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Light and electron microscopic studies on the oviduct epithelium of the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos)

Year 2009, , 177 - 181, 01.09.2009


The present study was undertaken to investigate the histochemical properties and light and electron microscopic morphology of the oviduct of laying Pekin ducks and Pekin ducks in the quiescent phase of the reproductive cycle. The oviducts of five healthy, two-year-old adult laying Pekin ducks and five five-month-old Pekin ducks in the quiescent phase of the reproductive cycle, obtained from the Farm of Ankara University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, constituted the material of the present study. The oviduct of the Pekin duck was segmented into five regions, namely, the infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina. Along the oviduct, the tunica mucosa forms convolutions protruding into the lumen, and the height of these convolutions were determined to increase in the regions of the magnum and uterus. The lamina epithelialis was ascertained to be composed of ciliated and secretory cells. The lamina propria was filled with glands in the magnum, isthmus and uterus. In laying ducks, the PAS-positive reaction in the isthmus and the performic acid/Alcian blue pH 2.5 reaction in the magnum were determined to be very strong. On the other hand, due to the cells forming the lamina epithelialis and the proprial glands not having developed fully, these reactions were observed to be weak in ducks in the quiescent phase of the reproductive cycle. In electron microscopic examinations, a single type of secretion granule, of medium electron density and varying size, was observed in the secretory cells of the lamina epithelialis. Electron dense secretion granules were present in the proprial glands of the magnum and isthmus, whereas proprial glands of the uterus contained electron light granules


  • Aitken RNL (1971): The Ovidukt. 1237-1352. In: DJ Bell, BM Freeman (Ed), Physiology and Biochemistry of the Domestic Fowl.Academic Pres Inc, London, Newyork.
  • Applegate TJ, Harper D, Lilburn MS (1998): Effect of hen production age on egg composition and embryo development in commercial Pekin ducks. Poult Sci, 77, 1608-1612.
  • Artan ME, Dağlıoğlu S (1984): Tavuk, keklik ve bıldırcında yumurta yolunun mikroskopik yapısı üzerinde karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma. İstanbul Univ Vet Fak Derg, 10, 17-28.
  • Bakst M, Howarth B (1975): SEM preparation and observations of the hen’s oviduct. Anat Rec, 181, 211-226.
  • Bakst MR (1998): Structure of the avian oviduct with emphasis on sperm storage in poultry. J Exp Zool, 282, 618-626.
  • Balachandran A, Bhatnagar MK, Geissinger HD (1985): Scanning and transmission electron microscopic studies on the oviduct of Pekin ducks fed methyl mercury containing diets. Scanning Microsc, 1, 311-322.
  • Culling CFA, Allison RT, Barr WT (1985): Cellular Pathology Technique. Fourth edition, Butterworth, Wellington.
  • Davidson MF, Draper MH, Leonard EM (1968): Structure and function of the oviduct of the laying hen. J Physiolo, 196, 9-10.
  • Draper MH, Johnston HS (1968): The fine structure of the oviduct of the laying hen. J Physiolo, 196, 7.
  • Eroschenko VP (1979): Morphological alterations in the cells of the developing quail oviduct as influenced by estradiol-17b and the insecticide Kepone:I.observations by light and scanning electron microscopy. Biol Reprod, 21, 625-638.
  • Fertuck HC, Newstead JD (1970): Fine structural observations on magnum mucosa in quail and hen oviduct. Z Zellforsch, 103, 447-459.
  • Friedenbach DJ, Davison KL (1977): Scanning and transmission electron microscopic changes associated with duck and chicken shell gland cilia after p,p’-DDT administration. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 40, 291-297.
  • Gilbert AB, Lake PE, Wood-Gush DG (1966): Aspects of the physiology of the transport of the ovum through the oviduct of the domestic hen. 11-13. In: C. Horton-Smith, EAmoroso (Ed), Physiology of the Domestic Fowl. Oliver&Body, Edinburg, London.
  • Gounon P, Laine MC,Sandoz D (1987): Cytokeratin filament organization in the ciliated cells of the quail oviduct . Eur J Cell Biol, 44, 229-237.
  • Karnovsky MJ (1965): A formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde fixative of high osmolality for use in electron microscopy. J Cell Biol, 27, 137A-138A.
  • Lemullois M, Chantal Marty M (1990): Immunocytochemical study of the formation of striated rootlets during ciliogenesis in quail oviduct. J Cell Sci, 95, 423-432.
  • Lemullois M, Klotz C, Sandoz D (1987): Immunocytochemical localizations of myosin during ciliogenesis of quail oviduct. Eur J Cell Biol, 43, 429-437.
  • Özen A (2002): Tavuklarda ovidukt üzerinde ışık mik- roskopik çalışmalar. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 26, 1283-1288.
  • Sharma RK, Duda PL (1989): Histomorphological changes in the oviduct of the mallard (Aves:Anatidae). Acta Morphol Neerl Scand, 27, 183-192.
  • Solomon SE, Fryer JR, Baird T (1975): The ultrastructural localization of calcium in the avian shell gland. J Microsc, 105, 215-222.
  • Veneable J H, Coggeshall R (1965): A simplified lead citrate stain for use in electron microscopy. J Cell Biol, 25, 407-408.

