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Tuj kuzularında mera sezonu başlangıcı ve sezon sonu canlı ağırlıklarının faktör analizi skorları iletahmin edilmesi

Year 2018, , 261 - 266, 01.09.2018


Bu araştırma Tuj kuzularında vücut ölçüleri arasındaki çoklu bağlantıyı elimine etmek ve bazı vücut ölçülerinin hesaplanmasıyla belirlenen faktör analizi skorlarını, çoklu regresyon modelinde kullanarak, mera sezonu başı ve sezon sonu canlı ağırlıklarını tahmin etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Bu amaçla, araştırmanın materyalini 2009-2013 yılları arasında doğan 297 Tuj ırkı kuzu oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada kuzuların mera başı ve mera sonu döneminde alınan canlı ağırlıkları ile vücut uzunluğu, cidago yüksekliği, göğüs çevresi, göğüs derinliği, ön incik çevresi ve arka incik çevresi ölçülerinden yararlanılmıştır. Özellikler arasındaki tahmini denklemi belirlemek için faktör analizi skorlarından yararlanılmıştır. Mera sezonu başı döneminde ölçülen ön incik çevresi ve arka incik çevresi arasında çoklu bağlantının olduğu belirlenmiştir. Çoklu regresyon modelinde faktör analizi ile belirlenen faktör skorlarının kullanılması ile bağımsız değişkenler arasındaki çoklu bağlantı probleminin giderildiği tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak Tuj kuzularında mera sezonu başı ve mera sezonu sonundaki canlı ağırlıklarını belirlemek için vücut ölçülerine uygulanan faktör analizi sonuçlarında iki faktör tespit edilmiştir. Sezon başı ve sonundaki bu faktörler, toplam varyansın sırasıyla %84.8'ini ve %78.9'unu belirlemiştir. Böylelikle Tuj kuzularının mera sezonu başı ve sezon sonu dönemindeki canlı ağırlıklarının tahmininde faktör analizi skorlarının uygulanmasının modeldeki yanılgıyı daha doğru olarak ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ayrıca bağımsız değişkenlerden üretilen faktör analizi skorlarının uygulanması sonucunda modeldeki yanılgıyı en küçük kareler yöntemine göre azalttığı kanaatine varılmıştır


  • Adeyinka IA, Mohammed ID (2006): Accuracy of body weight prediction in Nigerian Red Sokoto goats raised in north eastern Nigeria using linear body measurement. Pak J Biol Sci, 9, 2828-2830.
  • Akcapinar H (2000): Sheep Breeding.( in Turkish), 2nd Edition. Ismat Publishing, ISBN: 975-96978-1-5. Ankara.
  • Cankaya S, Altop A, Kul E, et al. (2009): Body weight estimation Karayaka lambs by using factor analysis scores. Anadolu J Agric Sci, 24, 98-102.
  • Cankaya S, Kayaalp GT (2007): Estimation of relationship between live weights and some body measurements in German Farm x Hair crossbred by canonical correlation analysis. J of Anim Prod, 48, 27-32.
  • Cankaya S, Kayaalp GT, Sangun. L, et al. (2006): A comparative study of estimation methods for parameters in multiple linear regression model. J Appl Anim Res, 29, 43- 47.
  • Chitra R, Rajendran S, Prasanna D, et al. (2012): Prediction of body weight using appropriate regression model in adult female Malabari goat. Veterinary World, 5, 409-411.
  • Eyduran E, Karakus K, Karakus S, et al. (2009): Usage of factor scores for determining relationships among body weight and some body measurements. Bulg J Agric Sci, 15, 373-377.
  • Gul S, Gorgulu O, Keskin M, et al. (2005): Some production equations of live weight from different body measurements in Shami (Damascus) goats. J Anim Vet Adv, 4, 532-534.
  • Gurcan IS, Akcapinar H (2002): Investigation of the live weight, body measurements and fiber diameter of the Deutsches Merinofleischschaf and Karacabey Merino sheep using cluster analysis.Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 26 1255- 1261.
  • Jahan M, Tariq MM, Kakar MA, et al. (2013): Predicting body weight from body and testicular characteristics of Balochi male sheep in Pakistan using different statistical analyses. J Anim Plant Sci, 23, 14-19.
  • Karagoz Y, Kosterelioglu D (2008): Developing evaluation scale of communication skills with factor analysis Dumlupinar Univ J Soc Sci, 21, 81-98.
  • Keskin S, Daskiran I, Kor A (2007): Factor analysis scores in a multiple linear regression model for the prediction of carcass weight in Akkeci kids. J Appl Anim Res, 31, 201-204.
  • Khan MA, Tariq MM, Eyduran E, et al. (2014): Estimating body weight from several body measurements in Harnai sheep without multicollinearity problem. J Anim Plant Sci, 24, 120-126.
  • Kılıc I, Ozbeyaz C (2011): Classification of Karayaka and Bafra (Chios x Karayaka B1) sheep according to body measurements by different clustering methods. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 58, 203-208.
  • Kılıc I, Ozbeyaz C, Unal N, et al. (2013): The usage of discriminant analysis in separation of Karayaka and Bafra (Chios x Karayaka B1) sheep breeds. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 19, 215-220.
  • Kul S, Seker I (2000): The relationship between body weight and live body bone measurements and carcass measurements and characteristics in male Awassi lambs. YYU Vet Fak Derg, 11, 70-75.
  • Mahieu M, Naves M, Arquet R (2011): Predicting the body mass of goats from body measurements. Livestock Research http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd23/9/mahi23192.htm. (20 January 2017). Rural Development, of body weight from testicular and
  • Tinsley HEA, Brown SD (2000): Handbook of Applied Multivariate Statistics and Mathematical Modeling. Academic Press, New York.
  • Topal M, Macit M (2004): Prediction of body weight from body measurements in Morkaraman sheep. J Appl Anim Res, 25, 97-100.
  • Ulusan HOK, Aksoy AR (1996) The performances of yield of Tushin and Morkaraman ewes at the farm of Veterinary Faculty University of Kafkas, Kars 2. Growth and body measurements. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 2, 139-146.
  • Yilmaz I, Eyduran E, Kaygisiz A, et al. (2011): Estimates of genetic parameters for lactation shape parameters with multivariate statistical technique in Brown Swiss cattle. Int J Agric Biol, 13, 174-178. Geliş tarihi: 05.04.2017 / Kabul tarihi: 12.07.2017 Address for correspondence: Dr. Kadir ÖNK Kafkas University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Science TR - 36300, Kars, Turkey. Tel: +90 474 2426807/5089 e-mail: kadironk@hotmail.com

