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İnek ve Düvelerde Vücut Kondisyon Skoru Değişminin Postpartum Döneme ve Fertilite Parametrelerine Etkisi

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 146 - 158, 01.09.2016


Sunulan çalışmada, düve ve ineklerde doğum anında belirlenen vücut kondisyon skorunun (VKS) postpartum dönemdeki değişiminin puerperal döneme ait fizyolojik ve metabolik bulgular çerçevesinde fertilite parametrelerine etkisinin değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Doğum anı VKS değerleri belirlenen Holstein ırkı düve (n=20) ve ineklerin (n=20) postpartum 15, 25, 35, 45 ve 55. günlerdeki VKS değerleri, serum esterleşmemiş yağ asitleri (NEFA) ve β-hidroksibütirik asit (β-HBA) düzeyleri değerlendirildi. Anılan günlerde kornu uteri çapları, folikül sayıları, en büyük folikül çapı ve korpus luteum varlığı ultrasonografik olarak belirlendi. Postpartum 25. gün ve tohumlama zamanında uterus mikoorganizma yükü belirlendi. Tüm düve ve ineklerin bazı fertilite parametreleri değerlendirildi. İneklerde, doğum anı ile postpartum muayene günlerinde elde edilen ortalama VKS değerlerinin düvelere göre daha yüksek olduğu saptandı. Postpartum süreçte serum NEFA ve β-HBA düzeylerinin düvelerde ineklerden daha yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Düvelerde ineklere göre doğum tohumlama aralığı ve doğum-gebe kalma aralığı daha uzun, tohumlama indeksi ise daha yüksek olarak belirlendi. Sonuç olarak; postpartum süreçte düvelerde düşük VKS değerleri ile yüksek NEFA ve β-HBA düzeylerinin yansıttığı bu negatif metabolik tablonun ineklere göre düvelerde fertiliteyi daha olumsuz etkilediği ve bir sürüde beslenme yönetiminin kalitatif olarak VKS ile, kantitatif olarak da NEFA ve β-HBA ölçümüyle izlenebileceği kanısı oluştu.


  • Adrien ML, Mattiauda DA, Artegoitia V, Carriquiry M, Motta G, Bentancur O, Meikle A. Nutritional regulation of body condition score at the initation of the transition period in primiparous and multiparous dairy cows under grazing conditions: milk production, resumption of postpartum ovarian cyclicity and metabolic parameters. Animal 2011; 6:292-299.
  • Ali A. Some studies on the postpartum period in cattle. Master thesis, Faculty of Vet Med, Assiut University, Egypt, 1992.
  • Amer HA. Effect of body condition score and lactation number on selected reproductive parameters in lactating dairy cows. Global Veterinaria 2008; 2:130-137.
  • Beam SW, Butler WR. Energy balance and ovarian follicle development prior to first ovulation postpartum in dairy cows receiving three levels of dietary fat. Biol Reprod. 1997; 56:133-42.
  • Beam SW, Butler WR. Energy balance, metabolic hormones and early postpartum follicular development in dairy cows fed prilled lipid. J Dairy Sci. 1998; 81: 121-31.
  • Beam SW, Butler WR. Effects of energy balance on follicular development and first ovulation in postpartum dairy cows. J Reprod Fertil Suppl. 1999; 54:411-424.
  • Bossaert P, Leroy JL, de Vliegher S, Opsomer G. Interrelations between glucose-induced insulin response, metabolic indicators, and time of first ovulation in high-yielding dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2008; 91:3363-3371.
  • Busato A, Faissler D, Kupfer U, Blum JW. Body condition scores in dairy cows: Associations with metabolic and endocrine changes in healthy dairy cows. J Vet Med. 2002; 49:455-460.
  • Butler WR. Energy balance relationships with follicular development, ovulation and fertility in postpartum dairy cows. Livest Prod Sci. 2003; 83:211-8.
  • Byers DI. Practical on-farm suggestions for managing body condition, dry matter intake for optimum production, reproduction and health. Adv Dairy Tech. 1999; 11:153-169.
  • Canfield RW, Butler WR. Energy balance and pulsatile LH secretion in early postpartum dairy cattle. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 1990; 7:323-330.
