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The investigation of the effect of foot and mouth disease on nitric oxide levels and adenosine deaminase activity in sheep

Year 2006, , 161 - 164, 01.09.2006


The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of foot and mouth disease on serum nitric oxide (NO) levels and adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity and correlations between these parameters and blood lymphocyte and monocyte numbers in sheep. 2-3 years old 40 sheep with foot and mouth disease and 20 sheep with healthy were used in the study. Blood was collected from jugular vein into the with and without-anticoagulant tubes from sheep. Lymphocyte and monocyte counts were made in with anticoagulant tubes by cell-counter. Serum was removed from without-anticoagulant by centrifugation. Serum NO level was measured by enzymatic Greiss, ADA activity by Bertholet reaction by spectrophotometrically. Serum NO levels and ADA activities were determined as 40.0±7.3µmol/L and 17.2±4.0 µmol/L, 17.6±4.1 U/L and 10.2±2.1 U/L, respectively. Serum NO levels and ADA activities were found to be significantly higher in sheep with foot and mouth disease compared to healthy (p


  • Akaike T, Noguchi Y, Ijiri S, Setoguchi K, Suga M, Zheng YM, Dietzschold B, Maeda H (1996): Pathogenesis of influenza virus-induced pneumonia: involvement of both nitric oxide and oxygen radicals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 93, 2448–2453.
  • Akçapınar H (2000): Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. Yenilenmiş 2. Baskı, İsmat Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • Anstey NM, Weinberg JB, Hassanali MY, Mwaikambo ED, Manyenga D, Misukonis MA, Arnelle DR, Hollis D, McDonald MI, Granger DL (1996): Nitric oxide in Tanzanian children with malaria: inverse relationship between malaria severity and nitric oxide production/nitric oxide synthase type 2 expression. J Exp Med, 184, 557-567.
  • Bubfeld D, Kaufmann A, Meyer RG, Gemsa D, Sprenger H (1998): Differential mononuclear leukocyte attracting chemokine production after stimulation with active and inactivated ınfluenza A virus. Cell Immun, 186, 1-7.
  • Childerstone AJ, Cedillo-Baron L, Foster-Cuevas M, Parkhouse RM (1999): Demonstration of bovine CD8+ T-cell responses to foot-andmouth disease virus. J Gen Virol, 80, 663–669.
  • Collen T (1994): Foot-and-mouth disease virus (aphthovirus): Viral T cell epitopes. 173-197. In: BML Goddeevis, I Morrison (Eds), Cell Mediated Immunity in Ruminants. CRC Press Inc, Boca Raton.
  • Cortas NK, Wakid NW (1990): Determination of inorganic nitrate in serum and urine by a kinetic cadmium reduction method. Clin Chem, 36, 1440-1448.
  • DİE (2004): Genel Tarım Sayımı. T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.
  • Dinter Z, Morein B (1990): Virus Infections of Ruminants. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., New York, p. 506-508.
  • Elahi S, Pang G, Ashman RB, Clancy R (2001): Nitric oxide-enhanced resistance to oral candidiasis. Immunology, 104, 447-454.
  • Gakis C (1996): Adenosine deaminase (ADA) isoenzymes ADA1 and ADA2: diagnostic and biological role. Eur Respir J, 9, 632-633.
  • Gakis C, Cappio-Borlino A, Pulina G (1998): Enzymes (isoenzyme system) as homeostatic mechanisms the isoenzyme (ADA2) of adenosine deaminase of human monocytes-macrophages as a regulator of the 2'deoxyadenosine. Biochem Mol Biol Int, 46, 487-494.
  • Galanti B, Nardiello S, Russo M, Fiorentino F (1981): Increased lymphocyte adenosine deaminase in typhoid fever. Scand J Infect Dis, 13, 47-50.
  • Giusti G (1974): Adenosine deaminase. In: HU Bergmeyer (Ed), Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. Academic Press, New York.
  • Grubman MJ, Baxt B (2004): Foot-and-mouth disease. Clin Microbiol Rev, 17, 465-493.
  • Hirschberger J, Koch S (1995): Validation of the determination of the activity of adenosine deaminase in the body effusions of cats. Res Vet Sci, 59, 226-229.
  • James SL (1995): Role of nitric oxide in parasitic infection. Microb Rev, 59, 533–547.
  • Kitching RP (1998): A recent history of foot-andmouth disease virus. J Comp Pathol, 118, 89-108.
  • Mayer B, Hemmens B (1997): Biosynthesis and action of nitric oxide in mammalian cells. Trends Biochem Sci, 22, 477–481.
  • McCullough KC, de Simone F, Brocchi E, Capucci L, Crowther JR, Kihm U (1992): Protective immune response against foot-and-mouth disease virus. J Virol, 66, 1835-1840.
  • Moncada S, Palmer RM, Higgs EA (1991): Nitric oxide physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology. Pharmacol Rev, 43, 109–142.
  • Nicholson S, Bonecini-Almeida Mda G, Lapa e Silva JR, Nathan C, Xie QW, Mumford R, Weidner JR, Calaycay J, Geng J, Boechat N, Linhares C, Rom W, Ho JL (1996): Inducible nitric oxide synthase in pulmonary alveolar macrophages from patients with tuberculosis. J Exp Med, 183, 2293-2302.
  • Pereira HG (1981): Foot-and-mouth disease. 333-336. In: EPJ Gibbs (Ed), Virus Disease of Food Animals. Academic Press, New York.
  • Saiz JC, Rodriguez A, Gonzalez M, Alonso F, Sobrino F (1992): Heterotypic lymphoproliferative response in pigs vaccinated with foot-andmouth disease virus. Involvement of isolated capsid proteins. J Gen Virol, 73, 2601–2607.
  • Schoedon G, Schneemann M, Walter R, Blau N, Hofer S, Schaffner A (1995): Nitric oxide and infection: another view. Clin Infect Dis, 2, 152-157.
  • Sümbüloğlu K, Sümbüloğlu V (2000): Biyoistatistik. Hatipoğlu yayınları. 9. Baskı. Ankara.
  • Tsukahara Y, Morisaki T, Horita Y, Torisu M, Tanaka M (1998): Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in circulating neutrophils of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and septic patients. World J Surg, 22, 771-777.
  • Umezawa K, Akaike T, Fuji S, Suga M, Setoguchi K, Ozawa A, Maeda H (1997): Induction of nitric oxide synthesis and xanthine oxidase and their roles in the antimicrobial mechanism against Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice. Infect Immun, 65, 2932–2940.
  • Ungerer JP, Burger HM, Bissbort SH, Vermaak WJ (1996): Adenosine deaminase isoenzymes in typhoid fever. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 15, 510-512.
  • Ungerer JP, Oosthuizen HM, Bissbort SH, Vermaak WJ (1992): Serum adenosine deaminase: isoenzymes and diagnostic application. Clin Chem, 38, 1322-1326.
  • Usherwood EJ, Nash AA (1995): Lymphocyte recognition of picornaviruses. J Gen Virol, 76, 499-508.
  • van Bekkum JG (1969): Correlation between serum antibody level and protection against challenge with FMD. Session of Research Group of the standing Technical Committee of the European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease, Brescia, Italy.
  • Yasuda J, Tanabe T, Hashimoto A, Too K (1996): Adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in tissues and sera from normal and leukaemic cattle. Br Vet J, 152, 485-488. Geliş tarihi: 12.12.2005 / Kabul tarihi: 27.01.2006

