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Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 69 Sayı: 1, 25 - 31, 01.01.2022


The aim of the study was to evaluate live weights, body measurements, and real-time ultrasound carcass traits of F1 and BC1 genotypes in a marker assisted introgression (MAI) process. Effects of some factors on live weight and body measurements including ultrasonographic assessments in Musculus longissimus dorsi (MLD) were investigated at the F1 (n=51) and BC1 (n=99) cross lambs born in 2015 – 2017 period. Variance analysis showed that genotype had significant (P < 0.001) effect on pre- and post-weaning growth characteristics. The birth type had significant (P < 0.05) effect on pre- and post-weaning growth traits. Live weights at twelve months of age were higher in heavier born lambs. The growth performance of F1 lambs was between Texel and Ramlıç. Myostatin heterozygous BC1 lambs had been potentially heavier than the non-carriers and pure Texel. MLD depth and area were also statistically higher (P < 0.05) in BC1 lambs carrying myostatin than non - carriers. As a result, the beginning phase of introgression processes implemented was found to be successful

Destekleyen Kurum

Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies

Proje Numarası



The study’s authors are thankful to Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policies for their funding and the staff of Afyonkarahisar Sheep Breeders Association for their assistance and collaboration.


  • Anonymous (2009): Türkiye Evcil Hayvan Genetik Kaynakları, TAGEM. Ankara.
  • Arshad A (1999): Comparing breeds of sheep in the feedlot or on pasture and in the feedlot. Iowa State University.
  • Blasco M, Campo MM, Balado J, et al (2019): Effect of Texel crossbreeding on productive traits, carcass and meat quality of Segureña lambs. J Sci Food Agric, 99, 3335–3342.
  • Boom R, Sol CJA, Salimans MMM, et al (1990): Rapid and simple method for purification of nucleic acids. J Clin Microbiol, 28, 495–503.
  • Bracken CJ, Radcliff RP, McCormack BL, et al (2006): Decreased follicular size during late lactation caused by treatment with charcoal-treated follicular fluid delays onset of estrus and ovulation after weaning in sows. J Anim Sci, 84, 2110–2117.
  • Bromley CM, Snowder GD, Van Vleck LD (2000): Genetic parameters among weight, prolificacy, and wool traits of Columbia, Polypay, Rambouillet, and Targhee sheep. J Anim Sci, 78, 846–858.
  • Ceyhan A, Sezenler T, Yıldırır M, et al (2010): Reproductive Performance and Lamb Growth Characteristics of Ramlıç Sheep. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16, 213–216.
  • Clop A, Marcq F, Takeda H, et al (2006): A mutation creating a potential illegitimate microRNA target site in the myostatin gene affects muscularity in sheep. Nat Genet, 38, 813–818.
  • de Fatima Sieklicki M, Breno Pedrosa V, Gomes Rocha C, et al (2016): Growth Curves of Texel Male Lambs. Acta Sci Vet, 44, 1–6.
  • de Vargas Junior FM, Martins CF, dos Santos Pinto G, et al (2014): The effect of sex and genotype on growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass traits of local sheep group Pantaneiro and Texel or Santa Inês crossbred finished on feedlot. Trop Anim Health Prod, 46, 869–875.
  • Demir H (1995): Ramlıç ve Dağlıç Koyunlarının Melezlenmesi ile Elde Edilen Çeşitli Genotiplerin Karşılaştırılması. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 21, 131–141.
  • Demir H (1989): Dağlıç ve Ramlıç Koyunlarının Önemli Verim Özellikleri Yönünden Karşılaştırılmaları I. Büyüme, Yaşama Gücü ve Canlı Ağırlık. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 15, 23–38.
  • Estevá J, Picard LA (1989): Eficiencia pre-destete en corderos de la raza Ideal y sus cruzas y retrocruzas con la raza Texel. Rev Argentina Prod Anim, 9, 457–462.
  • Farhadian M, Hashemi A, Mardani K, et al (2012): Polymorphisms in the ovine myostatin gene are associated with birth weight but not with weight gain in Iranian Makoei sheep. Genet Mol Res, 11, 3568–3575.
