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Radiographic Assessment of Epiphyseal Plate Closure Time of Metacarpus and Phalanges in Goat Kids

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 87 - 92, 20.09.2018


In this study, we aimed to assess epiphyseal plate closure time of
metacarpus, first and second phalanges, growing amount in the related bones and
effect of gender on epiphyseal plate closure time. The study was carried out on
30 yeanlings, 15 males and 15 females. Each month DP radiographs were taken
until the epiphyseal plate closures in related bones were completed (24
months). Bone radiographs were measured on negatoscope and values were
recorded. At 12
th month, average lengths of first phalanges were measured
as 36.05 ± 1.57 mm in females and 36.40 ± 1.67 mm in males; the average length
of second phalanges was measured as 24.01 ± 1.83 mm and 24.16 ± 1.32 mm. The
average metacarpus lengths were measured as 104.00 ± 3.56 mm in females at the
rd month and 104.85 ± 2.75 mm in males at the 24th
month. Epiphyseal plates were open during first 5 months in both males and
females; between 5
th and 6th months they began to close.
Complete closure of the distal epiphyseal plates in females was completed
between 20
th and 23rd months, and between 21st
and 24
th months in males. In both genders, the proximal epiphyseal
plates of the 1
st and 2nd phalanges began to close
between 5
th and 6th months, and the complete closure
occurred between 10
th and 12th months. As a result, some
determinations were obtained: metacarpal growth occurred distally;
nevertheless, growth of 1
st and 2nd phalanges occurred
from proximally; gender has no effect on the bones; the distal epiphyseal
plates of metacarpus were closed between 20
th and 23rd
months in the females and 21-24
th months in males; the proximal
epiphyseal plates of the first and second phalanges were closed between the 10
and 12
th months in both genders.


  • Al-Sharoot H, Abid TA, Al-Baghdady E (2013). Anatomical study of the digits of forelimbs in goat. QJVMS, 12, 28-35. Allerstorfer D, Longato S, Schwarzer C, ve ark. (2010). VEGF and its role in the early development of the long bone epiphysis. J Anat, 216, 611-624. Aslanbey D (2002). Veteriner Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, Medipres Yayıncılık, Malatya. Boskey AL (2002). Connective tissues of the musculoskeletal system. In: Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. Slatter D (Ed), 3rd ed, 1781-1782. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. Brighton CT (1978). Structure and function of the growth plate. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 22-32. Campbell J (1968). Radiology of the epiphysis. Vet Radiol Ultrasound, 9, 11-20. Carlson CS, Weisbrode SE (2017). Bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. In: Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. Zachary J F (Ed), 954-1008, Elsevier Health Sciences. Carrig CB (1983). Growth abnormalities of the canine radius and ulna. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 13, 91-115. Gençcelep M, Karasu A, Alpdoan O (2012). The determination of radius-ulna closure time of growth plates in mohair goat kids by radiography. Small Rumin Res, 103, 182-186. Herron A (1993). Review of bone structure, function, metabolism, and growth. In: Disease Mechanisms in Small Animal Surgery. Bojrab M J (Ed), 2 ed, 644-648, Lea Febiger Philadelphia. Jungueira LC, Corneiro J, Kelley RO (1992). Temel Histoloji. Barış Kitabevi, İstanbul. Lesbre M (1897). Contribution à l'étude de l'ossification du squelette des mammifères domestiques, principalement au point de vue de sa marche et de sa chronologie. Bulletin de la Société d'anthropologie de Lyon, 16, 239-333. Lewinson D, Harel Z, Shenzer P, ve ark. (1989). Effect of thyroid hormone and growth hormone on recovery from hypothyroidism of epiphyseal growth plate cartilage and its adjacent bone. Endocrinology, 124, 937-945. Mackay R, Woodard J, Donovan G (1992). Focal premature physeal closure (hyena disease) in calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 201, 902-905. Moran NC, O'connor TP (1994). Age attribution in domestic sheep by skeletal and dental maturation: A pilot study of available sources. Int J Osteoarchaeol, 4, 267-285. Noddle B (1974). Ages of epiphyseal closure in feral and domestic goats and ages of dental eruption. J Archaeol Sci, 1, 195-204. Paker Ş (1993). Histoloji, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa. Ross MH, Gordon IK, Pawlina W (2003) Histology a Text and Atlas. 4th ed, 180-213, Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams-Wilkins. Saga F, Chaudry Z, Iqbal M (1990). Fusion of epiphysis of the limb bones of teddy goats. Pak J Vet Res, 3, 5-11. Siddiqui M, Khan M, Moonmoon S, ve ark. (2008). Macro-anatomy of the bones of the forelimb of black bengal goat (capra hircus). Bangl J Vet Med, 6, 59-66. Silver I (1963). The ageing of domestic animals. In: Science in Archaeology: A Comprehensive Survey of Progress and Research. Brothwell D ve Higgs E (Eds), 250-268, Basic Books New York. Smith R (1956). Fusion of the epiphyses of the limb bones of the sheep. The Vet Rec, 68, 257-259. Summerlee AJS (2002). Bone formation and development. In: Bone in Clinical Orthopedics. Sumner- Smith G (Ed), 2nd ed, 1-20, Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme. Von Pfeil DJ, Decamp CE (2009). The epiphyseal plate: Physiology, anatomy and trauma. Compend Contin Educ Vet, 31, E1-11. Zeder MA (2002). Reconciling rates of long bone fusion and tooth eruption and wear in sheep (ovis) and goat (capra). In: Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones. Ruscillo D (Ed), 87-118, Oxbow Books, Durham.

