Research Article
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The effects of the demographic characteristics of pet owners on their animal ownership and care behaviors

Year 2025, Accepted Papers, 1 - 7


In this study, the answers were obtained and evaluated from the
questionnaires that were applied to the owners of cats and dogs in at least one
province from each region, covering all geographical regions throughout
Türkiye. To do this, the original questions for this survey were prepared to
evaluate the information about the marital status, gender, age range,
education level, place of residence (province, district, town, etc.), economic
income level, animal species, and animal care/ownership knowledge level of
cat and dog owners. In the study, a face-to-face questionnaire was applied to
a total of 1000 participants in the cities of Hatay, Mersin, Elazığ, Erzurum, Kars,
Van, Afyonkarahisar, Aydın, Balıkesir, İzmir, Uşak, Gaziantep, Şanlıurfa,
Ankara, Kırıkkale, Konya, Çorum, Bursa, İstanbul, Tekirdağ. A total of 962
(96.2%) participants completed the survey in its entirety, while 38 participants
were excluded from the evaluation due to incomplete responses. According to
the evaluation results of the data obtained; it has been revealed that different
variables such as gender, income level, education level, and age of animal
owners are highly effective on variables such as the specie, care and ownership
knowledge level, and responsibility. As a result, the awareness level of
individuals who own cats and dogs throughout Türkiye was measured under
the leadership of different variables, and a very comprehensive study was put

Ethical Statement

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.

Supporting Institution

Afyon Kocatepe University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit

Project Number



The authors are thankful to the Afyon Kocatepe University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (Grant No: 17.KARİYER.152) for funding this research project.


  • 1. Acar DB (2020): Evaluation of dog spaying, animal welfare, and dog owner/caretaker knowledge in Afyonkarahisar Province. Med. Weter, 76, 98-102.
  • 2. Amiot CE, Gagne C, Bastian B (2022): Pet ownership and psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sci Rep, 12, 6091.
  • 3. Arluke A (2021): Coping with Pet Food Insecurity in Low-Income Communities. Anthrozoös, 34, 339-358.
  • 4. Brady S, Norris JM, Kelman M, et al (2012): Canine parvovirus in Australia: The role of socio-economic factors in disease clusters. Vet J, 193, 522-528.
  • 5. Cronbach LJ (1951): Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests. Psychometrika. 16, 297-334.
  • 6. Dilek S, Dilek NK, Fennell DA (2020): Travelling companions: A constraint analysis of pet owners in Turkey. TOLEHO, 2, 4-13.
  • 7. Endenburg N, van Lith HA (2011): The influence of animals on the development of children. Vet J, 190, 208-214.
  • 8. Fraser G, Huang Y, Robinson K, et al (2020): New Zealand Pet Owners’ Demographic Characteristics, Personality, and Health and Wellbeing: More Than Just a Fluff Piece. Anthrozoöz, 33, 561-578.
  • 9. Frasin I (2022): Of Cats and Women: A Cultural History of a Relationship.158-183.In: Frasin I, Bodi G, Bulei S, Vasilu DC (ed), Animal Life and Human Culture Anthrozoology Studies, Presa Universitara Clujeana, Romania.
  • 10. Friedmann E, Gee NR, Simonsick EM, et al (2020): Pet Ownership Patterns and Successful Aging Outcomes in Community Dwelling Older Adults. Front Vet Sci, 7, 230.
  • 11. Friedmann E, Katcher AH, Lynch JJ (1980): Animal Companions and One-Year Survival of Patients After Discharge From a Coronary Care Unit. Public Health Rep, 95, 307-312.
  • 12. Gan GZH, Hill AM, Yeung P, et al (2020): Pet ownership and its influence on mental health in older adults. Aging Ment Health, 24, 1605-1612.
  • 13. Kelman M, Barrs VR, Norris JM, et al (2020): Socioeconomic, geographic and climatic risk factors for canine parvovirus infection and euthanasia in Australia. Prev Vet Med, 174, 104816.
  • 14. Martins CM, Mohamed A, Guimares AMS, et al (2013): Impact of demographic characteristics in pet ownership: Modeling animal count according to owners income and age. Prev Vet Med, 109, 213-218.
  • 15. Michel KE, Willoughby KN, Abood SK, et al (2008): Attitudes of pet owners toward pet foods and feeding management of cats and dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 233, 1699-1703.
  • 16. Mubanga M, Byberg L, Nowak C, et al (2017): Dog ownership and the risk of cardiovascular disease and death - a nationwide cohort study. Sci Rep, 7, 15821.
  • 17. Mueller MK, King EK, Callina K, et al (2021): Demographic and contextual factors as moderators of the relationship between pet ownership and health. Health Psychol Behave Med, 9, 701-723.
  • 18. Murray JK, Browne WJ, Roberts MA, et al (2010): Number and ownership profiles of cats and dogs in the UK. Vet Rec, 166, 163-169.
  • 19. Nara PL, Nara D, Chaudhuri R, et al (2008): Perspectives on advancing preventative medicine through vaccinology at the comparative veterinary, human and conservation medicine interface: Not missing the opportunities. Vaccine, 26, 6200-6211.
  • 20. Parslow RA, Jorm AF (2003): Pet ownership and risk factors for cardiovascular disease: another look. Aust J Med Sci, 179, 466-468.
  • 21. Purewal R, Christley R, Kordas K, et al (2017): Companion Animals and Child/Adolescent Development: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 14, 234-259.
  • 22. Sarıal GSK, Bozkurt Z (2020): Animal welfare attitudes of pet owners: An investigation in central and western parts of turkey. Kocatepe Vet J, 13, 388-395.
  • 23. Saunders J, Parast L, Babey SH, et al (2017): Exploring the differences between pet and non-pet owners: Implications for human animal interaction research and policy. PLoS ONE, 12, e0179494.
  • 24. Schollen M (2014): Research report: The relationship between education and age on pet ownership in the Netherlands. Minor thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Holland.
  • 25. Scoresby KJ, Strand EB, Ng Z, et al (2021): Pet Ownership and Quality of Life: A Systematic Review of the Literature. J Vet Sci, 8, 332-355.
  • 26. Wells DL (2009): The effects of animals on human health and well-being. J Soc Issues, 65, 523-543.
Year 2025, Accepted Papers, 1 - 7


