The aim of the study was to examine the changes in the oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electron microscope in Akkaraman sheep. In this study; 10 oestral (follicular phase), 10 luteal and 5 anoestral phase samples were collected from the infundibulum, ampulla and istmus regions of oviduct from a total of 25 healthy Akkaraman sheeps having reached their puberty. In the light microscopy, it was also observed that, in oestral phase; height of the cells were higher than luteal phase and in the luteal phase nucleus extrusion were seen in the ampulla and infundibulum. It was detected that findings of the anoestrus phase were similar to dioestrus phase. Amount of secrets of secretory cells in the ampulla were elevated during the oestral phase which was determined by histochemical stains. During the oestral phase by using electron microscope, three types of granules were seen in the secretory cells which were especially located in the ampulla. First type of granule was electron lucent and had moderately electron dense substance which was located separetely, right below the granule membran. Second type of granule had carried electron dense focus which had consantric lamels around of. Some of these types of granules were also seen located eccentric to electron dense focus. Third type of granules, which don’t have electron dense focus at the centre, are with consantric lamels. This study showed the histological changes on the oviduct epithelium of Akkaraman sheeps during sexual cycle. The amount and the characterization of the secret in the secretory cells, varied upon the cycle period and the region of the oviduct
Abdalla, O. (1968). Observation on the morphology and histochemistry of the oviducts of the sheep. J. Anat., 102: 333-344.
Abe, H. (1994). Regional variations in the ultrastructural features of secretory cells in the rat oviductal epithelium. Anat. Rec., 240: 77-85.
Abe, H., Hoshi, H. (2007). Regional and cyclic variations in the ultrastructural features of secretory cells in the oviductal epithelium of the Chinese Meishan pig. Reprod. Dom. Anim., 42: 292-298.
Abe, H., Onodera, M., Sugawara, S., Satoh, T., Hoshi, H. (1999). Ultrastructural features of goat oviductal secretory cells at follicular and luteal phases of the oestrous cycle. J. Anat., 195: 515-521.
Abughrien, B.M., Dore, M.A.P., Mcgeady, T.A., Fitzpatrick, E. (2000) Intraepithelial leucocytes in the bovine uterine tube. Cells Tissues Organs, 166: 20-30.
Brenner, R.M. (1968). The biology of oviductal cilia. In: The Mammalian Oviduct. Ed.: E.S.E. Hafez, R.J. Blandau The University of Chicago Pres pp.: 206.
Buhi, W. C. (2002). Characterization and biological roles of oviduct-specific, oestrogen-dependent glycoprotein. Reproduction, 123: 355–362.
Cormack, D.H. (2001). The female reproductive system. In: Essential Histology Ed. Robert Anthony. 2 edition, p.: 400.
Erdost, H. (2008). Dişi genital sistem. Veteriner Özel Histoloji. Ed.:A. Özer. 1. baskı, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, s.: 232.
Gandolfi, F., Brevini, T.A.L., Richardson, L., Brown, C.R., Moor, R.M. (1989). Characterization of proteins secreted by sheep oviduct epithelial cells and their function in embryonic development. Development, 106: 303-312.
Hadek, R. (1955). The secretory process in the sheep’s oviduct. Anat. Rec., 121: 187-205.
Hagiwara, H., Ohwada, N., Fujimoto, T. (1996). Intracytoplasmic lumina in human oviduct epithelium. Ultrastruct Pathol, 21: 163-172
Harper, M.J.K. (1988). Gamete and zygote transport. The Physiology of Reproduction. Ed.: E. Knobil, J. Neill. Raven Press, p.:121-122.
Hollis, DE., Frith, PA., Vaughan, JD., Chapman, RE., Nancarrow, CD. (1984). Ultrastructural changes in the oviductal epithelium of Merino ewes during the estrous cycle. Am. J. Anat., Dec; 171: 441-56.
