Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


•    Van Veterinary Journal is the peer-reviewed scientific journal of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Van Yuzuncu Yil University and its short name is Van Vet J.

•    Issues are published in March, July, and November, three times a year.

•    Van veterinary journal is double-blind reviewed and completely free scientific journal. Sponsorship and advertising are not accepted.

•    Van Veterinary journal is open access which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. All content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.

•    In all editorial and publication processes, the basic approaches recommended in Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), World Association of Medical Editors (WAMA), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) are adopted.

•    Manuscript processing fee and subscription for access are not demanded. Also, there will be no payment to authors for copy-right.

•    Submitted manuscripts are must be original, and they should not be published or under assessment in another place partially or completely.

•    All manuscripts are evaluated by iThenticate or Turnitin for plagiarism detection. The Similarity index of the submitted manuscript must be under 15%.

•    The correctness of data and results indicated in the manuscript must be guaranteed by the author. Editors of the journal are not responsible for this.

•    Submitted articles are checked by the editor and / or editorial board. If deemed appropriate, it is sent to the double-blind reviewing for evaluation.

•    Submitted manuscripts must be scientific manner and in a suitable format for evaluation of reviewers. Because of that it is expected that the authors are experienced.

•    The sources used in the article should be specified in the text and should be presented in the references section of the article.

•    The author should appropriately report and acknowledge everyone and each institution who contributed to the study.

•    Authors must provide information about the ORCID numbers and contribution of the authors and information about the conflict of interest on the title page.

•    The authors must take all responsibility of the submitted manuscript and the authors must transfer copyrights to the Van Veterinary Journal for assessment. For that reason, all the authors must fill the Copy Rights Transfer Agreement. The completed form must be wet ink signed. The manuscripts whose authors have not signed the form will not take an assessment.

•    Submitted personal information by the authors will use on the behalf of our journal and will not share with third parties.

•    Our journal is archived in electronically in “DergiPark” system and various (TrDizin, IndexCopernicus...) indexes. In case the journal ends its publishing life for any reason, the articles published in the past can be found here. Our journal uses the LOCKSS system.

•    Authors are allowed to deposit the versions (Submitted version, Accepted version, Published version) of the work in an institutional or other repository of their choice.

Article Evaluation Processes

Initial Evaluation Process

•    The studies submitted to Van Veterinary Journal are initially evaluated by the editors.

•    At this stage, studies that do not comply with the purpose and scope of the journal, weak in terms of language and spelling in Turkish and English, statistical expression rules, contain scientific critical errors, do not have original value, and do not meet the publication policies are rejected.

•    Authors of rejected studies are notified within two weeks at the latest from the date of submission.

•    Studies that are deemed appropriate are sent to field-specific editors for the field of interest for pre-evaluation.

Pre-Evaluation Process

•    In the pre-evaluation process, the field-specific editors examine the introduction, material and method, findings, conclusion, evaluation, discussion sections of the studies in terms of journal publishing policies and scope and originality.

•    Studies that are deemed appropriate are sent to reviewers.

•    Studies deemed unsuitable are returned within five weeks with the field-specific editor's evaluation report.

Reviewer determination process

•    The studies are sent to the reviewers according to the studies' content and expertise of the reviewer.

•    The field-specific editor who examines the study suggests at least two reviewers from the Van Veterinary Journal reviewer pool according to their field of expertise and sends them to the reviewers for evaluation. When necessary, a new reviewer is appointed by the field-specific editor.

•    Care is taken to ensure that each of the reviewers and the author are from different institutions.

•    Reviewers have to guarantee that they will be objective, unbiased and will not share any process and document about the work they evaluate.

•    The time given to reviewers for the evaluation process is maximum two weeks.

•    Correction suggestions from reviewers or editors must be completed by the authors within 1 month.

•    The reviewer can review the revisions of the work and decides whether it is appropriate or, if necessary, requests corrections more than once.

•    As a result of the evaluation, the opinions of the reviewer are reviewed by the field-specific editor of the section within 2 weeks.

•    As a result of this review, the field-specific editor conveys its final decision regarding the study to the editor in chief.

•    The Editor-in-Chief is the final authority in the decision-making process for all applications.

Double-Blind Reviewing

•    The double-blind reviewing process is a method that makes scientific manuscripts publish with the best quality possible. This method is the base of the objective study evaluation process and is preferred by many scientific journals. Reviewer opinions have a decisive place in the publication quality of the Van Veterinary Journal. Our journal uses the double-blind peer review method in the evaluation process of all studies. In the double-blind reviewing method, the authors of the studies and the reviewer's identities are hidden.

Withdrawing Articles

The author (s) who wish to request to withdraw their work at the evaluation stage are obliged to submit the petition containing the request for article retraction, signed and scanned with the original signature of each author, to the editorial board via e-mail to

•    The editorial board reviews the withdrawal notification and returns within one week.

•    Authors cannot submit their work to another journal for evaluation unless the withdrawal request is approved by the editorial board.

•    If the author notices a mistake in the early appearance or evaluation stage, there is an obligation to cooperate with the journal editor in withdrawals.


•    All animal involved studies must be conducted in accordance with the following guidelines; Animal Welfare Act, US Public Health Service Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, National Research Council’s Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, and Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching.

•    In studies requiring an ethics committee decision, the Ethics Committee Approval document must be uploaded at the application stage. The studies do not have Ethics Committee Approval document will not be accepted. In addition, information regarding the "Ethics Committee Approval" (name, date, number, and number of the Board) and the statement regarding the approval of the Local Ethics Committee and compliance with ethical principles must be included in the material-method section of the article.

•    For studies that do not require an ethics committee approval, they should upload a document from the relevant institutions indicating that the study that does not require an ethics committee approval.
In the case reports, “written and wet signed animal owner consent documents” must be uploaded at the time of application.

•    The author should not send the article to more than one journal for evaluation.

•     For the article to be evaluated without any doubt, the editor and reviewers have the right to request raw data from the author.

•    Authors undertake the originality of the articles they uploaded.

•    The author should appropriately report and acknowledge everyone and each institution who contributed to the study.

•    If there is a suspicion of copyright and plagiarism, published or under evaluation work, the van veterinary journal editorial board is obliged to initiate an investigation regarding the work.

•    If, as a result of the investigation, the editorial board detects copyright and plagiarism in the study at the evaluation stage, it withdraws the work from the evaluation and returns the study with a detailed report to the authors.

•    If the editorial board detects a copyright infringement and plagiarism in a published, withdrawing and notification procedures will occur within one week.


Accepted papers are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License