Project Number



  • 1. Acar DB (2020): Evaluation of dog spaying, animal welfare, and dog owner/caretaker knowledge in Afyonkarahisar Province. Med. Weter, 76, 98-102.
  • 2. Amiot CE, Gagne C, Bastian B (2022): Pet ownership and psychological well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sci Rep, 12, 6091.
  • 3. Arluke A (2021): Coping with Pet Food Insecurity in Low-Income Communities. Anthrozoös, 34, 339-358.
  • 4. Brady S, Norris JM, Kelman M, et al (2012): Canine parvovirus in Australia: The role of socio-economic factors in disease clusters. Vet J, 193, 522-528.
  • 5. Cronbach LJ (1951): Coefficient alpha and the internal structure of tests. Psychometrika. 16, 297-334.
  • 6. Dilek S, Dilek NK, Fennell DA (2020): Travelling companions: A constraint analysis of pet owners in Turkey. TOLEHO, 2, 4-13.
  • 7. Endenburg N, van Lith HA (2011): The influence of animals on the development of children. Vet J, 190, 208-214.
  • 8. Fraser G, Huang Y, Robinson K, et al (2020): New Zealand Pet Owners’ Demographic Characteristics, Personality, and Health and Wellbeing: More Than Just a Fluff Piece. Anthrozoöz, 33, 561-578.
  • 9. Frasin I (2022): Of Cats and Women: A Cultural History of a Relationship.158-183.In: Frasin I, Bodi G, Bulei S, Vasilu DC (ed), Animal Life and Human Culture Anthrozoology Studies, Presa Universitara Clujeana, Romania.
  • 10. Friedmann E, Gee NR, Simonsick EM, et al (2020): Pet Ownership Patterns and Successful Aging Outcomes in Community Dwelling Older Adults. Front Vet Sci, 7, 230.
  • 11. Friedmann E, Katcher AH, Lynch JJ (1980): Animal Companions and One-Year Survival of Patients After Discharge From a Coronary Care Unit. Public Health Rep, 95, 307-312.
  • 12. Gan GZH, Hill AM, Yeung P, et al (2020): Pet ownership and its influence on mental health in older adults. Aging Ment Health, 24, 1605-1612.
  • 13. Kelman M, Barrs VR, Norris JM, et al (2020): Socioeconomic, geographic and climatic risk factors for canine parvovirus infection and euthanasia in Australia. Prev Vet Med, 174, 104816.
  • 14. Martins CM, Mohamed A, Guimares AMS, et al (2013): Impact of demographic characteristics in pet ownership: Modeling animal count according to owners income and age. Prev Vet Med, 109, 213-218.
  • 15. Michel KE, Willoughby KN, Abood SK, et al (2008): Attitudes of pet owners toward pet foods and feeding management of cats and dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 233, 1699-1703.
  • 16. Mubanga M, Byberg L, Nowak C, et al (2017): Dog ownership and the risk of cardiovascular disease and death - a nationwide cohort study. Sci Rep, 7, 15821.
  • 17. Mueller MK, King EK, Callina K, et al (2021): Demographic and contextual factors as moderators of the relationship between pet ownership and health. Health Psychol Behave Med, 9, 701-723.
  • 18. Murray JK, Browne WJ, Roberts MA, et al (2010): Number and ownership profiles of cats and dogs in the UK. Vet Rec, 166, 163-169.
  • 19. Nara PL, Nara D, Chaudhuri R, et al (2008): Perspectives on advancing preventative medicine through vaccinology at the comparative veterinary, human and conservation medicine interface: Not missing the opportunities. Vaccine, 26, 6200-6211.
  • 20. Parslow RA, Jorm AF (2003): Pet ownership and risk factors for cardiovascular disease: another look. Aust J Med Sci, 179, 466-468.
  • 21. Purewal R, Christley R, Kordas K, et al (2017): Companion Animals and Child/Adolescent Development: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 14, 234-259.
  • 22. Sarıal GSK, Bozkurt Z (2020): Animal welfare attitudes of pet owners: An investigation in central and western parts of turkey. Kocatepe Vet J, 13, 388-395.
  • 23. Saunders J, Parast L, Babey SH, et al (2017): Exploring the differences between pet and non-pet owners: Implications for human animal interaction research and policy. PLoS ONE, 12, e0179494.
  • 24. Schollen M (2014): Research report: The relationship between education and age on pet ownership in the Netherlands. Minor thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, Holland.
  • 25. Scoresby KJ, Strand EB, Ng Z, et al (2021): Pet Ownership and Quality of Life: A Systematic Review of the Literature. J Vet Sci, 8, 332-355.
  • 26. Wells DL (2009): The effects of animals on human health and well-being. J Soc Issues, 65, 523-543.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Research Article

