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Border Disease

Year 2008, Volume: 55 Issue: 1, 69 - 74, 01.06.2008


In this article is complied the current knowledge about etiological agent, transmission ways, clinical and pathological findings, pathogenesis, diagnosis and control of Border Disease (BD) infection, characterised by abortus and birth with congenital abnormality, which caused in small ruminant flocks great economicaly losses.

Bu makalede, küçükbaş hayvan sürülerinde büyük ekonomik kayıplara yol açan, abortlar ve kongenital anomalili yavru
doğumu ile karakterize olan Sınır Hastalığı’nın (Border Disease, BD) etiyolojik özellikleri, etkenin bulaşma yolları, meydana
getirdiği klinik-patolojik bulgular, patogenez mekanizması, teşhisi ve mücadele yolları hakkındaki güncel bilgiler sunulmuştur. 


  • Arnal M, Fernandez de Luco D, Riba L, Maley M, Gilray J, Willoughby K, Vilcek S, Nettleton P (2004): A novel pestivirus associated with deaths in Pyrenean chamois. J Gen Virol, 85, 3653-3657.
  • Ataseven VS, Ataseven L, Tan T, Babür C, Oguzoglu TC (2006): Seropositivity of agents causing abortion in local goat breeds in Eastern and South-eastern Anatolia,Turkey. Rev Med Vet, 157, 955-961.
  • Barlow RM (1983): Some interactions of virus and maternal/foetal immune mechanisms in Border disease of sheep. 255-268. In: Bhan PO, ter Meulen V, Clifford Rose F, eds. Immunology of Nervous System Infections. Amsterdam:Elsevier.
  • Becher P, Shannon AD, Tautz N, Thiel H-J (1994): Molecular characterization of Border disease virus, a pestivirus from sheep. Virology 198, 542–551.
  • Becher B, Avalos Ramires R, Orlich M, Cedillo Rosales S, König M, Schweizer M, Stalder H, Schirrmeier H, Tiel H-J (2003): Genetic and antigenic characterization of novel pestivirus genotypes: implications for classification. Virology, 311, 96-104.
  • Bernard G, Bourdin P (1971): Etat immunitaire actuel, naturel ou acquis du cheptel sénégalais vis-à-vis de la peste bovine, de la maladie des muqueuses, de la rhinotrachéite infectieuse et de la maladie respiratoire à virus parainfluenza 3. Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop, 24,183-189.
  • Burgu I, Oztürk F, Akca Y, Toker A, Frey H-R, Liess B (1987): Investigations on the occurence and impact of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus infections in sheep in Turkey. Dtsch tierärztl Wschr, 94, 292-294.
  • Burgu İ, Akça Y, Alkan F, Özkul A, Karaoğlu T, Bilge- Dağalp S, Oğuzoğlu Ç, Yeşilbağ K (2001): Koyunlarda doğum öncesi ve sonrası dönemlerde Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) Virus enfeksiyonunun serolojik, virolojik ve patogenez yönünden araştırılması. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 25, 551-557.
  • Brun A, Lacoste F, Reynaud G, Kato F and Saint-Marc B (1993): Evaluation of the potency of an inactivated vaccine against border disease pestivirus infection in sheep. 257-259.In: Proceedings of the Second Syposium on Pestiviruses, Edwards S, ed. Fondation Marcel Merieux, Annecy, France.
