Writing Rules

Publication Period

The Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering Research, a refereed international journal scanned in international indexes, is published twice a year (eISSN: 2717-8504), in June and December.

Publishing Language
The bilingual language of the Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering Research follows a bilingual publication policy in Turkish and English.

Articles published in Turkish or English full text also include English title, abstract, key words and extensive summary.

Turkish or English abstracts should be written in Times New Roman font and in Italic form, 10 points, 11 fonts should be chosen for the main text. Single line spacing should be chosen in the writing of the abstract.

It should be noted that the abstract of the article should be at least 150 and at most 300 words.

It is recommended that Turkish and English abstracts should not exceed 1 page. The number of keywords should be at least 3 and at most 6.

Articles accepted for publication by the Editorial Board are read by language (Turkish, English) editors. The author (s) may be offered corrections to the writing of the article by the editorial board, referees or language editors during the evaluation of the articles. It is the authors' responsibility to make these corrections.

Each author submitting a manuscript must have and ORCID number. Visit https://orcid.org/signin to register for free.

NOTE : To download article templates, it is necessary to be a member of Dergipark platform.  https://dergipark.org.tr/en/login

1-  Abstract Page

It should be noted that the abstract of the article should be at least 150 and at most 300 words.

The template for the  English Abstract is located on the first page of the template article provided in the links below.

2- Article Writing Template

Single column, 11 point, Times New Roman format is used for articles to be published in our journal.

The article template in  Word format     /    PDF format   

NOTE : If you are having trouble downloading templates through the Dergipark system, please contact  jster.editor@gmail.com.

We expect you to use articles related to your subject published in our JSTER journal and use them as references in your article.

3- Reference Layout

- APA or IEEE formats should be selected as the reference format.

APA Example:
Pany, C. (2021). Structural Analysis of Metallic Pressure Vessels With Weld Sinkage in the Circumferential Joint. Journal of Scientific, Technology and Engineering Research, 2 (1), 4-10. DOI: 10.5281 / zenodo.4586360

IEEE Example:
C. Pany, "Structural Analysis of Metallic Pressure Vessels With Weld Sinkage in the Circumferential Joint", Journal of Scientific, Technology and Engineering Research, c. 2, the number. 1, ss. 4-10, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.5281 / zenodo.4586360

4- Click to download the Author Copyright Form.


All authors must sign the copyright form, scan it and upload it to the system at the article submission stage.

5- Plagiarism Control  /  Similarity Ratio File:

The full text of your article, including the references section, must be scanned with "iThenticate" or "Turnitin" programs, and the result of the similarity ratio to be obtained from the relevant program must be uploaded to the system in PDF format.

The article file to be sent to JSTER by the authors should be screened for plagiarism (similarity) through similarity scanning programs.

Plagiarism screening should be performed by excluding “citations, parts of text with less than 5 words of overlap, and references part”. In the detailed report obtained as a result of the similarity scan, the similarity rate should be at most 20% or less. In addition, the similarity rate from single work should never exceed 5%.

Articles above this rate, after providing similarity under %20 then will be considered.
Articles accepted as a result of peer-review whichever one of the mentioned similarity programs is used, it should be noted that the similarity rate should not be over 20%.

When uploading the plagiarism similarity report file to the system, the phrase "Similarity Report" should be written in the file name section. You can upload the plagiarism (similarity) report file to the system as an additional file.

Before the article is submitted, you can check the originality using the "plagiarism control" software listed below:

  • https://www.turnitin.com
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Last Update Time: 5/27/24, 9:18:08 PM

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) International License. 


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