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Effect of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the egg shell on hatching characteristics and embryonal mortality in

Year 2017, , 117 - 124, 01.06.2017


This study was performed to investigate the effects of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the eggshell on hatchability and embryonic mortality in pheasants. A total of 1908 eggs obtained from 48 weeks old pheasants were used in the study. The eggs were divided into three colour groups (dark brown, light brown and green) and two weight groups (up to 32 g and above 32 g). For the weight groups, there were significant differences in the hatchability of fertile eggs (P<0.01) and late period embryonic mortality (LPEM) (P<0.05). The highest hatchability of fertile eggs and the lowest embryonic mortality were determined in light eggs (≤32 g). In terms of eggshell colour groups, there were significant differences in the hatchability of total eggs (P<0.01); hatchability of fertile eggs (P<0.01); and early (P<0.01), middle (MPEM) (P<0.05) and late period (P<0.05) embryonic mortality. In present study, the highest hatchability and the lowest embryonic mortality rate (except for MPEM) were in the dark brown eggshell group. For all groups, the differences in fertility rate were insignificant (P>0.05). The highest hatching characteristics and the lowest embryonic mortality rates were determined in the dark brown eggs. Based on these results, to achieve higher a hatchability of total eggs, hatchability of fertile eggs and a lower embryonic mortality rate, it may be beneficial selection of dark brown pheasant eggs


