e-ISSN: 2822-6941
Founded: 2004
Publisher: Hacettepe University
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Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies is an international, refereed and periodical journal published twice a year (Spring and Fall) under the auspices of Hacettepe University Institute of Turkish Studies.
The journal is scanned by TUBITAK ULAKBIM Social Sciences Database, MLA and indexed by EBSCO.
The responsibility for the opinions expressed in the articles published in the journal of Turkish Studies belongs to the authors. Manuscripts are published with the final decision of the Editorial Board after the publishable approval of two field experts. Manuscripts are not returned whether they are published or not.

2024 - Issue: 40

Hacettepe University Turkish Studies Institute 06532 Beytepe / Ankara
Phone: +90 312 297 67 71 or +90 312 297 67 72
Fax: +90 0312 297 71 71

Hacettepe University Journal of Turkish Studies (HUTAD)
Phone: +90 312 297 71 82