The aim of the study was to investigate the defence activity of systemic immunization against clinical and subclinical mastitis by due to udder and milking hygiene conditions in dairy herds managements. The study was carried out on a tot,ıl of 80 cows which arc selccted randomly from Ankara University Faculty of Agriculture Farm (AUZF) and from the family type herds (1 A cows) in Ankara region. Milking-machine was used in the first management, udder disinfection beforc milking. teat dipping aftcr milking and dry cow infusions to udder lobes was applied. However, in the second managements haııd milking was ımıde anel the proteetive proceelures that are mentioneel above were not taken. Inactive mastitis vaccine Mastivac@ (S.aga!acıiae. S.dysga!actiae, S.uberis, S.aureus, E.coli, A.pyogenes) was used for systemic immunization. Mastivae@ vaecines were injected su bcutaneously to cows from neck region andsaline solution was injecteel to 20 control cows in each group, by the same procedure. The injections were repeated 15 days af ter the first application. The effectiveness of the vaccine on clinical and subclinical mastilis was evaluated during 12 months after imımıııization. California mastitis test (CMT) and somatic cell count (SCC) were ımıde from the individual milk samples eollected monthly. The bacteries were evaluated from milk samples that have SCC>500.()()O cell/ml and from the cows having clinical mastitis. AIso. randomize clinical mastitis cases were evaluated. There was a statisticaly insignificant e1ccrease at SCC of the vaccine group when compared to control group in AUZF management (p>0.05). Howevcr. there was a statisticaly significant decrease in the SCC of the vaccine group in the family type management when compared to control group. After 2 months of vaccination CMT results in AUZF management show insignificant differences for control group while eMT rcsults of family type managements show s significant decrease. In the first two months, all clinical mastitis cases occured in vaccine group in AUZF management; and no clinical cases were seen in the other months. On the other hand 13 cases seen in the control group distributed to the other months. Likewise, all cases were seen in the in the first two months in the vaccine group of ['amily type ımınagements, Clinical mastitis were distributed to the other months in control groups. Beforethe vaccination the most isolated nıicroorganism was Saureus with 59.1 % in AUZF farm and 70.6% in family type herd. Af ter vaccination the strain werc dccreased to 26.4 and 42.7, respectively. There were not significant differences in the presence S.agalactiae af ter vaccination when comparcd to pre-vaccination. During the first two months af ter immunization, E.coli was idenlified in the clinical cases, but after this pcriod the strain were not seen. According to the idcntification results aftcr vaccination, sufficient immunization can not be obtained against Suberi" and S.pyogenes which are involved in the vaccine. In conclıısion, the vaccine was effective in both manageıııents of all vaccinated cows when the scverity and the guantity of chnic mastitis cases were taken into consideration and in the family type ıııanageıııents when it was evaluatcd with their SCe.
Bu çalışmada, sütçü inek işletmelerinde meme ve sağım hijyeni koşullarına bağlı olarak, sistemik immunizasyon ile mastitislere karşı korunma etkinliği araştırıldı. Çalışma, makinayla sağılan, sağım öncesinde meme dezenfeksiyonu, sonrasıııda teat dipping ve kuruya çıkan meme bölümlerine antibiyotik infüzyonu uygulanan Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi (AÜZF) işletmesi ile, elle sağılarak diğer önlemler alını;'ayan (aile tipi) işletmelerden seçilen, toplam 80 baş inek üzerinde yürütüldü. Sistemik imımınizasyon amacıyla, Mastivac@ adlı (Sagalactiae, Sdysgalactiae, S.uberis, S.pyogenes, Saureus. E. co li, A.pyogenes) inaktif mastitis aşısı kullaı~ıldı. Her iki tip işletmeden 20 ineğe aşı uygulanırken, 20 ineğe de plasebo enjekte edildi. Birinci uygulaniadan 15 gün sonra cnjeksiyonlar tekrar edildi. Uygulanan aşının inastitisler yönünden etkinliğini araştırmak üzere, immunizasyon öncesindc ve sonrasında, 12 ay süre ile, her ay toplanan süt örneklerinde, sıralı olarak, Kaliforniya mastitis te'sti (CMT) ve soımltik hlicrc sayımı (SHS) ile mikrobiyolojik yoklamalar yapıldı. Bunların yamsıra klinik mastitisler değerlendirildi. AÜZF işlctmcsinde aşılama grııbunun SHS'lerinde kontrol grubuna kıyasla istatistik yönden önemsiz, buna karşılık diğer tip yetiştirmclerde önemli düşmeler görlildü. Klinik mastitisler yönünden, AÜZF vc aile tipi işletmelerde, sırasıyla aşılama gruplarında 4'er, kontrol gruplarında ise 13 ve 6 olgu belirlendi. Aşılama öncesinde S.aureus, AÜZF işletmesinde %59.1 ve aile tipi işletmelerde %70.6 ile en fazla izole edilen mikroorganizma oldu. Aşının uygulanmasmdan sonra bu etkenin rastlantısı sırasıyla %26.4 ve %42.7 oranlarına azalma gösterdi. Aşılama sonrasında Saga!actiae ve Sdysgalacıiae rastlantılarıııda, öncesine kıyasla önemli bir değişiklik görülmedi. Sonuç olarak. klinik mastitis olgularının şiddeti ve niceliği göz önünde tutulduğunda tüm aşılanan ineklerde; SHS'leri ile birlikte değerlendirildiğinde ise aile tipi işlelIlıelcrdc aşının daha etkili olduğu belirlendi.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Subjects | Veterinary Surgery |
Journal Section | Research Article |
Authors | |
Publication Date | March 1, 2003 |
Published in Issue | Year 2003Volume: 50 Issue: 1 |