  • Abiola SS, Meshioye OO, Oyerinde BO, et al. (2008): Effect of size on hatchability of broiler chicks. Arch Zootec, 57, 83-86.
  • Aksoy FT (1999): Tavuk Yetiştiriciliği. Üçüncü Baskı. Şahin Matbaası, Ankara.
  • Anonymous (1993): SPSS Statistical package in social science for windows. Statistical Innovations Inc. Chicago, USA.
  • Çağlayan T, Alaşahan S, Çetin O, et al. (2010): Effects of egg weight and length of storage period on chick weight and hatchability Colchicus). JFAE, 8, 407-410. of pheasant (Phasianus
  • Çetin O, Kırıkçı K (2000): Alternatif kanatlı yetiştiriciliği. Sülün-Keklik. Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınları, Konya.
  • Çetin O, Tepeli C, Kırıkçı K (1997): Sülünlerin (P. Colchicus) entansif ortam ve karasal iklimde yetiştirilme imkânlarının araştırılması: I. Yumurta verimi ve kuluçka özellikleri. Vet Bil Derg, 13, 5-10.
  • Deeming DC (1996): Production, fertility and hatchability of ostrich (Struthio Camelus) eggs on a farm in the United Kingdom. Anim Sci, 63, 329-336.
  • Demirel S, Kırıkçı K (2009): Effect of different egg storage times on some egg quality characteristics and hatchability of pheasants (Phasianus Colchicus). Poult Sci, 88, 440-444.
  • Esen F, Özbey O, Genç F (2010): The effect age on egg production, hatchability and egg quality characteristics in Pheasants (Phasianus Colchicus). J Anim Vet Adv, 9, 1237-1241.
  • Falchuk KH, Contin JM, Dziedzic TS, et al. (2002): A role for biliverdin IXα in dorsal axis development of Xenopus laevis embryos. Proc Nat Acad Sci, 99, 251-256.
  • Fant RJ (1957): Criteria for aging pheasant embryos. J Wildl Manage, 21, 324-328.
  • Gorchein A, Lim CK, Cassey P (2009): Extraction and analysis of colourfuleggshell pigments using HPLC and HPLC/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr, 23, 602-606.
  • Hennig A, Marckwardt E, Richter G (1986): Relation between vitamin E supply and the fertility of laying hens [abstract]. Archiv für Tierernahrung, 36, 519-529.
  • Hullet RM, Flegal CJ, Carpentier GH, et al. (1985): Effect of eggshell color and thickness on hatchability in Chinese Ring-Necked Pheasants [abstract]. Poult Sci, 64, 235-237.
  • Ischikawa S, Suzuki K, Fukuda E, et al. (2010): Photodynamic antimicrobial activity of avian eggshell pigments. FEBS Letters, 584, 770-774.
  • Ito S, Tsudzuki M, Komori M, et al. (1993): Celadon: An eggshell colour mutation in Japanese quail. J Hered, 84, 148-150.
  • Kaur H, Hughes MN, Green CJ, et al. (2003): Interaction of bilirubin and biliverdin with reactive nitrogen species. FEBS Letters, 543, 113-119.
  • Kalita N (1994): Effect of egg weight, storage period and position of eggs on hatchability. IJPS, 9, 281-283.
  • Kennedy GY, Vevers HG (1976): A survey of avian eggshell pigments. Comp Biochem Physiol, 55B, 117-123.
  • Kırıkçı K, Günlü A, Garip M (2005): Some quality characteristics of pheasant (Phasianus Colchicus) eggs with different shell colors. Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 29, 315- 318.
  • Krystianiak S, Kozuszek R, Kontecka H, et al. (2005): Quality and ultrastructure of eggshell and hatchability of eggs in relation to eggshell colour in pheasants. Anim Sci Pap Rep, 23, 5-14.
  • Kozuszek R, Kontecka H, Nowaczewski S, et al. (2009): Storage time and eggshell colour of pheasant eggs vs. the number of blastodermal cells and hatchability results. Folia Biol (Kraków), 57, 121-130.
  • Leeson S, Reinhart BS, Summers I D (1979 b): Response of White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red breeder hens to dietary deficiencies of synthetic vitamins. 2. Embryo mortality and abnormalities. Can J Anim Sci, 59, 569-575.
  • Magige FJ, Moe B, Roskaft E (2008): The white colour of the Ostrich (Struthio Camelus) egg is a trade-off between predation and overheating. J Ornithol, 149, 323-328.
  • Morales J, Velando A, Moreno J (2008): Pigment allocation to eggs decreases plasma antioxidants in a songbird. Behav Ecol Sociobiol, 63, 227-233.
  • Moreno J, Morales J, Lobato E, et al. (2005): Evidence for the signaling function of egg color in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula Hypoleuca. Behav Ecol, 16, 931-937.
  • Murray RK, Kurt I (2004): Porfirinler ve safra pigmentleri. In, Murray RK, Granner DK, Mayes PA, Rodwell WW(Ed) Dikmen N, Özgünen T (Çeviri Ed): Harper Biyokimyası, 359-373, Nobel Matbaacılık, İstanbul.
  • Narushin VG, Romanov MN (2002): Egg physical characteritics and hatchability. World’s Poult Sci J, 58, 297-303.
  • NRC (1994): Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. National Research Council, Washington D.C.
  • Poole HK (1965): Eggshell pigmentation of Japanese quail: Genetic control of the white egg trait. J Hered, 55, 136-138.
  • Reinhart BS, Hurnik GI (1984): Traits affecting the hatching performance of commercial chicken broiler eggs. Poult Sci, 63, 240-245.
  • Schwartz SW, Raux A, Schacter BA, et al. (1980): Loss of hereditary uterine protoporphyria through chromosomal rearrangement in mutant Rhode Island Red hens. Int J Biochem, 12, 935-940.
  • Senepati PK, Das K, Mondal KG, et al. (1996): Relationship between egg weight, shape index and fertility and hatchability of Japanese quail eggs. Environ Ecol, 14, 574-577.
  • Shafey TM, Al-Batshan HA, Ghannam MM, et al. (2005): Effect of intensity of eggshell pigment and illuminated incubation on hatchability of brown eggs. Br Poult Sci, 46, 190-198.
  • Solomon SE (1987): Egg shell pigmentation. In, Wells RG, Belyavin CG (Ed): Egg Quality Current Problems and Recent Advance,147-158. London, Butterworths.
  • Szczerbinska D, Zubrecki A (1999): The quail egg weight and their storage period vs.hatching success and rearing performance. Adv Agr Sci, 6, 91-100.
  • Şekeroglu A, Duman M (2011): Etlik piliç ebeveynlerinde kuluçkalık yumurta kabuk renginin kuluçka sonuçları, piliç performansı, karkas özellikleri, iç organ ağırlıkları ve bazı stres indikatörlerine etkisi (in Turkish). Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 17, 837-842.
  • Turan N (1990): Türkiye’nin evcil ve yaban hayvanları: Kuşlar. Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Eğitim Dairesi Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Wang XT, Zhao CJ, Li JY, et al. (2009): Comparison of the total amount of shell pigments in Dongxiang brown- shelled eggs and Dongxiang blue-shelled eggs. Poult Sci, 88, 1735-1739.
  • Webb DR (1987): Tolerance of avian embryos: A Rewiew. Condor, 89, 874-898.
  • Wilson HR (1991): Interrelationships of egg size, chick size, posthatching growth and hatchability. World’s Poult Sci J, 47, 5-20.

