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Investigation of pyometra for the clinical aspeets in bitehes

Year 2003, , 33 - 37, 01.03.2003


The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical signs of pyometra among bitehes, emphasing the plasma progesterone levels. the eausative baeteria and the antibioties whieh theyaremetra whieh were diagnosedparotomy, swab samples were taken in aseptic manner for bacteriologicallaboratory for baeteriologiealages of the bitches with pyometra were between 5-14 years and their average was 9.3 years in whieh 13 of them were terrier breed. Inaddition, amongı9 bitehes,i6 had open eervix pyometra, 3 had closed eervix pyometra. There were 80,4% vaginal diseharge. 63.ı0lı:,anorexia, 57.8% polymia-polydipsia,nical signs. Predominantclinical signs of the pyometra diagnosed bitehes were appeared earliest 7 days and latest 2 months af ter thelalest proesırous bleeding. Pure baeıerial culture were isolated from the 18 samples but in one sample, there was no isolated baeıeria.Among these results of 19 eultmes; 47.3% E. coh, 21 % Klebsiella spp., 10,4% Slaphylococcus5.2% Corynebacleriul11 spp. were isolated. Isolated baeteria were sensitiye to various antibiotieswith the given rations: 63.ı% enrolloxacin, 47.3% amoxyeillinemetra and l5.5 ng/ml in closed cervix pyometra. As areslilt, in this study, pyometra was a disease that cneoıınters in dioestrııs periodand eharacterizedfeetive antibiotic was enrofloxaeinand the lIterine evaeuation was seen when P4 level failed under Ing/mL


  • J. Bosseherc Broeek W, Croyn lasia-pyomelra ıiıies be disconnecıed. DeCoekH, Vermeirseh (1997): R, Vermcirseh H, Van Den
  • M (2001): Cysıic endomelrialh.vperp- complex in ıhe bilclı: Should Ihe Iwo en- Theriogenology, , 1509-1519. R, DeSehepper oj' eslrogen complex ceplOrs in cyslic-endomeırilis-pyomelra biıch. Theriogenology, DhaliwalGK, England rogen and progeslerone biıches wiıh cysıic endomeırial Ree. 145.455-457. Feldman docrinology Philadelphia. Hoque M, Pawde (2001): surgical managemeniin o biıch. Indian Yet.l, 78, 759-760. lohnston (I 985): Cyloplmmic in canine endomelrium Res.46,1653-1658. Koehhar
  • Nanda AS (1996): ChrolZic meIrilis alZd cysıic elZdomelrial hyperplasia alolZg wiıh bilalemiulerine 10rsiOll in a biıch. Inclian Yeı.l, 73,326-329. Niskanen weelZ age. pariı)'. hormmwl melrailZFinlZish dogs. Yet Ree, 143,493-498, Pradhan analysis in ıhe ,1035-1047.
  • GCW, Noakes DE (1999): Oesl- receplors in ıhe ulerine wall oj' hyperplasia/pyomelra. Yet
  • EC, Nelson RW (1996): Canine and Feline En- and ReproducıiOll.WB Saunders Company, A, Amarpal O, Singh GR, Maiti SK Ullmsonogmphic diagnosis oj' pyomeıra and ils SD, Kiang DT, Seguin esırogen and progeslerone RL receplors durilZg ıhe eslrous cycle. Am.l Yet HPS, Prabhakar S, Gandotra YK, RanaJS, M, Thrusfield
  • MV (I 998): Associaıions bet- ıherapy and breed, and pyo- RC, Barik AK, Ray SKH, Das S, Mishra PR (1999): elZdomelrilis-pyomelra complex. Indian Yet.l, 76, 982-985. Rekha BS, Krishnappa G (200ı):Bııcteria pom in ca- nine pyomeıra. Inciian Yet.l, 78, 773-774. Sridevi P, Balasubramanian S, Devanathan TG, Pat- tabiraman rapy in trealmelZt of calZilZe pyomelro. 890. Indian Yet .I, 77, Therelfaıı
  • WR (1995): Diagnosisiıımedica mııııagemeııl oj'pyometra.Sem Yet Med Surg (Snıall Aninı). 10,21-29. Tiwari SK, Gupta N, Ingole SP, Shakya S, Hirpurkar
  • SO (1999): Ulerine cysıic glwıdu ıır hyperp ıısiıı witlı pyo- melra iniidobermwı pinscher bilch ıınd iıs Irelitmeni. ln- di an Yet.l, 76, 653-654. ı4. Tobias KMS, Wheaton
  • LG (1995): Surgica mwwgement oj'pyometra Anim), LO, 30-34.
  • WadasB, Kühn I, Lagerstedt AS, .lonsson P (1996): Bi- ochemical phelZotypes oj' Escherichia parismı oj'isolales isolaıedji'om melro and urilZary 1I'ııcl iııfecliolZ wiıh iso/(lIes FolI7 jiıeces o/healtydogs. Yet MierobioL 52, 293-300. Wheaton (1988): hea ty bilches. Am.iYet Res, 49, 82-86. PG, Burke TJ
  • Yates DG (I 996): The antimicrobiıı sensiıivity oL baclerio isolatedFom ,709-710, in ıhe biıch. Irish Vet.l. Geliş torihi: 25.3.2002/ Kabullorihi: 5.2002

