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Ardışık iki kısa süreli, kısa süreli ve uzun süreli progestagen uygulamasının üreme mevsimi dışındakiİvesi koyunlarının dölverimine etkisi

Year 2011, Volume: 58 Issue: 2, 105 - 109, 01.06.2011


Bu çalışmanın amacı, üreme mevsimi dışında İvesi koyunlarında PMSG ile birlikte farklı progestagen uygulamalarının etkinliğini araştırmaktı. Toplam 48 baş koyun 4 eşit gruba bölündü. Grup I, vaginal süngerler (30 mg FGA) koyunlara 7 gün süreyle uygulandı, daha sonra 7. günde çıkarılan süngerin yerine yeni sünger tekrar 7 gün süreyle yerleştirildi. Grup II ve Grup III’de vaginal süngerler sırasıyla 7 ve 14 gün uygulandı. Grup IV, kontrol grubunu oluşturdu. Çalışma gruplarının tümünde süngerlerin çıkarıldığı anda 500 IU PMSG yapıldı. Östrusa gelme oranı, gebelik ve kuzulama oranları, süngerin çıkarılmasından sonra östrusa gelme aralığı ve östrus süresi ile verimlilik gibi parametreler değerlendirildi. Östrusa gelme, gebelik ve kuzulama oranları ile doğurganlık açısından Grup I, II ve III arasında önemli bir farklılık bulunmadı. Buna ilaveten, tüm gruplarda östrus süresi istatistiksel açıdan farklı olmadı. Ancak, süngerlerin çıkarılmasından sonra östrusa gelme süreleri açısından Grup II (53±3,37 saat) ve Grup III (41,5±1.81 saat) arasında önemli farklılıklar bulundu (p<0.05). Koç katımından sonra progesteron (P4) seviyesi hafif arttı ama bu artışı takiben koç katımından iki hafta sonra azaldı (p<0.05). Sonuç olarak, sünger uygulama sürecinde yüksek progesteron konsantrasyonu oluşturmak için ardışık olarak iki defa sünger kullanılması hiç bir avantaj sağlamadı. Buna ilaveten, üreme mevsimi dışındaki İvesi koyunlarında kısa süreli (7 gün) sünger uygulamasının uzun süreli uygulama kadar etkili olduğu bulundu