  • Chapinal N, Veira DM, Weary DM, Von-Keyserlingk MAG. Technical note: Validation of a system for monitoring individual feeding and drinking behavior and intake in group-housed cattle. J Dairy Sci. 2007; 90:5732–5736.
  • Dole VP, Meinertz H. Microdetermination of long-chain fatty acids in plasma and tissues. J Biol Chem. 1960; 235:2595-2599.
  • Dechow CD, Rogers GW, Clay JS. Heritabilities and correlations among body condition score loss, body condition score, production and reproductive performance. J Dairy Sci. 2002; 85:3062-3070.
  • Dochi O, Kabeya S, Koyama H. Factors affecting reproductive performance in high milk producing Holstein cows. J Reprod Dev. 2010; 56:61-65.
  • Erat S, Kalender H, Çelik O. Siyah alaca ırkı ineklerde laktasyon sayısının ve üreme durumunun pik süt verimi ve bazı döl verim özelliklerine etkisi. Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg. 2013; 53:17-27.
  • Erdoğan G, Alaçam E. Aile tipi sütçü inek işletmelerinde kontrollü tohumlama ile fertilitenin yükseltilmesine ilişkin girişimler. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2003; 50:187-193.
  • Ferguson JD, Galligan DT, Thomsen T. Principal descriptors of body condition score in Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci. 1994; 77:2695-2703.
  • Ferguson JD. Implementation of a body condition scoring program in dairy herds. 1996. Erişim: []. Erişim tarihi: 28.11.2010.
  • Gallo L, Carnier P, Cassandro M, Mantovani R, Bailoni L, Contiero B, Bittante G. Change in body condition score of Holstein cows as affected by parity and mature equivalent milk yield. J Dairy Sci. 1996; 79:1009-1015.
  • Galon N, Zeron Y, Ezra E. Factors affecting fertility of dairy cows in İsrael. J Reprod Dev. 2010; 56:8-14.
  • Grant R, Keown J. Feeding dairy cattle for proper body condition score. Cooperative Extension; G92-1070-A, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1992.
  • Grimard B, Humblot P, Ponter AA, Mialot JP, Sauvant D, Thibier M. Influence of postpartum energy restriction on energy status, plasma LH and oestrodiol secretion and follicular development in suckled beef cows. J Reprod Fertil. 1995; 104:173-179.
  • Grubic G, Novakovic Z, Aleksic S, Sretenovic LJ, Pantelic V, Ostojic-Andric D. Evaluation of the body condition of high yielding cows. Biotech Anim Husbandry 2009; 25:81-91.
  • Gürses M, Bayraktar M. Türkiye’de farklı bölgelerde yetiştirilen Holstein sığırlarda bazı süt ve döl verimi özellikler. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2012; 18:273-280.
  • Hafez ESE. Physiology of reproduction. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals. Ed.: Hafez ESE, 5th edition, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1987.
  • Hajurka J, Macak V, Hura V. Influence of health status of reproductive organs on uterine involution in dairy cows. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 2005; 49:53-58.
  • Hayırlı A, Çolak A. İneklerin kuru ve geçiş dönemlerinde sevk-idare ve besleme stratejileri: postpartum süreçte metabolik profil, sağlık durumu ve fertiliteye etkisi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci. 2011; 2:1-35.
  • Hidaka H, Shigeta Y. Ketone bodies: measurement and its clinical significance. Nihon Rinsho. 1995; 53:603-605.
  • Hoedemaker H, Prange D, Gundelach Y. Body condition change ante- and postpartum, health and reproductive performance in German Holstein cows. Reprod Dom Anim. 2009; 44:167-173.
  • Inchaisri C, Chanpongsang S, Noordhuizen J, Hogeveen H. The association of ruminal pH and some metabolic parameters with conception rate at first artificial insemination in Thai dairy cows. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2013; 45:1183–1190.
  • Jackson RA, Wills JR, Kendall NR, Green MJ, Murray RD, Dobson H. Energy metabolites in pre-and postpartum dairy cattle as predictors of reproductive disorders. Vet Rec. 2011; 168(21):562-567.