  • Fıçıcı A (2015): Ramlıç kuzularda sütten kesim öncesi büyüme özelliklerine etki eden çevresel faktörler ve düzeltme katsayılarının hesaplanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Grasset D, Bouix J, Bibé B, et al (2009): Le gène d’hypertrophie musculaire du « Texel Belge » : identification, impact, introgression The « Belgium Texel » gene of muscular hypertrophy: identification, impact, introgression. Renc Rech Ruminants, 16, 415–418.
  • Han J, Zhou H, Forrest RH, et al (2010): Effect of Miyostatin (MSTN) g+ 6223G> A on Production and Carcass Traits in New Zealand Romney Sheep. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 23, 863-866.
  • Hultz FS, Gorman JA, Wheeler SS (1935): Crossbreeding with Western ewes. University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin no:210.
  • Jackson SP, Miller MF, Green RD (1997): Phenotypic characterization of Rambouillet sheep expressing the callipyge gene: II. Carcass characteristics and retail yield. J Anim Sci, 75, 125–132.
  • Kalendar R, Lee D, Schulman AH (2009): FastPCR Software for PCR Primer and Probe Design and Repeat Search. Genes Genomes Genomics, 3, 1–14.
  • Kaymakçı M, Sönmez R, Kızılay E, et al (1999): Kasaplık kuzu üretimi için baba hatları oluşturulması üzerine araştırmalar (Birinci Aşama Projesi). Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 23, 255–261.
  • Khusro M, Brown DJ, Van Der Werf JHJ, et al (2005): Breed differences and crossbreeding effects for liveweight traits in Australian meat sheep breeds. Proc Assoc Advmt Anim Breed Genet, 16, 231–234.
  • Koritiaki NA, Luis De Azambuja Ribeiro E, Yurika Mizubuti I, et al (2013). Influence of environmental factors on ponderal performance and morphometric characteristics of lambs of different genetic groups from birth to weaning. Rev Bras Zootec, 42, 463–470.
  • Ma G, Wang Y, Li Y, et al (2015): MiR-206, a key modulator of skeletal muscle development and disease. Int J Biol Sci, 11, 345–352.
  • Makkar HPS, Viljoen GJ (2005): Applications of Gene-Based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries, Applications of Gene-Based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries. Springer, Netherlands.
  • Maxa J, Norberg E, Berg P, et al (2005): Genetic Parameters for Birth Weight, Growth and Litter Size for Danish Texel and Shropshire, in: Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, EAAP.
  • McEwan JC, Hanrahan JP, Fitzsimons JM, et al (1988): Growth and carcass traits of purebred Texel and Suffolk sheep. Proc New Zeal Soc Anim Prod, 48, 41–48.
  • McMillan WH, Clarke JN, Amyj NC (1988): Early growth and reproduction of exotic preliminary report Hopu Hopu Animal Quarantine Station Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hamilton. Proc New Zeal Soc of Animal Prod, 48, 49–51.
  • Minitab INC (2018): MINITAB 18 statistical software.
  • Omar SGJ, Glafiro TH (1992): Weight gains in lambs from Rambouillet ewes mated to Suffolk, Hampshire and Rambouillet sires in the Potosino Highland. Veterinaria Mexico, 23, 243-247.
  • Weller JI (2009): Quantitative trait loci analysis in animals. CABI Publishing. Cambridge, UK.
  • Wolf BT, Jones DA (2007): Inheritance of an in vivo leg conformation score in Texel lambs and its association with growth, ultrasonic measurements and muscularity. Livest Sci, 110, 133–140.
  • Wuliji T, Dodds KG, Andrews RN, et al (1995): Breeding for a sheep with bulky wool by crossbreeding Texel sires with fleece-weight-selected Romney ewes. New Zeal J Agric Res, 38, 399–406.
  • Yalçın BC (1982): Rambouillet x Dağlıç melezlemesiyle geliştirilmiş et-yapağı yönlü yeni bir koyun tipi: Ramlıç. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 8, 5–15.
  • Yalçın BC, Ayabakan Ş, Köseoğlu H, et al (1977): Dağlıç koyunlarının et ve yapağı verimi özelliklerinin geliştirilmesinde Rambouillet ırkından yararlanılma olanakları. TÜBİTAK, VHAG-51 G. Kesin Rapor, İstanbul.

