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Taylarda Rhodococcus equi enfeksiyonunun patolojik bulguları ve immunoperoksidaz tekniği ile tanısı

Year 2009, , 207 - 213, 01.09.2009


Klinik olarak solunum güçlüğü bulguları gösteren ve 2003-2006 yıllarının ilkbahar-yaz aylarında ölen 12 tayın nekropsisi yapıldı. On iki tayda da R. equi’ye bağlı pnömoni saptandı. Makroskobik olarak; 5 olguda akciğerde tipik kazeonekrotik odaklarla karşılaşıldı. Histopatolojik incelemede; irinli bronkopnömoni tablosu dikkati çekti. R. equi’ nin, yapılan immunoperoksidaz boyamalarla, akciğer ve mediastinal lenf düğümü kesitlerinde, çoğunlukla makrofajların, bazen de nötrofil lökositlerin sitoplazmasında yerleştiği görüldü. Bağırsaklarda lezyon görülmemesi, bu formun akciğer formuna göre ender şekillendiğini gösterdi. Sadece iki olguda mikrobiyolojik olarak R. equi izole edilebildi. Sonuç olarak; çalışmada kullanılan 12 tayda da R. equi’nin saptanmış olması, taylarda görülen pnömonilerin çoğunluğundan bu bakterinin sorumlu olduğunu ve ayrıca tanısında immunoperoksidaz tekniğinin başarıyla kullanılabileceğini gösterdi


  • Aucoin S, Eades CS (2000): Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals. http://eurp./ Pneumonia.htm. Accessed April 10, Accessed 18.12.2002
  • Chaffin MK, Honnas CM, Crabill, MR, Schneiter HL, Brumbaugh GW, Beiner RP (1995): Cauda equina syndrome, diskonpondylitis and a paravertebral abscess caused by R.equi in a foal. JAVMA, 206, 215-220.
  • Cimprich RE, Rooney JR (1977): Corynebacterium equi enteritis in foals. Vet Pathol, 14, 95-102.
  • Cohen ND, O’conor MS, Chaffin MK, Martens RJ (2005): Farm characteristics and management practices associated with development of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals. JAVMA, 226, 404-413.
  • Giguere S (2000): Rhodococcus equi infections. ,Accessed 13.01. 2003
  • Hazıroğlu R (2001): Solunum sistemi. 97-98. In: R. Hazıroğlu, Ü.H. Milli (Ed), Veteriner Patoloji.2. Baskı, Medipres Yayıncılık, Malatya.
  • Hillidge CJ (1986): Review of Corynebacterium (Rhodococcus) equi lung abscesses in foals: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. Vet Rec, 119, 261-264.
  • Ishino S, Kumagai K, Kuniyoshi S, Nakazawa M, Matsuda I, Oka M (1992): Immunohistochemical observations pneumonic Rhodococcus equi in foals. J Vet Med Sci, 54, 509-515.
  • Johnson JA, Prescott JF, Markham RJF (1983): The pathology of experimental Corynebacterium equi infection in foals following intrabronchial challenge. Vet Pathol, 20, 440-449.
  • Johnson JA, Prescott JF, Markham RJF (1983): The pathology of experimental Corynebacterium equi infection in foals following intragastric challenge. Vet Pathol, 20, 450-459.
  • Karadaş E, Gülcü HB, Beytut E, Kahraman EM (1997): İki arap tayında R.equi (Corynebacterium equi) enfeksiyonu. FÜ Sağlık Bil Derg, 11, 321-325.
  • Kedlaya I (2007): Rhodococcus equi. http://emedicine. com/med/topic3378.htm. Accessed 01.12.2005
  • Madarame H, Takai S, Morisawa N, Fujii M, Hidaka D, Tsubaki S, Hasegawa Y (1996): Immunohistochemical detection of virulence-associated antigens of Rhodococcus equi in pulmonary lesions of foals. Vet Pathol, 33, 341- 343.
  • Mariotti F, Cuteri V, Takai S, Renzoni G, Pascucci L, Vitellozi G (2000): Immunohistochemical detection of virulence- associated R.equi antijens in pulmonary and intestinal lesions in horses. J Comp Path, 123,186-189.
  • Özgür NY, Ilgaz A (2000): Tayların R.equi pnömonisi. İnfeksiyon Derg, 15, 405-408.
  • Özgür NY, İkiz S, Carioglu B, Ilgaz A, Takai S (2000): Two cases of dead foals associated with R.equi pneumonia in Turkey. J Equine Sci, 11, 1-5
  • Özgür NY, İkiz S, Bagcigil F, Carioglu B, Ilgaz A, Takai S (2002). Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in a mare in Turkey. Vet Rec, 151, 613
  • Price CS, Rush BR, Gaughan EM, Cox JH (2003): Osteomyelitis of the pelvis caused by Rhodococcus equi in a two-year-old horse. JAVMA, 222, 969-972.
  • Riedesel EA (1996): What’s Your Radiogaphic Diagnosis? College of Veterinary Medicine. Iowa State Univ Vet, 58, 31-32.
  • Szederi L, Makrai L, Denes B (2001): Rapid ımmunohistochemical detection of Rhodoccoccus equi in impression smears from affected foals on postmortem examination. J Vet Med B, 48, 751-758.
  • Szederi L, Molnar T,Glavits R, Takai S, Makrai L, Denes B, Del Piero F (2006): Two cases of equine abortion caused by Rhodoccoccus equi. Vet Pathol, 43, 208-211.
  • Takai S, Sasaki Y, Tsubaki S (1995): Rhodoccoccus equi infections in foals-current concepts and implication for future research. J Equine Sci, 6, 105-119.
  • Thomas HS (2000): Foal pneumonia caused by Rhodoccoccus equi. http://www.Jully.htm. Accessed 13.01.2003
  • Wada R, Kamada M, Anzai T, Nakanishi A, Kanemaru T, Takai S, Tsubaki S (1997): Pathogenecity and virulence of Rhodococcus equi in foals following intratracheal challenge. Vet Microbiol, 56, 301-312.
  • Wright B (2006): Rhodococcus equi pneumonia of foals. /90-056.htm]. Accessed 02.05.2006
  • Zink MC, Yager JA, Prescott JF, Wilkie BN (1985): In vitro phagocytosis and killing equi by alveoler macrophages of foals. Am J Vet Res, 46, 2171-2174. of Corynebacterium
  • Zink MC, Yager JA, Smart NL (1986): Corynebacterium equi infections in horses, 1958-1984: a review of 131 cases. Can Vet J, 27,213-217.

