Volume: 60 Issue: 4, 12/1/13

Year: 2013

Research Article

Letter to Editor

3. Detection of Bartonella spp. in field mice (Microtus socialis) by culture and PCR

Letter to Editor

5. Molecular identification of Eimeria species of broiler chickens in Turkey

Letter to Editor

6. Serum Cardiac Troponin-I in dogs with CPV-2 infection

Letter to Editor

7. Carcass Traits and economic assessment on carcass cutting of Zavot cattle

Letter to Editor

8. Detection of Coxiella burnetii from ticks by Polymerase Chain Reaction and Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism


10. Tularemia: A re-emerging disease

Letter to Editor

11. Vectors and Vector-Borne Diseases in Turkey

Letter to Editor

12. Problem-oriented medical system and records

Letter to Editor

13. Tanımlı veri tabanı, minimal veri tabanı ve problem spesifik veri tabanı

Letter to Editor

14. Four phases of medical action