  • Jilek F, Pytloun P, Kubesova M, Stipkova M, Bouska J, Volek J, Frelich J, Rajmon R. Relationships among body condition score, milk yield and reproduction in Chech Fleckvieh cows. Czech J Anim Sci. 2008; 53:357-367.
  • Jolly PD, McDougall S, Fitzpatrick LA, Macmillan KL, Entwistle K. Physiological effects of undernutrition on postpartum anestrous in cows. J Reprod Fertil. 1995; 49:477-492.
  • Jones C, Heinrichs J. Manual for body condition scoring excel spreadsheet series. DAS 03-60. The Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, 2003.
  • Kadivar A, Ahmadi MR, Vatankhah M. Associations of prepartum body condition score with occurrence of clinical endometritis and resumption of postpartum ovarian activity in dairy cattle. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2013; 46(1):121-126.
  • Kahn W. Ultrasonography in the cow, In: Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography, Ed; Kahn W, Schlutersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and Co, Hannover. 2004; pp. 83-184.
  • Kamimura S, Tsutomu O, Masanobu T, Tatsushi T. Postpartum resumption of ovarian activity and uterine involution monitored by ultrasonography in Holstein cows. J Vet Med Sci. 1993; 55:643-647.
  • Kara N, Bounechada M, Chaib BC. Effect of body condition score and parity on resumption of postpartum ovarian activity in Montberliard dairy cows in Algerian Semi–Arid Area. J Anim Sci Adv. 2013; 3:48-57.
  • Karami-Shabankareh H, Kafılzadeh F, Piri V, Mohammadi H. Effects of feeding dry glycerol to primiparous Holstein dairy cows on follicular development, reproductive performance and metabolic parameters related to fertility during the early post-partum period. Reprod Dom Anim. 2013; 48(6):945-953.
  • Kim IH, Suh GH. Effect of the amount of body condition loss from the dry to near calving periods on the subsequent body condition change, occurrence of postpartum diseases, metabolic parameters and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows. Theriogenology 2003; 60:1445-1456.
  • LeBlanc SJ. Postpartum uterine disease and dairy herd reproductive performance: a review. Vet J. 2008; 176:102-114.
  • LeBlanc SJ. Monitoring metabolic health of dairy cattle in the transition period. J Reprod Dev. 2010; 56: 29-35.
  • Lee JY, Kim IH. Advancing parity is associated with high milk production at the cost of body condition and increased periparturient disorders in dairy herds. J Vet Sci. 2006; 7:161-166.
  • Lents CA, White FJ, Ciccioli NH, Wettemann RP, Spicer LJ, Lalman DL. Effects of body condition score at parturition and postpartum protein supplementation on estrous behavior and size of the dominant follicle in beef cows. J Anim Sci. 2008; 86:2549-2556.
  • Lopez-Gatius F, Yaniz J, Madrileshelm D. Effects of body condition score and change on the reproductive performance of dairy cows: A meta-analysis. Theriogenology 2003; 59:801-812.
  • Lucy MC, Staples CR, Michel FM, Thatcher WW. Energy balance and size and number of ovarian follicles detected by ultrasnography in early postpartum dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 1991; 74:473-482.
  • Meikle A, Kulcsar M, Chilliard Y, Febel H, Delavaud C, Cavestany D. Effects of parity and body condition at parturition on endocrine and reproductive parameters of the cow. Reproduction 2004; 127:727-737.
  • Nebel RL, McGilliard ML. Interactions high milk yield and reproductive performance in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 1993; 76:3257-3268.
  • Noakes DE, Till D, Smith GR. Bovine uterine flora postpartum: a comparision of swabbing and biopsy. Vet Rec. 1989; 124:563-564.
  • Novakovic Z, Sretenovic LJ, Aleksic S, Petrovic MM, Pantelic V, Ostojic-Andric D, Niksic D. Body condition of cows in production cycle. Biotech. Anim. Husbandry 2010; 26:309-318.
  • Park AF, Shirley JE, Titgemeye EC, Cochran RC, DeFrain JM, Wıckersham EE, Johnson DE. Cahrecterization of plasma metabolites in Holstein dairy cows during the periparturient period. Int. J Dairy Sci. 2010; 5:253-263.
