Volume: 65 Issue: 1, 3/1/18

Year: 2018

Research Article

Letter to Editor

3. Evaluation of “animal rescue” in Turkey

Letter to Editor

4. Effects of in ovo injected bisphenol A on the testis of one day old chickens

Research Article

7. Some egg quality traits of two laying hybrids kept in different cage systems

Letter to Editor

8. Is total RNA extraction possible from small volume goat milk (7.5 mL) for RT-qPCR studies?

Letter to Editor

9. Determination of presence of equid alpha and gammaherpesvirus infections in foals with respiratory distress

Letter to Editor

11. Radiological and ultrasonographical evaluation of lower urinary tract diseases in cats

Research Article

14. A retrospective survey on canine and feline lymphomas (1985-2015)