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Laktasyon periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri

Year 2004, Volume: 51 Issue: 3, 181 - 187, 01.09.2004


Ankara keçilerindeki laktoferrinin süt ve kan serum düzeyleri laktasyon periyodu boyunca ELISA ile belirlenmiş ve süt serumu ile kan serum proteinleri poliakrilamid jel elektroforezde incelenmiştir. Toplam 18 baş Ankara keçisinden laktasyonun 1., 2., 3., 5., 7., 11., 15., 20., 30., 45. ve 60. günlerinde süt ve kan örnekleri alınmıştır. Mastitis indikatör kağıt ile kontrol edilen süt numunelerinde direk somatik hücre sayımı yapılmıştır. Kesilmiş süt proteinleriyle kan serum proteinlerinin % dağılımları poliakrilamid jel elektroforezde incelenmiştir. Elektroforez bantlarının değerlendirilmesinde yaklaşık 78.000 dalton molekül ağırlığındaki proteinin süt serumundaki dansitometrik % dağılımı laktasyonun başlangıcında daha düşükken, laktasyon periyodu boyunca giderek artmış ve 2 katı seviyesine ulaşmıştır. Elektroforez bantlarının değerlendirilmesinde yaklaşık 78.000 dalton molekül ağırlığındaki serum proteininin dansitometrik % dağılımı, ilk üç gün istatistik olarak laktasyonun diğer günlerine göre yüksek bulunmuştur. Laktasyonun 3. gününden itibaren ise giderek azalan bir % dağılım göstermiştir. Süt ve serumdaki laktoferrin düzeyleri ELISA ile belirlenmiştir. Laktasyon süresince süt ve serum laktoferrin miktarları ELISA yönteminde sırasıyla ortalama 39.43-63.97 µg/ml ve 2.17-3.08 µg/ml arasında değişim göstermiştir. Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri laktasyon periyodu boyunca istatistik olarak önemli bir değişim göstermemiştir. Tiftik verimi yönüyle yetiştirilen Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri literatür verilerindeki domuz, inek, köpek, koyun ve keçi gibi laktasyondaki diğer hayvanların süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeylerine göre çok düşük bulunmuştur


  • Anonim(a): Direct microscopic count method. Erişim tarihi: 06.11.2002
  • Erişim adresi:
  • Anonim(b): Food and drug administration milk laboratory evaluatıon form. Direct microscopic somatic cell count. Erişim tarihi : 06.06.2002 Erişim adresi: pdf.
  • Baveye S, Elass, E, Mazurier J, Spik G, Legrand D (1999): Lactoferrin: a multifunctional glyco-protein involved in the modulation of the inflamma-tory process. Clin Chem Lab Med, 37, 281-286.
  • Buchta R (1991): Ovine lactoferrin: isolation from colostrum and characterization. J Dairy Res, 58, 211-218.
  • Elliot JI, Senft B, Erhardt G, Fraser D (1984): Isolation of lactoferrin and its concentration in sows’ colostrum and milk during a 21-day lactation. J Anim Sci, 59, 1080-1084.
  • Harmon RJ, Schanbacher FL, Ferguson LC, Smith KL. (1975): Concentration of lactoferrin in milk of normal lacting cows and changes occuring during mastitis. Am. J Vet Res, 36, 1001-1007.
  • Hurley WL. (1989): Mammary gland function during involution. J Dairy Sci, 72, 1637-1646.
  • Laemmli UK. (1970): Cleavage of stuctural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Nature, 227, 680-685.
  • Lönnerdal B, Iyer, S. (1995): Lactoferrin: molecular structure and biological function. Annu Rev Nutr ,15, 93- 110.
  • MacKenzie DD (1968): Studies on the transfer of protein across the glandular epitelium of the mammary gland during lactatıon. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci, 46, 273. In: FK Welty, KL Smith, FL Schanbacher (1976): Lactoferrin concentration during ınvolution of the bovine mammary gland. J Dairy Sci, 59, 224-231.
  • Masson PL, Heremans JF (1971): Lactoferrin in milk from different species. Comp Biochem Physiol, 39B, 119- 129.
  • Nam MS, Shimazaki K, Kimura H, Lee KK, Y, DY (1999): Characterization of Korean native goat lactoferrin. Comp Biochem Physiol, 98B, 201-208.
  • Neville CM Milk Secretion : An overview. Erişim tarihi : 27.11.2001
  • Erişim adresi :http :// Neville 001/
  • Paape MJ, Poutrel B, Contreras A, Marco J, Capuco AV (2001): Milk somatic cells and lactation in small ruminants. J Dairy Sci, 84, E237-E244.
  • Petterson K (1981): Cell content in goat’s milk. AcetVet Scand, 22, 226-237.
  • Redman M, Chu, Shih-Rong W, Chung-Nan W, Vetnon GP (1993): Isolation and characterization of porcine milk lactoferrin. Am J Vet Res, 54, 1154-1159.
  • Shimazaki K, Kawano N, Yoo, YC (1991): Comparison of bovine, sheep and goat milk lactoferrin in their electrophoretic behavior, conformation, ımmunochemical properties and lectin reactivity. Comp Biochem Physiol, 98, 417-422.
  • Steijns JM, Van Hooijdonk ACM (2000): Occurrence, structure, biochemical properties and technological characteristics of lactoferrin. Br J Nut, 84,11-17.
  • Sünbüloğlu K, Sünbüloğlu V (1994): Biyoistatistik. Özdemir yayıncılık 5.baskı, Ankara.
  • Tsuji S, Hirata Y, Mukai F, Ohtagaki S (1990): Comparison of lactoferrin content in colostrum between different cattle breeds. J Dairy Sci, 73, 125-128.
  • Wang H, Hurley WL (1998): Identification of lactoferrin complexes in bovine mammary secretions during mammary gland ınvolution. J Dairy Sci, 81, 1896-1903.
  • Weichselbaum TE (1946): .An accurate and rapid method for the determination of protein in small amounts of blood serum and plasma. Am J Clin Path., 10, 40-49.
  • Welty FK, Smith KL, Schanbacher FL.(1976): Lactoferrin concentration during involution of the bovine mammary gland. J Dairy Sci, 59, 224-231.
  • Yang TS, Wu SC, Wang SR (2000): Serum and milk lactoferrin concentration and the correlation with same blood components in lacting sows. Research in Veterinary Science, 69, 95-99.