  • De Mia GM, Greiser-Wilke I, Feliziani F, Giammarioli M, De Giuseppe A (2005): Genetic characterization of a caprine pestivirus as the first member of a putative novel pestivirus subgroup. J Vet Med B, 52, 206-210.
  • Depner K, Hubschle OJ and Liess B (1991): BVD-virus infection in goats: experimental studies on transplacental transmissibility of the virus and its effect on reproduction. Arch Virol Supp, 3, 253-256.
  • Evermann JF, Faris MA, Niemi SM ve ark. (1981): Pestivirus persistence and pathogenesis: comparative diagnostic aspects of Border disease virus of sheep and bovine viral diarrhea virus. 407-426. In: Proceedings of the 24th Meeting Am Assoc Vet Lab Diagnost, Cited from Löken T (2000): Border Disease in goat.
  • French EL, Hore DE, Snowdon WA, Parsonson IM, Uren J (1974): Infection of pregnant ewes with mucosal disease virus of ovine origin. Aust Vet J, 50, 45-54.
  • Heinz FX, Collet MS, Purcell RH, Gould EA, Howard CR, Houghton M, Moormann RJM, Rice CM, Thiel HJ (2000): Family Flaviviridae. 859-878.In: Virus Taxonomy, Seventh Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Van Regenmortel MHV et al, eds. San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Hewicker-Trautwein M (1994): Pestivirus-induzierte Alterationen im Zentralnervensystem von Wiederkäuern. Tierärztl Prax, 22, 516-23.
  • Hughes LE, Kershaw GF, Shaw IG (1959): B or Border Disease. an undescribed disease of sheep. Vet Rec, 71, 313-317.
  • Hurtado A, Garcia-Perez AL, Aduriz G and Juste RA (2003): Genetic diversity of ruminant pestiviruses from Spain. Virus Res, 92, 67-73.
  • Hurtado A, Aduriz G, Nieves G, Oporto B, Juste RA, Lavin S, Lopez-Olvera JR,and Ignasi M (2004): Molecular identification of a new pestivirus associated with increased mortality in the pyrenean chamois in Spain. J Wild D, 40, 796-800.
  • Löken T, Bjerkås I (1991): Experimental pestivirus infections in pregnant goats. J Comp Pathol, 105, 123-140.
  • Löken T, Krogsrud J and Bjerkås I (1991): Outbreaks of border disease in goats induced by a pestivirus- contaminated orf vaccine, with virus transmission to sheep and cattle. J Comp Pathol, 104, 195-209.
  • Löken T (2000): Border Disease in goats. Erişim: www.ivis.org Erişim tarihi: 22.02.2007
  • Manktelow BW, Porter WL, Lewis KHC (1969): Hairy shaker disease of lambs. N Z Vet J, 17, 245-248.
  • Meyers G, Thiel HJ (1996): Molecular characterization of pestiviruses. Adv Virus Res, 47, 53-118.
  • Meyling A (1990): Border Disease/BVD hos geder (BD/BVD in goats). 3-4.In State Veterinary Serum Laboratory and State Veterinary Institute for Virus Research. Kobenhavn.
  • Monies RJ, Paton DJ, Vilcek S (2004): Mucosal disease- like lesions in sheep infected with Border disease virus. Vet Rec 155, 765-769.
  • Nettleton PF (1990): Pestivirus infections in ruminants other than cattle. Rev Sci Tech Off Int Epiz, 9, 131-50.
  • Office International Epizooties (OIE) (2004): Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines terrestrial animals. Erişim: http://www.oie.int/eng/normes/mmanual/A_00131.htm Erişim tarihi: 22.02.2007
  • Oguzoglu TC, Floegel-Niesmann G, Frey H-R and Moennig V (2001): Differential diagnosis of classical swine fever and border disease: seroepidemiological investigation of a pestivirus infection on a mixed sheep and swine farm. Dtsch tierärztl Wschr 108, 210-213.
