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The effects of uterine lavage and hormonal treatments on follicular activity and some fertility parameters in the onset of breeding season in mares with reproductive failure

Year 2006, , 169 - 173, 01.09.2006


The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of uterine lavage and concurrent oxytocin administrations followed by various hormonal treatments on follicular activity, induction of ovulation and pregnancy rates in mares with the history of infertility in previous breeding season. In this study, twelve different breed mares were used. Uterine lavages (8-10 litres of 0.9 % NaCl for at least 3 consecutive days until clean lavage fluid is observed) were done at the onset of oestrous before hormonal administrations and repeated after inseminations if necessary. Oxytocin was administered (20 IU i.v.) for 5 consecutive days. Mares were grouped as follows; Group I (n=4): Intravaginal CIDR-B (1.9 g progesterone) in diestrous for 10 days combined with i.m. PGF2α on day 7and on the day of CIDR-B removal in combination with i.m. estradiolbenzoate (5 mg) and subcutaneous desloreline acetate (DA; a GnRH analogue; 2.1 mg, Ovuplant® implant) as follicles reach the diameter of 30 mm. In group II (n=4); DA alone when follicles ≥30 mm are present. In group III (n=4); Control group, no hormonal treatments. Mean ovulation time following DA administrations was 41.16±8.15 h while ovulations occurred at 90.0±22.97 h after ultrasonographic detection of 35 mm diameter follicles in control group mares. Preovulatory follicles (≥35 mm) were detected at 84.0±30.7 h following CIDR-B removal and ovulation of these follicles occurred at 50.7±15.4 h of reaching preovulatory diameter. Percentages of ovulations were 70%, 100% and 40% in groups I, II and III, respectively. Six mares (75%) became pregnant in Group I and II. However, due to embryonic losses, four mares carried their pregnancies to term. Only one (25%) mare became pregnant in the control group. In conclusion, it was observed thatuterine lavage and concurrent oxytocin administrations followed by various hormonal treatments were increased reproductive performance in stud farm mares with the history of infertility in previous breeding season