  • Parker R. Using body condition scoring in dairy herd management. 1994, Htm; Erişim Tarihi: 23.08.2010.
  • Rizos D, Kenny DA, Griffin W, Quinn KM, Duffy P, Mulligan FJ, Roche JF, Boland MP, Lonergan P. The effect of feeding propylene glycol to dairy cows during the early postpartum period on follicular dynamics and on metabolic parameters related to fertility. Theriogenology 2008; 69:688-699.
  • Roche JF. The effect of nutritional management of the dairy cow on reproductive efficiency. Anim Reprod Sci. 2006; 96:282-296.
  • Roche JR, Friggens NC, Kay JK, Fisher MW, Stafford KJ, Berry DP. (2009). Invited review: body condition score and its association with dairy cow productivity, health, and welfare. J Dairy Sci. 2009; 92:5769–5801.
  • Roche JR, Kay JK, Friggens NC, Loor JJ, Berry DP. Assessing and managing body condition score for the prevention of metabolic disease in dairy cows. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. 2013; 29:323-336.
  • Roche JR, Berry DP, Lee JM, Macdonald KA, Boston RC. Describing the body condition score change between successive calvings: a novel strategy generalizable to diverse cohorts. J Dairy Sci. 2007a; 90:4378-4396.
  • Roche JR, Macdonald KA, Burke CR, Lee JM, Berry DP. Associations among body condition score, body weight and reproductive performance in seasonal calving dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci. 2007b; 90:376-391.
  • Sakaguchi M. Differences between body condition scores and body weight changes in postpartum dairy cows in relation to parity and reproductive indices. Can Vet J. 2009; 50:649-653.
  • Sakaguchi M. Practical aspects of the fertility of dairy cattle. J Reprod Dev. 2011; 57:17-33.
  • Serbester U, Çınar M, Hayırlı A. Sütçü ineklerde negatif enerji dengesi ve metabolik indikatörleri. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2012; 18:705-711.
  • Sheldon IM. The postpartum uterus. Vet Clin North Am Food Anim Pract. 2004; 20:569-591.
  • Tanaka T, Arai M, Ohtani S, Uemura S, Kuroiwa T, Kim S, Kamomae H. Influence of parity on follicular dynamics and resumption of ovarian cycle in postpartum dairy cows. Anim Reprod Sci. 2008; 108:134-143.
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  • Vanholder T, Leroy JL, Dewulf J, Duchateau L, Coryn M, de Kruif A, Opsomer G. Hormonal and metabolic profiles of high-yielding dairy cows prior to ovarian cyst formation or first ovulation post partum. Reprod Dom Anim. 2005; 40:460–467.
  • Varışlı Ö, Tekin N. Holştayn ırkı ineklerde vücut kondisyon skorunun fertilite ve bazı reprodüktif parametrelere etkisi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2011; 58:111-115.
  • Wathes DC, Cheng Z, Bourne N, Taylor VJ, Coffey MP, Brotherstone S. Differences between primiparous and multiparous dairy cows in the inter-relationships between metabolic traits, milk yield and body condition score in the periparturient period. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 2007a; 33:203-225.
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Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers

Yıl 2016, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3, 146 - 158, 01.09.2016


The current study was aimed to evaluate the effects of changes in body condition score (BCS) at calving during postpartum period on fertility parameters considering puerperal physiology and metabolic traits in heifers and cows. In Holstein heifers (n=20) and cows (n=20) determined the BCS at calving; BCS, non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and ß hydroxybutyric acid (β-HBA) levels in days of postpartum 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 of were evaluated. Diameters of uterine horn, follicle numbers, diameters of the largest follicle and the presence of corpus luteum were ultrasonographically defined in mentioned days. Uterine microbiological load in days of insemiantion and postpartum 25 were evaluated. Some fertility parameters of heifer and cows were defined. The average value of BCS was detected higher in cows than heifers at calving and postpartum examination days. Serum NEFA and β-HBA levels during postpartum were higher in heifers compared to cows. Calving to insemination interval and calving to conception interval were detected longer in heifers than cows as well as insemination index were obtained higher in heifers. In conclusion; lower BCS, higher NEFA and BHBA levels reflecting the negative metabolic status during postpartum had the negative effect on fertility in heifers compared to cows. However, It was considered that nutritional management in herds can be monitored qualitatively with BCS or quantitatively with NEFA and BHBA.


