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Detection of vesicoureteral reflux in healthy puppies

Year 2006, , 41 - 45, 01.03.2006


The aim of this study was to determine vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) in puppies by comparing the administrations of “normal urination pressure” and “30 cm water pressure”. 2.5-3-month-old 50 mixed breed puppies were used in this study. Having drained the urine with catheterization and compression in all puppies, bladders were filled with 30-50 ml contrast medium through catheter and then the puppies were released for voluntarily urination. Abdominal radiographs were taken just after the urination and existence of VUR was determined. Three days later in the same puppies, bladders were filled with contrast medium by holding the bottle of contrast medium 30 cm above the level of pubic pelvis which means 30 cm water pressure was performed in bladder and existence of VUR was determined after having retrograde urethrocystographies. According to retrograde urethrocystographic findings, bilateral VUR was determined in 32 (64 %) puppies by the technique of “normal urination” and in 34 (68 %) puppies (the same 32 puppies and 2 additional ones) by the technique of “water pressure”, additionally unilateral VUR was diagnosed in 3 (6 %) puppies (in puppies that were not detected bilateral VUR) by both techniques. Rectal temperature in the puppies with VUR was 38.43 ± 0.17 oC, rectal temperature in the puppies without VUR was 38.26 ± 0.19 oC. In conclusion, incidence of bilateral VUR was found in 64-68 % and unilateral VUR was in 6 % of the dogs and female puppies were more susceptible than male ones


  • 1. Bailey R (1979): Vesicoureteric reflux in healthy infants and children. 59-61. In: J Hodson, PS Kincaid (Eds), Reflux Nephropathy, New York, Masson.
  • 2. Börkü MK, Kurtdede A, Aydın Y, Durgut R, Pekkaya S, Özkanlar Y (2000): Kronik böbrek yetmezliği belirtileri gösteren kedi ve köpeklerde klinik, laboratuvar ve patolojik bulgular. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 47, 281-289.
  • 3. Christie BA (1971): The ureterovesical junction in dogs. Urology, 9, 10-15.
  • 4. Christie BA (1973): Vesicoureteral reflux in dogs. JAVMA, 162, 772-776.
  • 5. Çam Y (1998): Köpeklerde Escherichia coli ile Oluşturulan Aşağı Üriner Sistem enfeksiyonunda Amoksisilin-klavulanik asit ve Ko-trimoksazol’ün Etkileri. (Doktora Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • 6. Deepa CH, Torre R, Stacy PA, Steven K, Frederic SC (2003): Incidence and severity of vesicoureteral reflux in children related to age, gender, race and diagnosis. J Urol, 170, 1548-1550.
  • 7. Everaert K, Laecke EV, Dekuyper P, Hoebeke P, Delanghe J, Oosterlinck W, Walle JV (2001): Impact of Urinary tract infection and detrusor pressure on renal tubuler function in patients with vesicoureteral reflux. Eur Urol, 39, 337-342.
  • 8. Feeney DA, Jhonston GR, Osborne CA, Tomlinson MJ (1984): Maximum-distention retrograde urethrocystography in healty male dogs: Occurrence of Vesicoureteral Reflux. Am J Vet Res, 45, 953-954.
  • 9. Hideo N, Hidehiro K, Ryuichiro K, Yutaro H, Shozo H, Satoru K, Hirofumi M, Katsuya N, Kenji S, Takeshi K (2003): Clinical characteristics of primary vesicoureteral reflux in infants: multicenter retrospective study in Japan. J Urol, 169, 309-312.
  • 10. Hill DE (1991): Vesicoureteral reflux and reflux nephropath. 445-451. In: DE Hill (Ed), The Principles and Practice of Nephrology, Decker Inc. Philadelphia.
  • 11. Kiruluta HG, Fraser K, Owen L (1986): The significance of the adrenergic nerves in the etiyology of vesicoureteral reflux. J Urol, 136: 232-235.
  • 12. Kollerman M, Ludwing H (1967): Über den vesicoureteralen reflux beim normalen kind im sauglings- und kleinkindalter. Z Kinderheilkd, 100, 185-191.
  • 13. Nakai H, Kazikaki H, Konda R (2003): Clinical characteristics of primary vesicoureteral reflux in infants. J Urol, 169, 309–312.
  • 14. Osborne CA, Feeney DA ( 1995): Vesicoureteral reflux. 603-607. In: CA Osborne, Canine and Feline Nephrology and Urology, Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins.
  • 15. Özkanlar Y, Şahal M, Kibar M, Özkök S (2005): Köpeklerde Escherichia coli ve Proteus mirabilis ile oluşturulan aşağı üriner sistem enfeksiyonu ve vezikoüreteral refluksla ilişkisi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 52, (Baskıda).
  • 16. Sahal M, Haziroglu R, Ozkanlar Y, Beyaz L (2005): Bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter in a German shepherd dog. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 52, (In Press).
  • 17. Sargent MA (2000) What is the normal prevalance of vesicoureteral reflux. Pediatr. Radiol, 30, 587-593.
  • 18. Smellie JM, Jodal U, Lax H, Mobius TT, Hirche H, Olbing H (2001): Outcome at 10 years of severe vesicoureteric reflux maneged medically: report of the international reflux study in children. J Pediat, 139, 656- 663.
  • 19. Taneli C, Özcan C, Özdemir N, Gökdemir A (1994): Correction of vesicoreteric reflux by subureteric fibrin injection in dogs. Br J Urol, 74, 710-714.
  • 20. Walker RD (1994): Vesicoureteral reflux update: effect of prospective studies on current management. Urology, 43, 279-283