Estimation of live weights at the beginning and the end of grazing season in Tuj lambs via scores of factor analysis

Year 2018, , 261 - 266, 01.09.2018


This study was conducted in order to eliminate multicollinearity between body measurements of Tuj lambs and to estimate their live weights in the beginning and the end of grazing season (GS) using factor analysis scores, which were determined by calculating some body measurements, in multiple regression model. For this purpose, the material of the study consisted of 297 Tuj lambs born between 2009 and 2013. Live weights (LW) of lambs in the beginning and at the end of GS and body length (BL), withers height (WH), chest girth (CG), chest depth (CD), circumferences of cannon forelimb (CCF) and circumferences cannon hindlimb (CCH) measurements were analyzed in the study. Factor analysis were used to determine the estimated equation between the characteristics. It was determined that there was a multicollinearity between, CCF and CCH measured at the beginning of GS. Problem of multicollinearity between independent variables was eliminated by using factor scores (FS) determined by factor analysis in multiple regression models. Consequently, two factors were detected from results of factor analysis applied to body measurements to determine live weights of Tuj lambs in the beginning and at the end of GS. These factors for LW in the beginning and at the end of GS were found to explain 84.8% and 78.9% of total variance, respectively. Thereby, it was revealed that more accurate estimations could be made by using factor analysis scores in estimating live weights of Tuj lambs at the beginning and the end of GS. In addition, it was concluded that applying factor analysis scores derived from independent variables decreased mistake in the model according to least squares method