Köpeklerde pyometranın klinik yönden incelenmesi

Year 2003, , 33 - 37, 01.03.2003


Bu araştırmada,köpeklerde pyometra olgularındaklinik semptomlar,hastalığa ıfeden olan bakteriler, duyarlı olduklarıantibiyotikler ve plazma progesterondüzeylerini incelendi. Çalışmada anaınnez, klinik bulgular ve ultrasonografikmetra teşhisi konulanı9 köpek materyalolarakalıııdı. Bakteriyolojikyöntemiyle belirlendi. Köpeklerin yaşları 5- 14 arası değişmekle beraber ortalama yaş 9.3 olup, materyallerdenidi. On dokuz köpekten 16'sıııda açık, 3'ünde ise kapalı serviks pyometrası vardı. Klinik semptom olarak köpeklerin %80,4'ündeginal akıntı, %63.1 'inde iştahsızlık,%i5.7'sindeproöstrüs kanamasıııdanörnekte herhangi bir etken liremedi. Kiiltür sonucu örnekleriiı %47.3'ünde%i0,4 'linde Slreptococcus%47.3'ii amoksisiline,ng/ml iken kapalı serviks pyometralarındapekierde. diöstnıs döneminde şekillendiğiE. coh iken, en etkili antibiyotik olarak enrolloksasin'di ve uterusun boşalması progesteron düzeyiing/ml 'nin altıııa düştüğlinde başladı