Oğlaklarda Metakarpus ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi ile Belirlenmesi

Yıl 2018, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2, 87 - 92, 20.09.2018


çalışmada; tiftik keçisi oğlaklarında metakarpus ile 1 ve 2. falanksların
epifiz plaklarının kapanma sürelerinin radyografiyle tespiti, aylara göre
ilgili kemiklerdeki uzamalar ve cinsiyetin kapanma üzerine etkisinin
belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışma 15 erkek 15 dişi olmak üzere toplam 30 oğlakta
gerçekleştirildi. Oğlakların ilgili kemiklerindeki epifiz plaklarının kapanması
tamamlanıncaya kadar (24 ay), her ay D/P pozisyonda radyografileri çekildi.
Radyografileri alınan kemiklerin uzunlukları negatoskop üzerinde ölçülerek
kaydedildi. Radyogramlar üzerinden yapılan kemik uzunluğu ölçümlerinde; 12.
ayda 1. falanks dişilerde ortalama 36.05 ± 1.57 mm, erkeklerde ortalama 36.40
±1.67 mm, 2. falanks dişilerde ortalama 24.01 ± 1.83 mm erkeklerde ortalama
24.16 ± 1.32 mm olarak belirlendi. Metakarpus uzunluğu, dişilerde 23. ayda
ortalama 104.00 ± 3.56 mm, erkeklerde 24. ayda ortalama 104.85 ± 2.75 mm olarak
saptandı. Dişi ve erkek oğlaklarda ilk 5 ay boyunca metakarpusun distal epifiz
plakları açıkken 6 - 8. aylar arasında kapanmaya başladılar. Dişilerde distal
epifiz plaklarının tamamen kapanması 20 - 23. aylar arasında tamamlanırken,
erkeklerde ise 21 - 24. aylar arasında gerçekleşti. Her iki cinsiyette de 1 ve
2. falanksın proksimal epifiz plakları 5 - 6. aylar arasında kapanmaya
başlarken,  tamamen kapanmaları ise 10 -
12. aylar arasında gerçekleşti.  Sonuç
olarak, tiftik keçilerinde metakarpusun distalden, 1 ve 2. falanksların ise
proksimalden uzunlamasına büyüdüğü, cinsiyetler arasında her üç kemik uzunluğu
için de önemli bir fark olmadığı, metakarpusun distal epifiz plağı dişilerde 20
- 23., erkeklerde ise 21 - 24. aylar, 1 ve 2. falanksın proksimal epifiz
plaklarının ise  her iki cinsiyette de 10
- 12. aylar arasında  kapandığı saptandı.


