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Tavuk ve bıldırcın embriyolarında bursa Fabricius ve timusta bazı kök hücre belirteçlerinin incelenmesi

Year 2013, , 157 - 163, 01.09.2013


Bu çalışma, tavuk ve bıldırcın emriyolarında farklı hücre göç dönemlerinde bursa Fabricius ve timus’ta SSEA-1, SSEA4 ve c-kit (CD-117) kök hücre belirteçlerini taşıyan hücrelerin var olup olmadığının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Sunulan çalışmada toplam 30 tavuk embriyosu ve 24 bıldırcın embriyosu kullanıldı. Hücre göçünün olduğu dönemleri kapsayacak şekilde, bursa Fabricius için; tavuk embriyolarından inkubasyonun 8, 10 ve 14. günlerinde, bıldırcın embriyolarından ise inkubasyonun 7 ve 11. günlerinde; timus için tavuk embriyolarından inkubasyonun 8, 14 ve 18. günlerinde, bıldırcın embriyolarından ise inkubasyonun 12. gününde ve kuluçka çıkışını izleyen 2. günde örnekler alındı. Söz konusu dönemlerde alınan embriyonal dokular tespit edilerek paraplasta gömüldü. Organ taslağının yer aldığı kesitlerde avidin-biyotin peroksidaz (SSEA-1, SSEA-4) ve direkt immunofloresans (c-kit) yöntemleri uygulanarak söz konusu kök hücre belirteçlerinin ekspresyonu incelendi. Yapılan incelemelerde, tavuk ve bıldırcın embriyolarında bursa Fabricius ve timusda, incelenen hücre göç dönemlerinin tamamında c-kit pozitif hücreler gözlenirken, SSEA-1 ve SSEA-4 belirteçlerinin genellikle ilk hücre dalgasında değil de sonraki hücre göçü dönemlerinde eksprese edildiği dikkati çekti. Ayrıca embriyonal tavuk ve bıldırcın bursa lümenlerini sınırlandıran epitel hücrelerin apikal yüzlerinin incelenen hücre göç dönemlerinin tamamında SSEA-1 pozitif olduğu görüldü. Söz konusu belirteçlerin B ve T hücre progenitörlerinin göçünde ve farklılaşmasında her hangi bir işlevinin olup olmadığının araştırılması gerekmektedir