International Atomic Energy Agency: Labaratory Training Manual on Radioimmunoassay in Animal Reproduction Technical Report Series. Vienna:233
Jansen,R.P.S., Bajpai, V.K. (1982). Oviduct acid mucus glycoproteins in the estrous rabbit: ultrastructure and histochemistry. Biol Reprod, 26: 155-168.
Karnovsky, M.J. (1965). A formaldehyde-gluteraldehyde fixative of high osmolality for use in electron microscopy. J. Cell. Biol., 27:137-138.
Lauschova, I. (2003). Secretory cells and morphological manifestation of secretion in the mouse oviduct. Scripta Medica (Brno), 76: 203-214.
Murray, M.K. (1997). Morphologycal features of epithelial cells in the sheep isthmus oviduct during early pregnancy. Anat Rec, 247: 368-378.
Odor, D.L. (1991). Light and electron microscopic observation on ciliated vacuoles and cyst in the oviductal and endocervical epithelia of the rabbit. Am J Anat. 190: 334-348.
Pineda, M.H. (2003). Femal reproductive system. In: Mc Donald’s Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction. Fifth edition. Ed.: M.H. Pineda, M.P. Dooley. Iowa State Press, Iowa, p.: 298.
Reeder, R.L., Shirley, B. (1999). Deciliation in the ampulla of the rat oviduct and effects of estrogen on the process. J Exp Zool, 283: 71-80.
Rosenberg, G., Dirksen, G., Gründer, H.D., Grunert, E., Krause, D., Stöber, M. (1979). Femal genital system. In: Clinical Examination of Cattle. Ed: G. Rosenberg.Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg, p.: 329.
Sawyer, H.R., Olson, P.N., Gorell, T.A. (1984). Effect of Progesterone on the Oviductal Epithelium in Estrogen- Primed Prepubertal Beagles: Light and Electron Microscopic Observations. Am J Anat, 169: 75-87.
Totty, B.A. (2002). Mucins. In: Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. Ed: J.D. Bancroft, M. Gamble, fifth edition, Churchill Livingstone, chapter:10.
Valle, G.R., Nascimento, E.F., Castro, A.C.S., Norte, A.L., Nogueira, J.C. (2005). Analise histologyca e histoquimica de cistos intra epiteliais de tubas uterinas de novilhas mestiças. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., 57: 326- 333.
Veneable, J., Coggeshall, R. (1965). A simplified lead citrate stain for use İn electron microscopy. J. Cel. Biol. 45: 407-408.
Williemse, A.H. (1975a). The secretory activity of the epithelium of the ampulla tubae in cyclic ewes: A Light Microscopical Study. Tijdschr Diergeneesk., 100: 84-94.
Williemse, A.H. (1975b). The secretory activity of the epithelium of the ampulla tubae in cyclic ewes: an electron microscopical study. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk., 100: 95-105.
Bu araştırma, seksüel siklus süresince Akkaraman koyunu ovidukt epitelinde meydana gelen değişimlerin ışık ve elektron mikroskop düzeyde incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada 10 baş östral (folliküler evrede), 10 baş luteal ve 5 baş anöstrus döneminde olan toplam 25 baş sağlıklı, seksüel olgunluğa erişmiş Akkaraman koyununa ait oviduktun infundibulum, ampulla ve istmus bölgelerinden örnekler alındı. Işık mikroskobik incelemelerde, östral dönemde hücre boylarının daha yüksek olduğu, luteal dönemde hücre boylarının kısaldığı ve ampulla ile infundibulumda çekirdek atılışları gözlendi. Anöstrus dönemindeki bulguların diöstrus ile benzerlik gösterdiği saptandı. Yapılan histokimyasal boyamalarda östral dönemde ampulladaki sekretorik hücrelerde salgı miktarının arttığı belirlendi. Elektron mikroskobik incelemelerde östral dönemde özellikle ampulladaki sekretorik hücrelerde üç tip granüle rastlandı. Bunlar, açık renkli olan ve granül membranının altında dağınık orta yoğunlukta elektron koyu içeriğin bulunduğu birinci tip granüller, elektron koyu bir odak taşıyan ve bu odağın çevresinde konsantrik lamelli bir yapı sergileyen ikinci tip granüller olarak tanımlandı. Bu tip granüllerin bazılarında elektron koyu odağın ekzantrik olarak yerleştiği de gözlendi. Üçüncü tip granüller ise, elektron koyu odak taşımayan konsantrik lamelli granüller olarak belirlendi. Çalışma sonunda Akkaraman koyununda seksüel siklus süresince ovidukt epitelinde histolojik değişiklikler olduğu belirlendi. Sekretorik hücrelerde salgı miktarı ile salgı karakterinin, siklusun dönemlerin ve oviduktun bölümlerine göre değiştiği belirlendi
Abdalla, O. (1968). Observation on the morphology and histochemistry of the oviducts of the sheep. J. Anat., 102: 333-344.