Şap hastalıklı koyunlarda serum nitrik oksit düzeyi ve adenozin deaminaz aktivitesinin araştırılması

Year 2006, , 161 - 164, 01.09.2006


Bu çalışmanın amacı, koyunlarda şap hastalığının serum nitrik oksit (NO) düzeyi ve adenozin deaminaz (ADA) aktivitesi üzerine etkilerini ve bu parametreler ile kan lenfosit ve monosit sayıları arasındaki ilişkileri incelemektir. Çalışmada 2-3 yaşlı 40 adet şap hastalığı virusu ile enfekte ve 20 adet klinik olarak sağlıklı koyun kullanıldı. Koyunların vena jugularisinden antikoagulanlı ve antikoagulansız tüplere kan örnekleri toplandı. Antikoagulanlı tüpteki kan örneğinde kan sayım cihazı ile lenfosit ve monosit sayımı yapıldı. Antikoagulansız tüpteki kanlar santrifüj edilerek serumları çıkarıldı. Serumda NO düzeyi enzimatik Greiss yöntemi, ADA aktivitesi Bertholet reaksiyonu ile spektrofotometrik olarak ölçüldü. Hastalıklı ve sağlıklı koyunlarda, serum NO düzeyleri ile ADA aktiviteleri, sırası ile, 40.0±7.3µmol/L ve 17.2±4.0 µmol/L, 17.6±4.1 U/L ve 10.2±2.1 U/L olarak belirlendi. Şap hastalıklı koyunlarda serum nitrik oksit düzeyi ile adenozin deaminaz enzim aktivitesi sağlıklı gruba göre önemli derecede yüksek bulundu (p