  • Arbeiter K, Barth U (1991): CIDR-B Spange und Deslo- relin Implant zur Ovulationsterminisierung bei der Stute. Reprod Dom Anim, 26, 183.
  • Arbeiter K, Barth U, Jöchle W (1994): Observations on the use of progesterone intravaginally and of deslorelin STI in acyclic mares for induction of ovulation. J Equine Vet Sci, 14, 21-25.
  • Blanchard TL, Varner DD, Schumacher J (1998): Uter- ine defense mechanisms in the mare. 47-58. In: Don W. Pratt (Ed.): Manual of Equine Reproduction. Mosby-Year Book, Inc. Missouri.
  • Blanchard TL, Varner DD, Schumacher J (1998): Transrectal ultrasonography in broodmare practice. 35- 45. In: Don W. Pratt (Ed.): Manual of Equine Reproduc- tion. Mosby-Year Book, Inc. Missouri.
  • De Kruif (1993): Über die Klinik und Therapie der Endo- metritis bei Pferd. Der praktische Tierarzt, 1, 39-43.
  • Ginther OJ (1992): Artificial control of the estrus cycle. 278-288. In: OJ Ginther (ed), Reproductive Biology of the Mare: Basic and Applied Aspects, 2nd edition, Equiser- vices, Cross Plains WI. Wisconsin.
  • Ginther OJ (1992): Endocrinology of the ovulatory sea- son. 233-290. In: OJ Ginther (ed), Reproductive Biology of the Mare: Basic and Applied Aspects, 2nd edition, Equiservices, Cross Plains WI. Wisconsin.
  • Grimmett JB, Perkins NR (2001): Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): the effect of dose on ovulation and pregnancy rate in Thorougbred mares experiencing their first ovulation of the breeding season. New Zeland Veteri- nary Journal, 49, 88-93.
  • Handler J, Arbeiter K (1996): Zur ovulationsterminie- rung bei der stute mit dem GnRH-analog Deslorelinacetat (OvuplantTM) im Feldversuch. Wien. Tierärztl mschr, 83, 137-140.
  • Handler J, Arbeiter K, Jöchle W (1999): Stimulation of fertile ovulations in mares during the transition period us- ing an intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR-B) and subsequently deslorelin acetate (Ovuplant). Reprod Dom Anim, 34, 24.
  • Handler J, Arbeiter K, Jöchle W (2004): The influence of breed, breeding management and veterinarian on the timing of ovulation and fertility in mares treted with a GnRH analogue, deslorelin (OvuplantTM). In:Pferdeheilkunde, 20, 145-152.
  • Hopkins SM, Althouse GC (2003): Reproductive patterns of horses. 413-433. In: MH Pineda, MP Dooley (eds), McDonald’s Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction, Fifth edition, Iowa State Press, Iowa.
  • Johnson AL, Becker SE (1993): Therapy in cycling mares: effect of implant removal on FSH secretion and ovarian function. Hormonal control of ovulation in the mare. Anim. Rep. Sci., 33, 209-226.
  • Jöchle W, Trigg TE (1994): Control of ovulation in the mare with OvuplantTM, a short-term release implant (STI) containing the GnRH analogue deslorelin acetate: Studies from 1990 to 1994. J Equine Vet Sci, 14, 632-644.
  • Klug E, Meinert K, Lepel V, Erbslöh J, Biet K, Lueb- bekke M, Bader H, Merkt H, Jöchle W (1992): Accel- eration of ovulation in the mare with a short-acting subcu- taneous implant of GnRH analog deslorelin. 12th Interna- tional Congress on Animal Reproduction, 23.-27. August 1992, Den Haag, Congress Proceedings, 1879-1881.
  • Leidl W, Würgau Th, Wolff N, Bouabid C (1992): Klinische aspecte der ovarfunktion und ihrer Störungen bei der stute. Tierarzt Umschau, 47, 63-62.
  • Mattos R, Castilho LFF, Malschitzky E, Neves AP, Keler A, Gregory RM, Mattos RC (1997): Uterine lav- age with saline in mares as treatment for endometritis. Pferdeheilkunde, 13, 521-524.
  • McKinnon AO, Nobelius AM, Tarrida Del Marmol Figueroa S, Skidmore J, Vasey JR, Trigg TE (1993): Predictable ovulation in mares treated with an implant of the GnRH analogue deslorelin. Equine Vet J, 25, 321-323.
  • Meinert C, Silva JFS, Krotez I, Klug E, Trigg TE, Hoppen HO, Jöchle W (1993): Advancing the time of ovulation in the mare with a short-term implant releasing the GnRH analogue deslorelin. Equine Vet J, 25, 65-68.
  • Meyers PJ (1996): Control and synchronization of the estrus cycle and ovulation. 96-102. In: RS Youngquist (Ed.): Current Theraphy in Large Animal Theriogenology. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia.
  • Meyers PJ, Bowman T, Blodgett G, Conboy HS, Gi- menez T, Reid MP, Taylor BC, Thayer J, Jöchle W, Trigg TE (1997): Use of the GnRH analogue, deslorelin acetate, in a slow-release implant to accelerate ovulation in oestrus mares. Vet Rec, 140, 249-252.
  • Newcombe JR, Handler J, Klug E, Meyers PJ, Jöchle W (2002): Treatment of transition phase mares with pro- gesterone intravaginally and with deslorelin or hCG to as- sist ovulations. J Equine Vet Sci, 22, 57-64.
  • Pelehach LM, Greaves HE, Porter MB, Desvousges A, Sharp DC(2002): The role of estrogen and progesterone in the induction and dissipation of uterine edema in mares. Theriogenology, 58, 441-444.
  • Shilova AV, Platov EM, Lebedev SG (1976): The use of human chorionic gonadotropin for ovulation date regula- tion in mares. 205-220. In: VIIIth International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Kra- kow.
  • Squires EL, Moran DM, Farlin ME, Jasko DJ, Keefe TJ, Meyers SA, Figueiredo E, McCue PM, Jochle W (1994): Effect of dose of GnRH analogue on ovulation in mares. Theriogenology, 41,757-769.
  • Voss JL (1993) Human chorionic gonadotropin. 325-328. In: AO McKinnon, JL Voss (eds), Equine Reproduction. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. Geliş tarihi: 20.08.2005 / Kabul tarihi: 03.01.2006

Reprodüktif açıdan sorunlu kısraklarda aşım sezonu başlangıcında uterus yıkamaları ve hormon kullanımının siklus aktivitesi ve fertilite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi

Year 2006, , 169 - 173, 01.09.2006


Bu çalışmanın amacı oksitosin destekli uterus yıkamalarını takiben yapılan hormon uygulamalarının önceki aşım sezonlarında birkaç kez çiftleştirilmelerine karşın gebe kalmayan kısraklarda follikül aktivitesi, ovulasyonun indüksiyonu ve gebelik sonuçları üzerindeki etkisini ortaya koymaktır. Çalışmada önceki aşım sezonlarında infertilite problemi görülen değişik ırklardan 12 kısrak kullanıldı. İntrauterin yıkama (8-10 litre %0.9 NaCl solusyonu en az üç gün süreyle akıntı temiz görülene kadar) hormon uygulamalarından önce, östrus başlangıcında tüm kısraklara uygulandı ve çiftleşmelerden sonra sorun saptananlarda yıkamalar yenilendi. Oksitosin (20 IU, i.v.) beş gün uygulandı. Kısraklar 3 gruba ayrıldı; Grup I (n=4); İnteröstrus döneminde intravaginal CIDR-B (Controlled Internal Drug Release; 1.9g progesteron; 9 gün) uygulandı, uygulamanın 7. gününde PGF2α (Dinolytic® 5 mg, i.m.) ve CIDR-B çıkarılırken tekrar PGF2α ve östradiol benzoat (5 mg, i.m.) yapıldı. Folliküller 30 mm büyüklüğe ulaştığında deslorelin asetat (DA; GnRH-analoğu, 2.1 mg, Ovuplant® implant) subkutan uygulandı. Grup II (n=4); Bu grupta folliküller 30 mm büyüklüğe ulaştıktan sonra DA tek başına uygulandı. Grup III (n=4); kontrol gurubu olarak alındı ve herhangi bir uygulama yapılmadı. Deslorelin uygulandıktan sonra (Grup II) ovulasyon 41.16±8.15 saatte, kontrol grubunda ise folliküller 35 mm’ye ulaştıktan sonra 90.0±22.97 saat içinde gerçekleşti. CIDR-B çıkarıldıktan 84.0±30.9 saat sonra preovulatör folliküller (>35mm) gelişti ve sonrasında ovulasyonlar 50.7±15.4 saat içerisinde saptandı. Ovulasyon oranları Grup I, II ve III için sırasıyla %70, %100 ve %40 bulundu. Grup I ve II’den 6 kısrak gebe kaldı (%75), embriyonik ölümler sonucunda 4 kısrak gebeliğini sürdürdü. Kontrol grubundan ise 1 kısrağın (%25) gebe kaldığı ve gebeliğini sürdürdüğü saptandı. Sonuç olarak; daha önceki sezonlarda gebe kalmamış kısraklarda oksitosin eşliğinde yapılan uterus yıkamaları ve tedaviye yönelik yapılan hormon uygulamalarının fertilite yönünden sorunlu işletmelerde fertilite başarısını artıracağı gözlenmiştir