Milk and serum lactoferrin levels in Angora Goats during lactation period

Year 2004, Volume: 51 Issue: 3, 181 - 187, 01.09.2004


Milk and serum lactoferrin levels which is important for human and animal healt because of its several properties during lactation period in Angora Goats were determined. Milk and blood samples have been taken from 18 Angora Goats in 1st , 2nd , 3rd , 5th, 7 th, 11 th, 15 th, 20 th, 30 th, 45 th and 60 th days of lactation. In milk samples, somatic cell counts have been performed following the control of milk samples using indicator papers for mastitis. Fat and casein were removed from milk samples by centrifugation and using glacial acetic acit precipitation respectively. Following that proteins were precipitated from milk serum by amonium sulphate precipitation. Obtained whey proteins of milk and blood serum proteins were applied to Polyaccrilamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) system. Milk and serum lactoferrin levels were detected using ELISA. Dansitometric analysis of whey protein bands on the gels showed that a protein with approximately 78.000 dalton molecular weight showed a decreased percentage at the beginning of lactation. This 78.000 dalton protein was gradually increased towards the end of lactation up to the two fold increase. Dansitometric analysis of serum protein bands on the gels showed that a protein with approximately 78.000 dalton molecular weight showed an increasement in the first three days of lactation. After the first three days, this 78.000 dalton protein was gradually decreased towards the end of lactation. Milk and serum lactoferrin levels during lactation period were found to be between 39,43-63,97 µg/ml and 2,17 – 3,08 µg/ml by ELISA respectively. Changes in milk and serum lactoferrin levels in Angora Goats were not found to be statistically important during lactation period. Milk and serum lactoferrin levels in Angora goats growed for mohair production were found to be lower in comparison to the other animals (cow, sheep, goat, swine etc.) in lactation