  • Oğuzoğlu TÇ, Tan MT, Demir AB, Bilge-Dağalp S, Karaoğlu MT, Alkan F, Burgu İ (2006): Koyun ve Keçilerde Yakın Akraba Pestivirus Enfeksiyonlarının (BDV, BVDV 1 ve BVDV 2) Serolojik ve Virolojik Olarak Araştırılması. TÜBİTAK-VHAG 2099.
  • Pioz M, Loison A, Gibert P, Dubrey D, Menaut P, Le Tallec B, Artois M, Gilot-Fromont E (2007): Transmission of a pestivirus infection in a population of Pyrenean chamois. Vet Microbiol, 119, 19-30.
  • Ridpath JF, Bolin SR (1997): Comparison of the complete genomic sequence of the border disease virus, BD31 to other pestiviruses. Virus Res, 50, 237–243.
  • Sawyer MM, Schore CE, Osburn BI (1991): Border disease of sheep--aspects for diagnostic and epidemiologic consideration. Arch Virol Suppl, 3, 97-100.
  • Sawyer MM, Osburn BI (1992): Long terms effects of persistent pestivirus infection on thyroid secretions in border disease sheep. 127-130.In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Pestiviruses. France.
  • Schaller P, Vogt HR, Strasser M, Nettleton PF, Peterhans E, Zanoni R (2000): Seroprevalence of maedi- visna and border disease in Switzerland. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 142, 145-153.
  • Schelp C, Greiser-Wilke I (2003): BVD diagnosis: an overview. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr, 116, 227- 233.
  • Stalder HP, Meier Ph, Pfaffen G, Wageck-Canal C, Rüfenacht J, Schaller P, Bachofen C, Marti S, Vogt HR, Peterhans E (2005): Genetic heterogeneity of pestiviruses of ruminants in Switzerland. Prev Vet Med, 72, 37-41.
  • Thabti F, Letellier C, Hammami S, Pepin M, Ribiere M, Mesplede A, Kerkhofs P, Russo P (2005): Detection of a novel border disease virus subgroup in Tunisian sheep. Arch Virol, 150, 215-229.
  • Terpstra C (1981): Border Disease. virus persistence, antibody response and transmission studies. Res Vet Sci, 30, 185-191.
  • Valdazo-Gonzales B, Alvarez-Martinez M, Greiser- Wilke I (2006): Genetic typing and prevalence of Border Disease Virus in small ruminants flocks in Spain. Vet Microbiol, 117, 141-153.
  • Valdazo-Gonzales B, Alvarez-Martinez M, Sandvik T (2006): Genetic and antigenic typing of border disease virus isolates in sheep from the Iberian Peninsula. Vet Journal, doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2006.10.002. 2006
  • Vilcek S, Nettleton PF, Paton DJ and Belak S (1997): Molecular characterization of ovine pestiviruses. J Gen Virol, 78, 725-735.
  • Vilcek S, Bjorklund HV, Horner GW, Meers J, Belak S (1998): Genetic typing of pestiviruses from New Zealand. N Z Vet J, 46, 35–37.
  • Willoughby K, Valdazo-Gonzales B, Maley M, Gilray J, Nettleton P (2006): Development of a real time RT-PCR to detect and type ovine pestiviruses. J Virol, 132, 187- 194. Geliş tarihi: 26.02.2007 / Kabul tarihi: 24.04.2007 Address for correspondance Araş.Gör.Dr. T.Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Viroloji Anabilim Dalı 06110 Dışkapı-Ankara Tel:+90.312.3170315 / 448 Faks:+90.312.3164472 e-mail: oguzoglu@veterinary.ankara.edu.tr erişim: www.cigdemoguzoglu.info