Pekin ördeği (Anas platyrhynchos) ovidukt epitelinde ışık ve elektron mikroskobik çalışmalar

Year 2009, , 177 - 181, 01.09.2009


Bu çalışma, yumurtlayan ve yumurtlamaya başlamamış Pekin ördeği ovidukt’unun histokimyasal özelliklerini, ışık ve elektron mikroskobik morfolojisini incelemek amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada materyal olarak Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi çiftliğinden sağlanan 5’er adet sağlıklı, yumurtlayan (erişkin, 2 yaşında ) ve yumurtlamaya başlamamış (5 aylık) Pekin ördeği oviduktu kullanıldı. Pekin ördeği oviduktu; infundibulum, magnum, istmus, uterus ve vagina olmak üzere beş bölgeden oluşmuştu. Oviduktta tunika mukozanın lümene doğru kıvrımlar yaptığı ve bu kıvrımların yüksekliğinin magnum ve uterusda arttığı gözlendi. Lamina epitelyalisin silyumlu ve sekretorik hücrelerden oluştuğu görüldü. Magnum, istmus ve uterusda lamina propriya bezlerle doluydu. Yumurtlayan ördeklerde istmus bölgesinde PAS(+) reaksiyonun, magnum bölgesinde performik asit/Alcian blue pH 2.5 reaksiyonunun çok kuvvetli olduğu görüldü. Yumurtlamayanlarda ise lamina epitelyalisi oluşturan hücrelerin ve lamina propriyadaki bezlerin henüz gelişmediği ve buna bağlı olarak reaksiyonların zayıf olduğu izlendi. Elektron mikroskopik incelemelerde, lamina epitelyalisdeki sekretorik hücrelerde değişik büyüklükte tek tip, orta yoğunlukta salgı granülleri gözlendi. Magnum ve istmus bölgelerinin lamina propriyasındaki bezlerde elektron koyu salgı granülleri görülürken, uterus bölgesindeki bezlerde ise elektron açık granüller görüldü