Abe, H. (1994). Regional variations in the ultrastructural features of secretory cells in the rat oviductal epithelium. Anat. Rec., 240: 77-85.
Abe, H., Hoshi, H. (2007). Regional and cyclic variations in the ultrastructural features of secretory cells in the oviductal epithelium of the Chinese Meishan pig. Reprod. Dom. Anim., 42: 292-298.
Abe, H., Onodera, M., Sugawara, S., Satoh, T., Hoshi, H. (1999). Ultrastructural features of goat oviductal secretory cells at follicular and luteal phases of the oestrous cycle. J. Anat., 195: 515-521.
Abughrien, B.M., Dore, M.A.P., Mcgeady, T.A., Fitzpatrick, E. (2000) Intraepithelial leucocytes in the bovine uterine tube. Cells Tissues Organs, 166: 20-30.
Brenner, R.M. (1968). The biology of oviductal cilia. In: The Mammalian Oviduct. Ed.: E.S.E. Hafez, R.J. Blandau The University of Chicago Pres pp.: 206.
Buhi, W. C. (2002). Characterization and biological roles of oviduct-specific, oestrogen-dependent glycoprotein. Reproduction, 123: 355–362.
Cormack, D.H. (2001). The female reproductive system. In: Essential Histology Ed. Robert Anthony. 2 edition, p.: 400.
Erdost, H. (2008). Dişi genital sistem. Veteriner Özel Histoloji. Ed.:A. Özer. 1. baskı, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, s.: 232.
Gandolfi, F., Brevini, T.A.L., Richardson, L., Brown, C.R., Moor, R.M. (1989). Characterization of proteins secreted by sheep oviduct epithelial cells and their function in embryonic development. Development, 106: 303-312.
Hadek, R. (1955). The secretory process in the sheep’s oviduct. Anat. Rec., 121: 187-205.
Hagiwara, H., Ohwada, N., Fujimoto, T. (1996). Intracytoplasmic lumina in human oviduct epithelium. Ultrastruct Pathol, 21: 163-172
Harper, M.J.K. (1988). Gamete and zygote transport. The Physiology of Reproduction. Ed.: E. Knobil, J. Neill. Raven Press, p.:121-122.
Hollis, DE., Frith, PA., Vaughan, JD., Chapman, RE., Nancarrow, CD. (1984). Ultrastructural changes in the oviductal epithelium of Merino ewes during the estrous cycle. Am. J. Anat., Dec; 171: 441-56.
International Atomic Energy Agency: Labaratory Training Manual on Radioimmunoassay in Animal Reproduction Technical Report Series. Vienna:233
Jansen,R.P.S., Bajpai, V.K. (1982). Oviduct acid mucus glycoproteins in the estrous rabbit: ultrastructure and histochemistry. Biol Reprod, 26: 155-168.
Karnovsky, M.J. (1965). A formaldehyde-gluteraldehyde fixative of high osmolality for use in electron microscopy. J. Cell. Biol., 27:137-138.
Lauschova, I. (2003). Secretory cells and morphological manifestation of secretion in the mouse oviduct. Scripta Medica (Brno), 76: 203-214.
