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A case of monobrachial peromelia in a two years old Holstein cow

Year 2015, , 323 - 326, 01.12.2015


Peromelia is a severe congenital malformation of the limbs, including absence of the lower part of the extremity. It is one of the rarely observed malformations in animals. Monobrachial peromelia was observed in a male, 2 years old Holstein cow in the right forelimb. The cow examined gross pathologically before and after slaughter. It was clinically healthy and in good body condition. The proximal limb from the shoulder up to the radius and ulna was developed. Normal scapulae, hypoplasic humerus and rudiments of the proximal segments of the radius and ulna were present. Normal skin was covered the bones. The cow has only one forelimb and a marked angulation was observed at the left front limb. There was no other abnormality diagnosed. In this study, monobrachial peromelia was reported by anatomo-pathological method in a two years old cow. This is the first monobrachial peromelia cow report in Turkey


  • Alam MR, Lee JI, Lee HB, Ko JJ, Lee KC, Kim NS (2007): Supernumerary ectopic limbs in Korean indigenous cattle: four case reports. Vet Med (Praha), 52, 202-206.
  • Albarella S, Ciotola F, Dario C, Iannuzzi L, Barbieri V, Peretti V (2009): Chromosome instability in Mediterranean Italian (transversal hemimelia). Mutagenesis 24, 471–474.
  • Al-Qattan, MM, Al-Thunayan A, De Cordier M, Nandagopal N, Pitkanen J (1998): Classification of the mirror hand-multiple hand spectrum. J Hand Surg 23, 534- 536.
  • Bahr C, Peters M, Distl O (2003): Congenital peromelia in cattle. Tierrarzlitche Prax. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/ Nutzrtiere. 31, 319-325.
  • Camon J, Sabate D, Franch J, Lopez-Bejar MA, Pastor J, Rutlant J, Ordeig J, Degollada E, Verdu J (1990): Associated multiple congenital malformations in domestic animals: Contribution of four cases. Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin, Reihe A, 37, 659-668.
  • Corbera JA, Pulido M, Morales M, Juste MC, Gutierrez C (2002): Radiological findings in three cases of paraxial radial hemimelia in goats. J Vet Med Sci 64, 843–845.
  • Gellis SS. (1971): Congenital malformations. Notes and comments. Josef Warkany Year Book Medical, Chicago.
  • Gholap PN, Kale DS, Sirothia AR (2014): Genetic diseases in cattle: A review. Res J Anim Vet Fish Sci 2, 24-33.
  • Hare WCD, Ballantyne JH (1958): Some anatomical observations on a case of monobrachius in the bovine. Can J Vet Med 12, 231-236.
  • Lallo MA, Bondan EF, Xavier JG, Fernandes TP, Kolber M, Zanco NA (2001): Bilateral anterior hemimelia in a dog: A case report. In: 26th World Small Animal Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Held on August 8–11. (WSAVA) World
  • Leipold HW, Huston K, Dennis SM (1983): Bovine congenital defects. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med 27, 197-271.
  • Mosbah E, Rizk AZ Karrouf GIA, Zaghloul AE (2012): Congenital limb deformities in some farm animals. Proc. of the 5th Animal Wealth Research Conf. in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Newman SJ, Bailey TL, Jones JC, DiGrassie WA, Whittier WD (1999): Multiple congenital anomalies in calf. J Vet Diagn Invest, 11, 368-371.
  • Noh DH, Jeong WI, Lee CS, Jung CY, Chung JY, Lee YH, Do SH, An MY, Kwon OD, Williams BH, Jeong KS (2003): Multiple congenital malformations in a Hosltein calf. J Comp Pathol 129, 313-315.
  • Rieck GM (1976): Is the abnormality complex with bilateral peromelia of the forelimbs, apodia, facio- maxillary dysplasia including cheilognathouranoschisis, a parallel mutation to the acroteriasis syndrome in the German Simmental? Giessener Beitrage zur Erbpathologie und Zuchthygiene 6, 215-221.
  • Roberts SJ (1991): Gestation period, embriyology, teratology. In: Roberts SJ (Ed), Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases (Theriogenology). David and Charles Inc, North Pomfret.
  • Singh AP, Tayal R (1996): The musculoskeletal system: Congenital defects. In: RPS Tyagi, JIT Singh, AP Singh, PK Peshin (Eds.), Ruminant surgery: A textbook of the surgical diseases of cattle, buffaloes, camels, sheep and goats. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
  • Szazados I (1980): Peromelia (foreleg defect) in a bull. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja 35, 316-317.
  • Thompson K. (2007): Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals. Volume I. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia.

Holstein ırkı iki yaşlı bir danada monobrachial peromelia olgusu

Year 2015, , 323 - 326, 01.12.2015


Peromelia, ekstremitenin alt kısmının olmaması ile karakterize şiddetli bir konjenital anomalidir. Bu anomali hayvanlarda nadir görülür. İki yaşlı, Holstein danada sağ ön bacakta monobrachial peromelia olgusu gözlendi. Dana, kesimden önce ve sonra makropatolojik olarak incelendi. Hayvan klinik olarak sağlıklıydı ve vücut kondüsyonu iyiydi. Omuzdan radius ve ulna’ya kadar proksimal ekstremite şekillenmişti. Normal skapula, hipoplazik humerus ile radius ve ulnanın proksimal bölümleri vardı. Kemiklerin üzeri normal deri ile kaplıydı. Dananın sadece tek bir ön bacağı vardı ve sol ön bacakta belirgin bir eğilme gözlendi. Bunun dışında hiçbir anormallik saptanmadı. Bu çalışmada iki yaşında bir danada monobrachial peromelia olgusu anatomo-patolojik olarak bildirilmiştir. Bu, Türkiye'deki bir danada saptanan ilk monobrachial peromelia raporudur