  • Adrien ML, Mattiauda DA, Artegoitia V, Carriquiry M, Motta G, Bentancur O, Meikle A. Nutritional regulation of body condition score at the initation of the transition period in primiparous and multiparous dairy cows under grazing conditions: milk production, resumption of postpartum ovarian cyclicity and metabolic parameters. Animal 2011; 6:292-299.
  • Ali A. Some studies on the postpartum period in cattle. Master thesis, Faculty of Vet Med, Assiut University, Egypt, 1992.
  • Amer HA. Effect of body condition score and lactation number on selected reproductive parameters in lactating dairy cows. Global Veterinaria 2008; 2:130-137.
  • Beam SW, Butler WR. Energy balance and ovarian follicle development prior to first ovulation postpartum in dairy cows receiving three levels of dietary fat. Biol Reprod. 1997; 56:133-42.
  • Beam SW, Butler WR. Energy balance, metabolic hormones and early postpartum follicular development in dairy cows fed prilled lipid. J Dairy Sci. 1998; 81: 121-31.
  • Beam SW, Butler WR. Effects of energy balance on follicular development and first ovulation in postpartum dairy cows. J Reprod Fertil Suppl. 1999; 54:411-424.
  • Bossaert P, Leroy JL, de Vliegher S, Opsomer G. Interrelations between glucose-induced insulin response, metabolic indicators, and time of first ovulation in high-yielding dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2008; 91:3363-3371.
  • Busato A, Faissler D, Kupfer U, Blum JW. Body condition scores in dairy cows: Associations with metabolic and endocrine changes in healthy dairy cows. J Vet Med. 2002; 49:455-460.
  • Butler WR. Energy balance relationships with follicular development, ovulation and fertility in postpartum dairy cows. Livest Prod Sci. 2003; 83:211-8.
  • Byers DI. Practical on-farm suggestions for managing body condition, dry matter intake for optimum production, reproduction and health. Adv Dairy Tech. 1999; 11:153-169.
  • Canfield RW, Butler WR. Energy balance and pulsatile LH secretion in early postpartum dairy cattle. Domest Anim Endocrinol. 1990; 7:323-330.
  • Chapinal N, Veira DM, Weary DM, Von-Keyserlingk MAG. Technical note: Validation of a system for monitoring individual feeding and drinking behavior and intake in group-housed cattle. J Dairy Sci. 2007; 90:5732–5736.
  • Dole VP, Meinertz H. Microdetermination of long-chain fatty acids in plasma and tissues. J Biol Chem. 1960; 235:2595-2599.
  • Dechow CD, Rogers GW, Clay JS. Heritabilities and correlations among body condition score loss, body condition score, production and reproductive performance. J Dairy Sci. 2002; 85:3062-3070.
  • Dochi O, Kabeya S, Koyama H. Factors affecting reproductive performance in high milk producing Holstein cows. J Reprod Dev. 2010; 56:61-65.
  • Erat S, Kalender H, Çelik O. Siyah alaca ırkı ineklerde laktasyon sayısının ve üreme durumunun pik süt verimi ve bazı döl verim özelliklerine etkisi. Lalahan Hay Araşt Enst Derg. 2013; 53:17-27.
  • Erdoğan G, Alaçam E. Aile tipi sütçü inek işletmelerinde kontrollü tohumlama ile fertilitenin yükseltilmesine ilişkin girişimler. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2003; 50:187-193.
  • Ferguson JD, Galligan DT, Thomsen T. Principal descriptors of body condition score in Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci. 1994; 77:2695-2703.
  • Ferguson JD. Implementation of a body condition scoring program in dairy herds. 1996. Erişim: []. Erişim tarihi: 28.11.2010.