  • Adeyinka IA, Mohammed ID (2006): Accuracy of body weight prediction in Nigerian Red Sokoto goats raised in north eastern Nigeria using linear body measurement. Pak J Biol Sci, 9, 2828-2830.
  • Akcapinar H (2000): Sheep Breeding.( in Turkish), 2nd Edition. Ismat Publishing, ISBN: 975-96978-1-5. Ankara.
  • Cankaya S, Altop A, Kul E, et al. (2009): Body weight estimation Karayaka lambs by using factor analysis scores. Anadolu J Agric Sci, 24, 98-102.
  • Cankaya S, Kayaalp GT (2007): Estimation of relationship between live weights and some body measurements in German Farm x Hair crossbred by canonical correlation analysis. J of Anim Prod, 48, 27-32.
  • Cankaya S, Kayaalp GT, Sangun. L, et al. (2006): A comparative study of estimation methods for parameters in multiple linear regression model. J Appl Anim Res, 29, 43- 47.
  • Chitra R, Rajendran S, Prasanna D, et al. (2012): Prediction of body weight using appropriate regression model in adult female Malabari goat. Veterinary World, 5, 409-411.
  • Eyduran E, Karakus K, Karakus S, et al. (2009): Usage of factor scores for determining relationships among body weight and some body measurements. Bulg J Agric Sci, 15, 373-377.
  • Gul S, Gorgulu O, Keskin M, et al. (2005): Some production equations of live weight from different body measurements in Shami (Damascus) goats. J Anim Vet Adv, 4, 532-534.
  • Gurcan IS, Akcapinar H (2002): Investigation of the live weight, body measurements and fiber diameter of the Deutsches Merinofleischschaf and Karacabey Merino sheep using cluster analysis.Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 26 1255- 1261.
  • Jahan M, Tariq MM, Kakar MA, et al. (2013): Predicting body weight from body and testicular characteristics of Balochi male sheep in Pakistan using different statistical analyses. J Anim Plant Sci, 23, 14-19.
  • Karagoz Y, Kosterelioglu D (2008): Developing evaluation scale of communication skills with factor analysis Dumlupinar Univ J Soc Sci, 21, 81-98.
  • Keskin S, Daskiran I, Kor A (2007): Factor analysis scores in a multiple linear regression model for the prediction of carcass weight in Akkeci kids. J Appl Anim Res, 31, 201-204.
  • Khan MA, Tariq MM, Eyduran E, et al. (2014): Estimating body weight from several body measurements in Harnai sheep without multicollinearity problem. J Anim Plant Sci, 24, 120-126.
  • Kılıc I, Ozbeyaz C (2011): Classification of Karayaka and Bafra (Chios x Karayaka B1) sheep according to body measurements by different clustering methods. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, 58, 203-208.
  • Kılıc I, Ozbeyaz C, Unal N, et al. (2013): The usage of discriminant analysis in separation of Karayaka and Bafra (Chios x Karayaka B1) sheep breeds. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 19, 215-220.
  • Kul S, Seker I (2000): The relationship between body weight and live body bone measurements and carcass measurements and characteristics in male Awassi lambs. YYU Vet Fak Derg, 11, 70-75.
  • Mahieu M, Naves M, Arquet R (2011): Predicting the body mass of goats from body measurements. Livestock Research http://www.lrrd.org/lrrd23/9/mahi23192.htm. (20 January 2017). Rural Development, of body weight from testicular and
  • Tinsley HEA, Brown SD (2000): Handbook of Applied Multivariate Statistics and Mathematical Modeling. Academic Press, New York.
  • Topal M, Macit M (2004): Prediction of body weight from body measurements in Morkaraman sheep. J Appl Anim Res, 25, 97-100.
  • Ulusan HOK, Aksoy AR (1996) The performances of yield of Tushin and Morkaraman ewes at the farm of Veterinary Faculty University of Kafkas, Kars 2. Growth and body measurements. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg, 2, 139-146.
  • Yilmaz I, Eyduran E, Kaygisiz A, et al. (2011): Estimates of genetic parameters for lactation shape parameters with multivariate statistical technique in Brown Swiss cattle. Int J Agric Biol, 13, 174-178. Geliş tarihi: 05.04.2017 / Kabul tarihi: 12.07.2017 Address for correspondence: Dr. Kadir ÖNK Kafkas University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Animal Science TR - 36300, Kars, Turkey. Tel: +90 474 2426807/5089 e-mail: kadironk@hotmail.com
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA64FC49ST
Journal Section Research Article

Kadir Önk

Mehmet Sarı

İsmayil Safa Gürcan

Publication Date September 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Önk, K., Sarı, M., & Gürcan, İ. S. (2018). Estimation of live weights at the beginning and the end of grazing season in Tuj lambs via scores of factor analysis. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 65(3), 261-266. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002855
AMA Önk K, Sarı M, Gürcan İS. Estimation of live weights at the beginning and the end of grazing season in Tuj lambs via scores of factor analysis. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2018;65(3):261-266. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002855
Chicago Önk, Kadir, Mehmet Sarı, and İsmayil Safa Gürcan. “Estimation of Live Weights at the Beginning and the End of Grazing Season in Tuj Lambs via Scores of Factor Analysis”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 65, no. 3 (September 2018): 261-66. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002855.
EndNote Önk K, Sarı M, Gürcan İS (September 1, 2018) Estimation of live weights at the beginning and the end of grazing season in Tuj lambs via scores of factor analysis. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 65 3 261–266.
IEEE K. Önk, M. Sarı, and İ. S. Gürcan, “Estimation of live weights at the beginning and the end of grazing season in Tuj lambs via scores of factor analysis”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 65, no. 3, pp. 261–266, 2018, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002855.
ISNAD Önk, Kadir et al. “Estimation of Live Weights at the Beginning and the End of Grazing Season in Tuj Lambs via Scores of Factor Analysis”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 65/3 (September 2018), 261-266. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002855.
JAMA Önk K, Sarı M, Gürcan İS. Estimation of live weights at the beginning and the end of grazing season in Tuj lambs via scores of factor analysis. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;65:261–266.
MLA Önk, Kadir et al. “Estimation of Live Weights at the Beginning and the End of Grazing Season in Tuj Lambs via Scores of Factor Analysis”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 65, no. 3, 2018, pp. 261-6, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002855.
Vancouver Önk K, Sarı M, Gürcan İS. Estimation of live weights at the beginning and the end of grazing season in Tuj lambs via scores of factor analysis. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2018;65(3):261-6.