  • Aitken RNL (1971): The Ovidukt. 1237-1352. In: DJ Bell, BM Freeman (Ed), Physiology and Biochemistry of the Domestic Fowl.Academic Pres Inc, London, Newyork.
  • Applegate TJ, Harper D, Lilburn MS (1998): Effect of hen production age on egg composition and embryo development in commercial Pekin ducks. Poult Sci, 77, 1608-1612.
  • Artan ME, Dağlıoğlu S (1984): Tavuk, keklik ve bıldırcında yumurta yolunun mikroskopik yapısı üzerinde karşılaştırmalı bir çalışma. İstanbul Univ Vet Fak Derg, 10, 17-28.
  • Bakst M, Howarth B (1975): SEM preparation and observations of the hen’s oviduct. Anat Rec, 181, 211-226.
  • Bakst MR (1998): Structure of the avian oviduct with emphasis on sperm storage in poultry. J Exp Zool, 282, 618-626.
  • Balachandran A, Bhatnagar MK, Geissinger HD (1985): Scanning and transmission electron microscopic studies on the oviduct of Pekin ducks fed methyl mercury containing diets. Scanning Microsc, 1, 311-322.
  • Culling CFA, Allison RT, Barr WT (1985): Cellular Pathology Technique. Fourth edition, Butterworth, Wellington.
  • Davidson MF, Draper MH, Leonard EM (1968): Structure and function of the oviduct of the laying hen. J Physiolo, 196, 9-10.
  • Draper MH, Johnston HS (1968): The fine structure of the oviduct of the laying hen. J Physiolo, 196, 7.
  • Eroschenko VP (1979): Morphological alterations in the cells of the developing quail oviduct as influenced by estradiol-17b and the insecticide Kepone:I.observations by light and scanning electron microscopy. Biol Reprod, 21, 625-638.
  • Fertuck HC, Newstead JD (1970): Fine structural observations on magnum mucosa in quail and hen oviduct. Z Zellforsch, 103, 447-459.
  • Friedenbach DJ, Davison KL (1977): Scanning and transmission electron microscopic changes associated with duck and chicken shell gland cilia after p,p’-DDT administration. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 40, 291-297.
  • Gilbert AB, Lake PE, Wood-Gush DG (1966): Aspects of the physiology of the transport of the ovum through the oviduct of the domestic hen. 11-13. In: C. Horton-Smith, EAmoroso (Ed), Physiology of the Domestic Fowl. Oliver&Body, Edinburg, London.
  • Gounon P, Laine MC,Sandoz D (1987): Cytokeratin filament organization in the ciliated cells of the quail oviduct . Eur J Cell Biol, 44, 229-237.
  • Karnovsky MJ (1965): A formaldehyde-glutaraldehyde fixative of high osmolality for use in electron microscopy. J Cell Biol, 27, 137A-138A.
  • Lemullois M, Chantal Marty M (1990): Immunocytochemical study of the formation of striated rootlets during ciliogenesis in quail oviduct. J Cell Sci, 95, 423-432.
  • Lemullois M, Klotz C, Sandoz D (1987): Immunocytochemical localizations of myosin during ciliogenesis of quail oviduct. Eur J Cell Biol, 43, 429-437.
  • Özen A (2002): Tavuklarda ovidukt üzerinde ışık mik- roskopik çalışmalar. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 26, 1283-1288.
  • Sharma RK, Duda PL (1989): Histomorphological changes in the oviduct of the mallard (Aves:Anatidae). Acta Morphol Neerl Scand, 27, 183-192.
  • Solomon SE, Fryer JR, Baird T (1975): The ultrastructural localization of calcium in the avian shell gland. J Microsc, 105, 215-222.
  • Veneable J H, Coggeshall R (1965): A simplified lead citrate stain for use in electron microscopy. J Cell Biol, 25, 407-408.
There are 21 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA65DP79TF
Journal Section Research Article

Asuman Özen

Emel Ergün

Aytül Kürüm

Publication Date September 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009


APA Özen, A., Ergün, E., & Kürüm, A. (2009). Light and electron microscopic studies on the oviduct epithelium of the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 56(3), 177-181.
AMA Özen A, Ergün E, Kürüm A. Light and electron microscopic studies on the oviduct epithelium of the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2009;56(3):177-181. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002218
Chicago Özen, Asuman, Emel Ergün, and Aytül Kürüm. “Light and Electron Microscopic Studies on the Oviduct Epithelium of the Pekin Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos)”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56, no. 3 (September 2009): 177-81.
EndNote Özen A, Ergün E, Kürüm A (September 1, 2009) Light and electron microscopic studies on the oviduct epithelium of the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56 3 177–181.
IEEE A. Özen, E. Ergün, and A. Kürüm, “Light and electron microscopic studies on the oviduct epithelium of the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos)”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 177–181, 2009, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002218.
ISNAD Özen, Asuman et al. “Light and Electron Microscopic Studies on the Oviduct Epithelium of the Pekin Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos)”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56/3 (September 2009), 177-181.
JAMA Özen A, Ergün E, Kürüm A. Light and electron microscopic studies on the oviduct epithelium of the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2009;56:177–181.
MLA Özen, Asuman et al. “Light and Electron Microscopic Studies on the Oviduct Epithelium of the Pekin Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos)”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 56, no. 3, 2009, pp. 177-81, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002218.
Vancouver Özen A, Ergün E, Kürüm A. Light and electron microscopic studies on the oviduct epithelium of the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos). Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2009;56(3):177-81.