Murray, M.K. (1997). Morphologycal features of epithelial cells in the sheep isthmus oviduct during early pregnancy. Anat Rec, 247: 368-378.
Odor, D.L. (1991). Light and electron microscopic observation on ciliated vacuoles and cyst in the oviductal and endocervical epithelia of the rabbit. Am J Anat. 190: 334-348.
Pineda, M.H. (2003). Femal reproductive system. In: Mc Donald’s Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction. Fifth edition. Ed.: M.H. Pineda, M.P. Dooley. Iowa State Press, Iowa, p.: 298.
Reeder, R.L., Shirley, B. (1999). Deciliation in the ampulla of the rat oviduct and effects of estrogen on the process. J Exp Zool, 283: 71-80.
Rosenberg, G., Dirksen, G., Gründer, H.D., Grunert, E., Krause, D., Stöber, M. (1979). Femal genital system. In: Clinical Examination of Cattle. Ed: G. Rosenberg.Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin and Hamburg, p.: 329.
Sawyer, H.R., Olson, P.N., Gorell, T.A. (1984). Effect of Progesterone on the Oviductal Epithelium in Estrogen- Primed Prepubertal Beagles: Light and Electron Microscopic Observations. Am J Anat, 169: 75-87.
Totty, B.A. (2002). Mucins. In: Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques. Ed: J.D. Bancroft, M. Gamble, fifth edition, Churchill Livingstone, chapter:10.
Valle, G.R., Nascimento, E.F., Castro, A.C.S., Norte, A.L., Nogueira, J.C. (2005). Analise histologyca e histoquimica de cistos intra epiteliais de tubas uterinas de novilhas mestiças. Arq. Bras. Med. Vet. Zootec., 57: 326- 333.
Veneable, J., Coggeshall, R. (1965). A simplified lead citrate stain for use İn electron microscopy. J. Cel. Biol. 45: 407-408.
Williemse, A.H. (1975a). The secretory activity of the epithelium of the ampulla tubae in cyclic ewes: A Light Microscopical Study. Tijdschr Diergeneesk., 100: 84-94.
Williemse, A.H. (1975b). The secretory activity of the epithelium of the ampulla tubae in cyclic ewes: an electron microscopical study. Tijdschr. Diergeneesk., 100: 95-105.
Kürüm, A., & Özen, A. (2012). Examinations on the changes in oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electronmicroscope in Akkaraman sheep. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 59(4), 247-253.
Kürüm A, Özen A. Examinations on the changes in oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electronmicroscope in Akkaraman sheep. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. Aralık 2012;59(4):247-253. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002534
Kürüm, Aytül, ve Asuman Özen. “Examinations on the Changes in Oviduct Epithelium During the Sexual Cycle by Light and Electronmicroscope in Akkaraman Sheep”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 59, sy. 4 (Aralık 2012): 247-53.
Kürüm A, Özen A (01 Aralık 2012) Examinations on the changes in oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electronmicroscope in Akkaraman sheep. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 59 4 247–253.
A. Kürüm ve A. Özen, “Examinations on the changes in oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electronmicroscope in Akkaraman sheep”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 59, sy. 4, ss. 247–253, 2012, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002534.
Kürüm, Aytül - Özen, Asuman. “Examinations on the Changes in Oviduct Epithelium During the Sexual Cycle by Light and Electronmicroscope in Akkaraman Sheep”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 59/4 (Aralık 2012), 247-253.
Kürüm A, Özen A. Examinations on the changes in oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electronmicroscope in Akkaraman sheep. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2012;59:247–253.
Kürüm, Aytül ve Asuman Özen. “Examinations on the Changes in Oviduct Epithelium During the Sexual Cycle by Light and Electronmicroscope in Akkaraman Sheep”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 59, sy. 4, 2012, ss. 247-53, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002534.
Kürüm A, Özen A. Examinations on the changes in oviduct epithelium during the sexual cycle by light and electronmicroscope in Akkaraman sheep. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2012;59(4):247-53.