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Ege Denizinde balık çiftlikleri etrafında avlanan doğal ortam balıkları ile çevredeki su ve sedimentin bazı veteriner ilaç kalıntıları yönünden incelenmesi: Oksitetrasiklin, ivermektin ve emamektin

Year 2015, Volume: 62 Issue: 3, 171 - 176, 01.09.2015


Besinlerdeki ilaç ve metabolitlerinin kalıntıları ilgili yerel makamlar tarafından düzenli olarak araştırılmaktadır; ancak bu kalıntıların çevredeki akıbeti bilinmemektedir. Akvakültür endüstrisinin giderek artan önemi ve antibiyotiklerin bu endüstri ile birlikte kullanımının giderek yaygınlaşmasına rağmen doğal balık, sediment ve deniz suyu kalıntıları ile ilgili araştırmalar Türkiye’de sınırlıdır. Bu araştırmada oksitetrasiklin, ivermektin ve emamektin benzoat kalıntıları; ilaç kullanımının daha fazla olduğu dört ay içerisinde, Ege Denizi, Bodrum, Salihli Adası çevresindeki balık çiftlikleri etrafından avlanan doğal ortam balıkları (Oblada melanura, Mullus barbatus), deniz suyu ve sediment örneklerinde Yüksek Basınçlı Sıvı Kromatografisi (YBSK) yöntemi kullanılarak ve her bir matriksin validasyonunu takiben araştırıldı. Numunelerde, valide edilmiş metodlardaki tespit limiti üzerinde herhangi bir kalıntıya rastlanmadı. Akvakültürde kullanılan veteriner antibiyotiklerinin ekosistem üzerinde özellikle düşük dozlarda akümülasyona bağlı oluşabilecek potansiyel risklerinin değerlendirilebilmesi için, farklı analitlerde tarama testlerinin yaygınlaştırılması ve arttırılması yararlı olacaktır