Sülünlerde (Phasianus Colchicus) yumurta ağırlığı ve yumurta kabuğundaki protoporfirin vebiliverdin miktarının kuluçka özellikleri ve embriyonal ölüm üzerine etkisi

Year 2017, , 117 - 124, 01.06.2017


Bu araştırma, sülünlerde yumurta ağırlığı ve yumurta kabuğundaki protoporfirin ve biliverdin miktarının kuluçka özellikleri ve embriyonik ölüm üzerine etkisini araştırmak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada 48 haftalık sülünlerden elde edilen toplam 1908 yumurta kullanılmıştır. Yumurtalar üç renk grubu (koyu kahve, açık kahve ve yeşil) ve iki ağırlık grubu (≤32 g ve 320.05) bulunmuştur. En yüksek kuluçka performansı, kuluçka oranı ve en düşük embryonik ölüm oranı koyu kahve kabuklu yumurtalarda bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlara bağlı olarak, daha yüksek bir kuluçka randımanı, çıkım gücü ve daha düşük bir embriyonik ölüm oranı elde etmek için, koyu kahverengi sülün yumurtalarının seçimi yararlı olabilir


  • Abiola SS, Meshioye OO, Oyerinde BO, et al. (2008): Effect of size on hatchability of broiler chicks. Arch Zootec, 57, 83-86.
  • Aksoy FT (1999): Tavuk Yetiştiriciliği. Üçüncü Baskı. Şahin Matbaası, Ankara.
  • Anonymous (1993): SPSS Statistical package in social science for windows. Statistical Innovations Inc. Chicago, USA.
  • Çağlayan T, Alaşahan S, Çetin O, et al. (2010): Effects of egg weight and length of storage period on chick weight and hatchability Colchicus). JFAE, 8, 407-410. of pheasant (Phasianus
  • Çetin O, Kırıkçı K (2000): Alternatif kanatlı yetiştiriciliği. Sülün-Keklik. Selçuk Üniversitesi Yayınları, Konya.
  • Çetin O, Tepeli C, Kırıkçı K (1997): Sülünlerin (P. Colchicus) entansif ortam ve karasal iklimde yetiştirilme imkânlarının araştırılması: I. Yumurta verimi ve kuluçka özellikleri. Vet Bil Derg, 13, 5-10.
  • Deeming DC (1996): Production, fertility and hatchability of ostrich (Struthio Camelus) eggs on a farm in the United Kingdom. Anim Sci, 63, 329-336.
  • Demirel S, Kırıkçı K (2009): Effect of different egg storage times on some egg quality characteristics and hatchability of pheasants (Phasianus Colchicus). Poult Sci, 88, 440-444.
  • Esen F, Özbey O, Genç F (2010): The effect age on egg production, hatchability and egg quality characteristics in Pheasants (Phasianus Colchicus). J Anim Vet Adv, 9, 1237-1241.
  • Falchuk KH, Contin JM, Dziedzic TS, et al. (2002): A role for biliverdin IXα in dorsal axis development of Xenopus laevis embryos. Proc Nat Acad Sci, 99, 251-256.
  • Fant RJ (1957): Criteria for aging pheasant embryos. J Wildl Manage, 21, 324-328.
  • Gorchein A, Lim CK, Cassey P (2009): Extraction and analysis of colourfuleggshell pigments using HPLC and HPLC/electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. Biomed Chromatogr, 23, 602-606.
  • Hennig A, Marckwardt E, Richter G (1986): Relation between vitamin E supply and the fertility of laying hens [abstract]. Archiv für Tierernahrung, 36, 519-529.
  • Hullet RM, Flegal CJ, Carpentier GH, et al. (1985): Effect of eggshell color and thickness on hatchability in Chinese Ring-Necked Pheasants [abstract]. Poult Sci, 64, 235-237.
  • Ischikawa S, Suzuki K, Fukuda E, et al. (2010): Photodynamic antimicrobial activity of avian eggshell pigments. FEBS Letters, 584, 770-774.
  • Ito S, Tsudzuki M, Komori M, et al. (1993): Celadon: An eggshell colour mutation in Japanese quail. J Hered, 84, 148-150.
  • Kaur H, Hughes MN, Green CJ, et al. (2003): Interaction of bilirubin and biliverdin with reactive nitrogen species. FEBS Letters, 543, 113-119.
  • Kalita N (1994): Effect of egg weight, storage period and position of eggs on hatchability. IJPS, 9, 281-283.
  • Kennedy GY, Vevers HG (1976): A survey of avian eggshell pigments. Comp Biochem Physiol, 55B, 117-123.