Sınır Hastalığı

Year 2008, Volume: 55 Issue: 1, 69 - 74, 01.06.2008


Bu makalede, küçükbaş hayvan sürülerinde büyük ekonomik kayıplara yol açan, abortlar ve kongenital anomalili yavru doğumu ile karakterize olan Sınır Hastalığı’nın (Border Disease, BD) etiyolojik özellikleri, etkenin bulaşma yolları, meydana getirdiği klinik-patolojik bulgular, patogenez mekanizması, teşhisi ve mücadele yolları hakkındaki güncel bilgiler sunulmuştur. İlk kez 1959 yılında İngiltere ile Wales arasındaki
sınır bölgelerinde bulunan koyunlarda tespit edilen Sınır
Hastalığı (Border Disease - BD) (16), koyun ve keçi
populasyonlarında özellikle reprodüktif sisteme yönelik
bulgularla karakterize, postnatal enfeksiyonda genellikle
subklinik seyreden bir virus enfeksiyonudur. Hastalık,
ingilizcede Hairy Shaker Disease veya Fuzzy Lambs
Syndrome gibi sinonim isimlerle de anılmaktadır.


  • Arnal M, Fernandez de Luco D, Riba L, Maley M, Gilray J, Willoughby K, Vilcek S, Nettleton P (2004): A novel pestivirus associated with deaths in Pyrenean chamois. J Gen Virol, 85, 3653-3657.
  • Ataseven VS, Ataseven L, Tan T, Babür C, Oguzoglu TC (2006): Seropositivity of agents causing abortion in local goat breeds in Eastern and South-eastern Anatolia,Turkey. Rev Med Vet, 157, 955-961.
  • Barlow RM (1983): Some interactions of virus and maternal/foetal immune mechanisms in Border disease of sheep. 255-268. In: Bhan PO, ter Meulen V, Clifford Rose F, eds. Immunology of Nervous System Infections. Amsterdam:Elsevier.
  • Becher P, Shannon AD, Tautz N, Thiel H-J (1994): Molecular characterization of Border disease virus, a pestivirus from sheep. Virology 198, 542–551.
  • Becher B, Avalos Ramires R, Orlich M, Cedillo Rosales S, König M, Schweizer M, Stalder H, Schirrmeier H, Tiel H-J (2003): Genetic and antigenic characterization of novel pestivirus genotypes: implications for classification. Virology, 311, 96-104.
  • Bernard G, Bourdin P (1971): Etat immunitaire actuel, naturel ou acquis du cheptel sénégalais vis-à-vis de la peste bovine, de la maladie des muqueuses, de la rhinotrachéite infectieuse et de la maladie respiratoire à virus parainfluenza 3. Rev Elev Med Vet Pays Trop, 24,183-189.
  • Burgu I, Oztürk F, Akca Y, Toker A, Frey H-R, Liess B (1987): Investigations on the occurence and impact of bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) virus infections in sheep in Turkey. Dtsch tierärztl Wschr, 94, 292-294.
  • Burgu İ, Akça Y, Alkan F, Özkul A, Karaoğlu T, Bilge- Dağalp S, Oğuzoğlu Ç, Yeşilbağ K (2001): Koyunlarda doğum öncesi ve sonrası dönemlerde Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) Virus enfeksiyonunun serolojik, virolojik ve patogenez yönünden araştırılması. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 25, 551-557.
  • Brun A, Lacoste F, Reynaud G, Kato F and Saint-Marc B (1993): Evaluation of the potency of an inactivated vaccine against border disease pestivirus infection in sheep. 257-259.In: Proceedings of the Second Syposium on Pestiviruses, Edwards S, ed. Fondation Marcel Merieux, Annecy, France.
  • De Mia GM, Greiser-Wilke I, Feliziani F, Giammarioli M, De Giuseppe A (2005): Genetic characterization of a caprine pestivirus as the first member of a putative novel pestivirus subgroup. J Vet Med B, 52, 206-210.
  • Depner K, Hubschle OJ and Liess B (1991): BVD-virus infection in goats: experimental studies on transplacental transmissibility of the virus and its effect on reproduction. Arch Virol Supp, 3, 253-256.
  • Evermann JF, Faris MA, Niemi SM ve ark. (1981): Pestivirus persistence and pathogenesis: comparative diagnostic aspects of Border disease virus of sheep and bovine viral diarrhea virus. 407-426. In: Proceedings of the 24th Meeting Am Assoc Vet Lab Diagnost, Cited from Löken T (2000): Border Disease in goat.