  • Arbeiter K, Barth U (1991): CIDR-B Spange und Deslo- relin Implant zur Ovulationsterminisierung bei der Stute. Reprod Dom Anim, 26, 183.
  • Arbeiter K, Barth U, Jöchle W (1994): Observations on the use of progesterone intravaginally and of deslorelin STI in acyclic mares for induction of ovulation. J Equine Vet Sci, 14, 21-25.
  • Blanchard TL, Varner DD, Schumacher J (1998): Uter- ine defense mechanisms in the mare. 47-58. In: Don W. Pratt (Ed.): Manual of Equine Reproduction. Mosby-Year Book, Inc. Missouri.
  • Blanchard TL, Varner DD, Schumacher J (1998): Transrectal ultrasonography in broodmare practice. 35- 45. In: Don W. Pratt (Ed.): Manual of Equine Reproduc- tion. Mosby-Year Book, Inc. Missouri.
  • De Kruif (1993): Über die Klinik und Therapie der Endo- metritis bei Pferd. Der praktische Tierarzt, 1, 39-43.
  • Ginther OJ (1992): Artificial control of the estrus cycle. 278-288. In: OJ Ginther (ed), Reproductive Biology of the Mare: Basic and Applied Aspects, 2nd edition, Equiser- vices, Cross Plains WI. Wisconsin.
  • Ginther OJ (1992): Endocrinology of the ovulatory sea- son. 233-290. In: OJ Ginther (ed), Reproductive Biology of the Mare: Basic and Applied Aspects, 2nd edition, Equiservices, Cross Plains WI. Wisconsin.
  • Grimmett JB, Perkins NR (2001): Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): the effect of dose on ovulation and pregnancy rate in Thorougbred mares experiencing their first ovulation of the breeding season. New Zeland Veteri- nary Journal, 49, 88-93.
  • Handler J, Arbeiter K (1996): Zur ovulationsterminie- rung bei der stute mit dem GnRH-analog Deslorelinacetat (OvuplantTM) im Feldversuch. Wien. Tierärztl mschr, 83, 137-140.
  • Handler J, Arbeiter K, Jöchle W (1999): Stimulation of fertile ovulations in mares during the transition period us- ing an intravaginal progesterone device (CIDR-B) and subsequently deslorelin acetate (Ovuplant). Reprod Dom Anim, 34, 24.
  • Handler J, Arbeiter K, Jöchle W (2004): The influence of breed, breeding management and veterinarian on the timing of ovulation and fertility in mares treted with a GnRH analogue, deslorelin (OvuplantTM). In:Pferdeheilkunde, 20, 145-152.
  • Hopkins SM, Althouse GC (2003): Reproductive patterns of horses. 413-433. In: MH Pineda, MP Dooley (eds), McDonald’s Veterinary Endocrinology and Reproduction, Fifth edition, Iowa State Press, Iowa.
  • Johnson AL, Becker SE (1993): Therapy in cycling mares: effect of implant removal on FSH secretion and ovarian function. Hormonal control of ovulation in the mare. Anim. Rep. Sci., 33, 209-226.
  • Jöchle W, Trigg TE (1994): Control of ovulation in the mare with OvuplantTM, a short-term release implant (STI) containing the GnRH analogue deslorelin acetate: Studies from 1990 to 1994. J Equine Vet Sci, 14, 632-644.
  • Klug E, Meinert K, Lepel V, Erbslöh J, Biet K, Lueb- bekke M, Bader H, Merkt H, Jöchle W (1992): Accel- eration of ovulation in the mare with a short-acting subcu- taneous implant of GnRH analog deslorelin. 12th Interna- tional Congress on Animal Reproduction, 23.-27. August 1992, Den Haag, Congress Proceedings, 1879-1881.
  • Leidl W, Würgau Th, Wolff N, Bouabid C (1992): Klinische aspecte der ovarfunktion und ihrer Störungen bei der stute. Tierarzt Umschau, 47, 63-62.
  • Mattos R, Castilho LFF, Malschitzky E, Neves AP, Keler A, Gregory RM, Mattos RC (1997): Uterine lav- age with saline in mares as treatment for endometritis. Pferdeheilkunde, 13, 521-524.
  • McKinnon AO, Nobelius AM, Tarrida Del Marmol Figueroa S, Skidmore J, Vasey JR, Trigg TE (1993): Predictable ovulation in mares treated with an implant of the GnRH analogue deslorelin. Equine Vet J, 25, 321-323.
  • Meinert C, Silva JFS, Krotez I, Klug E, Trigg TE, Hoppen HO, Jöchle W (1993): Advancing the time of ovulation in the mare with a short-term implant releasing the GnRH analogue deslorelin. Equine Vet J, 25, 65-68.
  • Meyers PJ (1996): Control and synchronization of the estrus cycle and ovulation. 96-102. In: RS Youngquist (Ed.): Current Theraphy in Large Animal Theriogenology. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia.
  • Meyers PJ, Bowman T, Blodgett G, Conboy HS, Gi- menez T, Reid MP, Taylor BC, Thayer J, Jöchle W, Trigg TE (1997): Use of the GnRH analogue, deslorelin acetate, in a slow-release implant to accelerate ovulation in oestrus mares. Vet Rec, 140, 249-252.
  • Newcombe JR, Handler J, Klug E, Meyers PJ, Jöchle W (2002): Treatment of transition phase mares with pro- gesterone intravaginally and with deslorelin or hCG to as- sist ovulations. J Equine Vet Sci, 22, 57-64.
  • Pelehach LM, Greaves HE, Porter MB, Desvousges A, Sharp DC(2002): The role of estrogen and progesterone in the induction and dissipation of uterine edema in mares. Theriogenology, 58, 441-444.
  • Shilova AV, Platov EM, Lebedev SG (1976): The use of human chorionic gonadotropin for ovulation date regula- tion in mares. 205-220. In: VIIIth International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Kra- kow.
  • Squires EL, Moran DM, Farlin ME, Jasko DJ, Keefe TJ, Meyers SA, Figueiredo E, McCue PM, Jochle W (1994): Effect of dose of GnRH analogue on ovulation in mares. Theriogenology, 41,757-769.
  • Voss JL (1993) Human chorionic gonadotropin. 325-328. In: AO McKinnon, JL Voss (eds), Equine Reproduction. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia. Geliş tarihi: 20.08.2005 / Kabul tarihi: 03.01.2006
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Article