  • Kırıkçı K, Günlü A, Garip M (2005): Some quality characteristics of pheasant (Phasianus Colchicus) eggs with different shell colors. Turkish J Vet Anim Sci, 29, 315- 318.
  • Krystianiak S, Kozuszek R, Kontecka H, et al. (2005): Quality and ultrastructure of eggshell and hatchability of eggs in relation to eggshell colour in pheasants. Anim Sci Pap Rep, 23, 5-14.
  • Kozuszek R, Kontecka H, Nowaczewski S, et al. (2009): Storage time and eggshell colour of pheasant eggs vs. the number of blastodermal cells and hatchability results. Folia Biol (Kraków), 57, 121-130.
  • Leeson S, Reinhart BS, Summers I D (1979 b): Response of White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red breeder hens to dietary deficiencies of synthetic vitamins. 2. Embryo mortality and abnormalities. Can J Anim Sci, 59, 569-575.
  • Magige FJ, Moe B, Roskaft E (2008): The white colour of the Ostrich (Struthio Camelus) egg is a trade-off between predation and overheating. J Ornithol, 149, 323-328.
  • Morales J, Velando A, Moreno J (2008): Pigment allocation to eggs decreases plasma antioxidants in a songbird. Behav Ecol Sociobiol, 63, 227-233.
  • Moreno J, Morales J, Lobato E, et al. (2005): Evidence for the signaling function of egg color in the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula Hypoleuca. Behav Ecol, 16, 931-937.
  • Murray RK, Kurt I (2004): Porfirinler ve safra pigmentleri. In, Murray RK, Granner DK, Mayes PA, Rodwell WW(Ed) Dikmen N, Özgünen T (Çeviri Ed): Harper Biyokimyası, 359-373, Nobel Matbaacılık, İstanbul.
  • Narushin VG, Romanov MN (2002): Egg physical characteritics and hatchability. World’s Poult Sci J, 58, 297-303.
  • NRC (1994): Nutrient Requirements of Poultry. National Research Council, Washington D.C.
  • Poole HK (1965): Eggshell pigmentation of Japanese quail: Genetic control of the white egg trait. J Hered, 55, 136-138.
  • Reinhart BS, Hurnik GI (1984): Traits affecting the hatching performance of commercial chicken broiler eggs. Poult Sci, 63, 240-245.
  • Schwartz SW, Raux A, Schacter BA, et al. (1980): Loss of hereditary uterine protoporphyria through chromosomal rearrangement in mutant Rhode Island Red hens. Int J Biochem, 12, 935-940.
  • Senepati PK, Das K, Mondal KG, et al. (1996): Relationship between egg weight, shape index and fertility and hatchability of Japanese quail eggs. Environ Ecol, 14, 574-577.
  • Shafey TM, Al-Batshan HA, Ghannam MM, et al. (2005): Effect of intensity of eggshell pigment and illuminated incubation on hatchability of brown eggs. Br Poult Sci, 46, 190-198.
  • Solomon SE (1987): Egg shell pigmentation. In, Wells RG, Belyavin CG (Ed): Egg Quality Current Problems and Recent Advance,147-158. London, Butterworths.
  • Szczerbinska D, Zubrecki A (1999): The quail egg weight and their storage period vs.hatching success and rearing performance. Adv Agr Sci, 6, 91-100.
  • Şekeroglu A, Duman M (2011): Etlik piliç ebeveynlerinde kuluçkalık yumurta kabuk renginin kuluçka sonuçları, piliç performansı, karkas özellikleri, iç organ ağırlıkları ve bazı stres indikatörlerine etkisi (in Turkish). Kafkas Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 17, 837-842.
  • Turan N (1990): Türkiye’nin evcil ve yaban hayvanları: Kuşlar. Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Eğitim Dairesi Başkanlığı Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Wang XT, Zhao CJ, Li JY, et al. (2009): Comparison of the total amount of shell pigments in Dongxiang brown- shelled eggs and Dongxiang blue-shelled eggs. Poult Sci, 88, 1735-1739.
  • Webb DR (1987): Tolerance of avian embryos: A Rewiew. Condor, 89, 874-898.
  • Wilson HR (1991): Interrelationships of egg size, chick size, posthatching growth and hatchability. World’s Poult Sci J, 47, 5-20.
There are 41 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA23US46VN
Journal Section Research Article