The pathological findings of Rhodococcus equi infection and its diagnosis with immunoperoxidase technique in foals

Year 2009, , 207 - 213, 01.09.2009


Twelve foals with difficulty in respiration that have died during spring-summer months between 2003-2006 years were necropsied. On necropsy, pneumonia was detected in all of the foals. In 5 animals, caseo-necrotic nodules were seen in the lungs. In histopathological examination, purulent bronchopneumonia was noticed. In immunohistochemical staining, Rhodococus equi antigens were determined in the cytoplasm of macrophages and occasionally in neutrophils in lungs and mediastinal lymph nodes by immunoperoxidase technique. No lesions were detected in the intestines confirming that this form of infection is rare compared to the lung form. In the present study, R. equi was microbiologically isolated only in two cases. In conclusion, R. equi infection was diagnosed in all of the twelve cases, and estimated to be the reason of pneumonia in the foals. It was also shown that immunoperoxidase technique can be successfully used for R. equi infection in the field


  • Aucoin S, Eades CS (2000): Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals. http://eurp./ Pneumonia.htm. Accessed April 10, Accessed 18.12.2002
  • Chaffin MK, Honnas CM, Crabill, MR, Schneiter HL, Brumbaugh GW, Beiner RP (1995): Cauda equina syndrome, diskonpondylitis and a paravertebral abscess caused by R.equi in a foal. JAVMA, 206, 215-220.
  • Cimprich RE, Rooney JR (1977): Corynebacterium equi enteritis in foals. Vet Pathol, 14, 95-102.
  • Cohen ND, O’conor MS, Chaffin MK, Martens RJ (2005): Farm characteristics and management practices associated with development of Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in foals. JAVMA, 226, 404-413.
  • Giguere S (2000): Rhodococcus equi infections. ,Accessed 13.01. 2003
  • Hazıroğlu R (2001): Solunum sistemi. 97-98. In: R. Hazıroğlu, Ü.H. Milli (Ed), Veteriner Patoloji.2. Baskı, Medipres Yayıncılık, Malatya.
  • Hillidge CJ (1986): Review of Corynebacterium (Rhodococcus) equi lung abscesses in foals: pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. Vet Rec, 119, 261-264.
  • Ishino S, Kumagai K, Kuniyoshi S, Nakazawa M, Matsuda I, Oka M (1992): Immunohistochemical observations pneumonic Rhodococcus equi in foals. J Vet Med Sci, 54, 509-515.
  • Johnson JA, Prescott JF, Markham RJF (1983): The pathology of experimental Corynebacterium equi infection in foals following intrabronchial challenge. Vet Pathol, 20, 440-449.
  • Johnson JA, Prescott JF, Markham RJF (1983): The pathology of experimental Corynebacterium equi infection in foals following intragastric challenge. Vet Pathol, 20, 450-459.
  • Karadaş E, Gülcü HB, Beytut E, Kahraman EM (1997): İki arap tayında R.equi (Corynebacterium equi) enfeksiyonu. FÜ Sağlık Bil Derg, 11, 321-325.
  • Kedlaya I (2007): Rhodococcus equi. http://emedicine. com/med/topic3378.htm. Accessed 01.12.2005
  • Madarame H, Takai S, Morisawa N, Fujii M, Hidaka D, Tsubaki S, Hasegawa Y (1996): Immunohistochemical detection of virulence-associated antigens of Rhodococcus equi in pulmonary lesions of foals. Vet Pathol, 33, 341- 343.
  • Mariotti F, Cuteri V, Takai S, Renzoni G, Pascucci L, Vitellozi G (2000): Immunohistochemical detection of virulence- associated R.equi antijens in pulmonary and intestinal lesions in horses. J Comp Path, 123,186-189.
  • Özgür NY, Ilgaz A (2000): Tayların R.equi pnömonisi. İnfeksiyon Derg, 15, 405-408.
  • Özgür NY, İkiz S, Carioglu B, Ilgaz A, Takai S (2000): Two cases of dead foals associated with R.equi pneumonia in Turkey. J Equine Sci, 11, 1-5
  • Özgür NY, İkiz S, Bagcigil F, Carioglu B, Ilgaz A, Takai S (2002). Rhodococcus equi pneumonia in a mare in Turkey. Vet Rec, 151, 613
  • Price CS, Rush BR, Gaughan EM, Cox JH (2003): Osteomyelitis of the pelvis caused by Rhodococcus equi in a two-year-old horse. JAVMA, 222, 969-972.