  • J. Bosseherc Broeek W, Croyn lasia-pyomelra ıiıies be disconnecıed. DeCoekH, Vermeirseh (1997): R, Vermcirseh H, Van Den
  • M (2001): Cysıic endomelrialh.vperp- complex in ıhe bilclı: Should Ihe Iwo en- Theriogenology, , 1509-1519. R, DeSehepper oj' eslrogen complex ceplOrs in cyslic-endomeırilis-pyomelra biıch. Theriogenology, DhaliwalGK, England rogen and progeslerone biıches wiıh cysıic endomeırial Ree. 145.455-457. Feldman docrinology Philadelphia. Hoque M, Pawde (2001): surgical managemeniin o biıch. Indian Yet.l, 78, 759-760. lohnston (I 985): Cyloplmmic in canine endomelrium Res.46,1653-1658. Koehhar
  • Nanda AS (1996): ChrolZic meIrilis alZd cysıic elZdomelrial hyperplasia alolZg wiıh bilalemiulerine 10rsiOll in a biıch. Inclian Yeı.l, 73,326-329. Niskanen weelZ age. pariı)'. hormmwl melrailZFinlZish dogs. Yet Ree, 143,493-498, Pradhan analysis in ıhe ,1035-1047.
  • GCW, Noakes DE (1999): Oesl- receplors in ıhe ulerine wall oj' hyperplasia/pyomelra. Yet
  • EC, Nelson RW (1996): Canine and Feline En- and ReproducıiOll.WB Saunders Company, A, Amarpal O, Singh GR, Maiti SK Ullmsonogmphic diagnosis oj' pyomeıra and ils SD, Kiang DT, Seguin esırogen and progeslerone RL receplors durilZg ıhe eslrous cycle. Am.l Yet HPS, Prabhakar S, Gandotra YK, RanaJS, M, Thrusfield
  • MV (I 998): Associaıions bet- ıherapy and breed, and pyo- RC, Barik AK, Ray SKH, Das S, Mishra PR (1999): elZdomelrilis-pyomelra complex. Indian Yet.l, 76, 982-985. Rekha BS, Krishnappa G (200ı):Bııcteria pom in ca- nine pyomeıra. Inciian Yet.l, 78, 773-774. Sridevi P, Balasubramanian S, Devanathan TG, Pat- tabiraman rapy in trealmelZt of calZilZe pyomelro. 890. Indian Yet .I, 77, Therelfaıı
  • WR (1995): Diagnosisiıımedica mııııagemeııl oj'pyometra.Sem Yet Med Surg (Snıall Aninı). 10,21-29. Tiwari SK, Gupta N, Ingole SP, Shakya S, Hirpurkar
  • SO (1999): Ulerine cysıic glwıdu ıır hyperp ıısiıı witlı pyo- melra iniidobermwı pinscher bilch ıınd iıs Irelitmeni. ln- di an Yet.l, 76, 653-654. ı4. Tobias KMS, Wheaton
  • LG (1995): Surgica mwwgement oj'pyometra Anim), LO, 30-34.
  • WadasB, Kühn I, Lagerstedt AS, .lonsson P (1996): Bi- ochemical phelZotypes oj' Escherichia parismı oj'isolales isolaıedji'om melro and urilZary 1I'ııcl iııfecliolZ wiıh iso/(lIes FolI7 jiıeces o/healtydogs. Yet MierobioL 52, 293-300. Wheaton (1988): hea ty bilches. Am.iYet Res, 49, 82-86. PG, Burke TJ
  • Yates DG (I 996): The antimicrobiıı sensiıivity oL baclerio isolatedFom ,709-710, in ıhe biıch. Irish Vet.l. Geliş torihi: 25.3.2002/ Kabullorihi: 5.2002
There are 11 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research Article

Ayhan Baştan

Güngör Örsan

Yunus Çetin

Publication Date March 1, 2003
Published in Issue Year 2003


APA Baştan, A., Örsan, G., & Çetin, Y. (2003). Köpeklerde pyometranın klinik yönden incelenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 50(1), 33-37. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002227
AMA Baştan A, Örsan G, Çetin Y. Köpeklerde pyometranın klinik yönden incelenmesi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. March 2003;50(1):33-37. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002227
Chicago Baştan, Ayhan, Güngör Örsan, and Yunus Çetin. “Köpeklerde pyometranın Klinik yönden Incelenmesi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 50, no. 1 (March 2003): 33-37. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002227.
EndNote Baştan A, Örsan G, Çetin Y (March 1, 2003) Köpeklerde pyometranın klinik yönden incelenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 50 1 33–37.
IEEE A. Baştan, G. Örsan, and Y. Çetin, “Köpeklerde pyometranın klinik yönden incelenmesi”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 50, no. 1, pp. 33–37, 2003, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002227.
ISNAD Baştan, Ayhan et al. “Köpeklerde pyometranın Klinik yönden Incelenmesi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 50/1 (March 2003), 33-37. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002227.
JAMA Baştan A, Örsan G, Çetin Y. Köpeklerde pyometranın klinik yönden incelenmesi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2003;50:33–37.
MLA Baştan, Ayhan et al. “Köpeklerde pyometranın Klinik yönden Incelenmesi”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 50, no. 1, 2003, pp. 33-37, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002227.
Vancouver Baştan A, Örsan G, Çetin Y. Köpeklerde pyometranın klinik yönden incelenmesi. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2003;50(1):33-7.