  • French EL, Hore DE, Snowdon WA, Parsonson IM, Uren J (1974): Infection of pregnant ewes with mucosal disease virus of ovine origin. Aust Vet J, 50, 45-54.
  • Heinz FX, Collet MS, Purcell RH, Gould EA, Howard CR, Houghton M, Moormann RJM, Rice CM, Thiel HJ (2000): Family Flaviviridae. 859-878.In: Virus Taxonomy, Seventh Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Van Regenmortel MHV et al, eds. San Diego: Academic Press.
  • Hewicker-Trautwein M (1994): Pestivirus-induzierte Alterationen im Zentralnervensystem von Wiederkäuern. Tierärztl Prax, 22, 516-23.
  • Hughes LE, Kershaw GF, Shaw IG (1959): B or Border Disease. an undescribed disease of sheep. Vet Rec, 71, 313-317.
  • Hurtado A, Garcia-Perez AL, Aduriz G and Juste RA (2003): Genetic diversity of ruminant pestiviruses from Spain. Virus Res, 92, 67-73.
  • Hurtado A, Aduriz G, Nieves G, Oporto B, Juste RA, Lavin S, Lopez-Olvera JR,and Ignasi M (2004): Molecular identification of a new pestivirus associated with increased mortality in the pyrenean chamois in Spain. J Wild D, 40, 796-800.
  • Löken T, Bjerkås I (1991): Experimental pestivirus infections in pregnant goats. J Comp Pathol, 105, 123-140.
  • Löken T, Krogsrud J and Bjerkås I (1991): Outbreaks of border disease in goats induced by a pestivirus- contaminated orf vaccine, with virus transmission to sheep and cattle. J Comp Pathol, 104, 195-209.
  • Löken T (2000): Border Disease in goats. Erişim: www.ivis.org Erişim tarihi: 22.02.2007
  • Manktelow BW, Porter WL, Lewis KHC (1969): Hairy shaker disease of lambs. N Z Vet J, 17, 245-248.
  • Meyers G, Thiel HJ (1996): Molecular characterization of pestiviruses. Adv Virus Res, 47, 53-118.
  • Meyling A (1990): Border Disease/BVD hos geder (BD/BVD in goats). 3-4.In State Veterinary Serum Laboratory and State Veterinary Institute for Virus Research. Kobenhavn.
  • Monies RJ, Paton DJ, Vilcek S (2004): Mucosal disease- like lesions in sheep infected with Border disease virus. Vet Rec 155, 765-769.
  • Nettleton PF (1990): Pestivirus infections in ruminants other than cattle. Rev Sci Tech Off Int Epiz, 9, 131-50.
  • Office International Epizooties (OIE) (2004): Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines terrestrial animals. Erişim: http://www.oie.int/eng/normes/mmanual/A_00131.htm Erişim tarihi: 22.02.2007
  • Oguzoglu TC, Floegel-Niesmann G, Frey H-R and Moennig V (2001): Differential diagnosis of classical swine fever and border disease: seroepidemiological investigation of a pestivirus infection on a mixed sheep and swine farm. Dtsch tierärztl Wschr 108, 210-213.
  • Oğuzoğlu TÇ, Tan MT, Demir AB, Bilge-Dağalp S, Karaoğlu MT, Alkan F, Burgu İ (2006): Koyun ve Keçilerde Yakın Akraba Pestivirus Enfeksiyonlarının (BDV, BVDV 1 ve BVDV 2) Serolojik ve Virolojik Olarak Araştırılması. TÜBİTAK-VHAG 2099.
  • Pioz M, Loison A, Gibert P, Dubrey D, Menaut P, Le Tallec B, Artois M, Gilot-Fromont E (2007): Transmission of a pestivirus infection in a population of Pyrenean chamois. Vet Microbiol, 119, 19-30.
  • Ridpath JF, Bolin SR (1997): Comparison of the complete genomic sequence of the border disease virus, BD31 to other pestiviruses. Virus Res, 50, 237–243.
  • Sawyer MM, Schore CE, Osburn BI (1991): Border disease of sheep--aspects for diagnostic and epidemiologic consideration. Arch Virol Suppl, 3, 97-100.
  • Sawyer MM, Osburn BI (1992): Long terms effects of persistent pestivirus infection on thyroid secretions in border disease sheep. 127-130.In: Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Pestiviruses. France.