  • Allison AJ, Robinson TJ (1970): The effect of dose level of intravaginal progestagen on sperm transport, fertilization and lambing in the cyclic Merino ewe. J Reprod Fertil, 22, 515-531.
  • Arthur HG, Noakes DE, Pearson H (1989): The oestrous cycle and its control. In: Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. 6th edition, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.
  • Bearden HJ, Fuquay JW (2000): The estrus cycle. In: Applied Animal Reproduction. 5th edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • Crosby TF, Boland MP, Gordon I (1991): Effect of progestagen treatments on the incidence of estrus and pregnancy rates in ewes. Anim Reprod Sci, 24:109-118.
  • Godfrey RW, Gray ML, Collins JR (1997): A comparison of two methods of estrus synchronization of hair sheep in the trophics. Anim Reprod Sci, 47, 99-106.
  • Godfrey RW, Collins JR, Hensley EL, Wheaton JE (1999): Estrus synchronization and artificial insemination of hair sheep ewes in the tropics. Theriogenology, 51, 985- 997.
  • Greyling JPC, Erasmus JA, Taylor GJ, van der Merwe S (1997): Synchronization of estrus in sheep using progestagen and inseminating with chilled semen during the breeding season. Small Rumin Res, 26, 137-143.
  • Husein MQ, Bailey MT, Ababneh JE, Romano JE, Crabo BG, Wheaton JE (1998): Effect of eCG on the pregnancy rate of ewes transcervically inseminated with frozen-thawed semen outside the breeding season. Theriogenology, 49, 997-1005.
  • Iida K, Kobayashi N, Kohno H, Miyamoto A, Fukui Y (2004): A comparative study of induction of estrus and ovulation by tree different intravaginal devices in ewes during the non-breeding season. J Reprod Dev, 50, 63-69.
  • Knights M, Hoehn T, Lewis PE, Inskeep EK (2000): Effectiveness of intravaginal progesterone inserts and FSH to induce estrus and increase lambing rate in anestrous ewes. Abstract presented at the Midwestern Section ASAS and Midwest Branch ADSA 2000 Meeting, Des Moines, IA. Abstr, 216.
  • Knights M, Maze TD, Bridges PJ, Lewis PE, Inskep EK (2001): Short-term treatment with a controlled internal drug releasing (CIDR) device and FSH to induce fertile estrus and increase prolificacy in anestrus ewes. Theriogenology, 55, 1181-1191.
  • Kocamuftuoglu M, Vural R (2008): The evaluation of postpartum period in dairy cows with normal and periparturient problems. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd), 58, 75-87.
  • Lindsay DR (1991): Reproduction in the sheep and goat. 491-515 In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 4th edition. Ed. Perry T. Cupps, Academic Press, Inc., California.
  • Menchaca A, Rubianes E (2001): Effect of high progesterone concentrations during the early luteal phase on the length of the ovulatory cycle of goats. Anim Reprod Sci, 68, 69-76.
  • Menchaca A, Rubianes E (2004): New treatments associated with timed artificial insemination in small ruminants. Reprod Fertil Develop, 16, 403-413.
  • Menchaca A, Miller V, Salveraglio V, Rubianes E (2007). Endocrine, luteal and follicular responses after the use of the short-term protocol to synchronize ovulation in goats. Anim Reprod Sci, 102, 76-87.
  • Pearce DT, Robinson TJ (1985): Plasma progesterone concentrations, ovarian and endocrinological response and sperm transport in ewes with synchronized oestrus. J Reprod Fertil, 75, 49-62.
  • Romano JE, Rodas E, Ferreira A, Lago I, Benech A (1996): Effect of progestagen, PMSG and artificial insemination time on fertility and prolificacy in Corriedale ewes. Small Rumin Res, 23, 157-162.
  • Rodriguez-Iglesias RM, Ciccioli NH, Irazoqui H (1997): Ram-induced reproduction in seasonally anovular Corriedale ewes: MAP doses for oestrous induction, ram percentages and post-mating progestagen supplementation. Anim Sci, 64, 119-125.
  • SPSS: Statistical package for social sciences for windows version 13.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL. 2006.
  • Ungerfeld R, Rubianes E (2002): Short term priming with different progestogen intravaginal devices (MAP, FGA and CIDR) for eCG-estrous induction in anestrus ewes. Small Rumin Res, 46, 63-66.
  • Ustuner B, Gunay U, Nur Z, Ustuner H (2007): Effect of long and short-term progestagen treatments combined with PMSG on oestrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes during the breeding season. Acta Vet Brno, 76, 391- 397.
  • Vinoles C, Meikle A, Forsberg M, Rubianes E (1999): The effect of subluteal levels of exogenous progesterone on follicular dynamics and endocrine patters during the early luteal phase of the ewe. Theriogenology, 51, 1351-1361.
  • Vinoles C, Forsberg M, Banchero G, Rubianes E (2001): Effect of long-term and short-term progestagen treatment on follicular development and pregnancy rate in cyclic ewes. Theriogenology, 55, 993-1004.
  • Wildeus S (2000): Current concepts in synchronization of estrus: Sheep and goats. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., 1-8.
  • Zaiem I, Tainturier D, ChemLi J, Soltani M (1996): Vaginal sponges and different PMSG doses to improve breeding performances of Black Thibar ewes. Rev Med Vet, 147, 305-310. Geliş tarihi: 16.04.2009 / Kabul tarihi: 26.07.2010

Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season

Year 2011, Volume: 58 Issue: 2, 105 - 109, 01.06.2011


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different treatment methods of progestagen with PMSG in Awassi ewes out of the breeding season. A total of 48 ewes were divided into four groups equally. In Group I, vaginal sponges (30 mg fluorogestone acetate; FGA) were administered to ewes for seven days; afterwards vaginal sponge removal at the end of 7th days and new vaginal sponge replaced for seven days in the same group. Vaginal sponges were administered for 7 days and 14 days in Group II and Group III, respectively. Group IV (Control) served as control group. In all experimental groups, 500 IU PMSG was given at sponge removal. Parameters such as estrus response rate, pregnancy and lambing rates, interval from sponge withdrawal to onset of estrus, duration of estrus and fecundity were evaluated. There were no significant differences in terms of estrus response rate, pregnancy rate, lambing rate, and fecundity between the Group I, II and III (p>0.05). In addition to this, any difference in the duration of estrus was not observed in all groups. However, variations in the interval from sponge removal to estrus was found significant (p<0.05) differences between Group II (53±3.37 h) and Group III (41.5±1.81 h). A slight increase in progesterone levels was observed after ram introduction, but a significant decrease in progesterone levels was found after two weeks from ram