  • Alam MR, Lee JI, Lee HB, Ko JJ, Lee KC, Kim NS (2007): Supernumerary ectopic limbs in Korean indigenous cattle: four case reports. Vet Med (Praha), 52, 202-206.
  • Albarella S, Ciotola F, Dario C, Iannuzzi L, Barbieri V, Peretti V (2009): Chromosome instability in Mediterranean Italian (transversal hemimelia). Mutagenesis 24, 471–474.
  • Al-Qattan, MM, Al-Thunayan A, De Cordier M, Nandagopal N, Pitkanen J (1998): Classification of the mirror hand-multiple hand spectrum. J Hand Surg 23, 534- 536.
  • Bahr C, Peters M, Distl O (2003): Congenital peromelia in cattle. Tierrarzlitche Prax. Ausgabe G, Grosstiere/ Nutzrtiere. 31, 319-325.
  • Camon J, Sabate D, Franch J, Lopez-Bejar MA, Pastor J, Rutlant J, Ordeig J, Degollada E, Verdu J (1990): Associated multiple congenital malformations in domestic animals: Contribution of four cases. Zentralblatt fur Veterinarmedizin, Reihe A, 37, 659-668.
  • Corbera JA, Pulido M, Morales M, Juste MC, Gutierrez C (2002): Radiological findings in three cases of paraxial radial hemimelia in goats. J Vet Med Sci 64, 843–845.
  • Gellis SS. (1971): Congenital malformations. Notes and comments. Josef Warkany Year Book Medical, Chicago.
  • Gholap PN, Kale DS, Sirothia AR (2014): Genetic diseases in cattle: A review. Res J Anim Vet Fish Sci 2, 24-33.
  • Hare WCD, Ballantyne JH (1958): Some anatomical observations on a case of monobrachius in the bovine. Can J Vet Med 12, 231-236.
  • Lallo MA, Bondan EF, Xavier JG, Fernandes TP, Kolber M, Zanco NA (2001): Bilateral anterior hemimelia in a dog: A case report. In: 26th World Small Animal Congress, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Held on August 8–11. (WSAVA) World
  • Leipold HW, Huston K, Dennis SM (1983): Bovine congenital defects. Adv Vet Sci Comp Med 27, 197-271.
  • Mosbah E, Rizk AZ Karrouf GIA, Zaghloul AE (2012): Congenital limb deformities in some farm animals. Proc. of the 5th Animal Wealth Research Conf. in the Middle East and North Africa.
  • Newman SJ, Bailey TL, Jones JC, DiGrassie WA, Whittier WD (1999): Multiple congenital anomalies in calf. J Vet Diagn Invest, 11, 368-371.
  • Noh DH, Jeong WI, Lee CS, Jung CY, Chung JY, Lee YH, Do SH, An MY, Kwon OD, Williams BH, Jeong KS (2003): Multiple congenital malformations in a Hosltein calf. J Comp Pathol 129, 313-315.
  • Rieck GM (1976): Is the abnormality complex with bilateral peromelia of the forelimbs, apodia, facio- maxillary dysplasia including cheilognathouranoschisis, a parallel mutation to the acroteriasis syndrome in the German Simmental? Giessener Beitrage zur Erbpathologie und Zuchthygiene 6, 215-221.
  • Roberts SJ (1991): Gestation period, embriyology, teratology. In: Roberts SJ (Ed), Veterinary Obstetrics and Genital Diseases (Theriogenology). David and Charles Inc, North Pomfret.
  • Singh AP, Tayal R (1996): The musculoskeletal system: Congenital defects. In: RPS Tyagi, JIT Singh, AP Singh, PK Peshin (Eds.), Ruminant surgery: A textbook of the surgical diseases of cattle, buffaloes, camels, sheep and goats. CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.
  • Szazados I (1980): Peromelia (foreleg defect) in a bull. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja 35, 316-317.
  • Thompson K. (2007): Jubb, Kennedy and Palmer’s Pathology of Domestic Animals. Volume I. Saunders Elsevier, Philadelphia.
There are 19 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA47HS88DT
Journal Section Research Article

Özlem Özmen

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Özmen, Ö. (2015). A case of monobrachial peromelia in a two years old Holstein cow. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 62(4), 323-326. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002700
AMA Özmen Ö. A case of monobrachial peromelia in a two years old Holstein cow. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. December 2015;62(4):323-326. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002700
Chicago Özmen, Özlem. “A Case of Monobrachial Peromelia in a Two Years Old Holstein Cow”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 62, no. 4 (December 2015): 323-26. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002700.
EndNote Özmen Ö (December 1, 2015) A case of monobrachial peromelia in a two years old Holstein cow. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 62 4 323–326.
IEEE Ö. Özmen, “A case of monobrachial peromelia in a two years old Holstein cow”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 62, no. 4, pp. 323–326, 2015, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002700.
ISNAD Özmen, Özlem. “A Case of Monobrachial Peromelia in a Two Years Old Holstein Cow”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 62/4 (December 2015), 323-326. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002700.
JAMA Özmen Ö. A case of monobrachial peromelia in a two years old Holstein cow. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2015;62:323–326.
MLA Özmen, Özlem. “A Case of Monobrachial Peromelia in a Two Years Old Holstein Cow”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 62, no. 4, 2015, pp. 323-6, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002700.
Vancouver Özmen Ö. A case of monobrachial peromelia in a two years old Holstein cow. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2015;62(4):323-6.