Volume: 56 Issue: 2, 6/1/09

Year: 2009

Research Article

Letter to Editor

1. Epidemiological studies on sheep and goat Theileria infection

Letter to Editor

3. Psychogenic alopecia in five cats

Letter to Editor

5. Poliencephalomalacia in two donkeys (Equus asinus)

Letter to Editor

6. Yeni Zelanda Tavşan’ında (Oryctolagus cuniculus) bulbus oculi’nin vaskularizasyonu

Letter to Editor

7. Isolation and identification of motile Aeromonas spp. in turkey meat

Letter to Editor

10. Application of patch test in allergic (atopic) dogs and investigation of dog allergy incidence in people

Letter to Editor

14. Kedilerde kan aktarımının klinik uygulama esasları