Volume: 61 Issue: 1, 3/1/14

Year: 2014

Research Article

Letter to Editor

3. Light and electron microscopic studies on mast cell of the sow oviduct

Letter to Editor

4. Some electrocardiographic values of Angora goats

Letter to Editor

5. A study on the obstetrics and gynaecology in Turkish veterinary education

Letter to Editor

6. Concurrent metastatic hepatoid gland carcinoma and eosophagogastric leiomyosarcoma in a dog

Letter to Editor

9. Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever infection in domestic animals in Marmara region, Western Turkey

Letter to Editor

11. Investigation of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) disease of Arabian horses raised at the state stud farms in Turkey

Letter to Editor

13. Cytological evaluation of pleural effusion with cell block technique in a dog