Miyostatin Mutasyonunun Teksellerden Ramlıçlara Belirteç Yardımlı Aktarımı: F1 ve G1 Kuzularda Büyüme ve Gerçek Zamanlı Ultrasonografik Karkas Özellikleri

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 69 Sayı: 1, 25 - 31, 01.01.2022


Bu çalışma, miyostatin mutasyonunun belirteç yardımlı aktarım yöntemi ile Teksellerden Ramlıç koyunlarına geçirilmesi sırasında F1 ve G1 kuzularda büyüme ve ultrasonografik karkas özelliklerindeki değişimi belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. 2015 - 2017 sezonlarında doğan F1 (n = 51) ve G1 (n = 99) kuzularda canlı ağırlık, vücut ölçümleri ve belgözü kasının (Musculus longissimus dorsi) ultrasonografik değerlendirmeleri üzerine kimi faktörlerin etkileri araştırılmıştır. Varyans analizi sonuçları, genotipin sütten kesim öncesi ve sonrası büyüme özellikleri üzerinde önemli (P<0.001) bir etkiye sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Yine sütten kesim öncesi ve sonrası büyüme özellikleri üzerine doğum tipinin istatistiki olarak önemli (P<0.05) olduğu saptanmıştır. Doğum ağırlığı yüksek olan kuzuların 12. ay canlı ağırlığı da yüksek olmuştur. F1 kuzularda büyüme performansı Tekseller ile Ramlıçlar arasında bulunmuştur. Tek kopya miyostatin mutasyonu taşıyan G1 kuzular, taşıyıcı olmayanlardan ve saf Teksellerden ağır olmuştur. MLD derinliği ve alanı bakımından taşıyıcı G1 kuzular mutasyonu taşımayanlara göre önemli (P<0.05) düzeyde üstün bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak uygulanan introgresyon programının başlangıç aşamasının başarılı olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmanın görsel özeti adresinden izlenebilir.