  • Amsen D, Blander JM, Lee GR, Tanigaki K, Honjo T, Flavell RA 2004: Instruction of distinct CD4 T helper cell fates by different notch ligands on antigen-presenting cells. Cell, 117,515-26.
  • Arighi E, Borrello MG, Sariola H, (2005): RET tyrosine kinase signaling in development and cancer. Cytokine and Growth Factor Rev, 16, 441-467.
  • Felfoldi B, Pharr GT, Pinchuk LM, Cooksey AM, Thaxton JP (2008): Preliminary protein profile analysis of the late embryonic B-cell stages in the chicken bursa of Fabricius. Int J Poult Sci, 7, 117-124.
  • Funk PE, Thompson CB, (1998): Identification of a lectin that induces cell death in developing chicken B cells. Cell Immunol, 186, 75-81.
  • Glick B, Chang TS, Jaap RG (1956): The bursa of Fabricius and antibody production on the domestic fowl. Poult Sci, 35, 224-225.
  • Glick B. (1995): Embryogenesis of the bursa of Fabricius: stem cell, microenvironment, and receptor-paracrine pathways. Poult Sci, 74, 419-426.
  • Krishnamoorthy N, Oriss TB, Paglia M, Fei M, Yarlagadda M, Vanhaesebroeck B, Ray A, Ray P. (2008): Activation of c-Kit in dendritic cells regulates T helper cell differentiation and allergic asthma. Nat Med, 14, 565-73.
  • Lampisuo M, Liippo J, Vainio O, McNagny KM, Kulmala J, Lassila O (1999): Characterization of prethymic progenitors within the chicken embryo. Int Immunol, 11, 63–69.
  • Le Douarin N, Dieterlen-Lievre F, Teillet M (1996): Quail-chick transplantation. 24-54. In: Bronner-Fraser M (Ed), Metods in avian embryology. Academic Press Inc., California.
  • Massa S, Balciunaite G, Ceredig R, Rolink AG (2006): Critical role for c-kit (CD117) in T cell lineage commitment and early thymocyte development in vitro. Eur J Immunol, 36, 526-32.
  • Masteller EL, Larsen RD, Carlson LM, Pickel JM, Nickoloff B, Lowe J, Thompson CB, Lee KP (1995): Chicken B cells undergo discrete developmental changes in surface carbohydrate structure that appear to play a role in directing lymphocyte migration during embryogenesis. Development, 121, 1657-1667.
  • Metz M, Grimbaldeston MA, Nakae S, Piliponsky AM, Tsai M, Galli SJ. (2007) Mast cells in the promotion and limitation of chronic inflammation. Immunol Rev, 217, 304-308.
  • Miettinen M, Lasota KIT J (2005): (CD117): a review on expression in normal and neoplastic tissues, and mutations and their clinicopathologic correlation. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol, 13, 205-220.
  • Nagy N, Magyar A, Tóth M, Oláh I (2004): Quail as the chimeric counterpart of the chicken, morphology and ontogeny of the bursa of Fabricius. J Morphol, 259, 328- 339.
  • Nagy N, Magyar A, Tóth M, Oláh, I (2004): Origin of the bursal secretory dendritic cell. Anat Embryol, 208, 97- 107.
  • Neiman PE, Thomas SJ, Loring G (1991): Induction of apoptosis during normal and neoplastic B-cell development in the bursa of Fabricius. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 88, 5857-5861.
  • Neiman PE, Blish C, Heydt C, Loring G, Thomas SJ (1994): Loss of cell cycle controls in apoptotic lymphoblasts of the bursa of Fabricius. Mol Biol Cell, 5, 763-772.
  • Obranovich TD, Boyd RL (1993): Functional analysis of a bursal stromal cell line derived cytokine. 119-124. In: INRA (Ed), Avian immunology in progress. Tours, Paris.
  • Ogawa M, Matsuzaki Y, Nishikawa S, Hayashi S-I, Kunisada T, Sudo T, Kina T, Nakauchi H, Nishikawa S-I (1991): Expression and function of c-kit in hemopoietic progenitor cells. J Exp Med, 174, 63-71.
  • Oláh I, Glick B, Törő I (1986): Bursal development in normal and testosterone-treated chick embryos. Poult Sci, 65, 574-588.
  • Oláh I, Vervelde L (2008): Structure of the avian lymphoid system. 13. In: Davison, F., Kaspers, B., Schat, K.A. (Editors), Avian Immunology. Elsevier.
  • Otsubo Y, Chen N, Kajiwara E, Horiuchi H, Matsuda H, Furusawa S (2001): Role of bursin in the development of B lymphocytes in chicken embryonic Bursa of Fabricius. Dev Comp Immunol, 25, 485-493.
  • Owen JJ, Ritter MA (1969): Tissue interaction in the development of thymus lymphocytes. J Exp Med, 129, 431-42.
  • Pharr GT, Cooksey AM, McGruder BM, Felfoldi B, Peebles ED, Kidd MT, Thaxton JP (2009): Ephrin Receptor Expression in the Embryonic Bursa of Fabricius. Int J Poult Sci 8, 426-431.
  • Presnel JK, Schreibman MP (1997): Humason’s Animal Tissue Techniques. Pp: 361. 5th Ed., The Johns Hopkins University Press, San Fransisco.
  • Rodewald H-R, Kretzschmar K, Swat W, Takeda S (1995): Intrathymically expressed c-kit ligand (stem cell factor) is a major factor driving expansion of very immature thymocytes in vivo. Immunity, 3, 313-319.
  • Schat KA, Kaiser P (1997): Avian cytokines. 289-318. In: Schijns VECJ, Horzinek MC, (Editors), Cytokines in veterinary medicine, CAB International, New York.
  • Vainio O, Dunon D, Aissi F, Dangy J-P, McNagny K M, Imhof BA (1996): HEMCAM, an adhesion molecule expressed by c-kit1 hemopoietic progenitors. J Cell Biol, 135, 1655-1668.
  • Vredevoe DL, Widawski M, Fonarow GC, Hamilton M, Martinez-Maza O, Gage JR (2004): Interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression and natural killer (NK) cell dysfunction and anergy in heart failure. Am J Cardiol, 93, 1007-1011.