  • Akaike T, Noguchi Y, Ijiri S, Setoguchi K, Suga M, Zheng YM, Dietzschold B, Maeda H (1996): Pathogenesis of influenza virus-induced pneumonia: involvement of both nitric oxide and oxygen radicals. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 93, 2448–2453.
  • Akçapınar H (2000): Koyun Yetiştiriciliği. Yenilenmiş 2. Baskı, İsmat Matbaacılık, Ankara.
  • Anstey NM, Weinberg JB, Hassanali MY, Mwaikambo ED, Manyenga D, Misukonis MA, Arnelle DR, Hollis D, McDonald MI, Granger DL (1996): Nitric oxide in Tanzanian children with malaria: inverse relationship between malaria severity and nitric oxide production/nitric oxide synthase type 2 expression. J Exp Med, 184, 557-567.
  • Bubfeld D, Kaufmann A, Meyer RG, Gemsa D, Sprenger H (1998): Differential mononuclear leukocyte attracting chemokine production after stimulation with active and inactivated ınfluenza A virus. Cell Immun, 186, 1-7.
  • Childerstone AJ, Cedillo-Baron L, Foster-Cuevas M, Parkhouse RM (1999): Demonstration of bovine CD8+ T-cell responses to foot-andmouth disease virus. J Gen Virol, 80, 663–669.
  • Collen T (1994): Foot-and-mouth disease virus (aphthovirus): Viral T cell epitopes. 173-197. In: BML Goddeevis, I Morrison (Eds), Cell Mediated Immunity in Ruminants. CRC Press Inc, Boca Raton.
  • Cortas NK, Wakid NW (1990): Determination of inorganic nitrate in serum and urine by a kinetic cadmium reduction method. Clin Chem, 36, 1440-1448.
  • DİE (2004): Genel Tarım Sayımı. T.C. Başbakanlık Devlet İstatistik Enstitüsü Matbaası, Ankara.
  • Dinter Z, Morein B (1990): Virus Infections of Ruminants. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., New York, p. 506-508.
  • Elahi S, Pang G, Ashman RB, Clancy R (2001): Nitric oxide-enhanced resistance to oral candidiasis. Immunology, 104, 447-454.
  • Gakis C (1996): Adenosine deaminase (ADA) isoenzymes ADA1 and ADA2: diagnostic and biological role. Eur Respir J, 9, 632-633.
  • Gakis C, Cappio-Borlino A, Pulina G (1998): Enzymes (isoenzyme system) as homeostatic mechanisms the isoenzyme (ADA2) of adenosine deaminase of human monocytes-macrophages as a regulator of the 2'deoxyadenosine. Biochem Mol Biol Int, 46, 487-494.
  • Galanti B, Nardiello S, Russo M, Fiorentino F (1981): Increased lymphocyte adenosine deaminase in typhoid fever. Scand J Infect Dis, 13, 47-50.
  • Giusti G (1974): Adenosine deaminase. In: HU Bergmeyer (Ed), Methods of Enzymatic Analysis. Academic Press, New York.
  • Grubman MJ, Baxt B (2004): Foot-and-mouth disease. Clin Microbiol Rev, 17, 465-493.
  • Hirschberger J, Koch S (1995): Validation of the determination of the activity of adenosine deaminase in the body effusions of cats. Res Vet Sci, 59, 226-229.
  • James SL (1995): Role of nitric oxide in parasitic infection. Microb Rev, 59, 533–547.
  • Kitching RP (1998): A recent history of foot-andmouth disease virus. J Comp Pathol, 118, 89-108.
  • Mayer B, Hemmens B (1997): Biosynthesis and action of nitric oxide in mammalian cells. Trends Biochem Sci, 22, 477–481.
  • McCullough KC, de Simone F, Brocchi E, Capucci L, Crowther JR, Kihm U (1992): Protective immune response against foot-and-mouth disease virus. J Virol, 66, 1835-1840.
  • Moncada S, Palmer RM, Higgs EA (1991): Nitric oxide physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology. Pharmacol Rev, 43, 109–142.
  • Nicholson S, Bonecini-Almeida Mda G, Lapa e Silva JR, Nathan C, Xie QW, Mumford R, Weidner JR, Calaycay J, Geng J, Boechat N, Linhares C, Rom W, Ho JL (1996): Inducible nitric oxide synthase in pulmonary alveolar macrophages from patients with tuberculosis. J Exp Med, 183, 2293-2302.
  • Pereira HG (1981): Foot-and-mouth disease. 333-336. In: EPJ Gibbs (Ed), Virus Disease of Food Animals. Academic Press, New York.
  • Saiz JC, Rodriguez A, Gonzalez M, Alonso F, Sobrino F (1992): Heterotypic lymphoproliferative response in pigs vaccinated with foot-andmouth disease virus. Involvement of isolated capsid proteins. J Gen Virol, 73, 2601–2607.
  • Schoedon G, Schneemann M, Walter R, Blau N, Hofer S, Schaffner A (1995): Nitric oxide and infection: another view. Clin Infect Dis, 2, 152-157.
  • Sümbüloğlu K, Sümbüloğlu V (2000): Biyoistatistik. Hatipoğlu yayınları. 9. Baskı. Ankara.
  • Tsukahara Y, Morisaki T, Horita Y, Torisu M, Tanaka M (1998): Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in circulating neutrophils of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome and septic patients. World J Surg, 22, 771-777.
  • Umezawa K, Akaike T, Fuji S, Suga M, Setoguchi K, Ozawa A, Maeda H (1997): Induction of nitric oxide synthesis and xanthine oxidase and their roles in the antimicrobial mechanism against Salmonella typhimurium infection in mice. Infect Immun, 65, 2932–2940.
  • Ungerer JP, Burger HM, Bissbort SH, Vermaak WJ (1996): Adenosine deaminase isoenzymes in typhoid fever. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 15, 510-512.
  • Ungerer JP, Oosthuizen HM, Bissbort SH, Vermaak WJ (1992): Serum adenosine deaminase: isoenzymes and diagnostic application. Clin Chem, 38, 1322-1326.
  • Usherwood EJ, Nash AA (1995): Lymphocyte recognition of picornaviruses. J Gen Virol, 76, 499-508.
  • van Bekkum JG (1969): Correlation between serum antibody level and protection against challenge with FMD. Session of Research Group of the standing Technical Committee of the European Commission for the Control of Foot and Mouth Disease, Brescia, Italy.
  • Yasuda J, Tanabe T, Hashimoto A, Too K (1996): Adenosine deaminase (ADA) activity in tissues and sera from normal and leukaemic cattle. Br Vet J, 152, 485-488. Geliş tarihi: 12.12.2005 / Kabul tarihi: 27.01.2006
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Article