Ahmet Cihat Tunç 0000-0002-6296-6762

Durmuş Fatih Başer 0000-0003-4272-9011

Sercan Hüseyin Bayendur 0000-0003-4246-8181

Abuzer Acar 0000-0002-4235-2763

Project Number 17.KARİYER.152
Early Pub Date March 7, 2025
Publication Date
Submission Date September 12, 2024
Acceptance Date February 18, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025Accepted Papers


APA Tunç, A. C., Başer, D. F., Bayendur, S. H., Acar, A. (2025). The effects of the demographic characteristics of pet owners on their animal ownership and care behaviors. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi1-7.
AMA Tunç AC, Başer DF, Bayendur SH, Acar A. The effects of the demographic characteristics of pet owners on their animal ownership and care behaviors. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. Published online March 1, 2025:1-7. doi:10.33988/auvfd.1548976
Chicago Tunç, Ahmet Cihat, Durmuş Fatih Başer, Sercan Hüseyin Bayendur, and Abuzer Acar. “The Effects of the Demographic Characteristics of Pet Owners on Their Animal Ownership and Care Behaviors”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, March (March 2025), 1-7.
EndNote Tunç AC, Başer DF, Bayendur SH, Acar A (March 1, 2025) The effects of the demographic characteristics of pet owners on their animal ownership and care behaviors. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 1–7.
IEEE A. C. Tunç, D. F. Başer, S. H. Bayendur, and A. Acar, “The effects of the demographic characteristics of pet owners on their animal ownership and care behaviors”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, pp. 1–7, March 2025, doi: 10.33988/auvfd.1548976.
ISNAD Tunç, Ahmet Cihat et al. “The Effects of the Demographic Characteristics of Pet Owners on Their Animal Ownership and Care Behaviors”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi. March 2025. 1-7.
JAMA Tunç AC, Başer DF, Bayendur SH, Acar A. The effects of the demographic characteristics of pet owners on their animal ownership and care behaviors. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2025;:1–7.
MLA Tunç, Ahmet Cihat et al. “The Effects of the Demographic Characteristics of Pet Owners on Their Animal Ownership and Care Behaviors”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 2025, pp. 1-7, doi:10.33988/auvfd.1548976.
Vancouver Tunç AC, Başer DF, Bayendur SH, Acar A. The effects of the demographic characteristics of pet owners on their animal ownership and care behaviors. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2025:1-7.