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Identification of meat species in different types of meat products by PCR

Year 2017, , 261 - 266, 01.12.2017


Species identification in food of animal origin is an important subject for food control. Adulteration in foods is relevant for economical, religous, legislation or public health concerning reasons. The aim of this study was to determine the adulteration in different meat products such as sucuk (n=37), sausage (n=33) and salami (n=32). A total of 102 different meat products obtained from various markets in Ankara were analyzed for species identification by PCR. According to the analyzes, five (13.5%) poultry, and one (2.7%) poultry and equine meats together were found in the sucuk samples that are not declared in their labels. Also, seven (21.8%) and two (6.1%) poultry meat were detected in 32 salami and 33 sausage samples, respectively. These results indicate that 15 (14.7%) of the total samples were found to contain undeclared species. As a result, there were meat products which were not in compliance with their labels in various markets, presenting a potential public health risk and economical losses of consumers


  • Anonymous (2014): Livestock Production in Turkey. Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • Anonymous. Turkish Food Codex. Communique on Meat and Meat Products. 2012/74.
  • Ayaz Y, Ayaz ND, Erol I (2006): Detection of species in meat immunosorbent assay. J Muscle Foods, 17, 214-220.
  • Ballin NZ (2010): Authentication of meat and meat products. Meat Sci, 86, 577-587.
  • Camm C, Di Domenico M, Monaco F (2012): Development and validation of fast Real-Time PCR assays for species identification in raw and cooked meat mixtures. Food Control, 23, 400-404.
  • Cawthorn D, Steinman HA, Hoffman LC (2013): A high incidence of species substitution and mislabelling detected in meat products sold in South Africa. Food Control, 32, 440-449.
  • Colombo F, Marchisio E, Pizzini A, et al. (2002): Identification of the goose species (Anseranser) in Italian “Mortara” salami by DNA sequencing and a polymerase chain reaction with an original primer pair. Meat Sci, 61, 291-294.
  • Dalmasso A, Fontanella E, Piatti P, et al. (2004): A multiplex PCR assay for the identification of animal species in feedstuffs. Mol Cell Probes, 18, 81-87.
  • Dooley JJ, Paine KE, Garrett SD, et al. (2004): Detection of meat species using TaqMan real-time PCR assays. Meat Sci, 68, 431-438.
  • Ghovvati S, Nassiri MR, Mirhoseini SZ, et al. (2009): Fraud identification in industrial meat products by multiplex PCR assay. Food Control, 20, 696-699.
  • Günşen U, Aydın A, Ovalı BB, et al. (2006): Çiğ et ve ısıl işlem görmüş et ürünlerinde ELISA tekniği ile farklı et türlerinin tespiti. J Vet Med Istanbul Univ, 32, 45-52.
  • Hsieh YP, Johnson MA, Wetzstein CJ, et al. (1996): Detection of species adulteration in pork products using agar-gel immunosorbent assay. J Food Quality, 19, 1-9. and enzyme-linked
  • Hsieh YP, Woodward BB, Ho SH (1995): Detection of species substitution in rawand cooked meats using immunoassays. J Food Protec, 58, 555-559.
  • Kesmen Z, Gulluce A, Sahin F, et al. (2009): Identification of meat species by TaqMan-based real-time PCR assay. Meat Sci, 82, 444-449.
  • Lenstra JA (2003): DNA Methods for Identifying Plant and Animal Species in Food. 34-54. In: Lees M (Ed), Food Authenticity and Traceability. CRC Press, New York.
  • Lockley AK, Bardsley RG (2000): DNA-based methods for food authentication. Trends Food Sci Technol, 1, 67-77.
  • Mafra I, Beatriz P, Oliveira P (2008): Food authentication by PCR-based methods. European Food Res Technol, 227, 649-665.
  • Mane BG, Mendiratta SK, Tiwari AK (2009): Polymerase chain reaction assay for identification of chicken in meat and meat products. Food Chem, 116, 806- 810.
  • Martín I, García T, Fajardo V, et al. (2007): Species- specific PCR for the identification of ruminant species in feedstuffs. Meat Sci, 75, 120-127.
  • Martinez I, Yman IM (1998): Species identification in meat products by RAPD analysis. Food Res Int, 31, 459-466.
  • Nakyinsige K, Man YB, Sazili AQ (2012): Halal authenticity issues in meat and meat products. Meat Sci, 91, 207-214.
  • Saez R, Sanz Y, Toldrá F (2004): PCR-based fingerprinting techniques for rapid detection of animal species in meat products. Meat Sci, 66, 659-665.
  • Spink J, Moyer DC (2013): Understanding and combating food fraud. Food Technol, 67, 30-35.
  • Türkyılmaz Ö, Irmak H (2008): Et ve et ürünlerinde ELISA tekniği ile türlerin tespiti. J Bornova Vet Sci, 30, 27-31.
  • Ulca P, Balta H, Çağın I, et al. (2013): Meat species identification and Halal authentication using PCR analysis of raw and cooked traditional Turkish foods. Meat Sci, 94, 280-284.
  • Verkaar ELC, Nijman IJ, Boutaga K, et al. (2002): Differentiation of cattle species in beef by PCR-RFLP of mitochondrial and satellite DNA. Meat Sci, 60, 365-369.