  • Allison AJ, Robinson TJ (1970): The effect of dose level of intravaginal progestagen on sperm transport, fertilization and lambing in the cyclic Merino ewe. J Reprod Fertil, 22, 515-531.
  • Arthur HG, Noakes DE, Pearson H (1989): The oestrous cycle and its control. In: Veterinary Reproduction and Obstetrics. 6th edition, W.B. Saunders Co., Philadelphia.
  • Bearden HJ, Fuquay JW (2000): The estrus cycle. In: Applied Animal Reproduction. 5th edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
  • Crosby TF, Boland MP, Gordon I (1991): Effect of progestagen treatments on the incidence of estrus and pregnancy rates in ewes. Anim Reprod Sci, 24:109-118.
  • Godfrey RW, Gray ML, Collins JR (1997): A comparison of two methods of estrus synchronization of hair sheep in the trophics. Anim Reprod Sci, 47, 99-106.
  • Godfrey RW, Collins JR, Hensley EL, Wheaton JE (1999): Estrus synchronization and artificial insemination of hair sheep ewes in the tropics. Theriogenology, 51, 985- 997.
  • Greyling JPC, Erasmus JA, Taylor GJ, van der Merwe S (1997): Synchronization of estrus in sheep using progestagen and inseminating with chilled semen during the breeding season. Small Rumin Res, 26, 137-143.
  • Husein MQ, Bailey MT, Ababneh JE, Romano JE, Crabo BG, Wheaton JE (1998): Effect of eCG on the pregnancy rate of ewes transcervically inseminated with frozen-thawed semen outside the breeding season. Theriogenology, 49, 997-1005.
  • Iida K, Kobayashi N, Kohno H, Miyamoto A, Fukui Y (2004): A comparative study of induction of estrus and ovulation by tree different intravaginal devices in ewes during the non-breeding season. J Reprod Dev, 50, 63-69.
  • Knights M, Hoehn T, Lewis PE, Inskeep EK (2000): Effectiveness of intravaginal progesterone inserts and FSH to induce estrus and increase lambing rate in anestrous ewes. Abstract presented at the Midwestern Section ASAS and Midwest Branch ADSA 2000 Meeting, Des Moines, IA. Abstr, 216.
  • Knights M, Maze TD, Bridges PJ, Lewis PE, Inskep EK (2001): Short-term treatment with a controlled internal drug releasing (CIDR) device and FSH to induce fertile estrus and increase prolificacy in anestrus ewes. Theriogenology, 55, 1181-1191.
  • Kocamuftuoglu M, Vural R (2008): The evaluation of postpartum period in dairy cows with normal and periparturient problems. Acta Veterinaria (Beograd), 58, 75-87.
  • Lindsay DR (1991): Reproduction in the sheep and goat. 491-515 In: Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 4th edition. Ed. Perry T. Cupps, Academic Press, Inc., California.
  • Menchaca A, Rubianes E (2001): Effect of high progesterone concentrations during the early luteal phase on the length of the ovulatory cycle of goats. Anim Reprod Sci, 68, 69-76.
  • Menchaca A, Rubianes E (2004): New treatments associated with timed artificial insemination in small ruminants. Reprod Fertil Develop, 16, 403-413.
  • Menchaca A, Miller V, Salveraglio V, Rubianes E (2007). Endocrine, luteal and follicular responses after the use of the short-term protocol to synchronize ovulation in goats. Anim Reprod Sci, 102, 76-87.
  • Pearce DT, Robinson TJ (1985): Plasma progesterone concentrations, ovarian and endocrinological response and sperm transport in ewes with synchronized oestrus. J Reprod Fertil, 75, 49-62.
  • Romano JE, Rodas E, Ferreira A, Lago I, Benech A (1996): Effect of progestagen, PMSG and artificial insemination time on fertility and prolificacy in Corriedale ewes. Small Rumin Res, 23, 157-162.
  • Rodriguez-Iglesias RM, Ciccioli NH, Irazoqui H (1997): Ram-induced reproduction in seasonally anovular Corriedale ewes: MAP doses for oestrous induction, ram percentages and post-mating progestagen supplementation. Anim Sci, 64, 119-125.
  • SPSS: Statistical package for social sciences for windows version 13.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL. 2006.
  • Ungerfeld R, Rubianes E (2002): Short term priming with different progestogen intravaginal devices (MAP, FGA and CIDR) for eCG-estrous induction in anestrus ewes. Small Rumin Res, 46, 63-66.
  • Ustuner B, Gunay U, Nur Z, Ustuner H (2007): Effect of long and short-term progestagen treatments combined with PMSG on oestrus synchronization and fertility in Awassi ewes during the breeding season. Acta Vet Brno, 76, 391- 397.
  • Vinoles C, Meikle A, Forsberg M, Rubianes E (1999): The effect of subluteal levels of exogenous progesterone on follicular dynamics and endocrine patters during the early luteal phase of the ewe. Theriogenology, 51, 1351-1361.
  • Vinoles C, Forsberg M, Banchero G, Rubianes E (2001): Effect of long-term and short-term progestagen treatment on follicular development and pregnancy rate in cyclic ewes. Theriogenology, 55, 993-1004.
  • Wildeus S (2000): Current concepts in synchronization of estrus: Sheep and goats. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., 1-8.
  • Zaiem I, Tainturier D, ChemLi J, Soltani M (1996): Vaginal sponges and different PMSG doses to improve breeding performances of Black Thibar ewes. Rev Med Vet, 147, 305-310. Geliş tarihi: 16.04.2009 / Kabul tarihi: 26.07.2010
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA52JR29ZY
Journal Section Research Article

