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Instruction to Authors
1. The language of the journal is English.
2. Original research articles, reviews, case reports, letter to editor and short communications on all aspects of veterinary science, which had not been previously published elsewhere in whole or in part except abstract not exceeding 250 words, are published in the journal.
Review articles are only be submitted by invitation.
3. Manuscripts (including footnotes, references, figure legends, and tables) should be prepared with the following attributes: 12-point Times New Roman, double-spaced typed, 3-cm ample margins, sequential line numbering, and A4 page size. Page numbers should also be written on the top-middle of each page except the first page.
4. Manuscripts including figures and tables should not be exceeding 15 pages for original research articles, 10 pages for review articles, 7 pages for case reports and short communications.
5. The manuscript has to be submitted online from '' Once a manuscript has been submitted electronically via an online system, the order of authorship (including adding or removing authors) cannot be changed.
6. Original research articles and case reports must be prepared in the following order: title, author/s, address, ORCID knowledge, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusion, acknowledgement, conflict of interest and references.
7. Subdivisions of introduction, materials and methods, results, and discussion and conclusion should not be placed in short communications and case report.
8. In the acknowledgement section, if the article is produced by a doctoral or master’s thesis or support information or presented at the scientific meeting, the explanation should be made. Explanation/s regarding the study should be indicated.
Title should be short and clear and be written with small letters.
Author/s should be indicated as first and last name. Last name/s should be written with capital letters. All authors should write the ORCID.
Abstract should be written as a single paragraph not exceeding 250 words.
Keywords should be written from 3 to 5 words and should be given alphabetically
Introduction should include the literature review related to the study. The purpose/s and hypothesis of study should be indicated in the last paragraph of the introduction.
Materials and Methods should be brief, clear, and without unnecessary details. Type of research (descriptive, observation, experimental, case-control, follow-up etc.), characteristics of subjects, inclusion and exclusion criteria, sampling method if it was used in conjunction with the data collection phase, and reason for sampling method without probability, if it was used, should be indicated. Sample size and its calculation method, power value is calculated, and censored and missing numbers should be indicated. Statistical analysis and its software applications should be indicated.
Results should be explained briefly. Information stated in tables or figures should not be repeated in the text.
Subheadings should be typed with italic and second subheadings should be typed with normal fonts in both materials and methods and results sections. Subheadings in italics should be placed at the beginning of the paragraph.
Abbreviations, symbols and units: Abbreviations should be placed in parenthesis next to word/s written the first time and then they should be used as abbreviations in the text i.e. Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumor (CTVT). Genus and species names in Latin should be indicated with an italic font. All measurements must be indicated according to Systeme Internationale (SI) units.
Discussion and Conclusion: should include the interpretation of present study results with other study results indicated in the reference list.
Acknowledgements: If the study is produced from a doctoral-PhD or master’s thesis or presented at scientific meetings, this should be notified in the acknowledgement section.
Financial Support: Financial support for the conduct of the research should be stated. If no funding source(s) was involved then this should be notified as “This research received no grant from any funding agency/sector.”
Ethical Statement: Studies based on animal experiments should include an approval statement of Ethical Committee in this section of the manuscript. This study was approved by the Ankara University Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee (XXXXXXX).
Conflict of Interest: Please inform the details of all known situations with the potential bias to the work. If the authors have not any conflict of interest, it should be written as “The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.”
Author Contributions: XX and XY conceived the idea and planned the manuscript. MN, and ZZ contributed to sample preparation. XX and YY have made significant scientific support and also contributed to the interpretation of the results. All authors provided significant contributions by giving feedback and help shape the manuscript.
Data Availability Statement: The data supporting this study's findings are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
Animal Welfare: The authors confirm that they have adhered to ARRIVE Guidelines to protect animals used for scientific purposes.
References list should be numbered alphabetically. Each reference should be ordered with author’s name in black, parenthesized publication year in normal, title in italic, and short name of journal and page numbers in normal and its volume number in black font. The periodicals must be abbreviated according to "Periodical Title Abbreviations: By Abbreviation". For references with more than 3 authors, only the first 3 authors should be listed, followed by "et al." In the text, references must be cited with a number, and if the name of author was indicated, just the last name should be written before the reference number. If more than two authors were present in the reference, just last name of the first author followed by “et al” should be written in the text. In a single sentence, numbers of references should be limited to 5 ordered from small to higher number.
The following is the style used for common types of references:
[Times New Roman 12 bold] ( It should be numbered and written in alphabetical order)
1. Adams DC, Rohlf FJ, Slice DE (2004): Geometric morphometrics: ten years of progress following the revolution. Ital J Zool, 71, 5-16.
2. AOAC (2000): Association of Official Analytical Chemists, Official Methods of Analysis, 17th ed. AOAC International Maryland USA.
3. Bishop CD (1995): Antiviral activity of the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden and Betche) Cheel (tea tree) against tobacco mosaic virus. J Essential Oil Res, 7, 641- 644.
4. Hui YH (1996): Oleoresins and essential oils. 145-153. In: Hui YH (Ed.). Bailey’s industrial oil and fat products. Wiley-Interscience Publication. New York, USA.
5. Lamont LA, Bulmer BJ, Sisson DD, et al (2002): Doppler echocardiographic effects of medetomidine on dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 221, 1276-1281.
6. Sandstedt K, Ursing J, Walder M (1983): Thermotolerant Campylobacter with no or weak catalase activity isolated from dogs. Curr Microbiol, 8, 209-213.
7. Sandstedt K, Ursing J (1991): Description of the Campylobacter upsaliensis previously known as CNW group. Syst Appl Microbiol, 14, 39-45.
Please use the following data for arranging your references,
For journals:
Lamont LA, Bulmer BJ, Sisson DD, et al (2002): Doppler echocardiographic effects of medetomidine on dynamic left ventricular outflow tract obstruction in cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc, 221, 1276-1281.
For proceedings:
Griban VG, Stepchenko LM, Zhorina LV (1988): The live weight gain and disease resistance of young cattle and poultry stock as influenced by physiologically active peat preparation. 45-50. In: Proceedings of 8th International Peat Congress. Leningrad, Russia.
For books:
Falconer DS (1960): Introduction to Quantitative Genetics. Oliver and Boyd Ltd, Edinburgh.
For book chapters:
Bahk J, Marth EH (1990): Listeriosis and Listeria monocytogenes. 248-256. In: DO Cliver (Ed), Foodborne Diseases. Academic Press, San Diego.
For thesis
Aladaş A (2013): Koyunlarda kırkım öncesi C vitamini ve humik asit uygulamasının kırkım stresini azaltmasındaki etkisinin incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Afyonkarahisar.
For electronic materials:
Li G, Hart A, Gregory J (1998): Flokülasyona hız gradyanı etkisi. Available at (Accessed May 20, 2004).
Images should be at least 1920 x 1280 dpi resolutions.
Tables and figures should be placed into separate sheets as a last part of the manuscript.
9.Manuscript with a copyright release form signed by all authors.
10.Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi uses a double-blind review procedure, which both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from each other throughout process. Authors approve to submit their manuscript in compliance with the double-blind review policy.
11.Authors are responsible for the article published in the journal.
12.Studies comparing products with trade name are not an interest of this journal.
13.Any materials or products used in the study should not include their trade names.