ISSN: 2148-6808
e-ISSN: 2148-6808
Founded: 2014
Publisher: Bekir İNCE
Cover Image

A doi number will be given for the articles published in our journal starting from 2022.


Turkophone; is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that aims to be a scientific reference source where academicians working in the fields of Turkish teaching, Turcology and Turkish language and literature can publish their works and access relevant studies. Turkophone, which evaluates candidate manuscripts with double-blind peer review method; is published online three times a year, in February, June, and October. The language of the journal is English and Turkish.


Being valid from 2021, the publication language of Turkophone is English and Turkish. After the acceptance of a Turkish manuscript, its English translation is also required. The facsimile versions of the articles written in Turkish language are published in Turkish and English. The Turkish version of the articles that is sent in English is not required. Turkish title, abstract and keywords have to be in the articles submitted in English. In addition, the aim and scope of the journal has been updated by our editorial board and only papers fits to this aim and scope will be evaluated. You can check updated aim and scope information on our "Aim & Scope" page. Papers that are not suitable for these scopes will be returned to the authors without being evaluated.

2023 - Volume: 10 Issue: 3

TURKOPHONE | 2014 |  ISSN: 2148-6808

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