Proje Numarası



  • Anonymous (2009): Türkiye Evcil Hayvan Genetik Kaynakları, TAGEM. Ankara.
  • Arshad A (1999): Comparing breeds of sheep in the feedlot or on pasture and in the feedlot. Iowa State University.
  • Blasco M, Campo MM, Balado J, et al (2019): Effect of Texel crossbreeding on productive traits, carcass and meat quality of Segureña lambs. J Sci Food Agric, 99, 3335–3342.
  • Boom R, Sol CJA, Salimans MMM, et al (1990): Rapid and simple method for purification of nucleic acids. J Clin Microbiol, 28, 495–503.
  • Bracken CJ, Radcliff RP, McCormack BL, et al (2006): Decreased follicular size during late lactation caused by treatment with charcoal-treated follicular fluid delays onset of estrus and ovulation after weaning in sows. J Anim Sci, 84, 2110–2117.
  • Bromley CM, Snowder GD, Van Vleck LD (2000): Genetic parameters among weight, prolificacy, and wool traits of Columbia, Polypay, Rambouillet, and Targhee sheep. J Anim Sci, 78, 846–858.
  • Ceyhan A, Sezenler T, Yıldırır M, et al (2010): Reproductive Performance and Lamb Growth Characteristics of Ramlıç Sheep. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 16, 213–216.
  • Clop A, Marcq F, Takeda H, et al (2006): A mutation creating a potential illegitimate microRNA target site in the myostatin gene affects muscularity in sheep. Nat Genet, 38, 813–818.
  • de Fatima Sieklicki M, Breno Pedrosa V, Gomes Rocha C, et al (2016): Growth Curves of Texel Male Lambs. Acta Sci Vet, 44, 1–6.
  • de Vargas Junior FM, Martins CF, dos Santos Pinto G, et al (2014): The effect of sex and genotype on growth performance, feed efficiency, and carcass traits of local sheep group Pantaneiro and Texel or Santa Inês crossbred finished on feedlot. Trop Anim Health Prod, 46, 869–875.
  • Demir H (1995): Ramlıç ve Dağlıç Koyunlarının Melezlenmesi ile Elde Edilen Çeşitli Genotiplerin Karşılaştırılması. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 21, 131–141.
  • Demir H (1989): Dağlıç ve Ramlıç Koyunlarının Önemli Verim Özellikleri Yönünden Karşılaştırılmaları I. Büyüme, Yaşama Gücü ve Canlı Ağırlık. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 15, 23–38.
  • Estevá J, Picard LA (1989): Eficiencia pre-destete en corderos de la raza Ideal y sus cruzas y retrocruzas con la raza Texel. Rev Argentina Prod Anim, 9, 457–462.
  • Farhadian M, Hashemi A, Mardani K, et al (2012): Polymorphisms in the ovine myostatin gene are associated with birth weight but not with weight gain in Iranian Makoei sheep. Genet Mol Res, 11, 3568–3575.
  • Fıçıcı A (2015): Ramlıç kuzularda sütten kesim öncesi büyüme özelliklerine etki eden çevresel faktörler ve düzeltme katsayılarının hesaplanması. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Afyonkarahisar.
  • Grasset D, Bouix J, Bibé B, et al (2009): Le gène d’hypertrophie musculaire du « Texel Belge » : identification, impact, introgression The « Belgium Texel » gene of muscular hypertrophy: identification, impact, introgression. Renc Rech Ruminants, 16, 415–418.
  • Han J, Zhou H, Forrest RH, et al (2010): Effect of Miyostatin (MSTN) g+ 6223G> A on Production and Carcass Traits in New Zealand Romney Sheep. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci, 23, 863-866.
  • Hultz FS, Gorman JA, Wheeler SS (1935): Crossbreeding with Western ewes. University of Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station, Bulletin no:210.
  • Jackson SP, Miller MF, Green RD (1997): Phenotypic characterization of Rambouillet sheep expressing the callipyge gene: II. Carcass characteristics and retail yield. J Anim Sci, 75, 125–132.
  • Kalendar R, Lee D, Schulman AH (2009): FastPCR Software for PCR Primer and Probe Design and Repeat Search. Genes Genomes Genomics, 3, 1–14.
  • Kaymakçı M, Sönmez R, Kızılay E, et al (1999): Kasaplık kuzu üretimi için baba hatları oluşturulması üzerine araştırmalar (Birinci Aşama Projesi). Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 23, 255–261.
  • Khusro M, Brown DJ, Van Der Werf JHJ, et al (2005): Breed differences and crossbreeding effects for liveweight traits in Australian meat sheep breeds. Proc Assoc Advmt Anim Breed Genet, 16, 231–234.
  • Koritiaki NA, Luis De Azambuja Ribeiro E, Yurika Mizubuti I, et al (2013). Influence of environmental factors on ponderal performance and morphometric characteristics of lambs of different genetic groups from birth to weaning. Rev Bras Zootec, 42, 463–470.
  • Ma G, Wang Y, Li Y, et al (2015): MiR-206, a key modulator of skeletal muscle development and disease. Int J Biol Sci, 11, 345–352.
  • Makkar HPS, Viljoen GJ (2005): Applications of Gene-Based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries, Applications of Gene-Based Technologies for Improving Animal Production and Health in Developing Countries. Springer, Netherlands.
  • Maxa J, Norberg E, Berg P, et al (2005): Genetic Parameters for Birth Weight, Growth and Litter Size for Danish Texel and Shropshire, in: Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, EAAP.
  • McEwan JC, Hanrahan JP, Fitzsimons JM, et al (1988): Growth and carcass traits of purebred Texel and Suffolk sheep. Proc New Zeal Soc Anim Prod, 48, 41–48.
  • McMillan WH, Clarke JN, Amyj NC (1988): Early growth and reproduction of exotic preliminary report Hopu Hopu Animal Quarantine Station Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Hamilton. Proc New Zeal Soc of Animal Prod, 48, 49–51.
  • Minitab INC (2018): MINITAB 18 statistical software.
  • Omar SGJ, Glafiro TH (1992): Weight gains in lambs from Rambouillet ewes mated to Suffolk, Hampshire and Rambouillet sires in the Potosino Highland. Veterinaria Mexico, 23, 243-247.
  • Weller JI (2009): Quantitative trait loci analysis in animals. CABI Publishing. Cambridge, UK.
  • Wolf BT, Jones DA (2007): Inheritance of an in vivo leg conformation score in Texel lambs and its association with growth, ultrasonic measurements and muscularity. Livest Sci, 110, 133–140.
  • Wuliji T, Dodds KG, Andrews RN, et al (1995): Breeding for a sheep with bulky wool by crossbreeding Texel sires with fleece-weight-selected Romney ewes. New Zeal J Agric Res, 38, 399–406.
  • Yalçın BC (1982): Rambouillet x Dağlıç melezlemesiyle geliştirilmiş et-yapağı yönlü yeni bir koyun tipi: Ramlıç. İstanbul Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 8, 5–15.
  • Yalçın BC, Ayabakan Ş, Köseoğlu H, et al (1977): Dağlıç koyunlarının et ve yapağı verimi özelliklerinin geliştirilmesinde Rambouillet ırkından yararlanılma olanakları. TÜBİTAK, VHAG-51 G. Kesin Rapor, İstanbul.
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Koray Çelikeloğlu 0000-0002-1610-2226