  • Schaller P, Vogt HR, Strasser M, Nettleton PF, Peterhans E, Zanoni R (2000): Seroprevalence of maedi- visna and border disease in Switzerland. Schweiz Arch Tierheilkd, 142, 145-153.
  • Schelp C, Greiser-Wilke I (2003): BVD diagnosis: an overview. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr, 116, 227- 233.
  • Stalder HP, Meier Ph, Pfaffen G, Wageck-Canal C, Rüfenacht J, Schaller P, Bachofen C, Marti S, Vogt HR, Peterhans E (2005): Genetic heterogeneity of pestiviruses of ruminants in Switzerland. Prev Vet Med, 72, 37-41.
  • Thabti F, Letellier C, Hammami S, Pepin M, Ribiere M, Mesplede A, Kerkhofs P, Russo P (2005): Detection of a novel border disease virus subgroup in Tunisian sheep. Arch Virol, 150, 215-229.
  • Terpstra C (1981): Border Disease. virus persistence, antibody response and transmission studies. Res Vet Sci, 30, 185-191.
  • Valdazo-Gonzales B, Alvarez-Martinez M, Greiser- Wilke I (2006): Genetic typing and prevalence of Border Disease Virus in small ruminants flocks in Spain. Vet Microbiol, 117, 141-153.
  • Valdazo-Gonzales B, Alvarez-Martinez M, Sandvik T (2006): Genetic and antigenic typing of border disease virus isolates in sheep from the Iberian Peninsula. Vet Journal, doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2006.10.002. 2006
  • Vilcek S, Nettleton PF, Paton DJ and Belak S (1997): Molecular characterization of ovine pestiviruses. J Gen Virol, 78, 725-735.
  • Vilcek S, Bjorklund HV, Horner GW, Meers J, Belak S (1998): Genetic typing of pestiviruses from New Zealand. N Z Vet J, 46, 35–37.
  • Willoughby K, Valdazo-Gonzales B, Maley M, Gilray J, Nettleton P (2006): Development of a real time RT-PCR to detect and type ovine pestiviruses. J Virol, 132, 187- 194. Geliş tarihi: 26.02.2007 / Kabul tarihi: 24.04.2007 Address for correspondance Araş.Gör.Dr. T.Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Viroloji Anabilim Dalı 06110 Dışkapı-Ankara Tel:+90.312.3170315 / 448 Faks:+90.312.3164472 e-mail: oguzoglu@veterinary.ankara.edu.tr erişim: www.cigdemoguzoglu.info
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Article

Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu

Publication Date June 1, 2008
Published in Issue Year 2008Volume: 55 Issue: 1


APA Oğuzoğlu, Ç. (2008). Sınır Hastalığı. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 55(1), 69-74. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000293
AMA Oğuzoğlu Ç. Sınır Hastalığı. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. June 2008;55(1):69-74. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000000293
Chicago Oğuzoğlu, Çiğdem. “Sınır Hastalığı”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 55, no. 1 (June 2008): 69-74. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000293.
EndNote Oğuzoğlu Ç (June 1, 2008) Sınır Hastalığı. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 55 1 69–74.
IEEE Ç. Oğuzoğlu, “Sınır Hastalığı”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 69–74, 2008, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000000293.
ISNAD Oğuzoğlu, Çiğdem. “Sınır Hastalığı”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 55/1 (June 2008), 69-74. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000293.
JAMA Oğuzoğlu Ç. Sınır Hastalığı. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2008;55:69–74.
MLA Oğuzoğlu, Çiğdem. “Sınır Hastalığı”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 55, no. 1, 2008, pp. 69-74, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000000293.
Vancouver Oğuzoğlu Ç. Sınır Hastalığı. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2008;55(1):69-74.