  • Gallo L, Carnier P, Cassandro M, Mantovani R, Bailoni L, Contiero B, Bittante G. Change in body condition score of Holstein cows as affected by parity and mature equivalent milk yield. J Dairy Sci. 1996; 79:1009-1015.
  • Galon N, Zeron Y, Ezra E. Factors affecting fertility of dairy cows in İsrael. J Reprod Dev. 2010; 56:8-14.
  • Grant R, Keown J. Feeding dairy cattle for proper body condition score. Cooperative Extension; G92-1070-A, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 1992.
  • Grimard B, Humblot P, Ponter AA, Mialot JP, Sauvant D, Thibier M. Influence of postpartum energy restriction on energy status, plasma LH and oestrodiol secretion and follicular development in suckled beef cows. J Reprod Fertil. 1995; 104:173-179.
  • Grubic G, Novakovic Z, Aleksic S, Sretenovic LJ, Pantelic V, Ostojic-Andric D. Evaluation of the body condition of high yielding cows. Biotech Anim Husbandry 2009; 25:81-91.
  • Gürses M, Bayraktar M. Türkiye’de farklı bölgelerde yetiştirilen Holstein sığırlarda bazı süt ve döl verimi özellikler. Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2012; 18:273-280.
  • Hafez ESE. Physiology of reproduction. In: Reproduction in Farm Animals. Ed.: Hafez ESE, 5th edition, Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, 1987.
  • Hajurka J, Macak V, Hura V. Influence of health status of reproductive organs on uterine involution in dairy cows. Bull Vet Inst Pulawy 2005; 49:53-58.
  • Hayırlı A, Çolak A. İneklerin kuru ve geçiş dönemlerinde sevk-idare ve besleme stratejileri: postpartum süreçte metabolik profil, sağlık durumu ve fertiliteye etkisi. Türkiye Klinikleri J Vet Sci. 2011; 2:1-35.
  • Hidaka H, Shigeta Y. Ketone bodies: measurement and its clinical significance. Nihon Rinsho. 1995; 53:603-605.
  • Hoedemaker H, Prange D, Gundelach Y. Body condition change ante- and postpartum, health and reproductive performance in German Holstein cows. Reprod Dom Anim. 2009; 44:167-173.
  • Inchaisri C, Chanpongsang S, Noordhuizen J, Hogeveen H. The association of ruminal pH and some metabolic parameters with conception rate at first artificial insemination in Thai dairy cows. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2013; 45:1183–1190.
  • Jackson RA, Wills JR, Kendall NR, Green MJ, Murray RD, Dobson H. Energy metabolites in pre-and postpartum dairy cattle as predictors of reproductive disorders. Vet Rec. 2011; 168(21):562-567.
  • Jilek F, Pytloun P, Kubesova M, Stipkova M, Bouska J, Volek J, Frelich J, Rajmon R. Relationships among body condition score, milk yield and reproduction in Chech Fleckvieh cows. Czech J Anim Sci. 2008; 53:357-367.
  • Jolly PD, McDougall S, Fitzpatrick LA, Macmillan KL, Entwistle K. Physiological effects of undernutrition on postpartum anestrous in cows. J Reprod Fertil. 1995; 49:477-492.
  • Jones C, Heinrichs J. Manual for body condition scoring excel spreadsheet series. DAS 03-60. The Pennsylvania State Univ., University Park, 2003.
  • Kadivar A, Ahmadi MR, Vatankhah M. Associations of prepartum body condition score with occurrence of clinical endometritis and resumption of postpartum ovarian activity in dairy cattle. Trop Anim Health Prod. 2013; 46(1):121-126.
  • Kahn W. Ultrasonography in the cow, In: Veterinary Reproductive Ultrasonography, Ed; Kahn W, Schlutersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and Co, Hannover. 2004; pp. 83-184.
  • Kamimura S, Tsutomu O, Masanobu T, Tatsushi T. Postpartum resumption of ovarian activity and uterine involution monitored by ultrasonography in Holstein cows. J Vet Med Sci. 1993; 55:643-647.
  • Kara N, Bounechada M, Chaib BC. Effect of body condition score and parity on resumption of postpartum ovarian activity in Montberliard dairy cows in Algerian Semi–Arid Area. J Anim Sci Adv. 2013; 3:48-57.
