The objective of the present study was to research the effects of immunotherapeoticthe operation on the formation of new masses in dogs with malign mammaı'y tumours. In the 1st group, Baypamun@been applied for two days before the operation, then comple unilateral masteetomy has been performed, the injections were repeatedat theıst,yd,5th,8thdays and 1st,2nd, yd,4th,5th,6thmonths of postoperativeperiod. In the control group, only comple unilateralmastectomyhas been carried out. In the Baypamun@ group, the new tumour formations have been determined on 3 cases of 10 animals. The masses on the other chain of mammary glands that has not been extirpated have become bigger. The Iymph node involvements observed on the first examinationlateral mastectomy the new tumour formations have been observed in 6 cases of 10 dogs and the lung metastasis were determined in2 cases. In the study, it has been concluded that only unilateral mastectomyis not a sufficient treatment for the prevention of newtumour formations and for the regression of lymph no de involvment. On the other hand Baypamun@ applied with the operation wasfound to be effective for the treatment of malign mammary tumours in the bitch
Berg G, Rüsse M (1994): Der Einsatz von Baypm11un HK in der Mammatumorbehandlung Umsch 49,476-480. Brearley dog. In practice, 23, 248-253. Harvey Bojrab
PR02835] Erişim tarihi: 23 Ocak 2003 Maeewen cats: models for the study of cancer biology an,~ treat- men/. Cancer Nelson Animallııtemal Missouri. d~r Hündin. Tieraerztl i gland tumour~' in the i i I,n: MJ. Animal i M, Kaldrimi~ou E, Des~iris A aspeets of canine niıamma- Vet i i M, Kaldrimidou (200 i): Dessiris A Adjulant Post-oı~erative M, Rodrigues LC,Bomian EF The use of Baypamun
İn the treatJnent of Association Congress, 6 October Granada, Spain. Erişim: I VA2002 &PID= i
EG (1990): Spontaneusitumors İn dôgs and i , ' ol Smail RV, CG(I 992).iEsselltials
Medicine. Mosby-Year Book co mpany, Ankara Ün iv Yet Fak Derg, 51,2004
Rutten VPMG, Misdorp W, Gauthier A, Estrada M, Mialot JP, Parodi AL, Rutteman GR, Weyer K (1990): Immunological cats: a survey including own studies and pertinClll litera- ture. Yet Immunol Immunopathol, , 2 11-225.
Jo.Sartin, EA, Barnes, S, Keapien, RP, Wolfe, LG (1992)
Estrogen and progesterone receptar status of mammary carcinomas dogs. Am J Yet Res, 53, 2196-2200. with clinical outcome in
I.SoderstromMJ, Gilson SD (]995): Principles of surgi- caloncology. Am Smail Anim Pract, 25,97-]ıo. Withrow SJ (1975): Surgical mammary tumors. Am Smail Anim Pract, 5, 495-506.
YamagamiT., KobayashiT, TakahashiK, Sugiyama M (1996):Prognosisforcaninemalignam mammary J Vet Med Sci, 58, 1079-1083. Zaninovic
P, Simde V (1991): Epidemiology ofmam- mary tumours in dogs. Z B Yet Fak Univ Ljubljana, 1,57
Köpeklerdekİ malign meme tümörlerİnİn operasyona ek olarak uygulanan Baypamun@ ile tedavisi
Sunulan çalışmada, malign meme tümörü bulunan köpeklerde unilateral mastektomi operasyonuylabirlikte gerçekleştirilen immunoterapinin,gün Baypamun@ uygulanıp komple unilateral mastektomi ile kitle uzaklaştırıldı. Postoperatif dönemde ise enjeksiyonlargünlerde, takiben 1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.lanmadı. Baypamun@uygulanan iO olgudan 3'ünde yeni tümör oluşumları ve uzaklaştırılmayangözlendi. ilk klinik muayenede belirlenen lenf düğümü büyümeleri geriledi. Sadece komple unilateral mastektomi yapılarak tedaviedilen kontrol grubundaki köpeklerde,belirlendi.önlenmesindemesİnde immun sistemi uyarıcı bir ilaç olan Baypamun@ 'un etkili olduğu gözlenmiştir
Berg G, Rüsse M (1994): Der Einsatz von Baypm11un HK in der Mammatumorbehandlung Umsch 49,476-480. Brearley dog. In practice, 23, 248-253. Harvey Bojrab