Mustafa Uğurlu

Yavuz Kürşad Daş

Filiz Akdağ

Enes Atmaca

Mustafa Salman

Bülent Teke

Serhat Arslan

Publication Date June 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Uğurlu, M., Daş, Y. K., Akdağ, F., Atmaca, E., et al. (2017). Effect of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the egg shell on hatching characteristics and embryonal mortality in. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 64(2), 117-124. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002785
AMA Uğurlu M, Daş YK, Akdağ F, Atmaca E, Salman M, Teke B, Arslan S. Effect of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the egg shell on hatching characteristics and embryonal mortality in. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. June 2017;64(2):117-124. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002785
Chicago Uğurlu, Mustafa, Yavuz Kürşad Daş, Filiz Akdağ, Enes Atmaca, Mustafa Salman, Bülent Teke, and Serhat Arslan. “Effect of Egg Weight and Amount of Protoporphyrin and Biliverdin in the Egg Shell on Hatching Characteristics and Embryonal Mortality in”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 64, no. 2 (June 2017): 117-24. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002785.
EndNote Uğurlu M, Daş YK, Akdağ F, Atmaca E, Salman M, Teke B, Arslan S (June 1, 2017) Effect of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the egg shell on hatching characteristics and embryonal mortality in. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 64 2 117–124.
IEEE M. Uğurlu, Y. K. Daş, F. Akdağ, E. Atmaca, M. Salman, B. Teke, and S. Arslan, “Effect of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the egg shell on hatching characteristics and embryonal mortality in”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 117–124, 2017, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002785.
ISNAD Uğurlu, Mustafa et al. “Effect of Egg Weight and Amount of Protoporphyrin and Biliverdin in the Egg Shell on Hatching Characteristics and Embryonal Mortality in”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 64/2 (June 2017), 117-124. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002785.
JAMA Uğurlu M, Daş YK, Akdağ F, Atmaca E, Salman M, Teke B, Arslan S. Effect of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the egg shell on hatching characteristics and embryonal mortality in. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;64:117–124.
MLA Uğurlu, Mustafa et al. “Effect of Egg Weight and Amount of Protoporphyrin and Biliverdin in the Egg Shell on Hatching Characteristics and Embryonal Mortality in”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 64, no. 2, 2017, pp. 117-24, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002785.
Vancouver Uğurlu M, Daş YK, Akdağ F, Atmaca E, Salman M, Teke B, Arslan S. Effect of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the egg shell on hatching characteristics and embryonal mortality in. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2017;64(2):117-24.