Expression of some of the stem cell markers in bursa of Fabricius and thymus in the chicken and quail embryo

Year 2013, , 157 - 163, 01.09.2013


The aim of the present study was to examine embryonic bursa and thymus in the chicken and the quail for the expression of SSEA-1, SSEA-4 and c-kit (CD-117) at different periods of cell migration. A total of 30 chicken and 24 quail embryos were used in the present study to cover the period of cell migration to the embryonic bursa (Days 8, 14, and 18 of incubation for the chick embryo; days 7 and 11 of incubation for the quail embryo) and the thymic primordium (days 8, 14, and 18 of incubation for the chick embryo; day12 of incubation and day 2 following the hatching for the quail embryo). Tissues obtained at respective time points were fixed and were embedded in paraplast. Expression of stem cell markers were examined using direct immunofluorescence (c-kit) and avidin-biotin peroxidase (SSEA-1, SSEA-4) methods. Evidence gathered in the present study indicated that c-kit stem cell marker is expressed within the embryonic bursa and thymus in all periods of cell migration in both chicken and quail, whereas SSEA-1 and SSEA-4 positive cells were generally detected within the embryonic bursa and thymus in all periods of cell migration except for first period. Expression of SSEA-1 was detected on the apical surface of epithelial cells of the embryonic bursa in both the chicken and the quail embryos. It remains to be examined if these markers play any role in the migration and differentiation of B cell and T cell progenitors


  • Amsen D, Blander JM, Lee GR, Tanigaki K, Honjo T, Flavell RA 2004: Instruction of distinct CD4 T helper cell fates by different notch ligands on antigen-presenting cells. Cell, 117,515-26.
  • Arighi E, Borrello MG, Sariola H, (2005): RET tyrosine kinase signaling in development and cancer. Cytokine and Growth Factor Rev, 16, 441-467.
  • Felfoldi B, Pharr GT, Pinchuk LM, Cooksey AM, Thaxton JP (2008): Preliminary protein profile analysis of the late embryonic B-cell stages in the chicken bursa of Fabricius. Int J Poult Sci, 7, 117-124.
  • Funk PE, Thompson CB, (1998): Identification of a lectin that induces cell death in developing chicken B cells. Cell Immunol, 186, 75-81.
  • Glick B, Chang TS, Jaap RG (1956): The bursa of Fabricius and antibody production on the domestic fowl. Poult Sci, 35, 224-225.
  • Glick B. (1995): Embryogenesis of the bursa of Fabricius: stem cell, microenvironment, and receptor-paracrine pathways. Poult Sci, 74, 419-426.
  • Krishnamoorthy N, Oriss TB, Paglia M, Fei M, Yarlagadda M, Vanhaesebroeck B, Ray A, Ray P. (2008): Activation of c-Kit in dendritic cells regulates T helper cell differentiation and allergic asthma. Nat Med, 14, 565-73.
  • Lampisuo M, Liippo J, Vainio O, McNagny KM, Kulmala J, Lassila O (1999): Characterization of prethymic progenitors within the chicken embryo. Int Immunol, 11, 63–69.
  • Le Douarin N, Dieterlen-Lievre F, Teillet M (1996): Quail-chick transplantation. 24-54. In: Bronner-Fraser M (Ed), Metods in avian embryology. Academic Press Inc., California.
  • Massa S, Balciunaite G, Ceredig R, Rolink AG (2006): Critical role for c-kit (CD117) in T cell lineage commitment and early thymocyte development in vitro. Eur J Immunol, 36, 526-32.
  • Masteller EL, Larsen RD, Carlson LM, Pickel JM, Nickoloff B, Lowe J, Thompson CB, Lee KP (1995): Chicken B cells undergo discrete developmental changes in surface carbohydrate structure that appear to play a role in directing lymphocyte migration during embryogenesis. Development, 121, 1657-1667.
  • Metz M, Grimbaldeston MA, Nakae S, Piliponsky AM, Tsai M, Galli SJ. (2007) Mast cells in the promotion and limitation of chronic inflammation. Immunol Rev, 217, 304-308.
  • Miettinen M, Lasota KIT J (2005): (CD117): a review on expression in normal and neoplastic tissues, and mutations and their clinicopathologic correlation. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol, 13, 205-220.
  • Nagy N, Magyar A, Tóth M, Oláh I (2004): Quail as the chimeric counterpart of the chicken, morphology and ontogeny of the bursa of Fabricius. J Morphol, 259, 328- 339.
  • Nagy N, Magyar A, Tóth M, Oláh, I (2004): Origin of the bursal secretory dendritic cell. Anat Embryol, 208, 97- 107.
  • Neiman PE, Thomas SJ, Loring G (1991): Induction of apoptosis during normal and neoplastic B-cell development in the bursa of Fabricius. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 88, 5857-5861.
  • Neiman PE, Blish C, Heydt C, Loring G, Thomas SJ (1994): Loss of cell cycle controls in apoptotic lymphoblasts of the bursa of Fabricius. Mol Biol Cell, 5, 763-772.
  • Obranovich TD, Boyd RL (1993): Functional analysis of a bursal stromal cell line derived cytokine. 119-124. In: INRA (Ed), Avian immunology in progress. Tours, Paris.
  • Ogawa M, Matsuzaki Y, Nishikawa S, Hayashi S-I, Kunisada T, Sudo T, Kina T, Nakauchi H, Nishikawa S-I (1991): Expression and function of c-kit in hemopoietic progenitor cells. J Exp Med, 174, 63-71.
  • Oláh I, Glick B, Törő I (1986): Bursal development in normal and testosterone-treated chick embryos. Poult Sci, 65, 574-588.
  • Oláh I, Vervelde L (2008): Structure of the avian lymphoid system. 13. In: Davison, F., Kaspers, B., Schat, K.A. (Editors), Avian Immunology. Elsevier.
  • Otsubo Y, Chen N, Kajiwara E, Horiuchi H, Matsuda H, Furusawa S (2001): Role of bursin in the development of B lymphocytes in chicken embryonic Bursa of Fabricius. Dev Comp Immunol, 25, 485-493.
  • Owen JJ, Ritter MA (1969): Tissue interaction in the development of thymus lymphocytes. J Exp Med, 129, 431-42.
  • Pharr GT, Cooksey AM, McGruder BM, Felfoldi B, Peebles ED, Kidd MT, Thaxton JP (2009): Ephrin Receptor Expression in the Embryonic Bursa of Fabricius. Int J Poult Sci 8, 426-431.
  • Presnel JK, Schreibman MP (1997): Humason’s Animal Tissue Techniques. Pp: 361. 5th Ed., The Johns Hopkins University Press, San Fransisco.
  • Rodewald H-R, Kretzschmar K, Swat W, Takeda S (1995): Intrathymically expressed c-kit ligand (stem cell factor) is a major factor driving expansion of very immature thymocytes in vivo. Immunity, 3, 313-319.
  • Schat KA, Kaiser P (1997): Avian cytokines. 289-318. In: Schijns VECJ, Horzinek MC, (Editors), Cytokines in veterinary medicine, CAB International, New York.
  • Vainio O, Dunon D, Aissi F, Dangy J-P, McNagny K M, Imhof BA (1996): HEMCAM, an adhesion molecule expressed by c-kit1 hemopoietic progenitors. J Cell Biol, 135, 1655-1668.
  • Vredevoe DL, Widawski M, Fonarow GC, Hamilton M, Martinez-Maza O, Gage JR (2004): Interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression and natural killer (NK) cell dysfunction and anergy in heart failure. Am J Cardiol, 93, 1007-1011.
There are 29 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Other ID JA44YK93CH
Journal Section Research Article