Nihat Özyurtlu

S.serhan Ay

İbrahim Küçükaslan

Örsan Güngör

- Aslanselim

Publication Date June 1, 2011
Published in Issue Year 2011Volume: 58 Issue: 2


APA Özyurtlu, N., Ay, S., Küçükaslan, İ., Güngör, Ö., et al. (2011). Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 58(2), 105-109. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002458
AMA Özyurtlu N, Ay S, Küçükaslan İ, Güngör Ö, Aslanselim. Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. June 2011;58(2):105-109. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002458
Chicago Özyurtlu, Nihat, S.serhan Ay, İbrahim Küçükaslan, Örsan Güngör, and - Aslanselim. “Effect of Subsequent Two Short-Term, Short-Term, and Long-Term Progestagen Treatments on Fertility of Awassi Ewes Out of the Breeding Season”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 58, no. 2 (June 2011): 105-9. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002458.
EndNote Özyurtlu N, Ay S, Küçükaslan İ, Güngör Ö, Aslanselim - (June 1, 2011) Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 58 2 105–109.
IEEE N. Özyurtlu, S. Ay, İ. Küçükaslan, Ö. Güngör, and .-. Aslanselim, “Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 105–109, 2011, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002458.
ISNAD Özyurtlu, Nihat et al. “Effect of Subsequent Two Short-Term, Short-Term, and Long-Term Progestagen Treatments on Fertility of Awassi Ewes Out of the Breeding Season”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 58/2 (June 2011), 105-109. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002458.
JAMA Özyurtlu N, Ay S, Küçükaslan İ, Güngör Ö, Aslanselim -. Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2011;58:105–109.
MLA Özyurtlu, Nihat et al. “Effect of Subsequent Two Short-Term, Short-Term, and Long-Term Progestagen Treatments on Fertility of Awassi Ewes Out of the Breeding Season”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 58, no. 2, 2011, pp. 105-9, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002458.
Vancouver Özyurtlu N, Ay S, Küçükaslan İ, Güngör Ö, Aslanselim -. Effect of subsequent two short-term, short-term, and long-term progestagen treatments on fertility of Awassi ewes out of the breeding season. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2011;58(2):105-9.

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