Volume: 64 Issue: 2, 6/1/17

Year: 2017

Research Article

Letter to Editor

1. First isolation of Alternaria alternata from a dog in Turkey

Letter to Editor

4. The effects of short term propofol administration on pancreatitis formation in dogs

Letter to Editor

7. Protective effect of CDP-choline on hypotension and tissue injury in septic shock model

Letter to Editor

8. Investigation of mycotoxin residues in poultry feeds by LC MS/MS method

Letter to Editor

9. Effect of egg weight and amount of protoporphyrin and biliverdin in the egg shell on hatching characteristics and embryonal mortality in

Letter to Editor

12. First investigation on vectorial potential of Blattella germanica in Turkey

Letter to Editor

13. Bir oğlakta konjenital kolo-veziko-üretral fistül, atrezia koli, rektal agenezis ve atrezia ani olgusu