  • Karami-Shabankareh H, Kafılzadeh F, Piri V, Mohammadi H. Effects of feeding dry glycerol to primiparous Holstein dairy cows on follicular development, reproductive performance and metabolic parameters related to fertility during the early post-partum period. Reprod Dom Anim. 2013; 48(6):945-953.
  • Kim IH, Suh GH. Effect of the amount of body condition loss from the dry to near calving periods on the subsequent body condition change, occurrence of postpartum diseases, metabolic parameters and reproductive performance in Holstein dairy cows. Theriogenology 2003; 60:1445-1456.
  • LeBlanc SJ. Postpartum uterine disease and dairy herd reproductive performance: a review. Vet J. 2008; 176:102-114.
  • LeBlanc SJ. Monitoring metabolic health of dairy cattle in the transition period. J Reprod Dev. 2010; 56: 29-35.
  • Lee JY, Kim IH. Advancing parity is associated with high milk production at the cost of body condition and increased periparturient disorders in dairy herds. J Vet Sci. 2006; 7:161-166.
  • Lents CA, White FJ, Ciccioli NH, Wettemann RP, Spicer LJ, Lalman DL. Effects of body condition score at parturition and postpartum protein supplementation on estrous behavior and size of the dominant follicle in beef cows. J Anim Sci. 2008; 86:2549-2556.
  • Lopez-Gatius F, Yaniz J, Madrileshelm D. Effects of body condition score and change on the reproductive performance of dairy cows: A meta-analysis. Theriogenology 2003; 59:801-812.
  • Lucy MC, Staples CR, Michel FM, Thatcher WW. Energy balance and size and number of ovarian follicles detected by ultrasnography in early postpartum dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 1991; 74:473-482.
  • Meikle A, Kulcsar M, Chilliard Y, Febel H, Delavaud C, Cavestany D. Effects of parity and body condition at parturition on endocrine and reproductive parameters of the cow. Reproduction 2004; 127:727-737.
  • Nebel RL, McGilliard ML. Interactions high milk yield and reproductive performance in dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 1993; 76:3257-3268.
  • Noakes DE, Till D, Smith GR. Bovine uterine flora postpartum: a comparision of swabbing and biopsy. Vet Rec. 1989; 124:563-564.
  • Novakovic Z, Sretenovic LJ, Aleksic S, Petrovic MM, Pantelic V, Ostojic-Andric D, Niksic D. Body condition of cows in production cycle. Biotech. Anim. Husbandry 2010; 26:309-318.
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Toplam 75 adet kaynakça vardır.



Hatice Esra Çolakoğlu

Şükrü Küplülü Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Eylül 2016
Kabul Tarihi 5 Nisan 2016
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2016 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Çolakoğlu, H. E., & Küplülü, Ş. (2016). Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, 9(3), 146-158.
AMA Çolakoğlu HE, Küplülü Ş. Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers. kvj. Eylül 2016;9(3):146-158.
Chicago Çolakoğlu, Hatice Esra, ve Şükrü Küplülü. “Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 9, sy. 3 (Eylül 2016): 146-58.
EndNote Çolakoğlu HE, Küplülü Ş (01 Eylül 2016) Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 9 3 146–158.
IEEE H. E. Çolakoğlu ve Ş. Küplülü, “Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers”, kvj, c. 9, sy. 3, ss. 146–158, 2016.
ISNAD Çolakoğlu, Hatice Esra - Küplülü, Şükrü. “Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal 9/3 (Eylül 2016), 146-158.
JAMA Çolakoğlu HE, Küplülü Ş. Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers. kvj. 2016;9:146–158.
MLA Çolakoğlu, Hatice Esra ve Şükrü Küplülü. “Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers”. Kocatepe Veterinary Journal, c. 9, sy. 3, 2016, ss. 146-58.
Vancouver Çolakoğlu HE, Küplülü Ş. Effect of Body Condition Score Changes on Postpartum Period and Fertility Parameters in Cows and Heifers. kvj. 2016;9(3):146-58.

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