Farklı tip et ürünlerinde PZR ile tür tayini

Year 2017, , 261 - 266, 01.12.2017


Et ürünlerinde tür tayini gıda güvenliği açısından önemli bir konudur. Etikette bildirilmeyen çeşitli hayvan türlerine ait etlerin kullanımı, tüketici sağlığı, ülke ekonomisi, dini ve yasal düzenlemeler ile ilişkilendirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, sucuk, salam, sosis gibi ürünlerde farklı türlere ait etlerin varlığının tespiti amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmada Ankara’da çeşitli marketlerde satışa sunulan toplam 102 adet işlenmiş et ürünü tür tayini amacıyla PZR yöntemi kullanılarak incelenmiştir. Yapılan analizler sonucunda, incelenen 37 adet sucuk örneğinden etikette belirtilmeyen 5 (%13.5) kanatlı, 1 (%2.7) kanatlı ve tek tırnaklı eti tespit edilmiştir. Benzer şeklide, 32 salam örneğinin yedisinde (%21.8), 33 adet sosis örneğinin de ikisinde (%6.1) kanatlı eti bulunmuştur. Ürünlerin etiket bilgileri karşılaştırıldığında 15 adet (% 14.7) örneğin etiketinde belirtilmeyen farklı hayvan türlerine ait etlerden üretildiği tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, Ankara’da farklı marketlerden alınan işlenmiş et ürünleri örneklerinde, etiketlerinde belirtilmeyen hayvan türlerine ait etlerin kullanıldığı ve bu durumun potansiyel halk sağlığı sorunları yanında tüketicinin ekonomik olarak da kayba uğramasına sebep olabileceği ortaya konmuştur