Sağlıklı yavru köpeklerde vezikoüreteral refluksun belirlenmesi

Year 2006, , 41 - 45, 01.03.2006


Bu çalışma “normal ürinasyon basıncı” ve “30 cm su basıncı” uygulamaları karşılaştırılarak yavru köpeklerde vezikoüreteral refluks’un (VUR) varlığının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Çalışmada karışık ırktan, 2.5-3 aylık 50 köpek kullanıldı. Köpeklerin tamamının idrar keseleri kateterizasyon ve kompresyon uygulamaları ile boşaltıldıktan sonra kateterle 30-50 ml kontrast madde dolduruldu ve normal ürinasyon yapmaları için serbest bırakıldılar. Ürinasyondan hemen sonra retrograd üretrasistografileri çekilerek VUR varlığı araştırıldı. Bu uygulamadan üç gün sonra aynı köpeklerin idrar keselerine pubis kemiği seviyesinden 30 cm yukarıda tutulan bir serum şişesinden kese basıncı 30 cm su basıncına sabitlenene kadar kontrast madde dolduruldu ve retrograd üretrosistografileri yapılarak VUR varlığı araştırıldı. Retrograd üretrosistografi sonuçlarına göre, “normal ürinasyon” ile 32 köpekte (% 64), ve “su basıncı” uygulaması ile yine aynı köpekler ve başka iki köpekte olmak üzere toplam 34 köpekte (% 68) bilateral VUR varlığı belirlendi, ayrıca bilateral VUR belirlenmeyen 3 köpekte (% 6) her iki teknikle de unilateral VUR varlığı saptadı. VUR olan köpeklerde rektal beden ısıları ortalama 38.43 ± 0.17 oC, olmayanlarda 38.26 ± 0.19 oC belirlendi. Sonuç olarak, yavru köpeklerde bilateral VUR insidensinin % 64-68, unilateral VUR insidensinin % 6 olduğu ve dişi köpeklerin erkeklerden daha duyarlı oldukları belirlendi