Hakkı Bülent Beceriklisoy

Serhan Serhat Ay

Abuzer K. Zonturlu

Yunus Çetin

Cihan Kaçar

Johannes Handler

Selim Aslan

Publication Date September 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006


APA Beceriklisoy, H. B., Ay, S. S., Zonturlu, A. K., Çetin, Y., et al. (2006). Reprodüktif açıdan sorunlu kısraklarda aşım sezonu başlangıcında uterus yıkamaları ve hormon kullanımının siklus aktivitesi ve fertilite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(3), 169-173. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000088
AMA Beceriklisoy HB, Ay SS, Zonturlu AK, Çetin Y, Kaçar C, Handler J, Aslan S. Reprodüktif açıdan sorunlu kısraklarda aşım sezonu başlangıcında uterus yıkamaları ve hormon kullanımının siklus aktivitesi ve fertilite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2006;53(3):169-173. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000000088
Chicago Beceriklisoy, Hakkı Bülent, Serhan Serhat Ay, Abuzer K. Zonturlu, Yunus Çetin, Cihan Kaçar, Johannes Handler, and Selim Aslan. “Reprodüktif açıdan Sorunlu kısraklarda aşım Sezonu başlangıcında Uterus yıkamaları Ve Hormon kullanımının Siklus Aktivitesi Ve Fertilite Parametreleri üzerindeki Etkisi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53, no. 3 (September 2006): 169-73. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000088.
EndNote Beceriklisoy HB, Ay SS, Zonturlu AK, Çetin Y, Kaçar C, Handler J, Aslan S (September 1, 2006) Reprodüktif açıdan sorunlu kısraklarda aşım sezonu başlangıcında uterus yıkamaları ve hormon kullanımının siklus aktivitesi ve fertilite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53 3 169–173.
IEEE H. B. Beceriklisoy, “Reprodüktif açıdan sorunlu kısraklarda aşım sezonu başlangıcında uterus yıkamaları ve hormon kullanımının siklus aktivitesi ve fertilite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 169–173, 2006, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000000088.
ISNAD Beceriklisoy, Hakkı Bülent et al. “Reprodüktif açıdan Sorunlu kısraklarda aşım Sezonu başlangıcında Uterus yıkamaları Ve Hormon kullanımının Siklus Aktivitesi Ve Fertilite Parametreleri üzerindeki Etkisi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53/3 (September 2006), 169-173. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000088.
JAMA Beceriklisoy HB, Ay SS, Zonturlu AK, Çetin Y, Kaçar C, Handler J, Aslan S. Reprodüktif açıdan sorunlu kısraklarda aşım sezonu başlangıcında uterus yıkamaları ve hormon kullanımının siklus aktivitesi ve fertilite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2006;53:169–173.
MLA Beceriklisoy, Hakkı Bülent et al. “Reprodüktif açıdan Sorunlu kısraklarda aşım Sezonu başlangıcında Uterus yıkamaları Ve Hormon kullanımının Siklus Aktivitesi Ve Fertilite Parametreleri üzerindeki Etkisi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 53, no. 3, 2006, pp. 169-73, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000000088.
Vancouver Beceriklisoy HB, Ay SS, Zonturlu AK, Çetin Y, Kaçar C, Handler J, Aslan S. Reprodüktif açıdan sorunlu kısraklarda aşım sezonu başlangıcında uterus yıkamaları ve hormon kullanımının siklus aktivitesi ve fertilite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2006;53(3):169-73.