Gül Fatma Yarım

Cevat Nisbet

Sena Çenesiz

Aydın Coşkuner

Publication Date September 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006


APA Yarım, G. F., Nisbet, C., Çenesiz, S., Coşkuner, A. (2006). Şap hastalıklı koyunlarda serum nitrik oksit düzeyi ve adenozin deaminaz aktivitesinin araştırılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(3), 161-164. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000090
AMA Yarım GF, Nisbet C, Çenesiz S, Coşkuner A. Şap hastalıklı koyunlarda serum nitrik oksit düzeyi ve adenozin deaminaz aktivitesinin araştırılması. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2006;53(3):161-164. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000000090
Chicago Yarım, Gül Fatma, Cevat Nisbet, Sena Çenesiz, and Aydın Coşkuner. “Şap hastalıklı Koyunlarda Serum Nitrik Oksit düzeyi Ve Adenozin Deaminaz Aktivitesinin araştırılması”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53, no. 3 (September 2006): 161-64. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000090.
EndNote Yarım GF, Nisbet C, Çenesiz S, Coşkuner A (September 1, 2006) Şap hastalıklı koyunlarda serum nitrik oksit düzeyi ve adenozin deaminaz aktivitesinin araştırılması. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53 3 161–164.
IEEE G. F. Yarım, C. Nisbet, S. Çenesiz, and A. Coşkuner, “Şap hastalıklı koyunlarda serum nitrik oksit düzeyi ve adenozin deaminaz aktivitesinin araştırılması”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 161–164, 2006, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000000090.
ISNAD Yarım, Gül Fatma et al. “Şap hastalıklı Koyunlarda Serum Nitrik Oksit düzeyi Ve Adenozin Deaminaz Aktivitesinin araştırılması”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53/3 (September 2006), 161-164. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000090.
JAMA Yarım GF, Nisbet C, Çenesiz S, Coşkuner A. Şap hastalıklı koyunlarda serum nitrik oksit düzeyi ve adenozin deaminaz aktivitesinin araştırılması. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2006;53:161–164.
MLA Yarım, Gül Fatma et al. “Şap hastalıklı Koyunlarda Serum Nitrik Oksit düzeyi Ve Adenozin Deaminaz Aktivitesinin araştırılması”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 53, no. 3, 2006, pp. 161-4, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000000090.
Vancouver Yarım GF, Nisbet C, Çenesiz S, Coşkuner A. Şap hastalıklı koyunlarda serum nitrik oksit düzeyi ve adenozin deaminaz aktivitesinin araştırılması. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2006;53(3):161-4.