Mustafa Tekerli 0000-0002-8634-1193

Metin Erdoğan 0000-0003-0975-1989

Serdar Koçak 0000-0002-7832-887X

Ebubekir Yazıcı 0000-0002-1219-4370

Özlem Gücüyener Hacan 0000-0001-6340-1117

Zehra Bozkurt 0000-0001-8272-7817

Samet Çinkaya 0000-0003-0736-4571

Mustafa Demirtaş 0000-0002-8349-9649

Proje Numarası TAGEM/15/ARGE/23
Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022Cilt: 69 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Çelikeloğlu, K., Tekerli, M., Erdoğan, M., Koçak, S., vd. (2022). Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 69(1), 25-31.
AMA Çelikeloğlu K, Tekerli M, Erdoğan M, Koçak S, Yazıcı E, Gücüyener Hacan Ö, Bozkurt Z, Çinkaya S, Demirtaş M. Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. Ocak 2022;69(1):25-31. doi:10.33988/auvfd.795247
Chicago Çelikeloğlu, Koray, Mustafa Tekerli, Metin Erdoğan, Serdar Koçak, Ebubekir Yazıcı, Özlem Gücüyener Hacan, Zehra Bozkurt, Samet Çinkaya, ve Mustafa Demirtaş. “Marker-Assisted Introgression of Myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç Sheep: Growth and Real-Time Ultrasound Carcass Traits in F1 and BC1 Lambs”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 69, sy. 1 (Ocak 2022): 25-31.
EndNote Çelikeloğlu K, Tekerli M, Erdoğan M, Koçak S, Yazıcı E, Gücüyener Hacan Ö, Bozkurt Z, Çinkaya S, Demirtaş M (01 Ocak 2022) Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 69 1 25–31.
IEEE K. Çelikeloğlu, M. Tekerli, M. Erdoğan, S. Koçak, E. Yazıcı, Ö. Gücüyener Hacan, Z. Bozkurt, S. Çinkaya, ve M. Demirtaş, “Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, c. 69, sy. 1, ss. 25–31, 2022, doi: 10.33988/auvfd.795247.
ISNAD Çelikeloğlu, Koray vd. “Marker-Assisted Introgression of Myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç Sheep: Growth and Real-Time Ultrasound Carcass Traits in F1 and BC1 Lambs”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 69/1 (Ocak 2022), 25-31.
JAMA Çelikeloğlu K, Tekerli M, Erdoğan M, Koçak S, Yazıcı E, Gücüyener Hacan Ö, Bozkurt Z, Çinkaya S, Demirtaş M. Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2022;69:25–31.
MLA Çelikeloğlu, Koray vd. “Marker-Assisted Introgression of Myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç Sheep: Growth and Real-Time Ultrasound Carcass Traits in F1 and BC1 Lambs”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 69, sy. 1, 2022, ss. 25-31, doi:10.33988/auvfd.795247.
Vancouver Çelikeloğlu K, Tekerli M, Erdoğan M, Koçak S, Yazıcı E, Gücüyener Hacan Ö, Bozkurt Z, Çinkaya S, Demirtaş M. Marker-assisted introgression of myostatin from Texel to Ramlıç sheep: Growth and real-time ultrasound carcass traits in F1 and BC1 lambs. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2022;69(1):25-31.