Volume: 65 Issue: 3, 9/1/18

Year: 2018

Research Article

Letter to Editor

1. Clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation of the effects of topical NPH-insulin on full-thickness open wounds: An in vivo study in diabetic and non-diabetic mice

Letter to Editor

2. Molecular investigation and genotyping of Wolbachia endobacteria in mosquito species in Sultan Marshes region

Letter to Editor

4. Digestive tract helminths of Turkish ibex (Capra aegagrus aegagrus Erxleben, 1877)

Letter to Editor

5. Investigation of Culex pipiens biotypes and Culex torrentium by Real time PCR in Kayseri region andmolecular characterization of the isolates

Letter to Editor

10. Efficiency analysis of dairy buffalo enterprises in Çatalca district of İstanbul

Letter to Editor

12. The existence of Listeria monocytogenes in a cattle slaughterhouse and identification of serotypes by mPCR