  • 1. Bailey R (1979): Vesicoureteric reflux in healthy infants and children. 59-61. In: J Hodson, PS Kincaid (Eds), Reflux Nephropathy, New York, Masson.
  • 2. Börkü MK, Kurtdede A, Aydın Y, Durgut R, Pekkaya S, Özkanlar Y (2000): Kronik böbrek yetmezliği belirtileri gösteren kedi ve köpeklerde klinik, laboratuvar ve patolojik bulgular. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 47, 281-289.
  • 3. Christie BA (1971): The ureterovesical junction in dogs. Urology, 9, 10-15.
  • 4. Christie BA (1973): Vesicoureteral reflux in dogs. JAVMA, 162, 772-776.
  • 5. Çam Y (1998): Köpeklerde Escherichia coli ile Oluşturulan Aşağı Üriner Sistem enfeksiyonunda Amoksisilin-klavulanik asit ve Ko-trimoksazol’ün Etkileri. (Doktora Tezi). Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • 6. Deepa CH, Torre R, Stacy PA, Steven K, Frederic SC (2003): Incidence and severity of vesicoureteral reflux in children related to age, gender, race and diagnosis. J Urol, 170, 1548-1550.
  • 7. Everaert K, Laecke EV, Dekuyper P, Hoebeke P, Delanghe J, Oosterlinck W, Walle JV (2001): Impact of Urinary tract infection and detrusor pressure on renal tubuler function in patients with vesicoureteral reflux. Eur Urol, 39, 337-342.
  • 8. Feeney DA, Jhonston GR, Osborne CA, Tomlinson MJ (1984): Maximum-distention retrograde urethrocystography in healty male dogs: Occurrence of Vesicoureteral Reflux. Am J Vet Res, 45, 953-954.
  • 9. Hideo N, Hidehiro K, Ryuichiro K, Yutaro H, Shozo H, Satoru K, Hirofumi M, Katsuya N, Kenji S, Takeshi K (2003): Clinical characteristics of primary vesicoureteral reflux in infants: multicenter retrospective study in Japan. J Urol, 169, 309-312.
  • 10. Hill DE (1991): Vesicoureteral reflux and reflux nephropath. 445-451. In: DE Hill (Ed), The Principles and Practice of Nephrology, Decker Inc. Philadelphia.
  • 11. Kiruluta HG, Fraser K, Owen L (1986): The significance of the adrenergic nerves in the etiyology of vesicoureteral reflux. J Urol, 136: 232-235.
  • 12. Kollerman M, Ludwing H (1967): Über den vesicoureteralen reflux beim normalen kind im sauglings- und kleinkindalter. Z Kinderheilkd, 100, 185-191.
  • 13. Nakai H, Kazikaki H, Konda R (2003): Clinical characteristics of primary vesicoureteral reflux in infants. J Urol, 169, 309–312.
  • 14. Osborne CA, Feeney DA ( 1995): Vesicoureteral reflux. 603-607. In: CA Osborne, Canine and Feline Nephrology and Urology, Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins.
  • 15. Özkanlar Y, Şahal M, Kibar M, Özkök S (2005): Köpeklerde Escherichia coli ve Proteus mirabilis ile oluşturulan aşağı üriner sistem enfeksiyonu ve vezikoüreteral refluksla ilişkisi. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 52, (Baskıda).
  • 16. Sahal M, Haziroglu R, Ozkanlar Y, Beyaz L (2005): Bilateral hydronephrosis and hydroureter in a German shepherd dog. Ankara Üniv Vet Fak Derg, 52, (In Press).
  • 17. Sargent MA (2000) What is the normal prevalance of vesicoureteral reflux. Pediatr. Radiol, 30, 587-593.
  • 18. Smellie JM, Jodal U, Lax H, Mobius TT, Hirche H, Olbing H (2001): Outcome at 10 years of severe vesicoureteric reflux maneged medically: report of the international reflux study in children. J Pediat, 139, 656- 663.
  • 19. Taneli C, Özcan C, Özdemir N, Gökdemir A (1994): Correction of vesicoreteric reflux by subureteric fibrin injection in dogs. Br J Urol, 74, 710-714.
  • 20. Walker RD (1994): Vesicoureteral reflux update: effect of prospective studies on current management. Urology, 43, 279-283
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Article

Yunusemre Özkanlar

Mehmet Şahal

M. Kazım Börkü

Murat Kibar

Publication Date March 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006


APA Özkanlar, Y., Şahal, M., Börkü, M. K., Kibar, M. (2006). Detection of vesicoureteral reflux in healthy puppies. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 53(1), 41-45. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000059
AMA Özkanlar Y, Şahal M, Börkü MK, Kibar M. Detection of vesicoureteral reflux in healthy puppies. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. March 2006;53(1):41-45. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000000059
Chicago Özkanlar, Yunusemre, Mehmet Şahal, M. Kazım Börkü, and Murat Kibar. “Detection of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Healthy Puppies”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53, no. 1 (March 2006): 41-45. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000059.
EndNote Özkanlar Y, Şahal M, Börkü MK, Kibar M (March 1, 2006) Detection of vesicoureteral reflux in healthy puppies. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53 1 41–45.
IEEE Y. Özkanlar, M. Şahal, M. K. Börkü, and M. Kibar, “Detection of vesicoureteral reflux in healthy puppies”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 41–45, 2006, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000000059.
ISNAD Özkanlar, Yunusemre et al. “Detection of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Healthy Puppies”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 53/1 (March 2006), 41-45. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000000059.
JAMA Özkanlar Y, Şahal M, Börkü MK, Kibar M. Detection of vesicoureteral reflux in healthy puppies. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2006;53:41–45.
MLA Özkanlar, Yunusemre et al. “Detection of Vesicoureteral Reflux in Healthy Puppies”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 53, no. 1, 2006, pp. 41-45, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000000059.
Vancouver Özkanlar Y, Şahal M, Börkü MK, Kibar M. Detection of vesicoureteral reflux in healthy puppies. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2006;53(1):41-5.