PR02835] Erişim tarihi: 23 Ocak 2003 Maeewen cats: models for the study of cancer biology an,~ treat- men/. Cancer Nelson Animallııtemal Missouri. d~r Hündin. Tieraerztl i gland tumour~' in the i i I,n: MJ. Animal i M, Kaldrimi~ou E, Des~iris A aspeets of canine niıamma- Vet i i M, Kaldrimidou (200 i): Dessiris A Adjulant Post-oı~erative M, Rodrigues LC,Bomian EF The use of Baypamun
İn the treatJnent of Association Congress, 6 October Granada, Spain. Erişim: I VA2002 &PID= i
EG (1990): Spontaneusitumors İn dôgs and i , ' ol Smail RV, CG(I 992).iEsselltials
Medicine. Mosby-Year Book co mpany, Ankara Ün iv Yet Fak Derg, 51,2004
Rutten VPMG, Misdorp W, Gauthier A, Estrada M, Mialot JP, Parodi AL, Rutteman GR, Weyer K (1990): Immunological cats: a survey including own studies and pertinClll litera- ture. Yet Immunol Immunopathol, , 2 11-225.
Jo.Sartin, EA, Barnes, S, Keapien, RP, Wolfe, LG (1992)
Estrogen and progesterone receptar status of mammary carcinomas dogs. Am J Yet Res, 53, 2196-2200. with clinical outcome in
I.SoderstromMJ, Gilson SD (]995): Principles of surgi- caloncology. Am Smail Anim Pract, 25,97-]ıo. Withrow SJ (1975): Surgical mammary tumors. Am Smail Anim Pract, 5, 495-506.
YamagamiT., KobayashiT, TakahashiK, Sugiyama M (1996):Prognosisforcaninemalignam mammary J Vet Med Sci, 58, 1079-1083. Zaninovic
P, Simde V (1991): Epidemiology ofmam- mary tumours in dogs. Z B Yet Fak Univ Ljubljana, 1,57
There are 11 citations in total.
Primary Language
Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section
Research Article
Nilgün Gültiken
Rıfat Vural
Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Doğum ve Jinekoloji Anabilim Dalı
Gültiken, N., & Vural, R. (2004). Köpeklerdekİ malign meme tümörlerİnİn operasyona ek olarak uygulanan Baypamun@ ile tedavisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 51(2), 99-103.
Gültiken N, Vural R. Köpeklerdekİ malign meme tümörlerİnİn operasyona ek olarak uygulanan Baypamun@ ile tedavisi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. June 2004;51(2):99-103. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002278
Gültiken, Nilgün, and Rıfat Vural. “Köpeklerdekİ Malign Meme tümörlerİnİn Operasyona Ek Olarak Uygulanan Baypamun@ Ile Tedavisi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 51, no. 2 (June 2004): 99-103.
Gültiken N, Vural R (June 1, 2004) Köpeklerdekİ malign meme tümörlerİnİn operasyona ek olarak uygulanan Baypamun@ ile tedavisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 51 2 99–103.
N. Gültiken and R. Vural, “Köpeklerdekİ malign meme tümörlerİnİn operasyona ek olarak uygulanan Baypamun@ ile tedavisi”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 99–103, 2004, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002278.
Gültiken, Nilgün - Vural, Rıfat. “Köpeklerdekİ Malign Meme tümörlerİnİn Operasyona Ek Olarak Uygulanan Baypamun@ Ile Tedavisi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 51/2 (June 2004), 99-103.
Gültiken N, Vural R. Köpeklerdekİ malign meme tümörlerİnİn operasyona ek olarak uygulanan Baypamun@ ile tedavisi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2004;51:99–103.
Gültiken, Nilgün and Rıfat Vural. “Köpeklerdekİ Malign Meme tümörlerİnİn Operasyona Ek Olarak Uygulanan Baypamun@ Ile Tedavisi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 51, no. 2, 2004, pp. 99-103, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002278.
Gültiken N, Vural R. Köpeklerdekİ malign meme tümörlerİnİn operasyona ek olarak uygulanan Baypamun@ ile tedavisi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2004;51(2):99-103.