Mustafa Sandıkçı

Levent Karagenç

Publication Date September 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013


APA Sandıkçı, M., & Karagenç, L. (2013). Expression of some of the stem cell markers in bursa of Fabricius and thymus in the chicken and quail embryo. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 60(3), 157-163. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002571
AMA Sandıkçı M, Karagenç L. Expression of some of the stem cell markers in bursa of Fabricius and thymus in the chicken and quail embryo. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. September 2013;60(3):157-163. doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002571
Chicago Sandıkçı, Mustafa, and Levent Karagenç. “Expression of Some of the Stem Cell Markers in Bursa of Fabricius and Thymus in the Chicken and Quail Embryo”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 60, no. 3 (September 2013): 157-63. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002571.
EndNote Sandıkçı M, Karagenç L (September 1, 2013) Expression of some of the stem cell markers in bursa of Fabricius and thymus in the chicken and quail embryo. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 60 3 157–163.
IEEE M. Sandıkçı and L. Karagenç, “Expression of some of the stem cell markers in bursa of Fabricius and thymus in the chicken and quail embryo”, Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 157–163, 2013, doi: 10.1501/Vetfak_0000002571.
ISNAD Sandıkçı, Mustafa - Karagenç, Levent. “Expression of Some of the Stem Cell Markers in Bursa of Fabricius and Thymus in the Chicken and Quail Embryo”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 60/3 (September 2013), 157-163. https://doi.org/10.1501/Vetfak_0000002571.
JAMA Sandıkçı M, Karagenç L. Expression of some of the stem cell markers in bursa of Fabricius and thymus in the chicken and quail embryo. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2013;60:157–163.
MLA Sandıkçı, Mustafa and Levent Karagenç. “Expression of Some of the Stem Cell Markers in Bursa of Fabricius and Thymus in the Chicken and Quail Embryo”. Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 60, no. 3, 2013, pp. 157-63, doi:10.1501/Vetfak_0000002571.
Vancouver Sandıkçı M, Karagenç L. Expression of some of the stem cell markers in bursa of Fabricius and thymus in the chicken and quail embryo. Ankara Univ Vet Fak Derg. 2013;60(3):157-63.