  • 1. Abo K, Yokoyama H (2007): Assimilative capacity of fish farm environments as determined by the benthic oxygen uptake rate: Studies using a numerical model. Bull Fish Res Agen, 19, 79-87.
  • 2. Aksu M (2009): İzmir Körfezi’ndeki Bazı Balık Çiftliklerinin Sucul Çevreye Etkilerinin Araştırılması. E.U. J Fish Aquat Sci, 26, 271-279.
  • 3. Anonymous (1997): Analysis of tetracyclines by HPLC. Agilent Technologies. http://www.chem.agilent.com/ Library/ applications/59661619.pdf (accessed February 28, 2013).
  • 4. Anonymous (2009). Low dissolved oxygen in water causes, impact on aquatic life: an overview. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Article Number: wq-iw3-24; 2009. http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document. html?gid=8545 (accessed April 02, 2014).
  • 5. Anonymous (2013): The Occurrence of Chemical Residues in Sediments in the Firth of Lorne, Loch Spelve and Loch Fyne: 2010 Survey Report. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). http://www.sepa.org.uk (accessed March 24, 2014).
  • 6. Anonymous (2011): The Occurrence of Chemical Residues in Sediments in Loch Linnhe, Loch Ewe and Loch Nevis: 2009 Survey Report. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). http://www.sepa.org.uk (accessed March 24, 2014).
  • 7. Anonymous – GDPCV (2014): General Directorate of Protection and Control Vision, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Licenced Veterinary Medical Products List. http://www.gkgm.gov.tr/vtu (accessed March 24, 2014).
  • 8. Avisar D, Levin G, Gozlan I (2009): The process affecting oxytetracycline contamination of groundwater in a phreatic aquifer underlying industrial fish ponds in Israel. Environ Earth Sci, 59, 939-945.
  • 9. Basaran AK, Aksu M, Egemen O (2006): Monitoring the impacts of the offshore cage fish farm on water quality located in Ildır Bay (Izmir-Aegean Sea). Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi – J Agricult Sci, 13, 22-28.
  • 10. Basaran AK, Aksu M, Egemen O (2010). Impacts of the fish farms on the water column nutrient concentrations and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments in the eastern Aegean Sea (Turkey). Environ Monit Assess, 162, 439-451.
  • 11. Björklund H, Bondestam J, Bylund G (1990): Residues of oxytetracycline in wild fish and sediments from fish farms. Aquaculture, 86, 359-367.
  • 12. Capone DG, Weston DP, Miller V, Shoemaker C (1996): Antibacterial residues in marine sediments and invertebrates following chemotherapy in aquaculture. Aquaculture, 145, 55-75.
  • 13. Choo PS (1995): Degredation of oxytetracycline hydrochloride in fresh and sea water. Asian Fish Sci J, 7, 195-200.
  • 14. Coyne R, Bergh O, Samuelsen OB (2004): One-step liquid chromatographic method for the determination of oxytetracycline in fish muscle. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 810, 325-328.
  • 15. Diaz-Cruz M, Lopez de Alda M, Barcelo D (2003): Environmental behavior and analysis of veterinary and human drugs in soils,sediments and sludge. Trend Anal Chem, 22, 340-351.
  • 16. Douglas GC, Weston DP, Miller V, Shoemaker C (1996): Antibacterial residues in marine sediments and invertebrates following chemotherapy in aquaculture. Aquaculture, 145, 55-75.
  • 17. Grant A, Briggs AD (1998): Use of ivermectin in marine fish farms: some concerns. Mar Pollut Bull, 36, 566-568.
  • 18. Hicks MB, Paynel LD, Prabhus SV, Wehner TA (1997): Determination of emamectin benzoate in freshwater ans seawater at picogram-per-milliliteer levels by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J AOAC Int, 80, 1098-1103.
  • 19. Jacobsen P, Berglind L (1988): Persistence of oxytetracycline in sediment from fish farms. Aquaculture, 70, 365-370.
  • 20. Krogh KA, Björklund E, Loeffler D, et al. (2008): Development of an analytical method to determine avermectins in water, sediments and soils using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A, 1211, 60-69.
  • 21. Lunestad BT, Goksøyr J (1990): Reduction in the antibacterial effect of oxytetracycline in sea water by complex formation with magnesium and calcium. Dis Aquat Organ, 9, 67-72.
  • 22. Na-Bangchang K, Banmairuroi V, Choemung A (2006): High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of ivermectin in plasma. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 37, 848-858.
  • 23. Noppe H, Verheyden K, Vanden Bussche J, et al. (2009): Detection of macrocyclic lactones in porcine liver, meat and fish tissue using LC-APCI-MS-MS. Food Addit Contam Part A, 26, 1232-1238.
  • 24. Rose MD, Farrington WH, Shearer G (1998): The effect of cooking on veterinary drug residues in food: 7. Ivermectin. Food Addit Contam, 15, 157-161.
  • 25. Srithongouthai S, Endo A, Inoue A, et al. (2006): Control of dissolved oxygen levels of water in net pens for fish farming by a microscopic bubble generating system. Fish Sci, 72, 485-493.
  • 26. Thomas J (2005): The occurence of chemicals used in sea louse treatments in sediments adjacent to marine fish farms: results of screening surveys during 2003. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). http://www.sepa. org.uk (accessed March 24, 2014).
  • 27. van de Riet JM, Brothers NN, Pearce JN, et al. (2001): Simultaneous determination of emamectin and ivermectin residues in Atlantic salmon muscle by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J AOAC Int, 84, 1358-1362.

Investigation of some veterinary drug residues in sea water, sediment, and wild fishes captured around fish farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, ivermectin and emamectin

Year 2015, Volume: 62 Issue: 3, 171 - 176, 01.09.2015


Veterinary drug residues and their metabolites in food are regularly investigated by local authorities; however their fate in the environment is still unknown. Despite the importance of the aquaculture industry and the widespread use of antibiotics; limited scientific information regarding their residue in natural fish, sediment and sea water are available in TURKEY. The current study; which is the first study in this area, was undertaken to determine the oxytetracycline (OTC), ivermectin (IVM) and emamectin benzoate (EMA) residues from samples of wild fishes (Oblada melanura, Mullus barbatus), sea water and sediment collected in four different months, caught around the fish cages near Salihli Island in Bodrum, Aegean Sea. Samples were analyzed by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) followed by the validation for each matrix. No residues were found to be above the Limit of detection (LOD) levels of the validated methods in the screened samples. In order to understand the possible risk of veterinary antibiotics, especially for low dose accumulation, to the ecosystem for sustainable aquaculture, conduction of more screening analysis with expanded possible matrices would be beneficial