  • Anonim(a): Direct microscopic count method. Erişim tarihi: 06.11.2002
  • Erişim adresi:
  • Anonim(b): Food and drug administration milk laboratory evaluatıon form. Direct microscopic somatic cell count. Erişim tarihi : 06.06.2002 Erişim adresi: pdf.
  • Baveye S, Elass, E, Mazurier J, Spik G, Legrand D (1999): Lactoferrin: a multifunctional glyco-protein involved in the modulation of the inflamma-tory process. Clin Chem Lab Med, 37, 281-286.
  • Buchta R (1991): Ovine lactoferrin: isolation from colostrum and characterization. J Dairy Res, 58, 211-218.
  • Elliot JI, Senft B, Erhardt G, Fraser D (1984): Isolation of lactoferrin and its concentration in sows’ colostrum and milk during a 21-day lactation. J Anim Sci, 59, 1080-1084.
  • Harmon RJ, Schanbacher FL, Ferguson LC, Smith KL. (1975): Concentration of lactoferrin in milk of normal lacting cows and changes occuring during mastitis. Am. J Vet Res, 36, 1001-1007.
  • Hurley WL. (1989): Mammary gland function during involution. J Dairy Sci, 72, 1637-1646.
  • Laemmli UK. (1970): Cleavage of stuctural proteins during the assembly of the head of bacteriophage T4. Nature, 227, 680-685.
  • Lönnerdal B, Iyer, S. (1995): Lactoferrin: molecular structure and biological function. Annu Rev Nutr ,15, 93- 110.
  • MacKenzie DD (1968): Studies on the transfer of protein across the glandular epitelium of the mammary gland during lactatıon. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci, 46, 273. In: FK Welty, KL Smith, FL Schanbacher (1976): Lactoferrin concentration during ınvolution of the bovine mammary gland. J Dairy Sci, 59, 224-231.
  • Masson PL, Heremans JF (1971): Lactoferrin in milk from different species. Comp Biochem Physiol, 39B, 119- 129.
  • Nam MS, Shimazaki K, Kimura H, Lee KK, Y, DY (1999): Characterization of Korean native goat lactoferrin. Comp Biochem Physiol, 98B, 201-208.
  • Neville CM Milk Secretion : An overview. Erişim tarihi : 27.11.2001
  • Erişim adresi :http :// Neville 001/
  • Paape MJ, Poutrel B, Contreras A, Marco J, Capuco AV (2001): Milk somatic cells and lactation in small ruminants. J Dairy Sci, 84, E237-E244.
  • Petterson K (1981): Cell content in goat’s milk. AcetVet Scand, 22, 226-237.
  • Redman M, Chu, Shih-Rong W, Chung-Nan W, Vetnon GP (1993): Isolation and characterization of porcine milk lactoferrin. Am J Vet Res, 54, 1154-1159.
  • Shimazaki K, Kawano N, Yoo, YC (1991): Comparison of bovine, sheep and goat milk lactoferrin in their electrophoretic behavior, conformation, ımmunochemical properties and lectin reactivity. Comp Biochem Physiol, 98, 417-422.
  • Steijns JM, Van Hooijdonk ACM (2000): Occurrence, structure, biochemical properties and technological characteristics of lactoferrin. Br J Nut, 84,11-17.
  • Sünbüloğlu K, Sünbüloğlu V (1994): Biyoistatistik. Özdemir yayıncılık 5.baskı, Ankara.
  • Tsuji S, Hirata Y, Mukai F, Ohtagaki S (1990): Comparison of lactoferrin content in colostrum between different cattle breeds. J Dairy Sci, 73, 125-128.
  • Wang H, Hurley WL (1998): Identification of lactoferrin complexes in bovine mammary secretions during mammary gland ınvolution. J Dairy Sci, 81, 1896-1903.
  • Weichselbaum TE (1946): .An accurate and rapid method for the determination of protein in small amounts of blood serum and plasma. Am J Clin Path., 10, 40-49.
  • Welty FK, Smith KL, Schanbacher FL.(1976): Lactoferrin concentration during involution of the bovine mammary gland. J Dairy Sci, 59, 224-231.
  • Yang TS, Wu SC, Wang SR (2000): Serum and milk lactoferrin concentration and the correlation with same blood components in lacting sows. Research in Veterinary Science, 69, 95-99.
There are 26 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Gülcan Avcı

Tevhide Sel

Publication Date September 1, 2004
Published in Issue Year 2004Volume: 51 Issue: 3


APA Avcı, G., & Sel, T. (2004). Laktasyon periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 51(3), 181-187.
AMA Avcı G, Sel T. Laktasyon periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2004;51(3):181-187.
Chicago Avcı, Gülcan, and Tevhide Sel. “Laktasyon Periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt Ve Serum Laktoferrin düzeyleri”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 51, no. 3 (September 2004): 181-87.
EndNote Avcı G, Sel T (September 1, 2004) Laktasyon periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 51 3 181–187.
IEEE G. Avcı and T. Sel, “Laktasyon periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 181–187, 2004.
ISNAD Avcı, Gülcan - Sel, Tevhide. “Laktasyon Periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt Ve Serum Laktoferrin düzeyleri”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 51/3 (September 2004), 181-187.
JAMA Avcı G, Sel T. Laktasyon periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2004;51:181–187.
MLA Avcı, Gülcan and Tevhide Sel. “Laktasyon Periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt Ve Serum Laktoferrin düzeyleri”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 51, no. 3, 2004, pp. 181-7.
Vancouver Avcı G, Sel T. Laktasyon periyodundaki Ankara keçilerinde süt ve serum laktoferrin düzeyleri. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2004;51(3):181-7.