  • Anonymous (2014): Livestock Production in Turkey. Turkish Statistical Institute.
  • Anonymous. Turkish Food Codex. Communique on Meat and Meat Products. 2012/74.
  • Ayaz Y, Ayaz ND, Erol I (2006): Detection of species in meat immunosorbent assay. J Muscle Foods, 17, 214-220.
  • Ballin NZ (2010): Authentication of meat and meat products. Meat Sci, 86, 577-587.
  • Camm C, Di Domenico M, Monaco F (2012): Development and validation of fast Real-Time PCR assays for species identification in raw and cooked meat mixtures. Food Control, 23, 400-404.
  • Cawthorn D, Steinman HA, Hoffman LC (2013): A high incidence of species substitution and mislabelling detected in meat products sold in South Africa. Food Control, 32, 440-449.
  • Colombo F, Marchisio E, Pizzini A, et al. (2002): Identification of the goose species (Anseranser) in Italian “Mortara” salami by DNA sequencing and a polymerase chain reaction with an original primer pair. Meat Sci, 61, 291-294.
  • Dalmasso A, Fontanella E, Piatti P, et al. (2004): A multiplex PCR assay for the identification of animal species in feedstuffs. Mol Cell Probes, 18, 81-87.
  • Dooley JJ, Paine KE, Garrett SD, et al. (2004): Detection of meat species using TaqMan real-time PCR assays. Meat Sci, 68, 431-438.
  • Ghovvati S, Nassiri MR, Mirhoseini SZ, et al. (2009): Fraud identification in industrial meat products by multiplex PCR assay. Food Control, 20, 696-699.
  • Günşen U, Aydın A, Ovalı BB, et al. (2006): Çiğ et ve ısıl işlem görmüş et ürünlerinde ELISA tekniği ile farklı et türlerinin tespiti. J Vet Med Istanbul Univ, 32, 45-52.
  • Hsieh YP, Johnson MA, Wetzstein CJ, et al. (1996): Detection of species adulteration in pork products using agar-gel immunosorbent assay. J Food Quality, 19, 1-9. and enzyme-linked
  • Hsieh YP, Woodward BB, Ho SH (1995): Detection of species substitution in rawand cooked meats using immunoassays. J Food Protec, 58, 555-559.
  • Kesmen Z, Gulluce A, Sahin F, et al. (2009): Identification of meat species by TaqMan-based real-time PCR assay. Meat Sci, 82, 444-449.
  • Lenstra JA (2003): DNA Methods for Identifying Plant and Animal Species in Food. 34-54. In: Lees M (Ed), Food Authenticity and Traceability. CRC Press, New York.
  • Lockley AK, Bardsley RG (2000): DNA-based methods for food authentication. Trends Food Sci Technol, 1, 67-77.
  • Mafra I, Beatriz P, Oliveira P (2008): Food authentication by PCR-based methods. European Food Res Technol, 227, 649-665.
  • Mane BG, Mendiratta SK, Tiwari AK (2009): Polymerase chain reaction assay for identification of chicken in meat and meat products. Food Chem, 116, 806- 810.
  • Martín I, García T, Fajardo V, et al. (2007): Species- specific PCR for the identification of ruminant species in feedstuffs. Meat Sci, 75, 120-127.
  • Martinez I, Yman IM (1998): Species identification in meat products by RAPD analysis. Food Res Int, 31, 459-466.
  • Nakyinsige K, Man YB, Sazili AQ (2012): Halal authenticity issues in meat and meat products. Meat Sci, 91, 207-214.
  • Saez R, Sanz Y, Toldrá F (2004): PCR-based fingerprinting techniques for rapid detection of animal species in meat products. Meat Sci, 66, 659-665.
  • Spink J, Moyer DC (2013): Understanding and combating food fraud. Food Technol, 67, 30-35.
  • Türkyılmaz Ö, Irmak H (2008): Et ve et ürünlerinde ELISA tekniği ile türlerin tespiti. J Bornova Vet Sci, 30, 27-31.
  • Ulca P, Balta H, Çağın I, et al. (2013): Meat species identification and Halal authentication using PCR analysis of raw and cooked traditional Turkish foods. Meat Sci, 94, 280-284.
  • Verkaar ELC, Nijman IJ, Boutaga K, et al. (2002): Differentiation of cattle species in beef by PCR-RFLP of mitochondrial and satellite DNA. Meat Sci, 60, 365-369.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA29DF45NE
Journal Section Research Article

Erhan Keyvan

Güzin ÇİL İplikçioğlu

Bengi KUL Çınar

Nüket Bilgen

Ufuk Tansel Şireli

Publication Date December 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Keyvan, E., İplikçioğlu, G. Ç., Çınar, B. K., Bilgen, N., et al. (2017). Identification of meat species in different types of meat products by PCR. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 64(4), 261-266. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002818
AMA Keyvan E, İplikçioğlu GÇ, Çınar BK, Bilgen N, Şireli UT. Identification of meat species in different types of meat products by PCR. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2017;64(4):261-266. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002818
Chicago Keyvan, Erhan, Güzin ÇİL İplikçioğlu, Bengi KUL Çınar, Nüket Bilgen, and Ufuk Tansel Şireli. “Identification of Meat Species in Different Types of Meat Products by PCR”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 64, no. 4 (December 2017): 261-66. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002818.
EndNote Keyvan E, İplikçioğlu GÇ, Çınar BK, Bilgen N, Şireli UT (December 1, 2017) Identification of meat species in different types of meat products by PCR. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 64 4 261–266.
IEEE E. Keyvan, G. Ç. İplikçioğlu, B. K. Çınar, N. Bilgen, and U. T. Şireli, “Identification of meat species in different types of meat products by PCR”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 64, no. 4, pp. 261–266, 2017, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002818.
ISNAD Keyvan, Erhan et al. “Identification of Meat Species in Different Types of Meat Products by PCR”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 64/4 (December 2017), 261-266. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002818.
JAMA Keyvan E, İplikçioğlu GÇ, Çınar BK, Bilgen N, Şireli UT. Identification of meat species in different types of meat products by PCR. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;64:261–266.
MLA Keyvan, Erhan et al. “Identification of Meat Species in Different Types of Meat Products by PCR”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 4, 2017, pp. 261-6, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002818.
Vancouver Keyvan E, İplikçioğlu GÇ, Çınar BK, Bilgen N, Şireli UT. Identification of meat species in different types of meat products by PCR. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;64(4):261-6.