  • 1. Abo K, Yokoyama H (2007): Assimilative capacity of fish farm environments as determined by the benthic oxygen uptake rate: Studies using a numerical model. Bull Fish Res Agen, 19, 79-87.
  • 2. Aksu M (2009): İzmir Körfezi’ndeki Bazı Balık Çiftliklerinin Sucul Çevreye Etkilerinin Araştırılması. E.U. J Fish Aquat Sci, 26, 271-279.
  • 3. Anonymous (1997): Analysis of tetracyclines by HPLC. Agilent Technologies. http://www.chem.agilent.com/ Library/ applications/59661619.pdf (accessed February 28, 2013).
  • 4. Anonymous (2009). Low dissolved oxygen in water causes, impact on aquatic life: an overview. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Article Number: wq-iw3-24; 2009. http://www.pca.state.mn.us/index.php/view-document. html?gid=8545 (accessed April 02, 2014).
  • 5. Anonymous (2013): The Occurrence of Chemical Residues in Sediments in the Firth of Lorne, Loch Spelve and Loch Fyne: 2010 Survey Report. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). http://www.sepa.org.uk (accessed March 24, 2014).
  • 6. Anonymous (2011): The Occurrence of Chemical Residues in Sediments in Loch Linnhe, Loch Ewe and Loch Nevis: 2009 Survey Report. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). http://www.sepa.org.uk (accessed March 24, 2014).
  • 7. Anonymous – GDPCV (2014): General Directorate of Protection and Control Vision, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Licenced Veterinary Medical Products List. http://www.gkgm.gov.tr/vtu (accessed March 24, 2014).
  • 8. Avisar D, Levin G, Gozlan I (2009): The process affecting oxytetracycline contamination of groundwater in a phreatic aquifer underlying industrial fish ponds in Israel. Environ Earth Sci, 59, 939-945.
  • 9. Basaran AK, Aksu M, Egemen O (2006): Monitoring the impacts of the offshore cage fish farm on water quality located in Ildır Bay (Izmir-Aegean Sea). Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi – J Agricult Sci, 13, 22-28.
  • 10. Basaran AK, Aksu M, Egemen O (2010). Impacts of the fish farms on the water column nutrient concentrations and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments in the eastern Aegean Sea (Turkey). Environ Monit Assess, 162, 439-451.
  • 11. Björklund H, Bondestam J, Bylund G (1990): Residues of oxytetracycline in wild fish and sediments from fish farms. Aquaculture, 86, 359-367.
  • 12. Capone DG, Weston DP, Miller V, Shoemaker C (1996): Antibacterial residues in marine sediments and invertebrates following chemotherapy in aquaculture. Aquaculture, 145, 55-75.
  • 13. Choo PS (1995): Degredation of oxytetracycline hydrochloride in fresh and sea water. Asian Fish Sci J, 7, 195-200.
  • 14. Coyne R, Bergh O, Samuelsen OB (2004): One-step liquid chromatographic method for the determination of oxytetracycline in fish muscle. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci, 810, 325-328.
  • 15. Diaz-Cruz M, Lopez de Alda M, Barcelo D (2003): Environmental behavior and analysis of veterinary and human drugs in soils,sediments and sludge. Trend Anal Chem, 22, 340-351.
  • 16. Douglas GC, Weston DP, Miller V, Shoemaker C (1996): Antibacterial residues in marine sediments and invertebrates following chemotherapy in aquaculture. Aquaculture, 145, 55-75.
  • 17. Grant A, Briggs AD (1998): Use of ivermectin in marine fish farms: some concerns. Mar Pollut Bull, 36, 566-568.
  • 18. Hicks MB, Paynel LD, Prabhus SV, Wehner TA (1997): Determination of emamectin benzoate in freshwater ans seawater at picogram-per-milliliteer levels by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J AOAC Int, 80, 1098-1103.
  • 19. Jacobsen P, Berglind L (1988): Persistence of oxytetracycline in sediment from fish farms. Aquaculture, 70, 365-370.
  • 20. Krogh KA, Björklund E, Loeffler D, et al. (2008): Development of an analytical method to determine avermectins in water, sediments and soils using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. J Chromatogr A, 1211, 60-69.
  • 21. Lunestad BT, Goksøyr J (1990): Reduction in the antibacterial effect of oxytetracycline in sea water by complex formation with magnesium and calcium. Dis Aquat Organ, 9, 67-72.
  • 22. Na-Bangchang K, Banmairuroi V, Choemung A (2006): High-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of ivermectin in plasma. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health, 37, 848-858.
  • 23. Noppe H, Verheyden K, Vanden Bussche J, et al. (2009): Detection of macrocyclic lactones in porcine liver, meat and fish tissue using LC-APCI-MS-MS. Food Addit Contam Part A, 26, 1232-1238.
  • 24. Rose MD, Farrington WH, Shearer G (1998): The effect of cooking on veterinary drug residues in food: 7. Ivermectin. Food Addit Contam, 15, 157-161.
  • 25. Srithongouthai S, Endo A, Inoue A, et al. (2006): Control of dissolved oxygen levels of water in net pens for fish farming by a microscopic bubble generating system. Fish Sci, 72, 485-493.
  • 26. Thomas J (2005): The occurence of chemicals used in sea louse treatments in sediments adjacent to marine fish farms: results of screening surveys during 2003. Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). http://www.sepa. org.uk (accessed March 24, 2014).
  • 27. van de Riet JM, Brothers NN, Pearce JN, et al. (2001): Simultaneous determination of emamectin and ivermectin residues in Atlantic salmon muscle by liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. J AOAC Int, 84, 1358-1362.
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA29HM77MZ
Journal Section Research Article