  • Al-Sharoot H, Abid TA, Al-Baghdady E (2013). Anatomical study of the digits of forelimbs in goat. QJVMS, 12, 28-35. Allerstorfer D, Longato S, Schwarzer C, ve ark. (2010). VEGF and its role in the early development of the long bone epiphysis. J Anat, 216, 611-624. Aslanbey D (2002). Veteriner Ortopedi ve Travmatoloji, Medipres Yayıncılık, Malatya. Boskey AL (2002). Connective tissues of the musculoskeletal system. In: Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. Slatter D (Ed), 3rd ed, 1781-1782. Philadelphia: WB Saunders. Brighton CT (1978). Structure and function of the growth plate. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 22-32. Campbell J (1968). Radiology of the epiphysis. Vet Radiol Ultrasound, 9, 11-20. Carlson CS, Weisbrode SE (2017). Bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. In: Pathologic Basis of Veterinary Disease. Zachary J F (Ed), 954-1008, Elsevier Health Sciences. Carrig CB (1983). Growth abnormalities of the canine radius and ulna. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract, 13, 91-115. Gençcelep M, Karasu A, Alpdoan O (2012). The determination of radius-ulna closure time of growth plates in mohair goat kids by radiography. Small Rumin Res, 103, 182-186. Herron A (1993). Review of bone structure, function, metabolism, and growth. In: Disease Mechanisms in Small Animal Surgery. Bojrab M J (Ed), 2 ed, 644-648, Lea Febiger Philadelphia. Jungueira LC, Corneiro J, Kelley RO (1992). Temel Histoloji. Barış Kitabevi, İstanbul. Lesbre M (1897). Contribution à l'étude de l'ossification du squelette des mammifères domestiques, principalement au point de vue de sa marche et de sa chronologie. Bulletin de la Société d'anthropologie de Lyon, 16, 239-333. Lewinson D, Harel Z, Shenzer P, ve ark. (1989). Effect of thyroid hormone and growth hormone on recovery from hypothyroidism of epiphyseal growth plate cartilage and its adjacent bone. Endocrinology, 124, 937-945. Mackay R, Woodard J, Donovan G (1992). Focal premature physeal closure (hyena disease) in calves. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 201, 902-905. Moran NC, O'connor TP (1994). Age attribution in domestic sheep by skeletal and dental maturation: A pilot study of available sources. Int J Osteoarchaeol, 4, 267-285. Noddle B (1974). Ages of epiphyseal closure in feral and domestic goats and ages of dental eruption. J Archaeol Sci, 1, 195-204. Paker Ş (1993). Histoloji, Uludağ Üniversitesi, Bursa. Ross MH, Gordon IK, Pawlina W (2003) Histology a Text and Atlas. 4th ed, 180-213, Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams-Wilkins. Saga F, Chaudry Z, Iqbal M (1990). Fusion of epiphysis of the limb bones of teddy goats. Pak J Vet Res, 3, 5-11. Siddiqui M, Khan M, Moonmoon S, ve ark. (2008). Macro-anatomy of the bones of the forelimb of black bengal goat (capra hircus). Bangl J Vet Med, 6, 59-66. Silver I (1963). The ageing of domestic animals. In: Science in Archaeology: A Comprehensive Survey of Progress and Research. Brothwell D ve Higgs E (Eds), 250-268, Basic Books New York. Smith R (1956). Fusion of the epiphyses of the limb bones of the sheep. The Vet Rec, 68, 257-259. Summerlee AJS (2002). Bone formation and development. In: Bone in Clinical Orthopedics. Sumner- Smith G (Ed), 2nd ed, 1-20, Stuttgart, Germany: Thieme. Von Pfeil DJ, Decamp CE (2009). The epiphyseal plate: Physiology, anatomy and trauma. Compend Contin Educ Vet, 31, E1-11. Zeder MA (2002). Reconciling rates of long bone fusion and tooth eruption and wear in sheep (ovis) and goat (capra). In: Recent Advances in Ageing and Sexing Animal Bones. Ruscillo D (Ed), 87-118, Oxbow Books, Durham.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Abdullah Karasu

Musa Gençcelep

Caner Kayıkcı

Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Eylül 2018
Gönderilme Tarihi 2 Mart 2018
Kabul Tarihi 27 Mart 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2018 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Karasu, A., Gençcelep, M., & Kayıkcı, C. (2018). Oğlaklarda Metakarpus ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi ile Belirlenmesi. Van Veterinary Journal, 29(2), 87-92.
AMA Karasu A, Gençcelep M, Kayıkcı C. Oğlaklarda Metakarpus ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi ile Belirlenmesi. Van Vet J. Eylül 2018;29(2):87-92.
Chicago Karasu, Abdullah, Musa Gençcelep, ve Caner Kayıkcı. “Oğlaklarda Metakarpus Ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi Ile Belirlenmesi”. Van Veterinary Journal 29, sy. 2 (Eylül 2018): 87-92.
EndNote Karasu A, Gençcelep M, Kayıkcı C (01 Eylül 2018) Oğlaklarda Metakarpus ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi ile Belirlenmesi. Van Veterinary Journal 29 2 87–92.
IEEE A. Karasu, M. Gençcelep, ve C. Kayıkcı, “Oğlaklarda Metakarpus ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi ile Belirlenmesi”, Van Vet J, c. 29, sy. 2, ss. 87–92, 2018.
ISNAD Karasu, Abdullah vd. “Oğlaklarda Metakarpus Ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi Ile Belirlenmesi”. Van Veterinary Journal 29/2 (Eylül 2018), 87-92.
JAMA Karasu A, Gençcelep M, Kayıkcı C. Oğlaklarda Metakarpus ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi ile Belirlenmesi. Van Vet J. 2018;29:87–92.
MLA Karasu, Abdullah vd. “Oğlaklarda Metakarpus Ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi Ile Belirlenmesi”. Van Veterinary Journal, c. 29, sy. 2, 2018, ss. 87-92.
Vancouver Karasu A, Gençcelep M, Kayıkcı C. Oğlaklarda Metakarpus ve Falanksların Epifiz Plaklarının Kapanma Sürelerinin Radyografi ile Belirlenmesi. Van Vet J. 2018;29(2):87-92.


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