık Tezi.
- Conze T, Ritz I, Hospes R, et al. (2018): Management of cleft palate in puppies using a temporary prosthesis: a report of three cases. Vet Sci, 61, 1-7.
- Di Muro G, Cagnotti G, Bellino C, et al (2020): Multiple cephalic malformations in a calf. Animals, 1532, 1-9.
- Headrick JF, McAnulty JF (2004): Reconstruction of a bilateral hypoplastic soft palate in a cat. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc, 40, 86-90.
- Malek FA, Bienengräber V, Paul I, et al (1999): Cheilognathopalatoschisis and its prophylaxis in animal experiments. Ann Anat, 181, 107-110.
- McBride WA, McIntyre GT, Carroll K, et al (2016): Subphenotyping and classification of orofacial clefts: need for orofacial cleft subphenotyping calls for revised classification. The Cleft Palate–Craniofacial Journal, 53, 539–549.
- Millard DR (1964): A pimary camouflage in the unilateral harelip. In: Skoog T, editor. Trans 1st International Congress Plastic Surgery. Baltimore:Williams & Wilkins, 160.
- Smolec O, Vnuk D, Kos J, et al (2010): Repair of cleft palate in a calf using polypropylene mesh and palatal mucosal flap: a case report. Veterinarni Medicina, 55, 566–570.
- Subramanyam D (2020): An Insight of the Cleft Lip and Palate in Pediatric Dentistry - A Review. J Dent Oral Biol, 5, 1-6.
- Usta Z, Distl O (2017): Congenital cleft lip-jaw-palate and cleft palate in german holstein calves with common ancestry. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 14, 73-80.
- Veau V (1922): Operative treatment of complete double harelip. Ann Surg, 76, 143-56.
- Yavas I, Cınar VM, Unay A (2020): Bitkilerde abiyotik stres koşullarında selenyum metabolizması ve fizyolojik etkileri. EJOSAT, 18, 840-849.