  • Riedesel EA (1996): What’s Your Radiogaphic Diagnosis? College of Veterinary Medicine. Iowa State Univ Vet, 58, 31-32.
  • Szederi L, Makrai L, Denes B (2001): Rapid ımmunohistochemical detection of Rhodoccoccus equi in impression smears from affected foals on postmortem examination. J Vet Med B, 48, 751-758.
  • Szederi L, Molnar T,Glavits R, Takai S, Makrai L, Denes B, Del Piero F (2006): Two cases of equine abortion caused by Rhodoccoccus equi. Vet Pathol, 43, 208-211.
  • Takai S, Sasaki Y, Tsubaki S (1995): Rhodoccoccus equi infections in foals-current concepts and implication for future research. J Equine Sci, 6, 105-119.
  • Thomas HS (2000): Foal pneumonia caused by Rhodoccoccus equi. http://www.Jully.htm. Accessed 13.01.2003
  • Wada R, Kamada M, Anzai T, Nakanishi A, Kanemaru T, Takai S, Tsubaki S (1997): Pathogenecity and virulence of Rhodococcus equi in foals following intratracheal challenge. Vet Microbiol, 56, 301-312.
  • Wright B (2006): Rhodococcus equi pneumonia of foals. /90-056.htm]. Accessed 02.05.2006
  • Zink MC, Yager JA, Prescott JF, Wilkie BN (1985): In vitro phagocytosis and killing equi by alveoler macrophages of foals. Am J Vet Res, 46, 2171-2174. of Corynebacterium
  • Zink MC, Yager JA, Smart NL (1986): Corynebacterium equi infections in horses, 1958-1984: a review of 131 cases. Can Vet J, 27,213-217.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA37HM38KJ
Journal Section Research Article

Şule Yurdagül Özsoy

Rıfkı Hazıroğlu

Publication Date September 1, 2009
Published in Issue Year 2009


APA Özsoy, Ş. Y., & Hazıroğlu, R. (2009). The pathological findings of Rhodococcus equi infection and its diagnosis with immunoperoxidase technique in foals. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 56(3), 207-213.
AMA Özsoy ŞY, Hazıroğlu R. The pathological findings of Rhodococcus equi infection and its diagnosis with immunoperoxidase technique in foals. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2009;56(3):207-213. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002222
Chicago Özsoy, Şule Yurdagül, and Rıfkı Hazıroğlu. “The Pathological Findings of Rhodococcus Equi Infection and Its Diagnosis With Immunoperoxidase Technique in Foals”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56, no. 3 (September 2009): 207-13.
EndNote Özsoy ŞY, Hazıroğlu R (September 1, 2009) The pathological findings of Rhodococcus equi infection and its diagnosis with immunoperoxidase technique in foals. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56 3 207–213.
IEEE Ş. Y. Özsoy and R. Hazıroğlu, “The pathological findings of Rhodococcus equi infection and its diagnosis with immunoperoxidase technique in foals”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 207–213, 2009, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002222.
ISNAD Özsoy, Şule Yurdagül - Hazıroğlu, Rıfkı. “The Pathological Findings of Rhodococcus Equi Infection and Its Diagnosis With Immunoperoxidase Technique in Foals”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 56/3 (September 2009), 207-213.
JAMA Özsoy ŞY, Hazıroğlu R. The pathological findings of Rhodococcus equi infection and its diagnosis with immunoperoxidase technique in foals. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2009;56:207–213.
MLA Özsoy, Şule Yurdagül and Rıfkı Hazıroğlu. “The Pathological Findings of Rhodococcus Equi Infection and Its Diagnosis With Immunoperoxidase Technique in Foals”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 56, no. 3, 2009, pp. 207-13, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002222.
Vancouver Özsoy ŞY, Hazıroğlu R. The pathological findings of Rhodococcus equi infection and its diagnosis with immunoperoxidase technique in foals. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2009;56(3):207-13.