Emine Baydan

Sezai Kaya

Haşmet Çağırgan

Ebru Yıldırım

Levent Altıntaş

Begüm Yurdakök

Hüsamettin Ekici

Farah Gönül Aydın

Aslı Gül Küçükosmanoğlu

Publication Date September 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015Volume: 62 Issue: 3


APA Baydan, E., Kaya, S., Çağırgan, H., Yıldırım, E., et al. (2015). Investigation of some veterinary drug residues in sea water, sediment, and wild fishes captured around fish farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, ivermectin and emamectin. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 62(3), 171-176. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002676
AMA Baydan E, Kaya S, Çağırgan H, Yıldırım E, Altıntaş L, Yurdakök B, Ekici H, Aydın FG, Küçükosmanoğlu AG. Investigation of some veterinary drug residues in sea water, sediment, and wild fishes captured around fish farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, ivermectin and emamectin. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2015;62(3):171-176. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002676
Chicago Baydan, Emine, Sezai Kaya, Haşmet Çağırgan, Ebru Yıldırım, Levent Altıntaş, Begüm Yurdakök, Hüsamettin Ekici, Farah Gönül Aydın, and Aslı Gül Küçükosmanoğlu. “Investigation of Some Veterinary Drug Residues in Sea Water, Sediment, and Wild Fishes Captured Around Fish Farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, Ivermectin and Emamectin”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 62, no. 3 (September 2015): 171-76. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002676.
EndNote Baydan E, Kaya S, Çağırgan H, Yıldırım E, Altıntaş L, Yurdakök B, Ekici H, Aydın FG, Küçükosmanoğlu AG (September 1, 2015) Investigation of some veterinary drug residues in sea water, sediment, and wild fishes captured around fish farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, ivermectin and emamectin. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 62 3 171–176.
IEEE E. Baydan, “Investigation of some veterinary drug residues in sea water, sediment, and wild fishes captured around fish farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, ivermectin and emamectin”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 171–176, 2015, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002676.
ISNAD Baydan, Emine et al. “Investigation of Some Veterinary Drug Residues in Sea Water, Sediment, and Wild Fishes Captured Around Fish Farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, Ivermectin and Emamectin”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 62/3 (September 2015), 171-176. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002676.
JAMA Baydan E, Kaya S, Çağırgan H, Yıldırım E, Altıntaş L, Yurdakök B, Ekici H, Aydın FG, Küçükosmanoğlu AG. Investigation of some veterinary drug residues in sea water, sediment, and wild fishes captured around fish farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, ivermectin and emamectin. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2015;62:171–176.
MLA Baydan, Emine et al. “Investigation of Some Veterinary Drug Residues in Sea Water, Sediment, and Wild Fishes Captured Around Fish Farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, Ivermectin and Emamectin”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 62, no. 3, 2015, pp. 171-6, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002676.
Vancouver Baydan E, Kaya S, Çağırgan H, Yıldırım E, Altıntaş L, Yurdakök B, Ekici H, Aydın FG, Küçükosmanoğlu AG. Investigation of some veterinary drug residues in sea water, sediment, and wild fishes captured around fish farms in the Aegean Sea: Oxytetracyline, ivermectin and emamectin. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2015;62(3):171-6.